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Meet Your Destiny

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
January 24, 2023
Meet Your Destiny
Meet Your Destiny

Love, fate, destiny- these are things people quest for all the days of their lives, and often seek out in earnest, But what is destiny? Join us today as we define destiny and explore how to discover yours as well as what a karmic partner is. In this article we will explore

 Destiny, love, and fate itself are things we ponder and seek to understand. How can we be in the driver’s seat of our own lives, and just how much can we actually control? Not everybody agrees, but everybody agrees that there are things that seem meant to be, and others that we just can’t influence. Some things, we can decide, however, and some would say we truly can control our own destinies. What is destiny and is it the same thing as fate? What’s a karmic partner and are we destined to find a soulmate? Do we truly attract what we are ready for, and how can we discover our destiny? Explore your destiny today!

What is Destiny?

What is Destiny?

“It’s up to you to make your own destiny and not up to destiny to make you.” -Amit Abraham

Experts disagree about what destiny is. Some believe it is our future and that we can control a lot of what it includes based on decisions we make, and other people believe our destiny is predetermined, often even before we are born. Others believe that destiny is something we are born to fulfill, and that we need to work towards it. Different people have different things to say about what destiny is.


Predestination is a Christian concept stating that all things are predetermined by their god. Humanity does have free will, but there is much we cannot control, according to this belief. Within this belief is an idea that is called the philosophy of determinism which says the environment controls human decisions. Some biblical scholars, such as Douglas Moo went so far as to claim their god even pre-determined who would be saved and taken to heaven, and who would be damned before they were even born.


There is belief in Hinduism that the gods decide much, but plenty is decided by our Karma, and that is based on what we do. Whereas Christianity teaches we have one life, and thus one opportunity at the eternal afterlife, Hinduism believes in reincarnation, and that we live many different lives, or incarnations. The teaching is that our decisions and deeds govern situations in the future lives, and thus, our decisions truly do decide our destiny in all of our lives. To read more about reincarnation and karma see here:The Meaning of Reincarnation | Mysticsense


The Epicureans followed teachings of the Greek philosopher Epicurus, and their take on destiny was different. They believed that the gods did not interfere with human beings' lives or the workings of the Universe in any way whatsoever. Epicurus did not believe things were predetermined by a god, and instead believed in taking the gods out of the conversation, and that matter, not the will of unseen forces, create the world. They believed that we have power to act and react at will, and thus decide things and our destinies for ourselves.

Isn’t Destiny Just Fate?

Isn’t Destiny Just Fate?

“Thence came the maidens, mighty in wisdom. Three from the dwelling down ‘neath the tree; Urth is one named, Verthandi the next…and Skuld the third. Laws they made there, and life allotted to the sons of men, and set their Fates. “ -The Voluspa

According to old Norse lore, the Norns are three sisters who decide the fate of people from their time of birth, and there is no changing it. The Norns can decide a happy fate, or a horrible one. No human can defy or change their fate, as fate is believed to be decided by supernatural powers, the Norns. In other cultures, there are similar deities deciding mankind’s fate.

The Romans had the Fates, and the Greeks had the Moirai. The Fates and Morai were also three sisters, and they each had specific jobs, all aimed at ensuring that all human beings lived their lives according to the fate that was decided for them. The sisters spun fate together, creating a thread that represented and decided each person’s life from beginning to end. Clotho presided over birth, and Lachesis spun all the acts and events the person would have in their lives. Finally, Atropos cut the thread of life, deciding death.

Fate is called destiny by some, but others define destiny as something we can decide. There is a reaction for every action we take based on our decisions, even though some things are beyond our control and the things to come can be directly influenced by that. The Norse believed in something called an Orlog, which was actions deciding some future events. It was said that significant deeds could affect the future significantly enough to totally change it. So, fate and destiny are defined differently, but both decide our futures. According to some, no god will own up to our lives for us, and we have to own up to it and decide for ourselves.

What is a Karmic Partner?

What is a Karmic Partner?

“There are no accidental meetings between souls.” -Sheila Burke

Some would say a Karmic Partner is a divine life partner who we have a Karmic connection to who we are destined to find. What is a Karmic Connection? A Karmic Connection has been established in a past life and cannot be broken by death and reincarnation. This connection is so powerful, that people manage to come together in new lives. Some claim they have been together with Karmic Partners for many lives, and even make vows to find one another in future incarnations. Some would say this is controlling destiny in future lives to decide to find one another and this is one area where we control what happens in our own lives and compatible love. Some say this happens with soulmates as well, and we are meant to be together. Some believe everybody has soulmates and nothing can keep us away from them.

What About Soulmates and Destiny?

What About Soulmates and Destiny?

“One love, one heart, one destiny”- Bob Marley

One of the quotes about true love and destiny is above and it says “One love, one heart, one destiny” and that makes it sound as if finding our soulmate will fulfill our destiny and complete us. What if you say “ I found my soulmate but we can’t be together” ? If you and your soulmate can’t be together it is possible you will be able to in your futures and you just need to keep working on making it happen. Self-defeating thoughts can make us stop trying to be with people who we truly love and are meant to be with.

