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Venus Meaning in Astrology

Rachel Clare
By Rachel Clare
July 27, 2022
Venus Meaning in Astrology
Venus Meaning in Astrology
TL;DRWhat are the signs ruled by Venus? How long does Venus stay in a sign? What does Venus love compatibility look like? What is Venus rising meaning and what is my Venus Zodiac sign? Or perhaps you have wondered about Venus in Scorpio’s meaning or Venus in Capricorn’s meaning. Find out all about the love planet of Venus today with Mysticsense.

Venus History

Venus History

As the second closest planet to the Sun, Venus is the brightest and hottest planet in the solar system. Although its radiance has been observed by stargazers for thousands of years, and the planet has been revered by various cultures and communities, the first accurate observation of Venus is attributed to Galileo in 1610. Venus was named after the Roman goddess of love, beauty and wealth, making it the only planet in the solar system named after a female deity. It was named after the goddess Venus as the planet was considered auspicious and hedonistic, referencing the qualities that Venus herself ruled over. Alongside this, Venus and Earth are often referred to as the ‘twin planets’ as they are both similar in size, density, mass, physical laws and terrestrial composition; Venus is 80 percent the mass of Earth's. 

Venus Planet Meaning

Venus Planet Meaning

Put simply, love and money are the defining qualities of Venus. Venus governs our wishes, what we value, things we enjoy and the simple pleasures we have in life. It is the planet of charm, grace, beauty and femininity. With Venus’ energy behind us, we are able to tune into our preferences, hobbies, quirks, and the things that truly make us happy. Venus encourages us to eat decadently, take long, purposeful selfcare days, and to spend extra time pampering ourselves. While these indulgent qualities are fantastic and most of us can use a little more TLC, Venus is prone to encouraging superficiality and materialism. This is partly because the planet makes us see life through rose-tinted glasses, meaning we may lack the perspective to differentiate between surface-level wants from important needs. In short, Venus is the most hedonistic planet in the solar system. So, while the energy of Venus can push us to let loose and enjoy life’s pleasures, it is not a planet to rely on in terms of our logic or sense of reasoning. Venus cares too much about temporary satisfaction and can fail to look for long-term fulfillment.

Venus Zodiac Signs

Venus Zodiac Signs

The two signs ruled by Venus are Libra and Taurus. As such, these two signs are thought to possess many of the traits and characteristics exuded by the planet. Firstly, both Libra and Taurus are united as pleasure-seekers. Taurus is a bit of a hedonist and a lover of home-comforts while Libra has a strong sense of Venusian charm and charisma. Both signs are also able to appreciate the value of luxury, splashing the cash whenever there is a reason to celebrate or throwing a fun get-together on a whim. Ultimately, these two signs know what they want and know how to get it. Despite their differences in other areas, Libra and Taurus are united by the luxurious, extravagant energy of Venus, meaning there is never a dull moment to be had with this luscious combo.

Venus Planet Astrology

Venus Planet Astrology

In Astrology, Venus is incredibly influential when it comes to life’s major milestones. As the planet is so closely tied to romance, beauty, and human emotion, Venus is the planet to turn to when we have doubts regarding our love lives. Venus reminds us to stay flirtatious, think with our hearts over our heads, and to take pleasure in the small things. In short, Venus tells us to romanticize our life, no matter how mundane our current schedules may be. However, we do need to exercise some caution when calling on Venus as the planet’s flirty energy can encourage us to make romantic decisions without careful consideration. Finding the perfect balance between optimism and logic is the best way to best utilize Venus’ energy. 

What Does Venus Retrograde Mean?

What Does Venus Retrograde Mean?

Venus, the planet of love and beauty who governs our passions, love and pleasure is an important planet. Our relationships, social interactions, and what others find attractive in us are all influenced by Venusian energy. However, Venus turns retrograde every 18 months meaning, during these periods, the way we commit to people shifts dramatically as we reevaluate how we approach our dating life. So, unsurprisingly, a Venus retrograde is often an emotionally taxing time for us all; the season heightens our passionate emotions which might increase the likelihood of breaking up in a relationship if it was already heading that way. Not only this, but Venus is one of only two planets in the solar system that rotate in the opposite direction from the Earth. As such, Venus encourages us to live by our own rhythm and proudly stand out from the crowd. Therefore, this mentality during retrograde can lead to risky, spontaneous decision making. However, on the other hand, if you are in a steady relationship, Venus retrograde may actually strengthen bonds by encouraging us to tap into our feelings and express ourselves better. The retrograde season may also help us to reflect upon what we value romantically, allowing us to think differently and consider our relationships from a different angle. It’s always healthy to take a step back and reassess the present, and Venus can be very useful in prompting us to do so. 

Venus Numerology

Venus Numerology

Venus governs those born on the 6th, 15th and 24th of any month, or whose life path number is six. As such, the qualities of Venus are most clearly manifested in number six people, making them leaders of beauty, decadence, grace, love and affection. Venus’ influence also involves good taste and a sense of refinement, meaning those ruled by the planet are famously enticing beings. They are also highly artistic individuals, appreciating the world and all its beauty far more than the average set of eyes. They can become attached very quickly and fall head over heels for the wrong people though, as their romantic Venusian idealism can impair their sense of reason. 

