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Who Should Gemini Marry?

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
January 09, 2022
Who Should Gemini Marry?
Who Should Gemini Marry?
TL;DRWhat is Gemini's best match for marriage? Is a Gemini and Scorpio marriage better than an Aries and Gemini marriage or is a Gemini Capricorn marriage best? Does it matter if the Gemini is a man or a woman, or do Gemini men in relationships marry differently than Gemini women do? What Gemini men facts should those who love them keep in mind, and how do Gemini women act when they are in love with Mysticsense.

“Who should Gemini people marry? “ is a question older than we know. Many look to conventional astrology guides to tell them who they ought to date, fall in love with, and marry, but what happens when astrology sites or books disagree with one another? Some guides say a Gemini and Pisces union is a disaster waiting to happen while others claim it’s a dream come true for both signs for example. When you are a Gemini and deciding who to marry, there is only one thing that can decide for you: your own heart. While astrology gives general guidelines to explain tendencies, habits, and behaviors, it doesn’t make rules. You and the people you love do! There are some general basic things astrology tells us about which signs are most compatible with Gemini’s, but what can we learn about Gemini’s first?

Gemini Personality Traits

Gemini Personality Traits

The Gemini element and planet help decide how they behave, how they feel, and how they love. Gemini’s ruling planet is Mercury, which also rules Virgo. Mercury represents all things intellectual and communication based. Being ruled by Mercury makes Geminis adaptable, inquisitive, and makes them great communicators. Unfortunately, it sometimes also makes them anxious and jittery and overly critical. Gemini’s element is air, which also rules intellect and communication, and makes them very social as well.

Being both an air sign and ruled by Mercury makes Geminis extra great communicators, naturally talented with mediating, and smoothing ruffled feathers. Gemini’s sign is the Twins, representing their high levels of adaptability, so much so, sometimes some people say they behave as two different people at times. They also seem to have twice the energy levels of some signs, and all of these traits make them highly valued team members in the workplace. Gemini’s get a bad rap, being accused of being dishonest, and indeed, some Geminis can be, however, plenty of people who are not Geminis can be dishonest as well.

To read more about Gemini’s personality traits, see here: Star Sign in Spotlight: Gemini | Mysticsense

The Gemini in Love

The Gemini in Love

When a Gemini falls in love, how do they show it? While Geminis are high energy, they don’t just bounce around the place and they love a lot of intellectual stimulation. They typically love travel and new learning experiences while they are at it. A day trip to a museum they have never visited before and to try some new cuisine they have been interested in would be right up their alley, and a spontaneous stop at a cute shop on the way to or from would make them happy. While Geminis have no problem taking themselves places to pursue their own interests, one of the Gemini traits, men and women included, is they do enjoy taking loved ones along with them for their adventures.

If a Gemini man is interested in you, he will flirt and make it a point to spend plenty of time with you. Gemini men in bed are reputed to love foreplay and Geminis , being spontaneous people, might be bored to sleep if you insist on sex the same way EVERY time. A lot of Geminis won’t be opposed to sex early on in your relationship, including casual sex, and plenty of Gemini’s will be turned on by your mind, not necessarily the way you look.

Falsely called cheats, some Geminis do cheat, but not if they are in love with you and completely devoted. Gemini’s typically have the ability to convince people of what they want them to, which makes them excellent businesspeople and salespersons- and it also helps them cover up an affair if they decide they want to. However, don’t assume your Gemini WILL cheat and get away with it just because they are a Gemini.

Male or Female?

Male or Female?

Does a male Gemini act differently than a female Gemini? What about if your Gemini men are gay? Will they behave differently than heterosexual men? Generally, no. The difference is a gay Gemini man will date men instead of women. Female Geminis are just females as opposed to being males but have the same need for adventure and intellectual stimulation as Gemini men. Both male and female Geminis are high energy, and it can make them hard to keep up with. Can you? If so, you might be a match made in heaven for them!

Geminis and Marriage

Geminis and Marriages

So, you love your Gemini, and your Gemini loves you! Are you compatible to commit to a life together until death do you part? Many conventional astrology guides will tell you who they feel the best signs to make love last long with Geminis are. Some insist Geminis pair best with fellow air signs other Gemini’s, Librans, and Aquarians. Others say Gemini’s best matches are Leos and Aries. The truth is, your sun sign is just part of what creates your personality. Your whole birth chart works together to help make you who you are, help decide preferences, and will point out who works best with you. Some say Sun Signs are how we present ourselves outwardly, but our Moon Sign is who we are on the inside.

