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March Love Matches

Rachel Clare
By Rachel Clare
February 27, 2023
March Love Matches
March Love Matches

For those born in March, it may be easy to find information about birthstones, but what is the most accurate love horoscope if you are a Pisces or Aries? Also, what is the spiritual significance of March and the festivities around the world in the month itself. What else about the beautiful month of March should I know? Learn this today with Mysticsense!

March brings joy and hope to many of us as it marks the beginning of warmer seasons. In this month, we first see the signs of spring as flowers begin to sprout and baby animals are born. March is also the first of four months to be 30 days long. On occasion, Easter Sunday can fall in March and is, on average, a month of temperate yet varied weather for most countries in the Northern Hemisphere. Conversely, for the Southern Hemisphere, March marks the beginning of autumn and the start of cooling temperatures. In the Southern Hemisphere, March is equivalent to the month of September in the North and vice versa. In this article we will explore

If you are born in March, you may be interested to learn about your birth month gemstones, birth month flowers, and the zodiac signs you may be a part of. Otherwise, you may wish to know which signs are best matched to those born in March. There is so much fascinating history about the beautiful month of March that it would be a shame to overlook it. Read on if you want to learn more!

The History of March

The History of March

March’s name derives from “Martius”, the first month in the original Roman calendar. However, it was stripped of its title as the first month of the year in around 450 BCE. Martius was named after the Roman god of war, Mars, as the month saw the start of the season of warfare in Roman society. Martius was also particularly important for Romans as it was the start of warmer weather, religious observances and many new year festivals took place in the month. After a stagnant and cold period (that we now know to be January and February), the month of Martius housed the beginning of new life, action and planning for the year ahead. If you think about it, not much has changed about the way we view March today; most of us delight in the defrosting of the earth, the budding of new flowers and the lengthening of the days. We can also enjoy the official start of spring, the Vernal Equinox and the mighty Full Worm Moon! March is simply brimming with new life and potential, making it a wonderful birth month packed with symbolism and significance.

March Celestial Meaning

There is a famous proverb that states March’s weather “comes in like a lion and out like a lamb”. This simply means that the month is notorious for kicking off with stormy weather and finishing with calmer, milder conditions. That said, this proverb actually has two meanings - in the celestial sense, the start of March sees the constellation of Leo (the lion) rise eastward, “coming in like a lion”, while Aries (the ram) sets westward at the end of March, and therefore, “going out like a lamb”.

What is Your Birthstone for March?

What is Your Birthstone for March?

Birthstones first became a concept in eastern europe in the 16th Century, with folks believing that those who wore the stone associated with their birth month would receive good luck, protection and shielding from negative energy. The tradition has since spread across much of the world and people nowadays still enjoy both wearing and gifting their loved ones with their specific special gems. With that in mind, have you ever wondered about the March birthstone? Well, March is lucky in that it actually has two birthstones; Aquamarine and Bloodstone.


Romans named aquamarine after “aqua”, the Roman word for water and “mare”, meaning sea as the stone resembled the color of seawater. Roman mythology claimed that aquamarine stones were originally the treasured possessions of deep-sea sirens and mermaids which ended up washing ashore. As such, aquamarine was a highly prized gemstone and seen as a sacred gift to the Roman god of the sea, Neptune. Naturally, with the gem’s sacred origins a firm favorite of the ruler of the seas, Roman fishermen and sea voyagers liked to keep aquamarine with them when making journeys across water. Aquamarine was believed to protect them against the harsh, unpredictable conditions of the sea and promise a successful return home. Not only this, but the Romans also revered aquamarine for its healing properties and saw the gem as a way to cure intestinal and digestive issues. In fact, in the Middle Ages, aquamarine was even considered to be an antidote for poison. 


Sometimes known as heliotrope, Bloodstone is a type of quartz that has a dark green hue with blood red smattering of iron oxide. The traditional name ‘heliotrope’ is derived from the ancient Greek word meaning “to turn towards the sun” and was believed to have a deep connection with the movement of the sun. The name “bloodstone” that we are more familiar with today is a result of the vivid red speckling visible on the stone’s surface. This color pattern resembles and is thus associated with the spilled blood of Christ, meaning the bloodstone has a profound religious significance. The properties and virtues attributed to bloodstone include strength, vitality, and the preservation of health. In some countries in Asia, bloodstone is even crushed up and ingested as both an aphrodisiac and a health supplement. 

March Birth Month Flower

March Birth Month Flower

The notion of birth month flowers is thought to have originated in Roman times, with Romans offering the birth month flower as a birthday gift to the gods. Nowadays, knowing the birth month flower of our friends and family is a nice way to add an extra personal touch to an already stunning birthday bouquet or celebratory wreath. March’s birth month flower is the beautiful yellow daffodil.