Venus in the Natal Chart

Venus in the Natal Chart

You probably already know your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs, and possibly even your Mercury sign. However, we all have a sign for every planet in the solar system and their role in our charts is significant. When we talk about our ‘Venus sign’, we are referring to the position of Venus at the time we were born. Venus has a relatively fast-paced orbit - it takes roughly 225 Earth days for the planet to complete one journey around the Sun. It also spends approximately one month transiting through each sign of the Zodiac circle. 

Venus Sign Meaning

Whatever Zodiac sign Venus was situated in at the time of your birth is significant in painting a picture of how you deal with the aspects of life governed by the planet - namely, romance, femininity and pleasure. From this, we can view these aspects through the lens of each sign to truly understand Venus’ influence in our day-to-day activity.

Venus in Aries

A Venus-in-Aries person is someone who craves excitement and passion in their relationships. This means that they often leap headfirst into romance and can fall in love very easily. However, in these relationships, these people are likely to be bold, assertive, impulsive, and even aggressive with their love. These individuals don't back down and always prioritize their own desires over others. 

Venus in Taurus

Taurus is one of the most sensual and passionate placements for Venus. People born with this placement have a deep romantic siden with security, comfort, and stability being incredibly important to them in life. Due to this, they often spend much longer getting to know others in a romantic sense, taking time to open up and be intentional during the courting process. Giving and receiving gifts, as well as displays of affection, are integral to the development and maintenance of Venus-in-Taurus’ romantic relationships. 

Venus in Gemini

We all know that Geminis are massive gossips and receive their energy from social interaction. So, as Venus is a highly social planet, we can gather that Venus-in-Gemini individuals love to spend their time discussing, analyzing and coming to conclusions about the relationships they have in their lives. They are fun friends and bring a wonderful, light-hearted energy with them wherever they go. That being said, they are known to be commitment phobes, so be extra wary when dating this placement during the Venus retrograde period!

Venus in Cancer

In their connections, Venus in Cancer emphasizes security and commitment. Their values are rooted in emotional union, but they don't take risks easily and often don't open up immediately. These individuals don't really enjoy casual dating - they prefer to dedicate their time and energy to just one person and building up to something more serious over time.

Venus in Leo

Venus-in-Leo adores giving and receiving gifts with those that they care about. They love lavish displays of affection and extravagant proclamations of love. To Venus-in-Leo, acts of service in a relationship indicate how much a person truly loves them. If they feel that they are not appreciated, then the drama will commence. However, they only act out when they feel as though they are not a top consideration. 

Venus in Virgo

Being born with Venus in the meticulous, hyper-logical earth sign of Virgo comes with desperately wanting to solve all of the problems of those they care about. For Venus-in-Virgo, they show their love by being useful, paying attention to detail and remembering the little things that loved ones mention. These are the friends and lovers who make personal sacrifices and go the extra mile. 

Venus in Libra

As Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet is very comfortable in this placement. Due to this, Venus-in-Libra individuals exude Venusian themes more than anyone else (with the exception of Taurus). These people desire an exquisite, fairytale approach to love and deeply appreciate acts of service. They love to be wined-and-dined, taken on long weekends away and wish to live life as if it were an extract from a romantic novel. Occasionally, Venus-in-Libra may need a bit of a reality check, but their hearts are always in the right place. 

Venus in Scorpio

The Venus placement of Scorpio is one passion, game-playing and mystique. These people rely on their gut feelings and intuition throughout their relationships, career, and all other major cornerstones in their life. Although, while they trust their emotions above all else, they are very rational people, even calculating at times. They know exactly how to read others and therefore, how to get what they want. This is a placement to be wary of, as even the most strong-willed of individuals can succumb to Scorpio’s charm and lure. 

Venus in Sagittarius

Venus-in-Sagittarius inspires a thirst for adventure, excitement, and spontaneity in relationships. A casual union, as opposed to settling down, is often preferred by this placement as they are on a constant mission to seek new experiences. Venus-in-Sagittarius is also associated with being open-minded and optimistic in matters of love, embracing liberation and freedom of thought. These individuals cannot cope in relationships that center around stability and structure.

Venus in Capricorn

The industrious sign of Capricorn is an interesting placement for the flirtatious, image-focused Venus. Venus-in-Capricorn views both their platonic and romantic relationships through a goal-oriented lens rather than following the heart. They view the major life milestones of engagement, marriage and children as things to aspire for as these provide routine and structure, qualities that Capricorns need in order to thrive.

Venus in Aquarius

Venus-in-Aquarius individuals speak a unique love language. Rather than focusing all of their attention on one partner, their love extends community wide. They live an insatiable quest to help others, partake in humanitarian projects and better the lives of those less fortunate than themselves. As romantic partners, they are caring, but perhaps not as attentive as they could be. This is because they spread themselves so thin, trying to accomplish too much at once.

Venus in Pisces

Having Venus in Pisces makes for a person with a deeply imaginative, creative, and romantic nature. These individuals can become easily blinded by love, diving straight into a fantasy and ignoring red flags in a partner. As they are such emotional beings, they can easily become carried away by their feelings, hopes, and dreams. As such, they need a partner who lets their intense emotions shine, but who similarly pulls them back down to earth when it is needed. 

Do you still want to know more about Venus in astrology? There are many resources at Mysticsense that can guide you with your learning and provide insight for any other questions you may have. Get started learning more about your Venus sign at Mysticsense today!

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