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The Year of the Goat in Chinese Astrology

Rachel Clare
By Rachel Clare
December 17, 2022
The Year of the Goat in Chinese Astrology
The Year of the Goat in Chinese Astrology

The Chinese zodiac grasps the imagination, with many of us wanting to know our own Chinese zodiac animal sign and which other signs we are compatible with. So, in this article, learn about the Year of the Goat meaning, what the symbolism of the Goat is, the personality traits the Goat possesses and what other signs the Goat is best matched with. In this article we will explore

The diligent and empathetic Goat is the eighth of the 12 animal signs within the Chinese zodiac and the Goat’s energy imparts certain traits and compatibilities onto those born under its sign. Knowing this, what is the symbolic meaning of the Year of the Goat? What does it mean when we relate it to the Five Elements and what other signs make the best match for the Goat?

What Does the Goat Represent in Chinese Astrology?

What Does the Goat Represent in Chinese Astrology?

The Chinese zodiac is a key feature of ancient Chinese culture and has been revered for over 2000 years. The zodiac is a repeating astrological cycle composed of 12 symbolic animals and the cycle is broken down into yearly increments following the passing of every Chinese New Year, meaning a full zodiac circle takes 12 years. Unlike Western astrology, with each zodiac sign lasting roughly one month, everyone born within the same Chinese calendrical year shares a Chinese zodiac animal. These animal zodiac signs are believed to be fundamental in influencing not just our personality, but also our luck, destiny and other events that may occur in our lives. The animals in the Chinese zodiac include the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. These animal signs are also believed to have natural compatibility with some signs and not others.

When is the Year of the Goat?

The last time it was the Year of the Goat, it was 2015. Before this, 2003, 1991, 1979, 1967, 1955 and 1943 were all Goat years too. The next time will be 5 years from now, on February 6th, 2027.

Meaning of the Goat Personality

Meaning of the Goat Personality

In Chinese mythology, each animal in the zodiac plays an important role in the story of the Jade Emperor's party. As such, it is said that each animal’s position in the zodiac would be determined by their order of arrival to the party. When it comes to the Goat, the story states the Goat and Deer decided to travel together, although the Deer was unable to complete the treacherous swim. The Goat powered on though, with a quiet determination, and ended up arriving at the same time as the Horse. As both animals offered to let each other enter first, both the Horse and the Goat are seen as kind, humble and considerate in Chinese astrology. The Goat is also seen as hard-working and resilient, on account of his perseverance when swimming across the river. In fact, this perseverance is one of the Goat’s most notable qualities, making people born under the Year of the Goat highly respected by friends, family and colleagues alike. That said, Goats possess a gentleness about them that can diminish other people’s perception of their might. They can be mistreated or taken advantage of by the more domineering animal signs, but possess a sense of humility that always comes out on top in the end. Alongside this, Goats are also fantastic observers. They are happy to sit in the background and assess the different characters and energy within a room. From this, they make astute judgments about with who and where they wish to spend their time. This is likely because Goats are incredibly family oriented, so take the act of bringing outsiders into their inner circle very seriously. All of this said though, the Goat’s gentle and humble character is tempered with an element of stubbornness. In their worst moments, they can be slow to forgive and defensive when confronted about their actions. However, overall, the Goat oozes empathy and is a dedicated, loyal companion to all. 

Goat Woman Personality

Even as women go, the Goat woman is one of the more feminine and motherly types. Her strongest attributes are those bound by her sex, making her a fantastic nurturer and caregiver to those in need. When it comes to relationships, these traits still stand loud and proud as the Goat woman is doting and devoted to her partner. Her love language is acts of service as she loves nothing more than providing, both emotionally and spiritually. While other women in the zodiac ooze greater sex appeal, the Goat woman is sexy in her own right and has no problem attracting love; she is steadfast in her affection and a beacon of light during times of darkness. While not necessarily passive, the Goat woman also chooses to refrain from disputes in the home, knowing exactly how to prevent tensions from running too high between all members. Evidently, the Goat woman bares many beautiful qualities and thrives when leaning into her feminine powers.

Goat Man Personality

As with all Goats, regardless of gender, the Goat man is ruled by femininity, and far more so than all other males in the zodiac. This can be a challenge in the patriarchal world we live in, as the Goat man’s feminine touch can be viewed as weak or insincere by other men. This couldn’t be further from the truth though, as the Goat man’s strength is evident through his self-assuredness. He knows where his talents lie and understands that gentleness is a virtue - especially when it comes to relationships. In fact, Goat men exude such a peaceful, judgment-free energy that their partners marvel at how easy it is to be oneself around them. There is no game-playing or need to seek approval around these men. However, where the Goat man’s gentle nature becomes his downfall is in the realm of adventure; this man would much prefer a quiet night in over a rowdy social event, which may grow to frustrate a more extroverted partner. Critics may call him lazy or anxious, but in reality, the Goat man is comfortable with his limits and sees no need to step beyond them.

Chinese Astrology Matches with Year of the Goat

Chinese Astrology Matches with Year of the Goat

The animals of the Chinese zodiac all have intricate and unique couple compatibility with one another. The positioning of each animal on the zodiac wheel is important in shaping these relationships, but in the simplest terms, each animal has between two and four highly compatible matches and between two and four incompatible, ‘unfriendly’ matches. For instance, the Goat and the Horse are known to make a very strong duo, while the Goat and the Ox don’t fare nearly as well. 