Soulmates come to us when they are meant to, and we can have more than one soulmate. Sometimes, soulmates are meant to be with us for a lifetime, but sometimes they are meant to be with us for a time, and then we drift apart somehow. Is it fair to say we are destined to find our soulmate like some people believe? Yes, because people meant to be with us somehow find their way into our lives. What if you are what they call “star-crossed lovers”?

What is the Meaning of Star-Crossed Lovers?

What is the Meaning of Star-Crossed Lovers?

“Thus with a kiss I die.” -William Shakespeare from Romeo and Juliet

Set in the eastern Jin Dynasty of China, two young people meet, and fall in love, but the woman’s family keep them apart. The girl was named Zhu Yinhtai, and she convinces her parents to allow her to disguise herself as a young man so she can take classes that are forbidden to girls. There she meets Liang Shanbo and falls madly in love with him. Three years later, her parents call her back home, and Liang travels with her to see her off, still unaware she is a girl. She tells him to come see her and marry her sister and when he shows up to do so, discovers Zhu is a girl, and they pledge to be together forever.

 Unfortunately, her parents have betrothed her to someone else and they won’t let her out of the arranged marriage, and Liang dies of a broken heart. In the end, Zhu goes to mourn at Liang’s grave, and prays for the earth to open so she can join him. She is granted this wish and their spirits turn into butterflies and fly away together. These are star crossed lovers, or lovers who are kept apart for some reason. What is the meaning of these relationships if destiny is real? Zhu and Liang could not control their lives while human, but in spirit form, they united, and nobody could come between them.

We cannot always decide everything for ourselves, and it is quite possible some of you reading this will endure being star crossed lovers at some point. Remember though, if this person you love is meant to be with you, no matter what happens, you will find a way to be together.

Are Difficult Relationships Destined?

Are Difficult Relationships Destined?

“It’s better to be alone than alone in a relationship” -Betsy Arvidson

Is our difficult relationship necessarily something we manifested, and something that we deserve? First off, what other people do is their choice, and we do not control other people. Secondly, what we control is our reactions so If we deliberately choose to remain in relationships that are toxic, it is our right, and it is also our right to terminate said relationship. If we stay, we choose to live with the difficulties, and that is our responsibility, but the things other people do to be difficult is their responsibility, not ours. Are we somehow meant to be in difficult relationships, and this is predestined based on decisions by gods or karma from past lives?

We can never prove either way if such relationships are predetermined, but we can still make decisions. Do we deserve it if somebody mistreats us? No, we never deserve mistreatment. It is not punishment for sins of a past life, but somebody acting in hurtful ways towards us, and we do not deserve it. Having said that, not all relationship difficulties are due to mistreatment or abuse and learning to work through things will strengthen our relationships in the long run. How do we decide if a relationship difficulty is worth toughing out and the relationship does not need scrapped? Here are some things to think about: All About Love and Relationships | Mysticsense

Do We Attract What We Are Ready For?

Do We Attract What We Are Ready For?

“When we are ready to make positive changes in our lives, we attract whatever we need to help us.” -Louise Hay

Some people will tell you that every single thing that ever happened to you is something you manifest- and thus deserve- all on your own, but that is not true. That broken bone that put you out of school for months is not something you earned due to sins of a past life, and being that young, you had no idea climbing that tree could result in such an injury. The terminal illness your family member is dying of is not something they deserve. Being cheated on is not something people earn and being born in crippling poverty is not something anybody deserves either. So no, we don’t attract EVERYTHING that comes into our lives.

One woman told a friend who was ill that they would be healed when they were ready to be, and the friend insisted they had been ready for a long time. Other people insist that “ God never gives us anything we can’t handle” but a highly spiritual Methodist said she did not believe her god pushed suffering onto people. Some people say suffering makes them stronger, but other people say suffering makes them hurt and they could have learned strength in other ways. If you are struggling, it’s not necessarily something you somehow drew to yourself, and not necessarily something you deserve. Don’t let anybody tell you differently.

However, sometimes, we do attract what we need. We set goals, and our hard work brings us results. We pray, and sometimes those prayers are answered with a miracle. We open ourselves to love and friendship when we are lonely and allow new people into our lives. Yes, we really can bring things into our lives with our attitudes and actions, but that does not mean everything that comes into our lives is a direct result of something we do or deserve.

How to Find Out Your Destiny

How to Find Out Your Destiny

“ I can control my destiny, but not my fate. Destiny means there are opportunities to turn right or left, but fate is a one-way street. I believe we all have the choice as to whether we fulfill our destiny, but our fate is sealed.”- Paul Coelho

The good news is, you can let your heart breathe when it comes to destiny. Diligence in life is one of the good qualities to have, but there is no one way to discover what your destiny is, most especially if it is something you believe, as Paul Coelho does, that you decide your own destiny. Destiny as something we decide changes often, based on things that come into our lives, and the decisions we make in reaction to them. There is plenty in life we cannot control, but thankfully, we can control plenty else, and we do that with every choice we make.

May you control your own destiny every day. May you build your life on your own terms and in ways that are joyous and meaningful to you. May the things you cannot control enrich your life instead of causing suffering, and may you never feel powerless. So be it!

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