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The House of Pentacles in Tarot

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
April 19, 2022
The House of Pentacles in Tarot
The House of Pentacles in Tarot
TL;DRThe cards in the house or suit of Pentacles are just one of the houses in the Tarot deck of the Minor Arcana. There are also, Wands, Swords, and Cups. Each house of Minor Arcana cards can stand alone in a Tarot reading if you would like to do a reading with just those, but what do Pentacles mean? Join us at Mysticsense to learn this and more about the Suit of Pentacles.

When you get a Tarot reading, your psychic can use a plethora of tools, but one often used is the Tarot Cards. They are recognizable by their beautiful imagery, and their traditional meanings are well known by many. The Pentacles or Coins house of cards are one of the four houses in the Minor arcana, and they have a special meaning no other cards in the Tarot deck do. What do Pentacles in general represent and what do each of the cards in the suit of Pentacles mean in a Tarot reading?

Join us to learn this, but first, read about how a Tarot reading works here: What Are Tarot Cards Readings & How Do They Work | Mysticsense

The House of Pentacles

The House of Pentacles

Each suit of cards in the Tarot deck have their own meaning. Pentacles, also called Coins in some decks refer to career and work, wealth and money, commercial endeavors, and material things in general. Each card in the Suit of Pentacles has its own meaning. Some Tarot readers rely on intuition to guide them as to what the cards are telling them in the reading, but there are some classic meanings the cards can generally indicate.

The Ace of Pentacles Meaning

The Ace of Pentacles Meaning

The Ace of Pentacles indicates prosperity and may even indicate a new financial opportunity. It can indicate optimism in general in your material life, or even a new job. It can indicate you have a good foundation and are enjoying plentiful stability.

The Ace of Pentacles Reversed Meaning

Reversed, this card means the opposite of what it does right side up. While it can indicate some form of material loss, it can also indicate poor planning on your part, which would be a best-case scenario. In that instance it means you can apply yourself and work hard to be prosperous. It can also indicate unbalanced use of resources from being stingy or even overspending.

The Two of Pentacles Meaning

The Two of Pentacles Meaning

The Two of Pentacles Tarot card is all about balancing things. Maybe you are balancing career and personal life or maybe you are balancing your wealth in general. Right side up it tells you that you should focus on task management and not overextending yourself. Two of Pentacles love meaning is to look at how well-balanced things are in your love life. Are you working so hard you don’t have time for your partner? Is your partner neglecting their part of the relationship, leaving you responsible for everything? Take an unbiased look at things and decide what needs adjusted.

The Two of Pentacles Reversed Meaning

The Two of Pentacles reversed can indicate that you are literally juggling too many things and you are about to see them all come crashing down on you if you don’t pace yourself better. It can indicate lack of resources or even not having enough time to get everything done. Two of Pentacles love reversed meaning can be that your attention and adoration is not appreciated or noticed by your partner, or that one of you isn’t dedicating the time and emotional energy the relationship needs. It can also indicate that one of you has become jealous or possessive. Either way, your love life is somehow unbalanced and needs you to fix it.

The Three of Pentacles Meaning

The Three of Pentacles Meaning

The Three of Pentacles card is one of learning, apprenticeship, working towards goals and dreams, and either meeting people you can learn from, or accepting education from them. It can also indicate a team effort and collaborating with others. This is an “Us“ card, and you are somehow involved with people who are working towards the same goals as you and you are all benefitting one another. The Three of Pentacles love meaning is about a harmonious coupling where you work together, compromise, and one where you two are united as a couple.

The Three of Pentacles Reversed Meaning

The Three of Pentacles reversed means a lack of motivation to unite with others is there, and you may not be the one who feels like this. Your whole team in general could be dealing with this, and it will compromise the project. There may be struggles for power or even just a lack of cohesion as to how best to do the work. There could be zero desire to learn or improve as well. The Three of Pentacles reversed love meaning is about lack of unity in your romance relationship. There could be a breakdown in communication, or you may be disagreeing about what way the relationship should move forward. The two of you can sit down and discuss everything openly and try to get on the same page together.

The Four of Pentacles Meaning

The Four of Pentacles Meaning

The Four of Pentacles is about being overly materialistic to the point of possibly hoarding things. Saving resources and information for the right people and situations is important but holding onto them and never giving them to whom they belong is unnecessary. Somebody is withholding something in this situation, and it needs to be put where it belongs instead. In a love reading, it can indicate possessiveness, and that’s not healthy. Remember that even when you are in love, you are still your own person, and nobody has the right to act like they own you.

