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The Year of the Rooster in Chinese Astrology

Rachel Clare
By Rachel Clare
December 23, 2022
The Year of the Rooster in Chinese Astrology
The Year of the Rooster in Chinese Astrology

Understanding zodiac signs in Chinese astrology can be challenging, with many of us wanting to know our own Chinese zodiac animal sign and who we are compatible with. So, in this article, learn what the meaning of the Year of the Rooster year is, what personality traits it brings and what other signs the Rooster is best matched with.In this article we will explore

The confident and ambitious Rooster is one of the 12 animal signs within the Chinese zodiac and the Rooster’s energy imparts certain traits and compatibilities onto those born under its sign. Knowing this, what is the symbolic meaning of the Year of the Rooster? What does it mean when we relate it to the Five Elements and What other signs are best suited to the Rooster?

What is the ‘Year of the Rooster’ in Chinese Astrology?

What is the ‘Year of the Rooster’ in Chinese Astrology?

The Chinese zodiac is a repeating astrological cycle composed of 12 symbolic animals and is a tradition that has lasted over 2000 years. The cycle is broken down into yearly increments following the annual passing of every Chinese New Year, meaning a full zodiac circle is completed after 12 years. Unlike Western astrology, with each zodiac sign lasting roughly one month, everyone born within the same Chinese calendrical year shares the same Chinese zodiac animal. These animal zodiac signs are believed to be instrumental in shaping not only our personality, but also our luck, fate and other events that may happen in our lives. The animals in the Chinese zodiac include the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. These animal signs are also believed to have natural compatibility with some signs and not others.

When is the Year of the Rooster?

The last time it was the Year of the Rooster, it was 2017. Before this, 2005, 1993, 1981, 1969, 1957 and 1945 were all Years of the Rooster too. The next time will be 7 years from now, on February 13th, 2029.

Year of the Rooster Personality

Year of the Rooster Personality

According to Chinese legend, the Jade Emperor determined the order of the Chinese zodiac according to the order in which the 12 animals arrived to his party. However, for the Monkey, Dog, and Rooster, arriving at his party was not so straightforward; the three animals were in a different land, trying to defend God by defeating evil spirits. After this battle, the three ventured to the party together and arrived at the same time with the Emperor dictating their zodiac order according to the order in which they met the God in the previous land. As such, the Rooster took tenth place. Just like the Monkey and Dog, with the bravery to fight evil spirits, Roosters are ambitious and confident souls. They are also great communicators with a fiercely independent streak - they are the last people to ask for help, even when it is really needed. However, they are the first to offer up their support to people around them as they often perceive their worth in terms of their usefulness to others (they give the best love advice). That said, just like the combative bird itself, Rooster people are famous for their hotheadedness. They can struggle to regulate their emotions, fail to bite their tongue and have difficulty tempering an escalating situation. This is even more true when Roosters are acting in defense of their loved ones - like a mother hen fiercely guards her nest, Roosters are ready to battle anyone attacking their circle. Alongside this, Roosters have fantastic career prospects. These people are ambitious, dedicated and well-organized in the workplace, making them perfect employees with the potential for vast growth. Financial security is a top priority for this sign, so you can expect Roosters to choose stable yet elite career paths.

Rooster Woman Personality

The Rooster woman has a feisty soul and a determined attitude. Once she sets her sights on something, she will stop at nothing to achieve it. This goes for every aspect of her life; career, finances, friendships and relationships. She makes massive strides in all areas and reaps success as a result. This naturally can cause a lot of resentment and envy to circulate around her, but her self-assured character can brush off this negativity with complete ease. You can also expect the Rooster woman to lay down her life for her family, as to her, there is nothing more important than a blood bond. She knows all too well that friends and colleagues come and go, so dedicating most of her energy to helping her family unit thrive trumps all else in the Rooster woman’s world. However, this unwavering dedication can cause the Rooster woman to succumb to fussiness and nagging at times, although she is a true perfectionist at heart and only wants her loved ones to succeed at the end of the day.

Rooster Man Personality

The Rooster man is one of the most confident (and potentially egotistical) men in the Chinese zodiac. They have a way with words and find seducing women no challenge at all - a game even - so often earn themselves a reputation in this regard. Rooster men are also incredibly invested in their careers, knowing they may have to step on a few toes if they are to succeed in the workplace. Naturally, this type of behavior wins the Rooster man few friends, but as an individualist at heart, this causes him no qualms. He has a tight circle of similarly ambitious friends and is comfortable in solitude. The opposite of a family man, the Rooster man may spend many years enjoying bachelorhood, although when the right woman who can challenge his behavior comes along, everything he thought he knew about himself is bound to change.

Best Astrological Matches with the Rooster

Best Astrological Matches with the Rooster

The animals of the Chinese zodiac all have intricate and unique relationships with one another. The positioning of each animal on the zodiac wheel is important in shaping these relationships, but in the simplest terms, each animal has between two and four highly compatible matches and between two and four incompatible, ‘unfriendly’ matches. For instance, the Dragon and the Rooster are known to make a very solid pairing, while the Rooster and the Rabbit are notoriously ill-suited. 

