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The Year of the Snake in Chinese Astrology

Rachel Clare
By Rachel Clare
January 04, 2023
The Year of the Snake in Chinese Astrology
The Year of the Snake in Chinese Astrology

The Chinese zodiac grasps the imagination, with many of us wanting to know our own Chinese zodiac animal sign and which other signs we are compatible with. So, in this article, learn about zodiac Chinese compatibility, what personality traits the Snake possesses and what other signs the Snake is best matched with. In this article we will explore

The intelligent and astute Snake is the sixth of the 12 animal signs within the Chinese zodiac and the Snake’s energy imparts certain traits and compatibilities onto those born under its sign. Knowing this, what is the symbolic meaning of the Year of the Snake? What does it mean when we relate it to the Five Elements and what other signs make the best match for the Snake?

What Does the Snake Represent in Chinese Astrology?

What Does the Snake Represent in Chinese Astrology?

The Chinese zodiac is a key feature of ancient Chinese culture and has been revered for over 2000 years. The zodiac is a repeating astrological cycle composed of 12 symbolic animals and the cycle is broken down into yearly increments following the passing of every Chinese New Year, meaning a full zodiac circle takes 12 years. Unlike Western astrology, with each zodiac sign lasting roughly one month, everyone born within the same Chinese calendrical year shares a Chinese zodiac animal. These animal zodiac signs are believed to be fundamental in influencing not just our personality, but also our luck, destiny and other events that may occur in our lives. The animals in the Chinese zodiac include the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. These animal signs are also believed to have natural compatibility with some signs and not others.

When is the Year of the Snake?

The last time it was the Year of the Snake, it was 2013. Before this, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953 and 1941 were all Snake years too. The next time will be 3 years from now, on January 29th, 2025.

Year of the Snake Personality

Year of the Snake Personality

In folklore across the world, the snake is seen as a sneaky, cruel and duplicitous creature. In the Bible, the cunning snake is instrumental in the downfall of Eve and in Greek Mythology, snake-haired Medusa has the evil ability to turn onlookers into stone. Many more legends that highlight the darkness associated with snakes exist across various cultures, but China still manages to revere the creature in some ways. In fact, Snakes are seen as symbolic of wisdom, longevity and fortune in China, and as such, those born under this zodiac year have an innate affinity with these qualities. Snake people are also highly intuitive beings, and like a snake in the grass, they patiently observe their environment in order to make reasoned judgements. A Snake may appear relaxed and at ease, but their minds are constantly whirring and never slows down. It is perhaps for these reasons that, just like a snake suddenly lurches to bite its victim, Snake sign people can be highly reactive in stressful situations. They can be known to act out and say things they regret when they feel they are under attack. This is unsurprising though, as Snake people are generally quite distrusting of others; they are kind and courteous with people they don’t know, but build many barriers that prevent others from delving too deep. Offering up personal information or venting their deepest, darkest thoughts is not in the true nature of a Snake. To the more open, transparent signs in the Chinese zodiac, these traits make Snakes look cold and suspicious. This couldn’t be further from the truth when close friends and family are involved though, as Snake people cherish their inner circle more than anything else.

Snake Woman Personality

The Snake woman is prided on her grace and sophistication. Regardless of her physical appearance, the Snake woman carries herself in such a way that others find magnetizing. Her eloquence and quick-wit may also play a role in her positive perception by others. Due to these high-quality traits, the Snake woman similarly aims high in love and desires a partner who can bring a lot to the table, although attracting love is no issue. She has a materialistic streak too, so luxurious partners in well-paying jobs are sure to get her heart racing. However, the Snake woman has a jealous side to her and can grow spiteful when her buttons are pushed. Clear communication and reassurance is enough to temper her in her worst moments though. 

Snake Man Personality

Men born under the year of the Snake are the physical embodiment of mysterious and attractive. They are slightly more charismatic than the aloof Snake woman too, so have no trouble spreading their charm at social events. In love and romance, the Snake man knows just how much the ‘little things’ mean to his partner; surprise date nights, unexpected gifts and random bursts of affection are all his dating go-tos. That said, the Snake man’s gestures are unable to conceal his inability to express his feelings. Many people find him to be impenetrable and incredibly hard to read, leading to issues in relationships down the line. For the Snake man to optimize his love life, learning to knock down his emotional barriers and letting people in is the first (and most important) step.

Chinese Snake Compatibility

Chinese Snake Compatibility

The animals of the Chinese zodiac all have intricate and unique couple compatibility with one another. The positioning of each animal on the zodiac wheel is important in shaping these relationships, but in the simplest terms, each animal has between two and four highly compatible matches and between two and four incompatible, ‘unfriendly’ matches. For instance, the Snake and the Monkey are known to make a very strong duo, while the Snake and the Pig don’t fare nearly as well. 

Monkey and Snake Compatibility

The Monkey and the Snake belong to the same triangle of compatibility, meaning they share similar traits and fare well in relationships together as a result. In fact, the Monkey woman and Snake man compatibility is even greater, as she brings enthusiasm to the table while he takes the lead planning the pair’s adventures. All in all, these two signs are patient and understanding, giving time and space to one another when it is needed. Some even say they are divine life partners and make the best lovers in the zodiac.

