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What are Past Life Connections?

Rachel Clare
By Rachel Clare
November 28, 2022
What are Past Life Connections?
What are Past Life Connections?

Past life connections are profound and special bonds we share with people throughout multiple lives. With these individuals, it may feel as if you have known them forever or that you share long lost memories with them. There are many various signs to look out for when determining if someone is a past love connection, but it’s usually a fairly overwhelming feeling of certainty. With the help of this article, find out if you have a past life connection, learn how they differ from regular soulmates and understand how past life regression works.

What is a Past Life?

What is a Past Life?

Our past lives are elusive, hidden aspects of ourselves that actually have a profound effect on the way we live our lives in the present. Various different cultures, religions and communities carry the belief that the soul transcends the physical body and can exist throughout multiple lifetimes. Each of these lifetimes are, of course, separate, but the soul carries through an essence of each into the next. This is why we often experience intense deja vu, feel that we recognise people we’ve never met and pick up on vague memories of things we cannot explain. All of these unusual feelings are pretty common among all of us, and can be attributed to the residual energy of our past lives. If we can learn to connect with and process our past lives, we can take important lessons forward with us and benefit the life we have ahead of us.

How to See Your Past Life?

How to See Your Past Life?

A Past Life Regression (PLR) is a gentle form of hypnotherapy that taps into memories and experiences buried within the subconscious to transport a person back to their previous life. We live in a fast-paced, noisy world today where these past life memories go mostly undetected, buried beneath the chatter of our constantly busy minds. The purpose of a PLR session is to help an individual escape contemporary chaos and enter into a quiet, relaxed state of mind where past life memories are easier to access. 

What is a Past Life Reading Like?

You can benefit from Past Life Regression therapy by embarking on your own journey without the help of a PLR practitioner. The process is highly sensory as a person accesses their previous incarnations through visions and experiences that are buried in their subconscious mind. They may even hear sounds, experience smells or feel the environment associated with this previous time. As our modern lives are so hectic and fast-paced, these subtle reminiscences are often entirely masked and are left completely unacknowledged. However, a PLR therapy session can help to bring these past life memories to the forefront for a moment in time, allowing us to engage far deeper with the messages and lessons provided by our past selves. A PLR session usually begins with the practitioner asking their client what areas of their life they are having emotional difficulty with. This may be the inability to express oneself in a relationship, insecurities with friendships, or any other area of life that feels stunted and blocked. Usually our present problems stem from negative happenings in our past lives, so uncovering what these may be can help us to move forwards in our current lives. Alongside this, problems can arise when past energies are attached to our present selves. This may be the energy of a previous loved one who is unable to let go, so a practitioner is also able to clear this attachment to free the client of a lingering, emotional burden. From here, a practitioner will ask their client to sit or lie in a relaxed position and guide them through meditative breathwork and other hypnotic techniques. The client is then likely to fall into a trance-like state in which past life memories and sensations rise to the surface of their subconscious.

Do We Have Past Life Karmic Connections?

Do We Have Past Life Karmic Connections?

Most of us are probably familiar with the intense and nostalgic feeling of meeting a past life karmic connection. Of course, in the moment we may not know that these are, in fact, souls we have shared previous lives with, but the resonation between both individuals will be hard to shake. With past life karmic connections, the fondness you feel for one another runs incredibly deep. It is around these people that you can feel your most comfortable and authentic, where you can speak your mind and express your emotions without reservations. These karmic connections almost understand us better than we understand ourselves. That said, figuring out if someone we have formed a close connection with is a karmic connection or not is not always simple. That’s why checking out the list below may be helpful!

How are Past Life Connections Different to Soulmates?

Whenever you mention the word "soulmate" to a group of people, you're guaranteed to receive a few groans or eye rolls. For many people, it's just not realistic to think that there is just one person you are destined to fall in love with or that you are to never struggle in a relationship.

However, it is possible -at least for many people- to find someone you know instinctively, that lets you grow on a personal level and who connects with you in a way never experienced before. In these situations, this is clearly a soulmate and you will have discovered something truly special when that person becomes a romantic partner. A past life connection is different though, as we haven’t necessarily met our soulmates in a previous life before. The universe can grant us a soulmate who is also a past life connection, or present us with someone brand new through which the rest of our soul journey is to continue with.