The Four of Pentacles Reversed Meaning

The Four of Pentacles reversed indicates being generous and allowing things to go. It can point to freeing up material things or giving another person their freedom. In a love reading, the Four of Pentacles can be telling you that one of you have let go of the heartbreaks of the past, and this relationship is one that you won’t have to worry about breaking your heart.

The Five of Pentacles Meaning

The Five of Pentacles Meaning

The Five of Pentacles card is not a fun one to get right side up in a reading. It is all about struggling and suffering. It can indicate temporary poverty or feeling cast out from where you belong. It can be foretelling limitations or a source of money drying up. The Five of Pentacles in a love reading can point to heartbreak or feeling starved for love. Regardless of what this card is telling you is going on, your goal is to tough out the difficulties and work for better days ahead.

The Five of Pentacles Reversed Meaning

The Five of Pentacles reversed is letting you know the time of recovery is at hand and you can begin to piece things back together. If you have suffered financial loss, a new source of income is on the way. If you have felt cast out, you will either be brought back into the fold or be accepted by new people. A Five of Pentacles reversed love reading tells you that heartbreak or loneliness is at its end. If you are single, the opportunity to meet a new lover is yours and if your romance has been difficult, either things will improve, or you will break off things and feel much much better.

The Six of Pentacles Meaning

The Six of Pentacles Meaning

The Six of Pentacles present meaning is a card of sharing the wealth. This can manifest as giving somebody a job or raise and can also manifest as being generous with how lenient you are with an employee who seems to have excessive absences. This can indicate that you will receive gifts and it can even indicate setting healthy boundaries, being kind to yourself. The Six of Pentacles love reading is that of harmonious love relations, and that the lovers are balanced and well suited to one another, creating a fair, mutually beneficial relationship.

The Six of Pentacles Reversed Meaning

Reversed, the Six of Pentacles can indicate unfair debt, or that somebody is holding back generosity. It can indicate there is unkindness and selfishness going on or that somebody expects others to be servile and kowtow to their overblown egotism and unfair authority. The Six of Pentacles reversed love reading can indicate a number of unbalanced love relationships. There may be co dependance, dominance, or verbal abuse going on in the relationship. One thing is for sure, one person in this love partnership is mistreating the other, and that needs to stop.

The Seven of Pentacles Meaning

The Seven of Pentacles Meaning

The Seven of Pentacles as a person is someone who is an enterprising man or woman who plans ahead, works hard, and reaps the benefits of their hard work over time. The Seven of Pentacles future focus is in laying the seeds and doing the nitty gritty work to win out in the future with an understanding that investing as opposed to trying to get rich quickly is the way to get ahead. The Seven of Pentacles meaning is that you should focus on planning and working towards goals to see good benefits and not be impatient for results. The Seven of Pentacles advice is to work hard and look forward to tomorrow’s reward. The Seven of Pentacles love meaning is to take your time to get to know your lover or take your time dating instead of committing to the first relationship that comes along. All good things are worth waiting for.

The Seven of Pentacles Reversed Meaning

The Seven of Pentacles reversed can indicate bad investments, not planning well, not having a good business plan, or even being too lazy to do the work that needs to be done for the project to succeed. The Seven of Pentacles yes or no reading can definitely be a profound “No” if the card is reversed, because it indicates things that are not favorable to success. The Seven of Pentacles reversed love reading can indicate the relationship has hit a snag, and there is no forward movement. One or both of you may be reluctant to face hard truths or put any effort into making your relationship a priority. Don’t worry, though, because with the right work, both of you can see to it your relationship grows.

The Eight of Pentacles Meaning

The Eight of Pentacles Meaning

The Eight of Pentacles is a card of self-mastery and personal development. Right side up this advises working to learn new skills and improve your abilities. The more skills and education you have, the more valuable business partners will consider you, and the better version of yourself you will become. It can include listening with an open mind to constructive criticism so you can continue self-improvement and it counsels dedication and diligence in your move upwards in your trade or career.

The Eight of Pentacles Reversed Meaning

The Eight of Pentacles reversed means thinking you are ”too cool for school” and are so great, you need never do better. You may reject good advice and that will earn you a reputation of being arrogant and difficult to work with as well as impossible to mentor. Even senior masters of their crafts learn new things along the way even if they don’t branch out into new things, and the more you improve, the greater your mastery will be.

The Nine of Pentacles Meaning

The Nine of Pentacles Meaning

The Nine of Pentacles is all about thriving in your success and the wonderful independence you have earned for yourself. It is a card of being successful through your own hard work, and this card assures stability in your success. You are on top of the world, in the driver’s seat of your own life, and nothing is at hand to take that from you. The Nine of Pentacles love meaning can indicate two things. One, it can indicate that you are happily single and feel no need for a romance currently. If you are in a romance, it can indicate it’s a good one you have both contributed to, and it could be for life.