Daffodils are a striking flower that most of us associate with the beginning of spring. As they first sprout after the bleakness of winter, they traditionally symbolize fresh starts and new beginnings, bringing joy and hope to the new season. However, there is another, somewhat less positive meaning attributed to the lovely daffodil; in Latin, the name for daffodil is Narcissus and directly links to the term “narcissist” that we use today. In fact, the Narcissus flower has an interesting story attached to it, describing the Narcissus character staring so fondly at his reflection in the water that he fell in and drowned. The daffodil was given this name as they commonly grow at the side of rivers, the same scene as Narcissus’ fateful death. That being said, while March’s birth flower is an unfortunate symbol of vanity in Greek mythology, in many other cultures, the yellow flower is seen in a far more positive light. It carries connotations of birth, happiness, joy, and an optimistic outlook on the spring months to come.

What is March’s Zodiac Signs?

What is March’s Zodiac Signs?

If you are a March baby, you will either be Pisces or Aries. Pisces are born between February 19th and March 20th and are a sensitive, caring Water sign. They are known to be spiritual, in touch with their feelings, and incredibly creative. However, they can be easily offended and overthink issues to an unhealthy degree. Aries, on the other hand, probably couldn’t be more different. This bold, brash sign has a zest for life and a drive to success unmatched by most. They are born between March 21st and April 19th and are part of the Fire elemental group. This makes them passionate beings, but quick to lose their temper.

Pisces Star Sign Compatibility

Pisces Star Sign Compatibility

Sensitive and loving, Pisceans make excellent partners. They are endless dreamers who can spend hours dreaming up the perfect, fairytale romance in their head. For this reason, they won't stop until they find the perfect match. However, when their self-esteem is running low, they may look for validation from their partners, but they are careful not to let these issues negatively affect the relationship. Pisceans are water signs after all, so they often lead with their hearts over their heads. Also, due to their intense emotionality, it isn't uncommon for this sign to fall head over heels for love interests and grow attached incredibly quickly. Thus, Pisceans can sometimes allow themselves to be taken advantage of by partners who do not have their best interests at heart. Additionally, Pisceans are very honest with the people they love and rarely leave issues unspoken. In a relationship with a Pisces, you can expect plenty of transparency. Passive aggression, petulance, or bottling up hurt feelings from a partner is this sign's worst nightmare.

Capricorn and Pisces Compatibility in Love

Capricorns are famous for their level-headedness and structured approach to life. This, interestingly, makes a very compatible match for the watery and emotional Pisces as they both can teach each other valuable lessons about life. On the one hand, Capricorn can encourage Pisces to rationalize their problems and work through them using logic. On the other hand, Pisces can chip away at Capricorn’s notoriously stoic manner and help them connect with their sensitive side a little more.

Cancer and Pisces Compatibility in Love

Are Pisces and Cancer a good match in love? Well, these two are both incredibly sensitive souls with the ability to connect and comfort with those around them. They both seem to have a spiritual touch about them as their emotionality can be really disarming. In terms of a romantic relationship, Cancer and Pisces are likely to use these mutual talents for optimal benefit, leading to a passionate, expressive, and deeply spiritual partnership with their significant other. That said, Cancers tend to be planners who find comfort in sticking to a plan and following an agenda whereas Pisces people prefer to go by their intuition and instinct. This means that these two signs can harmonize beautifully with one another and emphasize each other’s best qualities.

Aries Star Sign Compatibility

Aries Star Sign Compatibility

When seeking a soulmate, Aries places a great deal of importance on physical attraction. Although this is a key factor for success in most relationships, if an Aries is not satisfied visually, they may have trouble sticking with the relationship. Aries are also known to be ruthless when it comes to reaching their goal of finding that person to ignite their fire, so you can be sure they will stop at nothing to get it. However, Aries individuals should slow down and resist romantic impulses. In the long run, not every attractive person they encounter will benefit them, so digging a little deeper and attempting to foster a truly profound relationship will benefit them tremendously. Mars is the ruling planet of Aries, so this sign is passionate and heated. Many people enjoy spending time with an Aries because of the fun they have trying to tame their fire. This is admittedly not an easy task, but the ride is still exciting nonetheless. Therefore, the fact that Aries are shamelessly flirty people who love to dominate romantic relationships shouldn't come as a surprise.

Libra and Aries Compatibility in Love

Libra and Aries love compatibility is very pronounced. Firstly, the two signs share a similar sense of enthusiasm for life and are always up for trying new things together. Also, Libra has a calming temperament and is able to temper fiery Aries, while Aries is able to pull out the fun, childish charm that lies within Libra. If these two signs are able to work through their issues maturely, avoid nit-picking, and keep the fun energy alive, there is a good chance of long-term success. 

Leo and Aries Love Compatibility

Is Leo and Aries compatible? Relationships between Aries and Leo are fiery, passionate, and filled with fun. Occasionally, this couple may fight for attention in social settings but they are without a doubt the most confident and entertaining couple at the party. This is because Leos and Aries share a sense of adventure that results in endless stories and witty anecdotes. While it is possible that conflict could arise between these two signs due to their similarities, it is more likely that both partners will enjoy the subtle power play that occurs between them. These two fire signs will thrive off this lighthearted competition. 

Do you still want to know more about the birth month of March? There are many resources at Mysticsense that can guide you with your learning and provide insight for any other questions you may have. Get started learning more about March at Mysticsense today!

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