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About Me:
My very first dream was of falling through outer space as a large body of water, which then split into trillions of water droplets, raining down throughout the cosmos. I believe this origin story belongs to us all. It's simply about REMEMBRANCE. Do you remember?
From that moment on my psychic gifts began to blossom. I was able to speak with animals telepathically. I could feel the trees while walking by them, and started receiving visitations by light beings and ascended masters. As I grew up, Samsara took over until I was guided off the traditional path and found energy medicine. Obsessed, I worked my way up to Atlantean Reiki Master Sensei and soon after met my crystal shaman who then helped open this lightbody fully.
After more training in various lightworker forms (crystal therapy, Shamballa multidimensional healing, emotional release therapy, Akashic records, evolutionary astrology, tarot, weatherbending, and how to make lighttools), it was time to help others on a larger scale. Spirit brought me to work at various metaphysical stores, fairs, and eventually online with others around the world. Bringing us to the here and now: I am so grateful to be able to connect with YOU here on Mysticsense!
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