Rabbit and Goat Compatibility

The Rabbit and Goat are devils for sweating the small stuff but know exactly when to stop bickering and work together through bigger issues. They get along incredibly well at the core of it all as they both offer one another the support and advice they each crave. On the one hand, the Rabbit can be unpredictable at times and needs pulling back down into reality by the steady Goat. On the other hand, the Rabbit inspires the Goat to dream bigger and push their boundaries. The love potential between these two is high and they compliment each other beautifully.

Ox and Goat Compatibility

The Ox is grounded and steady by nature, but leans towards stubbornness at times. Unfortunately, these qualities are not so favorable to the Goat who is more emotional and empathetic at heart. The Goat also appreciates both giving and receiving thoughtful gestures in a relationship, whereas the Ox’s black-and-white mentality fails to grasp the sentimental appeal behind these acts. So, all in all, Oxen and Goats struggle to see the charm in each other’s personality quirks.

Rooster and Goat Compatibility

Couple compatibility between the Rooster and Goat is somewhat lacking. For one, the Rooster is ambitious and goal-oriented at heart, contrasting the Goat’s slower and more considered manner. For the Rooster, extroversion comes naturally, whereas the Goat is more secure in environments filled with familiar faces. These differences don’t necessarily spell disaster for these two, but it’s unlikely that a union between a Rooster and Goat will get hearts racing.

Dog and Goat Compatibility

The logical and practical Dog may find the uncertain Goat frustrating. While Goats don’t fall into arguments easily at all, the Dog sees occasional conflict as healthy and productive. At the core of it all, these two individuals would be approaching the relationship from completely different angles and with opposite mindsets. Peace and harmony are not on the cards for these two. 

Horse and Goat Compatibility

The Horse and Goat make a great pair as both signs admire the qualities of one another. In fact, in many ways, these two are rather similar - for one, the Horse is hard-working, dedicated and true to their word. For another, the Goat is quietly ambitious and determined to better themselves. As such, these two can reach incredible heights when joining forces as they are each others’ perfect support system. They may even be some of the best lovers in the zodiac.

What are the Year of the Goat Elements?

What are the Year of the Goat Elements?

Another core component of the Chinese zodiac is that each zodiac year falls under one of the Five Chinese Elements; Wood, Earth, Metal, Water and Fire. Traditional Chinese astrology uses the Five Elements to describe interactions within the universe with the belief that each element influences our personality, love, fate, and destiny. As such, while the year in which we were born corresponds with one of 12 animal zodiac signs, we are also ruled by a particular element. For example, this year is the Year of the Tiger but simultaneously the year of Water. This makes 2022 the year of the Water Tiger.

The Year of the Wood Goat

February 19th, 2015 – February 7th, 2016

The Wood Goat is kind and giving at heart. Some people may mistake their generosity for people-pleasing, but in reality, the Goat gains so much satisfaction from helping others. Due to this, many people find trusting a Wood Goat to be very easy; after all, they are honest and forthcoming themselves, but give others the space they need in order to open up. That said, Wood Goats don’t take too well to the criticism of others - usually because they never look for faults in other people.

The Year of the Fire Goat

February 9th, 1967 – January 30th, 1968

The Fire Goat is the bravest and most confident of all Goats. They know where their abilities lie and have no trouble in letting everyone know about it. As such, it’s not uncommon to find Fire Goats in positions of leadership and authority as they find the perfect balance between vigilance and understanding. These individuals are naturally very well respected in the workplace and can forge long-lasting business connections as a result.

The Year of the Earth Goat

January 28th, 1979 – February 15th, 1980

Earth Goats are imaginative, creative and abstract in their thinking style. Their careers usually involve the arts in some shape or form, including fields such as photography or design. Earth Goats are also thinkers rather than doers, so are likely to spend a long time mulling over the next steps to be taken rather than diving in head first and making things happen. This can be great when it comes to conjuring up elaborate and ingenuine new ideas, but a nightmare when trying to form solid plans and act productively.

The Year of the Metal Goat

February 15th, 1991 – February 3rd, 1992

The Metal Goat is sensual and mysterious in nature. As such, they have a strong, attractive magnetism about them and find winning over love interests an easy game. Alongside this though, Metal Goats are highly sensitive and feel the spectrum of emotions far greater than most. While this can be challenging to regulate on a personal level, it means that these individuals possess a level of empathy unmatched by most.

The Year of the Water Goat

February 1st, 2003 – January 21st, 2004

Water Goats are some of the most popular people in the Chinese zodiac. They are opportunistic, but in the best way possible, and manage to seize the day even when times are really tough. That said, Water Goats can be self-limiting in their worst moments and lose faith in their abilities when things don’t go exactly according to plan. They need to step back and understand that a sudden change does not instantly spell disaster. In fact, these changes can open new doors and lead to exciting avenues. A quick pep talk and some gentle encouragement is all it takes to get the Water Goat back on track though.

By now you will know that people born under the different Chinese zodiac signs have certain personality traits corresponding to that animal. Some of the zodiac signs are very compatible but others do not fare as well. If you are curious about whether you are compatible with your partner, friends, family and colleagues, make sure to find out within which Chinese zodiac year they were born!

Do you still want to know more about the Year of the Goat in Chinese astrology? There are many resources at Mysticsense that can guide you with your learning and provide insight for any other questions you may have. Get started learning more about Chinese astrology at Mysticsense today!

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