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What is the Meaning of a Snake

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
October 27, 2021
What is the Meaning of a Snake
What is the Meaning of a Snake
TL;DR If you see a snake, what does it mean? While many are positively terrified of these creatures, others believe seeing snakes is a blessing and many have their power animal snake deeply involved in their spiritual lives. Explore the meaning of snakes and learn more about how snakes have to do with the zodiac.

The snake is the animal that strikes fear in the hearts of the most people although it’s estimated that snakes kill under twenty people per year in America, and the popular pit bull dog actually kills ten times more people! Many see snake animal symbolism as blessed things, however, and the meaning of snakes to some people is not of fear, but it is one of their totem animals. Beyond this, the snake is an animal in the Chinese zodiac, and people want to know about things like Chinese zodiac horse man and snake woman compatibility. If you see a snake, what does it mean? The meaning of snakes varies, and exploring the myths, snake shamanic meaning, and snake significance in the zodiac will reveal the spiritual meaning of snakes and what the snake message means for you.

Definition of Snakes

Definition of Snakes

Found everywhere on earth save Antarctica and various islands like Ireland, Greenland, and some central Pacific and Atlantic Ocean islands, there are about 3,600 kinds of snakes, with under 400 of those being venomous, many of which are not even venomous to humans. The cottonmouth, the water moccasin, and various types of rattlesnakes include the venomous ones, and there is almost always time to get a remedy to counteract the venom of a snakebite. Your best bet is to avoid messing with snakes entirely, as they normally only use their venom on prey they want to eat or to defend themselves!

Snakes meaning, or definition is they are armless, legless carnivores who possibly evolved from lizards, and by 94 to 112 million years ago, they had appeared, and have thrived so well, they are still with us today. They are regarded by some as the ultimate predator because their bodies are only adapted to exactly what they need to survive, they camouflage well, and are active mostly during daytime when they can see best but won’t be easily spotted. Unfortunately, they are cold-blooded creatures, and cold weather slows them down significantly tom the point they have to go into a state of brumation, which, unlike sleeping hibernation is wakeful inactivity because they need to be motionless to save energy and body heat. Some animals like cats, mongooses, various rodents, large birds, and even coyotes feast on snakes, so snakes might not be the very most powerful predator after all.

What Does the Snake Symbolize?

What Does the Snake Symbolize?

What does the symbol of a snake mean? It differs by religion and culture. Some see the snake as something terrible, and a representation of evil and death, while others see it as a protector or symbol of goodness and creation.

Kundalini “Snake” Energy

Kundalini “Snake” Energy

One of the words that has snake meaning in Hindi is “naga”, and a naga is a divine being that is half snake and half human and can transform totally into a human being at times. The kundalini energy is associated with the divine feminine, and the adjective kundalini means circular, with “coiled serpent” being another meaning. The kundalini energy is associated with the goddess Parvati, who birthed the whole Universe, is ever present after the destruction of all things, and she existed before she created anything. The kundalini is awakened through meditation, yoga, and tantric practices, and gives liberation spiritually.

Some ancient art portrays a serpent coiled around the chakras as kundalini energy, and the Yoga Kundalini Upanishad says “ Kundalini shines like the stem of a young lotus; like a snake, coiled round upon herself, she holds her tail in her mouth and lies resting half asleep as the base of the body.” The Upanishads are a collection of Hindu writings dating back to 800-300 BCE, and some say pre-Hindu writings and art depict the kundalini as well.

Mucalinda King of Serpents and the Buddha

Mucalinda King of Serpents and the Buddha

When the Buddha reached enlightenment, he sat in meditation underneath the Bodhi Tree, and rains poured forth. Mucalinda, the king of serpents, came from his kingdom in the earth, and spread out his hood, acting as an umbrella, protecting the Buddha from the rain with his own body. After the rains stopped, he took his human form to respectfully bow to the Buddha, and then returned to his home. The snake metaphysical meaning here is that of protection and that even the powerful king of serpents respected the Buddha.

