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Year of the Horse Love Compatibility

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
October 14, 2022
Year of the Horse Love Compatibility
Year of the Horse Love Compatibility
TL;DRJoin Mysticsense to learn about The Year of the Horse. Read to learn about their personality traits and their best and worst matches for love.

People born in The Year of the Horse are some of the best people! They are energetic, get a lot accomplished, and people find them attractive and charming. What are more personality characteristics of Year of the Horse people and what are the years you can be born in to be Year of the Horse? What special things happened in recent Years of the Horse, and what are the best and worst love matches for Year of the Horse people?

The Chinese Zodiac

The Chinese Zodiac

The Chinese Zodiac follows a twelve-year cycle based on the Moon. Each year is characterized by a different animal and those animals were assigned by a special being called The Jade Emperor. He was not always immortal, but after an especially good life, became such. He did not create the world but decided to create human beings and he ended up ruling the world for many many years. One day, he realized he had been so busy ruling well, he had never had the chance to visit and meet the animals. So, he invited all of them to come and meet him. They were all so excited to have the chance, they all raced to see who got to be among the first to meet the amazing Jade Emperor. He honored the first twelve who arrived to meet him by naming the Chinese zodiac signs after them. A great honor indeed!

The animals each characterize the personality traits of the people born in their years. The animals and years also influence preferences, what kind of luck or fortune you will have, when it is good to make certain decisions, and who you are better off marrying. The Chinese zodiac animals are the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. To read more about The Chinese Zodiac including each animal and their qualities, see here: A Guide To Chinese Astrology (

Today’s article will explore The Year of the Horse, some characteristics, certain years of the Horse, how the five elements influence the years it is ascribed to, and best and worst matches for Year of the Horse people.

The Year of the Horse

The Year of the Horse

The Horse is considered to be the head of the work animals in the Chinese zodiac and is crucial in war, and thus protection, and transportation, and thus survival. Year of the Horse people are energetic and enthusiastic but are also free spirits who need their independence. Horses are courageous, but also wear their hearts on their sleeves! You can see their emotions and their faces can be like open books! This makes them sensitive to other people’s emotions, and they are very logical despite being so in touch with their emotions. That’s great balance. Horses are born the year before Sheep and the year after Snakes and some groups in China like Mongolians deified the horse. The colors green, purple, and red are lucky for Horses, and a lucky number for them is the number three.

Year of the Horse Characteristics

Year of the Horse Characteristics

Year of the Horse people are very social and love to be in crowds at parties, concerts and festivals and any social situation. They shine in the spotlight and are good at public speaking and can lead large groups of people effortlessly. They cannot endure injustice and will step up to defend others. They are also quick to spend time and resources on people they love, spending lavishly on others. They manage to balance their personal lives and careers well, knowing just how much time to devote to each to allow a good work/life balance.

They are also perceived as both physically attractive and desirable emotionally. To top this all off, they are smart. These people seem to have it all! Sometimes, they can be overly ambitious and overly confident. However, their energy and enthusiasm will help them when they bite off more than they can chew to accomplish their goals despite it all!

They are fantastic at careers in the arts including performance and in being their own boss and running a business. They love an adventure and a job that entails travel and working with the public like travel sales is perfect for them. It is said that Horses can be impulsive when they get really excited, and they don’t like to feel confined. Jobs where they can use their best judgment to make decisions and see the world benefit them and everybody else also. Not everybody has the energy to go as many places and to do as much as Horses do, after all. Keep in mind that each year has an element ascribed to it, not just a sign. The elements bring their energies to each sign and its years and the elements are fire, earth, metal, water, and wood.

Fire Horse Chinese Zodiac Years

Highly enthusiastic and intelligent, these are especially energetic Horses, and they have great magnetism that draws people to them. These years are marked by great people leading change by example, breaking from protocol and doing what they felt was right. It was the Year of the Fire Horse from January 21 in 1966 until February 8, 1967. In this year, Crown Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands went against societal expectations and married the man she wanted to, a German named Claus Von Amsberg. The FIFA World Cup trophy that had been stolen was found by a heroic dog named Pickles. Pope Paul VI and Andrei Gromkyo met, marking the first time the Vatican and a Soviet Union leader met.

Earth Horse Chinese Zodiac Years

These Horses are always going out of their way to lend a helping hand and are kind-hearted and have a positive outlook on life. It was The Year of the Earth Horse from February 7 in 1978 through January 27, 1979. Every year, political upheaval is seen around the world, but in this year, groups fought and won independence, embracing the spirit of freedom the Horse embodies. In March of that year, San Francisco signed into law the most comprehensive gay rights laws at the time. Ethiopia and Somalia signed an agreement to end the Ethio- Somali War. The Solomon Islands became independent from the UK and Queen Noor, known for her humanitarian work, became the Queen of the Jordan.

Metal Horse Chinese Zodiac Years

These Horses are level headed and communicate openly. They always step up to come to the aid of their friends and are very popular. Year of the Metal Horse was from January 27, 1990 through February 14, 1991. Again, with all years, there is struggle, but some events showed people’s desire to open communication and be united. The Soviet Union’s Communist Party relinquished its monopoly of rule, allowing elections to bring in leaders from other political parties. After eight years of severed relations, Argentina and the UK begin diplomatic relations again. Leaders from the USA, Peru, Columbia, and Bolivia met and pledged to work together to fight the drug trade. Also in this year, The World Health Organization officially ceased calling homosexuality a disease.