Dragon and Rooster Compatibility

Dragon Rooster compatibility is incredibly complimentary as they are both inherently ambitious and driven people, preferring to take action rather than remaining passive. While this may cause clashes at times, their innate similarity at the core unites them rather than drives them apart. In a relationship they see each other as teammates rather than one partner adopting a leadership role. 

Ox and Rooster Compatibility

The Ox and Rooster have the potential to be each others’ divine life partner, but will need to work at it. They have a good grounding by belonging to the same triangle of compatibility, but may butt heads in some significant areas. For instance, the Ox is sentimental and stubborn, whereas the Rooster is quick-thinking and impulsive. Although, with concerted effort and good communication, these two should be able to overcome any relationship adversity that faces them.

Pig and Rooster Compatibility

The Pig and Rooster have great love potential and couple compatibility. Despite their vastly different approaches to life, they are great communicators and put each other at complete ease. They also successfully fill in each others’ weaknesses and encourage each others’ strengths. At the core of it all, these two have respect and a deep admiration for each other that is able to last a lifetime.

Rat and Rooster Compatibility

The Rat and Rooster are up there with some of the best lovers in the zodiac. They are both unique and complex in their own right, but can appreciate the beauty in each other's quirks. For instance, Roosters can be egotistical and self-righteous at their worst, but the Rat instead sees a driven and ambitious partner. On the other hand, the Rat can be a rigid perfectionist, but the Rooster appreciates their tenacious attitude. 

Tiger and Rooster Compatibility

Tiger Rooster compatibility is difficult and challenging. These two strong-willed characters see their way as the highway, so arguments are commonplace for these two. You can expect to see a butting of heads, misspoken words and endless frustration between a pairing of these two signs. They would be constantly jostling for prime position in a relationship, rather than seeing it as an equal union. So, in short, there is little love destiny for these two.

Rabbit and Rooster Compatibility

Rooster and Rabbit compatibility is strained to say the least. This is because the Rabbit wishes to prioritize emotional connection in a relationship, whereas a Rooster wants to see mutual progression and self-growth with a partner. At the end of the day, neither partner is likely to feel fully satisfied or cared for when in a relationship.

What is the Year of the Rooster Elements?

What is the Year of the Rooster Elements?

Another core component of the Chinese zodiac is that each year falls under one of the Five Elements; Wood, Earth, Metal, Water and Fire. Traditional Chinese astrology uses the Five Elements to describe interactions within the universe and the belief is that each element possesses its own energy influencing our personality and fate. As such, while the year in which we were born corresponds with one of 12 animal zodiac signs, we are also ruled by a particular element. This year, the Tiger is accompanied by the element of Water, forming the Water Tiger.

The Year of the Wood Rooster

February 9th, 2005 - January 28th, 2006

Wood Roosters are kind and social beings. They are strong communicators and feel best when surrounded by many people. As natural overthinkers, Wood Roosters find spending too much time in solitude can drive them crazy and lower their mood. However, their inspiring character and energetic nature is attractive to most, so finding social ways to fill the time comes with no difficulty at all.

The Year of the Fire Rooster

January 28th, 2017 – February 15th, 2018

The Fire Rooster is the most brazen and eccentric of all Roosters. They are free spirits at heart and make decisions on a whim. Friends and family can find their erratic nature hard to keep up with, but probably envy their need to stay untethered. Their independent and outspoken character is also often the envy of those who wish to live more authentically, although the Fire Rooster is known to speak before thinking. 

The Year of the Earth Rooster

February 17th, 1969 – February 5th, 1970

Earth Roosters are some of the most stubborn and principled people in the zodiac. They have strong morals about both themselves and the world, yearning to do good rather than cut corners and ruffle feathers. They are also patient, kind and considerate people who enjoy charitable pursuits. For the Earth Rooster, you see, the world’s flaws are ever present so sitting back and watching passively just won’t cut it - they need to get stuck in and make a positive impact. 

The Year of the Metal Rooster

February 5th, 1981 – January 24th, 1982

Those born under the Year of the Metal Rooster are logical and analytical in their thinking style. These left-brained individuals are able to rationalize like no one else and come to ingenious conclusions. Metal Roosters might also be persuasive and well-spoken, but they are some of the least social of their counterparts. This is not because they are disliked, but because Metal Roosters perform best as individuals rather than a team. They don’t care to win the affection of others to create a lasting impact, instead they are authentic and driven by their personal ambitions.

The Year of the Water Rooster

January 23rd, 1993 – February 9th, 1994

Of all the signs, Water Roosters have the calmest demeanor and the sharpest intelligence. These people are also the hard-workers and have a quiet confidence in their abilities. Unlike other Roosters, these individuals do not feel the need to sing their praises from the rooftops. They would much rather let their actions speak for themselves. As such, Water Roosters are known to quickly earn the respect of their contemporaries.

By now you will know that people born under the different Chinese zodiac signs have certain personality traits corresponding to that animal. Some of the zodiac signs are very compatible but others do not fare as well. If you are curious about whether you are compatible with your partner, friends, family and colleagues, make sure to find out within which Chinese zodiac year they were born.

Do you still want to know more about the Year of the Rooster in Chinese astrology? There are many resources at Mysticsense that can guide you with your learning and provide insight for any other questions you may have. Get started learning more about Chinese astrology at Mysticsense today!

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