Snakes in the Bible

snakes in the bible

In the Old Testament of the Bible, the snake assists with the fall of humanity in the famous tale where the snake tempts Eve to eat the apple, angering Jehovah enough to make him banish them from paradise, and instill mortality upon people. Some of today’s Christians count the snake omen as a sign of their devil, and all things horrible. However, the snake metaphysical meaning in the holy land was not purely that of evil.



The Mesopotamian god Ningishzida was one of vegetation, the underworld, and his name meant “lord of the good tree”. He provided the vegetation that fed people and animals. His symbol is the double serpents wrapped up a staff that is still recognizable as that of medicine and healing to this day. He was also a god whose temporary disappearance was mourned each year by devotees, and his return was looked forward to. The snake metaphysical meaning here is that of life, nourishment, and the reliability of a god who always returned to take care of the people.



In the Book of Numbers 21: 4-9, Moses mounts a bronze serpent on a pole to act as healing against snakebites sent as punishment from their god. The serpent represents both punishment and healing here. In the book of Exodus, Moses and Aaron could turn their staffs into live snakes and pick them up again and turn them back into ordinary staffs. The symbol of the spiritual snake is the power of the priests who were smiled upon by their god here.



Gnostic Christians have a different view of religion, and believe a malevolent force called the Demiurge had trapped Adam and Eve in an illusion that he was the creator and father god, when in fact he was not. The serpent encouraged them to eat the apple which opened their eyes to the truth, and they escaped the Demiurge and the realm where he had trapped them. To Gnostics, the serpent represents knowledge, or gnosis, and liberation to worship the true god they saw as Jesus Christ, leaving behind the false Demiurge and a life of lies.

Hopi Snake Beliefs

hopi snake beliefs

Perhaps one of the most popular Native American snake symbols is that of the Hopi. Tourists flock to see a famous ritual and rain dance done by these people every two years. Specially trained men carry snakes in their mouths during the ceremonies believing that afterwards the snakes will carry the prayers of the people who are asking for rain. They believe their ancestors and the gods live in the earth where snakes come from and will return to with the prayers of the faithful after the ritual. The rains ensure the corn grows and the people can continue to thrive. Snakes in spirituality for these people represent hope and prayers that will be answered in the form of divine intervention to make it rain.

Celtic Snake Meaning

celtic snake meaning

In modern Ireland, one of the seven Celtic Nations, snakes represent the pre-Christian people who used to venerate their gods before Christianity became the official religion. When it is said that Saint Patrick “drove the snakes out of Ireland” it is taken to mean that he converted those people to Christianity. To some modern Celtic Pagans, the snake is a symbol of resilience and refusing to be converted away from their beliefs. Some even wear images of snakes on Saint Patrick’s Day to symbolize the fact they were not all converted, and their religions are alive and well today.

Snake Omens and Meanings

Snake Omens and Meanings

Beyond myth and cultural meanings, there are plenty of beliefs surrounding snakes, seeing snakes, and what snakes mean. All of this, of course, is beyond the fact they are a living organism who just happen to cross a human being’s path!

Dead Snake Omen

dead snake omen

The dead snake totem or omen meaning varies. If you are the one who kills the snake, it can be bad luck or something mundane like you just saved your chickens from a snake! Killing any animal unnecessarily is almost always bad luck but if the snake was a danger to you or a person or animal you take care of, it symbolizes good luck and victory. As snakes represent the ancestors to some, seeing a dead snake can mean that an ancestor is trying to give you a message.

Yellow Snake Meaning

Yellow Snake Meaning

The Egyptian god Apep was sometimes depicted as being a yellow snake. He was a great enemy of the high sun god Ra, and Apep was a bringer of chaos. The dead would be buried with spells to ward him off as he was seen as a soul eater, and it was believed that daily, he battled, and lost to Ra, who slew him in the form of a cat. While a yellow serpent might be beautiful in nature, if it was in the form of Apep, it was not symbolic of good things.