Ox and Snake Compatibility

The Ox and Snake are pretty dissimilar in their personalities, but share a compatible outlook on life. For both of these creatures, deliberation and thinking deeply are more important than acting in a rush or being overly spontaneous. As such, they make strong couple compatibility and find harmony in how they wish to live out their lives. This is especially true of an Ox man Snake woman relationship.

Rabbit and Snake Compatibility

Snake and Rabbit compatibility is lacking to say the least. This is because the Snake, by nature, is cunning and quick-witted, always looking to cut corners and enamour people with their use of words. The Rabbit, conversely, strolls through life with an open, yet anxious heart, and is eager to please those around them. They also don’t take well to game-playing and have their feelings hurt easily. 

Pig and Snake Compatibility

Pig and Snake love compatibility is far from perfect; the Snake is a complex being with many layers that most will never be able to unfurl while the Pig is steady and contemplative. Even moreso, the Snake admires a ruthless attitude in the workplace while the Pig takes life at a much slower place, prioritizing personal comfort over crushing it at the office. These fundamental incompatibilities, therefore, make love and affection near impossible between these two. 

Horse and Snake Compatibility

With some serious work, there is much love potential for success between the Horse and Snake. After all, both beings are incredibly driven and ambitious with a fiercely independent streak, meaning both partners hold respect and admiration for one another. While this couple probably needs to be deliberate in finding time for each other, the foundation of their relationship is solid as a result of their similarities.

Tiger and Snake Compatibility

While the Tiger and Snake share similar go-getter traits, friction is more likely to arise than harmony. For one, the Tiger struggles to be challenged, much preferring to be the leader in a duo setting. For another, the Snake’s cunning attitude and resourcefulness can be considered deceptive to the Tiger who wants everything in life to be open, honest and laid out on the table. At the core of it all, there is little trust and poor communication between these two and seeing Snakes and Tigers in a harmonious partnership is a rare sight.

What are the Year of the Snake Elements?

What are the Year of the Snake Elements?

Another core component of the Chinese zodiac is that each zodiac year falls under one of the Five Chinese Elements; Wood, Earth, Metal, Water and Fire. Traditional Chinese astrology uses the Five Elements to describe interactions within the universe with the belief that each element influences our personality, love, fate, and destiny. As such, while the year in which we were born corresponds with one of 12 animal zodiac signs, we are also ruled by a particular element. For example, this year is the Year of the Tiger but simultaneously the year of Water. This makes 2022 the year of the Water Tiger.

The Year of the Wood Snake

February 2nd, 1965 – January 20th, 1966

Those born under the Year of the Wood Snake are logical and practical people. They see life through an analytical lens and search for the most efficient way to get from A to B. Their talents in routine and organization are just as, if not more, recognizable in the workplace as they make strides in furthering their careers. All this said though, friendship is just as important as success for the Wood Snake, which makes for a less-than-typical trait for Snakes more generally. 

The Year of the Fire Snake

February 18th, 1977 – February 6th, 1978

The Fire Snake is the quickest and most dynamic of all Snakes. So much so in fact, that the cunning methodological nature of the Snake airs more on the side of rash spontaneity when the Fire element is involved. Decisions are often made on a whim with these individuals and the consequences of such decisions rarely take priority. As such, the Fire Snake is known to speak without thinking and can offend the more sensitive zodiac signs. They mean well, but can certainly put their foot in it from time to time. 

The Year of the Earth Snake

February 6th, 1989 – January 26th, 1990

The Earth Snake is positive and grounded. They are thoughtful in the way they carry themselves through life and have a quiet determination for their goals. That said, this particular type of snake can struggle with communication. They may find themselves having a difficult time articulating their ideas and connecting in group settings. As such, Earth Snakes make better team leaders than group participants. They can climb the career ladder at a staggering rate and are some of the most financially successful among the other Snake elements.

The Year of the Metal Snake

January 24th, 2001 – February 11th, 2002

The Metal Snake works best in solitude. They know when to be social and how to win people over, but prefer to hone their skills independently. Opportunistic and quick-witted, the Metal Snake also knows how to take any opportunity that comes their way. Chances to excel or ways to further their current position are never lost on these Snakes. They make motivating and inspiring friends and colleagues.

The Year of the Water Snake

February 10th, 2013 – January 30th, 2014

The Water Snake is the most gentle and considered of all Snakes. They possess all of the same intelligent and cunning qualities as other Snakes, but carry a greater emotional burden underneath it all. Despite their tough exterior, they really do care about the feelings of others and how other people view them. Water Snakes are also very adaptable to each situation they find themselves in, winning them friends and creating a positive influence wherever they go. 

By now you will know that people born under the different Chinese zodiac signs have certain personality traits corresponding to that animal. Some of the zodiac signs are very compatible but others do not fare as well. If you are curious about whether you are compatible with your partner, friends, family and colleagues, make sure to find out within which Chinese zodiac year they were born!

Do you still want to know more about the Year of the Snake in Chinese astrology? There are many resources at Mysticsense that can guide you with your learning and provide insight for any other questions you may have. Get started learning more about Chinese astrology at Mysticsense today!

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