So, does that mean a Gemini should marry somebody with a particular Moon sign rather than Sun sign? Not necessarily. Some astrology guides say Geminis and other Geminis are unable to achieve stability in their relationships, but others swear it’s a great pairing. Others insist Virgo and Geminis clash. Still other guides say that since Mercury rules both Gemini and Virgo, it’s a wonderful match. Only a Gemini can decide who they should love and marry, regardless of what the experts have to say about it. Astrology guides can be consulted for advice but should never be expected to make the decision about who marries who! Marry who you want to, no matter what people say.

Remember that not every person born under a sign will be exactly like the next one. How we have been raised and what life experiences we have had also shape us, not just the heavenly bodies and what they were doing at the moment the world was gifted with us. Before you start reading about how some of the signs can be when married to a Gemini, read about each sign and what makes them fall in love! The Zodiac Signs in Love

Gemini and Aries Marriage

Gemini and Aries Marriage

An Aries woman Gemini man marriage is said to be one of the best combinations for both signs. Aries and Gemini marriage compatibility is said to be high between fire sign Aries and air sign Gemini because of their love for variety, excitement, and the fact air signs communicate well with emotional fire signs. Both signs love to have fun, and socialize well, enjoying crowds, parties, and gatherings on one another’s arm. Action oriented Aries impresses the active energetic go-getter in Gemini, and they both enjoy high energy activities together like dancing, hiking, or even marathon movie nights!

Gemini and Gemini Marriage

Gemini and Gemini Marriage

Some astrology guides say two Geminis are too much of all the best and worst of their traits and can’t stand to be together, but some couples find quite the opposite to be true. If anybody understands a Gemini, it’s another Gemini. They can be completely open with one another and find comfort with one another’s enthusiasm for having a good time, and they never stop entertaining one another. Conversations won’t get boring with these two keeping on top of modern trends and news. They won’t run out of intelligent topics to discuss, and neither of them will stop coming up with ideas for new things to experience. From cooking new recipes to learning another language or trekking to some remote part of the globe together, two Geminis can make for a dream marriage many never imagined.

Leo and Gemini Marriage

Leo and Gemini Marriage

King or queen of their own worlds, Leos make for a Gemini woman’s best match for marriage. One of them, at least. Leo is just as passionate as fellow fire sign Aries, and equally as sensitive. Geminis know just what to say to soothe a Leo’s troubled mind, and can make their Leo laugh in the process. Flattery will get you everywhere with Leos as long as they don’t think you are insincere, and Geminis have a way of wording things to appease their Leo. In a Leo man and Gemini woman marriage, Leos bring the sultry passion Geminis love, and both signs respect one another’s need for freedom, and individuality, but they just can’t get enough of one another, though!

Gemini and Virgo Marriage

Gemini and Virgo Marriage

Said to be a disaster of a relationship, some Geminis and Virgos work things out long term and are actually quite happy. In her side splitting funny astrology book Love On a Rotten Day, Hazel Dixon-Cooper says a Virgo man Gemini woman marriage or even a date will be “ Hypractive, debate-team captain prone to snap decisions and stretching the truth seeks deliberate, careful planner with dustpan for Guinness record-breaking Shortest Dinner date in History.”

While some Geminis and Virgos certainly can repel one another, these two can also make an unstoppable team because they are both ruled by Mercury. Mercury gives them both the energy to succeed at whatever they set their minds to. Both signs are deeply devoted to anybody they love, giving their all to their partners, and both signs know what they want and won’t settle down with just anybody. Gemini tends to be more fun-loving and can pull Virgo away from work to have good times, and Virgo can be more practical, helping Gemini to budget, plan, and save for a rainy day.

Libra and Gemini Marriage

Libra and Gemini Marriage

If there’s one sign that loves to flirt as much as Gemini, it’s Libra! These two can keep one another entertained and intellectually stimulated for life. A Libra man Gemini woman marriage will work out just as well as a Gemini woman Libra man marriage. These two air signs are both highly motivated to stay mentally sharp all their lives, and both tend to read current events and about various topics, constantly learning. They will never run out of new things to talk about! As good at mediating as Geminis, Librans are understanding of the jitters their Gemini gets from time to time, and Librans can help Geminis balance rest with work so they don’t run themselves ragged. A great pairing for sure!