Black Snake Omen

Black Snake Omen

The black snake omen is of things better than what Apep symbolized. For some, black symbolizes disagreements and distrust in relationships. Some say if a black snake is to your right, it means enemies are nearby, but if it’s on the left side, it doesn’t mean anything at all. Seeing a black snake can also mean it’s time to end something in your life, and move into your future, making sure not to hold on to things that no longer serve you. A black snake sighting can be warning you not to let your guard down, because you have reason to be suspicious of somebody!

What Does it Mean if I See Snakes Everywhere?

What Does it Mean if I See Snakes Everywhere?

It means you are in snake territory! Seeing a snake meaning, spiritual or otherwise only occurs when there are snakes in the same place where you are and seeing a snake meaning is that of caution! They may be passing by, but they may have baby snakes nearby who you don’t want to harm. They may also have nests of eggs they are protecting, and you are most likely to be bit if you disturb their nest or babies. The old advice of “if you see a snake outside, leave it alone” is perhaps the best advice you can get, and it is advised you not pick up or try to play with wild snakes.

What Does it Mean if a Snake Crosses Your Path?

What Does it Mean if a Snake Crosses Your Path?

What does it mean when a snake crosses your path if a snake is an animal and you just happen to see it? Snakes, like all other creatures, exist on their own, regardless of the presence of human beings, but sometimes, the powers that be elect these creatures to provide messages. The sign of a snake crossing your path could be a shed skin nearby, or even bones of a dead snake. The snake sign or omen could be telling you that you are about to receive healing, or it could be an omen of plenty. It can be a message your ancestors are watching you or have messages, and it could be bringing you protection.

Seeing a hissing snake in a graveyard is a warning something bad is about to happen to a family member and seeing a snake in the yard where you are building a new home is a sign you will have a good life there. Shed snakeskins have been placed on injuries, in belief they create healing, or pinned to a hat to cure headaches. To some, killing a snake is seen as good luck, but for others it is bad luck. If you are recently married, and a snake crawls between you and your new spouse, it’s seen as an omen that your marriage will be an unhappy one!

Snake in the House Meaning

Snake in the House Meaning

For those who live in the country or near water, the meaning of finding a snake in house is that there are a lot of snakes there, and sometimes one gets indoors! The authors elderly grandmother was home alone when she found a snake indoors, and she picked it up by herself…with a paper towel… because it was an intruder that needed removed. Mundane things aside, many believe the sign of a snake in the house has spiritual meanings. It is seen as good luck if a snake is in your house, and if you kill it once it’s come inside, it’s relatives will be avenged. Besides that, bad times will befall the house if you kill a snake that got inside, and you will have five years of bad luck! A snake on your doorstep is seen as an omen you are about to get surprising news, so pay attention!

Snake Spirit Animal Meaning

Snake Spirit Animal Meaning

The snake power animal will bestow the people they belong to with their strength, cunning, speed, and ability to rejuvenate themselves. Like the living snake sheds its skin as it grows, your snake totem animal will be sure you can cast off old ways, growing into your own transformations. The spirit animal snake brings wisdom, and insight to hidden knowledge. Like the snake disappears into the earth, swims in the water, and seems to fly like a bird through the trees, those who have a snake spirit totem will learn versatility and the ability to adapt and thrive in all areas of life and most environments. If you specifically have a rattlesnake spirit animal, you will be fiercely protected by it, and you will also be a great heroic protector people know not to cross. A black snake spirit animal brings you the ability to be mysterious, keeping things to yourself unless you choose to reveal them, and you will be able to be undetected when it is your will.

The Zodiac Snake

The Zodiac Snake

The snake is one of the animals represented on the Chinese Zodiac, and some people combine aspects of the Chinese Zodiac with the Western Zodiac, educating themselves about what traits they and their loved ones have based on both systems.

