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How to Gain Chakra Awareness

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
September 13, 2022
How to Gain Chakra Awareness
How to Gain Chakra Awareness
TL;DRWe have heard of our chakras, and some people insist we can pay them to remove Chakra blockages, but what is a Chakra anyways, how do we become aware of them, and once we are, how do we access them? What happens if our chakras are not working properly and how can we fix that? Join us at Mysticsense as we explore our Chakras and discuss how to open them and use them.

What’s a Chakra?

What’s a Chakra?

Chakras, most simply stated, are psychic energy centers in the body which have been accessed in meditation by devotees of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism for centuries. In the 1800’s, Westerners took interest in these belief systems, and began studying and using techniques from them, including working with their Chakras. While the psychic energy body is different than the physical body, they both affect one another, and it is believed that problems with one can lead to problems with the other. The Chakras are believed to be located along the spinal column starting at the base of the spine, and then moving up to the crown of the head.

The Chakras govern things ranging from psychic awareness to basic consciousness. Unless you belong to a Buddhist, Taoist, or Hindu tradition, chances are, your knowledge about Chakras comes from the Western new age movements. In the 1880’s Theosophists began exploring and combining beliefs from various religions. In 1927. Sir John Woodroffe wrote a book called The Serpent Power where he translated two Hindu texts,the Pādukā-Pañcakaand the Ṣaṭ-Cakra-Nirūpaṇa. In his book, he introduced the West to the seven-Chakra system. In 1927, Charles Leadbeater published The Chakras and wrote information about the seven rainbow colors corresponding to each Chakra. These type of books set forth information people typically use for visualization practice, however, traditional yogis and gurus of older traditions point out this is not the way Chakras are accessed in the older traditions they practice.

There are meditative practices, breathing techniques, and yogic exercises used to work with each of the Chakras using these older systems. These are not things learned simply by reading one article on the internet, but through study with experts who studied with other experts, and the studies take place over time. Some people say there is no evidence for the supposed Chakra locations and that doing an esoteric practice such as working on aligning and getting in touch with your energies is not possible without first respecting and adhering to a spiritual system.

However, much has been written by many cultures of people about the pranas, or Chakras , the energy centers in general, and much practice has been developed and written about Chakras and how to use them and keep them healthy. If you would really like to study with people whose tradition and beliefs about how to do work with Chakras are very old, it’s not unusual. A lot of people prefer to learn this way. You can access this teacher, called Sadhguru, , who said “ There is too much of “chakra talk” going on everywhere. Especially in the West, wherever you go, there are “wheel alignment centers” where they claim to “align” your seven chakras. From Yoga studios to chiropractics, everyone is talking about it these days. That has become a fad. But though everyone only talks about seven chakras, there are actually 114 chakras in the body.“: 7 Chakras: Mystical Dimensions of the Body’s Seven Chakras (

If you are not looking to join a group or school, and just want not read a bit about Chakras and how to use them according to more modern methods, read on. Remember, however, that Sadhguru says each Chakra can be a dominant one in your life. Whichever of these seven Chakras are dominant will show what dominates your life. Some people work to balance the Chakras energy so that each area the Chakras govern have equal importance in their lives, but you may attach extra importance to one area and allow that Chakra to be the one you focus on most, but each Chakra should be opened and worked with.

The Root Chakra

The Root Chakra

Beginning at the lowest point of the Chakras at the base of the spinal column is the Root Chakra also called the Muladhra. This Chakra is said to “root “ us or connect us to the earth itself. This Chakra establishes your personal sense of security, your connections with family, and your sense of feeling “ at home.” When this Chakra is functioning well, it will ensure you feel secure and confident about yourself and your place in the world in general. Balancing and ensuring your Root Chakra is open will help with balancing and opening all the other Chakras and ensuring the energies freely flow throughout your body in general.

Sadhguru points out that this is the foundation Chakra, and it is not good to ignore setting a good foundation. It is said that you achieve your true nature and extend your life when you work on this Chakra. Good ways to work on balancing this is to form a personal relationship with the earth. Some people walk barefoot in nature to achieve this while others will do gardening. Furthering your relationship to earth by being a conservationist is another way to establish that relationship. Participation in dance and exercise to balance the body is another way to begin this and purging unnecessary things that are basically “junk” from your home is yet another way.

The Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra

Called the Svadhisthana, the Sacral Chakra is located just below the navel. It is called the Chakra of sexuality, creativity, and desires in general. The things we enjoy and want to do as well as our sexuality, and how we express those things also originate in this Chakra. It is portrayed as a lotus flower that has six petals, and the goddess Parvati, goddess of motherhood, power, and nourishment is of this Chakra. She is recognized in many forms, including her form of Kameshwari, who helps to fulfill desires.

Sacral Chakra blockage symptoms include kidney and urinary issues, back pain, fertility problems, and menstrual issues. However, things like lapse in creativity or issues in your personal relationships can indicate a block of your Sacral Chakra too. Ways to help heal this are to be forgiving and understanding of yourself. Nobody is perfect and beating yourself will stifle your ability to enjoy life or let your creativity shine. Focusing on hobbies and having fun will also help. Walking off from toxic relationships or working to unlearn your own toxic habits that compromise relationships will also help.

Some people will use yoga to help with their Sacral Chakra, and one pose that helps is called the garland pose, which can be seen here: Garland Pose (Deep Squat) ( Accepting your personal sexuality and exploring that healthfully with partners will also help balance your Sacral Chakra. Never allow society or individuals to tell you that your natural desires are wrong or the people who you love are forbidden to you.

The Solar Plexus

The Solar Plexus

Also called the Manipura, this Chakra is in what is called the Solar Plexus region. The Solar Plexus is a bundle of nerves that intertwine behind the belly button area. This Chakra is all about personal strength, confidence, and determination. The part of the body it is associated with are adrenal glands and pancreas. These convert food to energy for the body, giving us the strength to live. Thus, the Solar Plexus moves life through our bodies.

To keep your Solar Plexus balanced, practice self-love and radical self-acceptance. Positive affirmations focusing on pride and your personal strengths and accomplishments keep this Chakra balanced and strong. If this Chakra is unbalanced, it is believed you may have a lack of self-esteem, which leads to lack of motivation to accomplish goals. Imbalance of this Chakra can also make you overly prideful and controlling of other people. Believe it or not, some people believe foods like bananas, sunflower seeds, pineapple, and ginger help to keep this Chakra healthy.

The Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra

Called the Anahata and it is located centrally in the lower part of the chest. It deals with our relationships because it helps decide how much empathy, compassion, and love we feel for ourselves and others. It also, believe it or not, connects the spiritual with the physical in our lives. Therefore, the Heart Chakra and relationships go hand in hand.

Heart Chakra opening symptoms include a feeling of interconnectedness with all of creation as well as being generous and feeling emotions very deeply. Your relationships will be stable, and you will be able to empathize with others, and be forgiving as well. If your Heart Chakra is unbalanced, you may have pain and tightness in your upper back region. You may lack compassion for others and unfortunately, you can also lack compassion for yourself. You can hold grudges over small things and have difficulty connecting to others or receive love.

“I want to know how to heal my Heart Chakra,” you might say. How to heal the Heart Chakra or keep it open and balanced is by wearing the colors green or pink. Pink represents love and green is of the earth but it is also the color the Heart Chakra is said to be. You can work on being compassionate to people and animals as well. You can also find ways to be of service to others and do things that are kind for yourself.

The Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra is also called the Vishuddha and it is located in the throat, and the center of the neck itself. The parts of the body it is associated with are the throat, mouth, neck, thyroid gland, ears, and head. It governs communication and how we express ourselves. If your Throat Chakra is healthy and balanced, your ability to clearly communicate to others as well as understand what they are communicating to you will be good. It is said the body parts related to the Throat Chakra will be healthy as well. You will be open and sincere as well.

Throat Chakra opening symptoms are that your ability to communicate with others becomes easier and any aches or pains you had in the areas the Throat Chakra corresponds with will ease off. You will be able to discard social anxiety and the ability to coherently express yourself will be enhanced.

The Third Eye

The Third Eye

The Third Eye is called Ajna and it is located between your eyebrows on your forehead. It corresponds with the center of the forehead, but it is pointed out that there is no physical manifestation of this. This is because the Third Eye represents the intuition. Understanding the Third Eye and its powers is simple. It is literally the brain, and comprehension of the information presented in both the physical and psychic sense.