Signs of Past Life Lovers

So, what are the signs that our significant others have known us in lives before the present? Outlined below are a few hot signals to look out for…

You Feel as if You Have Known Them Forever

One of the main signs that someone in your life shared a past life with you is the unshakeable feeling you get that you have known them forever. The two of you share a strange, almost nostalgic sense of familiarity and everything feels incredibly comfortable, no matter how long you have known each other for. Not only this, but we can sometimes feel as if we physically recognise our lover, but we aren’t sure why. This is because physical features can, too, be passed on from life to life, meaning we perceive these past life lovers in similar ways. 

You are Strongly Pulled to One Another

Often we may find ourselves drawn to people even though it feels like there is little reason for it. Perhaps this person is not typically your type, or maybe you don’t even find them physically attractive at all. There could even be instances where you both decide to go your separate ways for whatever reason, but the universe keeps pulling you back together. Whatever the situation may be, it’s always obvious that this person is destined to be in your life and that your souls have known one another before. The reason why some souls accompany us into our present lives is because they are here to teach us a lesson or clear karmic debts - they know us better than any other soul in the present, so can help us on this journey of betterment. This feeling will be obvious and overwhelming, as if meeting with an old friend like nothing had ever come between the two of you before. This deep, spiritual connection is incredibly overt when it hits, and you will just know.

You Feel Connected Even Over Great Distances

Many relationships aren’t able to make it long term when distance gets in the way. This is because when we lack the surface-level (albiet still very important) aspects of a relationship, such as sex and physical touch, we may start to crave these from elsewhere. However, when it comes to past life connections, these aspects of a relationship barely scratch the surface. Sure, they add to the overall experience, but they are no match to the deep and meaningful soul connection that exists at the core of it all. This is why lovers who shared a past life are able to survive periods of great distance between one another.

You Have Shared Memories

Another surefire sign that you are in the presence of a past life connection is when you both discover your shared memories. You may be baffled by the similarities of your pasts, recalling being at the same events or traveling to the same destinations. It is also likely that within these shared memories, the both of you felt similarly about the experiences. As you both approach life in mirroring ways, the way these memories make you feel will resonate between you both very strongly.

You Can Be Your Authentic Selves Around Each Other

One of the best feelings in a relationship is the feeling of complete and unadulterated comfort. When two partners share a past life connection, the two of you are likely to feel a sense of familiarity and warmth that is unmatched by most others. You are both able to sit in comfortable silence, while also behaving without any inhibitions whatsoever. This is a beautiful point to get to in life, so cherish it when it occurs.

It’s Like You Can Read Each Others’ Mind

Have you ever met a person where it feels that the two of you share a strange, telepathic connection? Perhaps you finish each other’s sentences, can predict what you’re both going to say next or have a laugh that sounds exactly the same. In these moments, it may feel like the two of you were separated at birth… but maybe you were. 

We Weren’t Lovers in a Past Life

We Weren’t Lovers in a Past Life

Without question, meeting someone in our current life, that we once shared previous existences with, is incredibly special. With these people, the bond that runs within you both is just completely unbreakable. That said, we can still love and cherish those who we haven’t shared a past life connection with just as much. For one, two souls will always have to have a first meeting, and that can happen in this life just as much as it does in lives prior. Put simply, the universe presents us with people for a reason, whether it be to learn a lesson or to take value from the union in some way. That’s why learning to look for your past life connections is important, but not the be-all and end-all of the relationships we have in our daily lives.

We become aware of our past lives through the feeling of familiarity. A burning desire to visit a particular country, instant connections with certain individuals or an unexplained association with a culture or custom are all indications of our past lives creating a lasting imprint on our subconscious. In sum, the aspects of ourselves that seemingly arise from nowhere, yet have a hugely significant impact on what makes us unique, are signs of our past life connecting to our present subconscious.

There are many resources at Mysticsense that can guide you with your learning and provide insight for any other questions you may have. Get started learning more about past life connections at Mysticsense today!

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