Before you read more, learn about how the Chinese Zodiac works here: A Guide To Chinese Astrology (

Aries Snake Man

aries snake man

Combine the dynamic passion and energy of Aries with the wisdom and intelligence of the Snake, and you get one powerful intellect, combined with a lot of get-up-and-go to act on great ideas. Both Aries and Snake people are highly independent and have the sense of self and confidence to live life on their own terms.

Taurus Snake Man

taurus snake man

Both Taurus people and Snake people like their time to themselves, but the energy of the Snake combined with the more laid-back approach of the Taurus means you get somebody who can balance work and rest very well. Both Snakes and Taureans are great communicators, with Taurus people especially good at speaking their minds and the intuitive nature of the Snake instills people born under both of these signs with the ability to know when saying less is better, and when to say more.

Gemini Snake Woman

gemini snake woman

Intellectual signs Gemini and Snake combine with extra intelligence and having Snake in the mix helps Gemini people come out and socialize more. A great people pleaser and mediator, Geminis born in the Year of the Snake find they can take this to the next level, being even better at people management, and they can seemingly talk nearly anybody into anything. Snakes are known for beauty, and Geminis are good at drawing new people to them, so Snake Gemini people may find themselves with a never-ending supply of new friends and lovers to choose from!

Virgo Snake Woman

virgo snake woman

Combine the highly organized nature of Vigo with the desire to achieve of the Snake, and you get an extra qualified individual who knows how to make everything they touch seem like it turns to gold. Both Snakes and Virgos act on what they feel is best, and they both also work well without people. The Virgo nature drives them to be in charge of teams of people, and Snakes achieve under pressure and can meet tight deadlines. This combination can make them the ultimate goal achievers and sought after members of professional teams.

Pig and Snake love Compatibility

Pig and Snake love Compatibility

 On the Chinese Zodiac, this isn’t listed as good. They are literally the least compatible of signs, and when it comes to Chinese Snake compatibility, they do better with something like an Ox man and Snake woman coming together. Ox and Snake compatibility harmonizes well with the dependability and patience of the Ox and the love of variety the Snake has making them balance one another nicely. The Snake will find great things for the Ox to do with them, and the devotion of the Ox will make them go along with the Snakes ideas, so the fun will never end.

Tiger and Snake Compatibility

Tiger and Snake Compatibility

This isn’t their top matches, for sure. The Tiger needs to lead, and the Snake works well on their own, needing solitude sometimes that Tigers may or may not be understanding of. The Snake woman and Tiger man compatibility may be compromised by this, but they can work well together as they are both great at focusing on tasks and getting things done well. The Tiger will be ready to go where they need to get the job done, and they can count on the Snake’s great analytical skills to tell them what is best for the project.

Snake Woman and Rat Man Compatibility

Snake Woman and Rat Man Compatibility

It can happen, although it’s not the best or the worst matches for these signs. The Rat is very practical and great at counseling, and this aligns well with the Snake’s natural intuition. The Snake appreciates the Rat’s sincerity, and both signs are honest about what it is they want from relationships. However, the Snake tends to be less energetic, taking more time to make decisions and do things, while the Rat is more frugal with spending and may get frustrated if the Snake is not onboard with that. If they can get over their differences, the Rat and Snake can be a great couple!

Monkey Woman and Snake Man Compatibility

Monkey Woman and Snake Man Compatibility

This is one of the best pairings, with the loyal, fun-loving monkey charming their emotional, caring Snake. Both signs are smart, with a quick sense of humor, and they challenge one another to be their very best. They stimulate one another’s minds, and focusing on shared interests, they have a lot of good times together. They will need to watch out and make sure the Snake doesn’t get jealous of others immediate love of the Monkey’s charm, but the Monkey can offset this with loyalty, assuring their Snake they are not going anywhere!

The power of the snake goes beyond its ability to efficiently move through the realms it occupies, and its relationship with humans is as old as time itself. A symbol of liberation, creation, and the divine feminine, the snake is greater than any fear we may have of it, and it brings the blessings of wisdom, healing, and messages from the ancestors. Ask the snake to pray to the divine for rain, and tread softly in nature, lest you hurt the beautiful creature.

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