Opening Third Eye Chakra Symptoms are that you suddenly become more sensitive to other people’s energies, and your intuitive and psychic abilities will become stronger. You can have sudden psychic abilities you had never experienced before, and you may even have deep epiphanies. Your dreams can become vivid and prophetic as well.

“What if my Chakra is Blocked?” If your Third Eye Chakra is blocked, you may notice your intuition is blocked or intuitive messages may become vague or muddled. Some people believe sudden headaches with no medical reason may indicate a blocked Third Eye, and an inability to remember dreams when you never had that problem before can indicate a blocked Third Eye. To use Third Eye ability again, simply unblock it with any of these things shared below.

It is said that gently pressing on the area between the brows will help activate and balance the Third Eye and it is traditional for Hindu people to apply a bindi or tilak, or a dot or piece of jewelry on the Third Eye keeps things from blocking it and help keep it open. Meditation focused on clearing the mind and opening it to psychic messages also helps. Chanting “Aum” is said to help open the Third Eye as well. To read more about the Third Eye in depth, see here: What is the Third Eye and How Can We Open it? | Mysticsense

The Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra is also called Sahasrara and it is located on the top of your head, or on your “crown” of the head. However, some claim the Crown Chakra is just slightly above the head, not actually touching the physical body. Some people associate this Chakra with the pineal gland or pituitary gland. It is said that this Chakra is all about wisdom, consciousness, and thought. When this Chakra is balanced perfectly, the illusion of the individual self is said to be abolished and one is said to attain supreme consciousness. It is said this Chakra is the seat of Lord Shiva, god of supreme creation, destruction, and protection of all he has created. To attain a perfectly balanced Crown Chakra is to attain divine wisdom and have unlimited access to that.

Blocked Crown Chakra symptoms include an overwhelming fear of death as well as extreme dissatisfaction with life itself. Refusal to work towards spirituality, and impatiently wanting to immediately become spiritually advanced without working at it is another symptom. To open the Chakra, and remove the blockage, regular meditation is advised as well as the Vriksasana, or Tree Pose yogic position. You can see this yoga pose here: (121) Vrikshasana - Tree Pose | Benefits | Steps | Yogic Fitness | Art Of Living Yoga - YouTube

“ Is my Crown Chakra TOO Open?” Can a Chakra be too open? Yes, it can, if it makes you feel overwhelmed, that is. Since many who are in the Western Nations don’t study with yogis or gurus when working with their Chakras, they can feel overwhelmed when their Chakras begin to open. Relax, take a break, and go with the movement of your opening. You can always speak to your Chakras, asking them to slow down so you can catch up emotionally.

Seeing Chakra Colors

Seeing Chakra Colors

Each Chakra is said to have its corresponding colors which form a rainbow of colors. People say they visualize these colors and can see if they are healthy and brilliant, or dim and discolored, which would indicate a problem. Beginning with the Root Chakra, it is red, then the Sacral Chakra is orange. The Solar Plexus is characterized as yellow, like the golden Sun, and the Heart Chakra is green like the growing earth itself. The Throat Chakra is said to be a lighter blue or aqua with the Third Eye being brilliant indigo or royal blue. At the very top Chakra, the Crown Chakra is violet.

You may be able to physically SEE these colors when you meditate or look within yourself spiritually, and some people use this to guide knowing if a Chakra needs some attention or if it’s open nicely.

How Do I Know Which Chakra to Open First?

How Do I Know Which Chakra to Open First?

If you are going to activate and open Chakras, it is best to open and activate the Root Chakra first. It is said this is the beginning of all the Chakras and should be worked with first. The Hindu god Ganesh is associated with this Chakra and while he is a god of many things, he is well known for being a god who removes obstacles. Like Ganesh opens the way, your Root Chakra will act as a beginning for work with the other Chakras.

Opening your Chakras will improve all areas of your life and knowing how to do this with the help of gurus can be found free online anytime. Your physical body and your psychic body act together, making you a whole beautiful person, and balance one another well with proper care and practice. You’re worth it.

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