Water Horse Chinese Zodiac Years

These Horses are very attractive to romantic partners and that could be because they are very harmonious, avoiding conflict, and they are quite friendly and sentimental. Year of the Water Horse was from February 12, 2002 through February 18, 2003. While there was plenty of tragedy, still this Year of the Horse lent its energy to creating harmony worldwide. Events that created harmony include Switzerland and East Timor joining the UN. The UN Security Council told Iraq to disarm or face serious consequences, and Iraq reacted by agreeing to disarm and Operation Defensive Shield to counter terrorism was started.

Wood Horse Chinese Zodiac Years

Wood Horses are very sensitive and highly imaginative. They have great insight and intuition and can see things for the way they are. It was the Year of the Wood Horse from January 31, 2014 until February 18, 2015. Things happen and other people have to step in to set the record straight sometimes, and that happened quite a bit in this Year of the Horse. Russia annexed Crimea, assuming they could get by with it, however, the US, Germany, France, Italy, Canada, and Japan stood up and suspended Russia from the G8 and reaffirmed Crimea’s borders. International military intervention against ISIL terrorism began. American president Barack Obama announced resumption of talks between the US and Canada, signaling the two countries could come together peacefully.

Chinese Zodiac Astrology Matches for Horses

Chinese Zodiac Astrology Matches for Horses

The energy and spirit of Years of the Horse fill the world with forward movement, justice, peace, and progressive change. Imagine how dynamic that Year of the Horse people are of their years are so groundbreaking. So, what zodiac signs would be a good couple with amazing Horses? The best matches for people born in the Year of the Horse compatibility for love are said to be Tigers and Sheep. It is said their worst Chinese zodiac compatibility matches are with Rats, Oxen, and other Horses. Year of the Rooster and Horse compatibility so- so and can go well or poorly. Another good combination is with Year of the Dog people and Horses.

Best Astrological Matches for Horses

Best Astrological Matches for Horses

Which zodiac sign is the best lover for a Horse? A divine life partner can literally be of any sign, but some signs just get along with one another easier than others. Understanding zodiac signs and how they function may make it easier for you to be flexible and adapt to getting along with more people. However, these are the signs Horses naturally get along the very best with.

Tiger Horse Compatibility

Is the Horse the best match for a Tiger woman? They sure can be! Both independent signs, they respect one another’s need for personal space, and also desire a mate who will come together with them to share love. Both are goal oriented people with the Tiger being a hard working individual who wants to be in a relationship with somebody they can respect as an equal- although they do love calling the shots sometimes. In other words, a Tiger is happy telling people what to do, but doesn’t want a doormat for a lover! Both the Tiger and the Horse are intellectual and want somebody who can talk openly with them, and their open communication is something that brings them closer. A perfect match.

Horse and Sheep Love Match

Sheep and Horses are not as similar as Horses are to Tigers. Sheep are much quieter, and more content to be led. They appreciate the Horse taking the lead in things and will happily cooperate with their magnetic Horse. Sheep are sensitive, and their feelings could be easily hurt by other signs, but not by their Horse. Horses are intuitive about other people’s feelings and naturally sense what their Sheep needs. The tenderhearted Sheep loves romance and their passionate Horse loves to woo them! Horses are fiercely independent, but the sweet, pure heart of their Sheep gives them the desire to establish a home and future with them and this match can turn out to be the main relationship for both lovers.

Dog and Horse Compatibility

Dogs and Horses are highly compatible. They are both energetic, generous with those they love, and have outgoing personalities. Dogs are kind and understanding and will be tolerant of the Horse’s need for independence and adventure. Dogs are loyal and honest and can be stubborn- so that loyalty and stubbornness will make them stick by who they truly love! Horses appreciate their Dog’s patience. Water Dog and Metal Horse compatibility is the same as any other elements either sign could fall under. It’s all good. It is said that water makes metal rust, but that’s not how this zodiac views it. Water and metal are seen as a nurturing cycle because water runs off or metal, not being confined by it, so a water Dog or Horse will go well with their Metal Horse or Dog!

Worst Matches for Horses

Worst Matches for Horses

Not all signs love compatibility with Horses is naturally high. There will be personality struggles with Rats, Oxen, and Roosters for Horses. That doesn’t mean it’s impossible for them to be together if they love each other, it just means there will be challenges for them to work through.

Horse and Rat Compatibility

This is not the best match for either sign. They are both strong willed and can butt heads, neither wanting to yield to the other. Compromise is the only thing that will save this relationship, which can begin very passionately. Disagreements can create a volatile homelife, and neither of these independent, freedom loving signs naturally make the other want to settle down. If they only come together for sensual reasons, and don’t build a good foundation of compromise and communication, this relationship could be headed for the rocks.

Ox and Horse Love Matches

Horses need their freedom and to socialize with who they want when they want to. Their Ox will be more interested in planning for the future and can consider Horses to be flighty people who need to get their priorities straight. Horses see Oxen’s attitude as boring, and all work and no play and these two can go to war, sparring over money, lifestyle, and what sort of future they want. These two might be better off not being together.

Horse Rooster Compatibility

This can be a case of opposites attract, or their differences keep them apart. Roosters can’t endure the Horse’s desire to flit from one thing to the next while the Horse sees their Rooster as nitpicky and overly focused on tiny details. They can balance one another, helping each other with the Rooster helping the Horse to focus and the Horse helping their Rooster to stop and smell the roses, or it can make them both crazy. Love potential for Horses with Roosters can work out, but it will take some work.

As with any sign, Horses are people with natural tendencies, and this means they naturally get Along with certain people better than others. Don’t be dismayed if you are in love with somebody whose sign is not seen as naturally compatible with yours. You can work things out if you work together as long as you cooperate and give it your all. However, if you need guidance, don’t worry, because help is available.

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I Need Love Advice!

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