Gemini and Scorpio Marriage

Gemini and Scorpio Marriage

This is one zodiac pairing that just might not go too well. Geminis can be complete jokesters, and Scorpios are sometimes rubbed the wrong way by this. As a water sign, Scorpios have sensitive feelings and don’t like to feel teased or not takes seriously, and Geminis can be the ultimate fun makers- not ridiculing, of course- but Scorpios sometimes see Geminis desire to have a great time as shallow and flighty, preferring to keep the company of more serious individuals. Geminis also thrive in groups and at parties and Scorpios may need more privacy than to be with such a social butterfly.

On the other hand, some Scorpios are charmed by Gemini's sense of humor and Gemini can be highly adaptable, able to be flexible for their Scorpio. Scorpios may also respect Gemini’s strong intellect, enjoying discussing the variety of topics their Gemini is knowledgeable about. Scorpios are also very devoted to whoever they love, and Gemini’s sensitivity in mediation can help them to maneuver Scorpio’s sensitive emotions. There is a chance for a Gemini Scorpio marriage if both people work at it and love one another.

Gemini and Capricorn Marriage

Gemini and Capricorn Marriage

There is a good chance a marriage with a Capricorn and a Gemini can work out well as long as Geminis follow Capricorn's lead about the practical side of life like bills, work, and planning for the future. Some Geminis like to fly by the seat of their pants, not setting aside for a rainy day, but some are great at this once they get started, applying their busy minds to figuring out great ways to accomplish whatever they set their minds to. Because Capricorns respect serious intellectuals, mentally sharp Geminis can win them over, and Capricorn’s reliability can make their Gemini want to stick around for the long haul.

Unfortunately, some Capricorns bore some Geminis half to death, and some Capricorns find some Geminis to be as flighty as Scorpios can. If these two can meet in the middle with Capricorns going along with their Geminis for adventures, and Gemini keeping it grounded and practical, this couple can work out a fabulous relationship.

Gemini Aquarius Marriage

Who Should Gemini Marry?

Another of Gemini’s best matches, a marriage with an Aquarian can make them happier than they can express. Aquarians are high energy and always have new, fantastic ideas brewing. Aquarians are also hands on when it comes to making those great ideas into reality and they absolutely adore having people along who will support whatever enterprising project of the moment they are driven to excel at. Geminis love the energy and enthusiasm of Aquarians, and both signs are high energy, high achievers who can make a great team both on the job and in life. They both love to have fun, love to laugh, and love to experience new things and hit the road to travel. They will live happily ever after together!

Pisces and Gemini Marriage

Pisces and Gemini Marriage

This pairing can be a disaster waiting to happen. Like Scorpios , water sign Pisces people need somebody who understands their sensitivity, and Geminis might not fit the ticket, even though they don’t mean to be upsetting. While Geminis won’t have an issue going places without their Pisces when Pisces needs their “me time”, it can become an issue if Gemini feels Pisces isn’t spending enough quality adventuring time with them.

However, as both signs are Mutable, or adaptable to change, they can work out a relationship after all. Pisces are more spontaneous than some other water signs tend to be because of this and Gemini’s penchant for digging up fun new things to do appeals to Pisces fun side. Pisces are gentle hearted and eager to please those they love, and Geminis will appreciate the attention and love to be doted on. Both signs love romance and Gemini can bring sometimes shy Pisces out of their shell more. A relationship with Pisces and Gemini can be very good or very bad, but one thing is for sure. If this couple truly loves one another, they can make things work out long term!

You need not let what astrologers tell you stop you from dating or marrying who you want to. It’s not unusual for people whose signs are not “supposed” to hit it off to love one another and work things out. However, if you do find yourself repelled by one sign, go with your gut, when you meet somebody of that sign when red flags start appearing and allow yourself to break things off.

Remember one more thing- marriage isn’t for everybody who is in committed relationships. People are sometimes content not to “make it legally binding” but that doesn’t mean they are not in it for the long haul. If your Gemini loves you, they will make sure they know it by sticking around, making you a priority, and building a future with you! No matter what your zodiac sign is, if you love a Gemini, and they love you, your chances of having a successful marriage or long term relationship together are fantastic!

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