The Nine of Pentacles Reversed Meaning

The Nine of Pentacles reversed can indicate that you have built a situation you are not happy with or that you feel trapped. It can indicate that the success you have is costing you entirely too much from your own life or that you are financially dependent and desperately crave to be on your own, able to support yourself. The Nine of Pentacles reversed love reading means things are not going well in your love life and you can’t fix it by yourself. Either your partner is going to have to do their fair share, or you and your partner need some helpful advice. Either way, it’s time to work on your love life, and reaching out to the right person for their wise words is the way to do it.

The Ten of Pentacles Meaning

The Ten of Pentacles Meaning

The Ten of Pentacles is about family traditions, stable wealth, and a good family life in general. For some, it is indicating that their family IS their wealth, and for others, their family is the reason for their success. The Ten of Pentacles may be telling you that you are about to get an unexpected inheritance or some other large benefit for the traditions that led to your wealth. The Ten of Pentacles love meaning is about establishing your own family, and if you are asking about marriage or kids, the card is telling you the time is right!

The Ten of Pentacles Reversed Meaning

The Ten of Pentacles reversed can indicate a fight within your family, a loss of wealth you built over a long period of time, having your inheritance disputed, or even a break from tradition to work towards your wealth or future. Be aware that when you do things in different ways than people expect you to, they may put up opposition, but if you truly feel this is right for you, stick to your guns and move forward. The Ten of Pentacles reversed love reading can have to do with divorce, or even marrying only for money. Sometimes nothing hurts worse than realizing somebody is only involved with you for the material benefits but remember that not everybody is selfish about money, and you can find love with somebody else.

The Page of Pentacles Meaning

The Page of Pentacles Meaning

The Page of Pentacles is a thrifty, practical planner, and can make something marvelous out of seemingly nothing. Finding resources in unexpected places and putting a plan into action for better times ahead is the energy the Page of Pentacles brings to the reading. The Page of Pentacles has also been called by some the Prince card, and the Prince of Pentacles love meaning is to not be afraid to spend time with somebody who is different than your “type”. New love can be found in unexpected places and having the emotional maturity to keep your options open might just lead you to the one you are meant to grow old with.

The Page of Pentacles Reversed Meaning

The Page of Pentacles reversed can indicate going into debt with a lifestyle that is too expensive for you. It can indicate squandering resources, or even just ignoring them entirely, and recklessly overconsuming. You might not be wasting resources, but you don’t believe there is a way to improve them, or you are too lazy to set goals and try. The Page of Pentacles reversed love reading can indicate that you or your partner are afraid to commit or are not as dedicated to the relationship as you had thought. Either way, when the Page of Pentacles comes up reversed in a love reading, it’s tome to reevaluate both yours and your partners priorities and make changes as necessary.

The Knight of Pentacles Meaning

The Knight of Pentacles Meaning

The Knight of Pentacles card is about patience, persistence, and having the ability to dedicate long term to projects and goals. Self-control, stability, and determination define this card, and it can be telling you that working toward a goal slowly and deliberately is the way to move forward with things right now. This also indicates somebody who is invested in relationships for the long haul, so this is a great card to pull right side up in a love reading.

The Knight of Pentacles Reversed Meaning

The Knight of Pentacles reversed can be warning of impatience and trying to do things quickly, and improperly. Seeing projects through to the end no matter how long it takes is what The Knight of Pentacles embodies right side up, and reversed it means that either you, or somebody else involved doesn’t want to bother to do that. In a love reading, the Knight of Pentacles reversed indicates your lover is not interested in long term stability and wants quick results. Some people are impatient and expect commitment from people immediately without getting to know them. Be aware this is going on and don’t be the one to make this mistake.

The Queen of Pentacles Meaning

The Queen of Pentacles Meaning

The Queen of Pentacles feelings for the people she loves are those of protection. She’s nurturing, a healer, and is a down to earth individual who builds a secure home and takes a lot of lucky people into her heart. Right side up the card indicates all these energies in a person and also a situation, so if you are asking about career, it means the job is a keeper, and you can feel secure and like a valued member of the team. The Queen of Pentacles love reading is all about gathering in the people most important to you and that your nurturing will win the hearts of many. The Queen of Pentacles love outcome is that the relationship is one that emotionally satisfies everybody involved and is one worth committing to.

The Queen of Pentacles Reversed Meaning

The Queen of Pentacles reversed in a love reading can indicate that one or both of you in the relationship is emotionally holding back and not being concerned with the partner's feelings. This relationship is not nurturing and isn’t giving the emotional support you need. Maybe you or your partner are selfish or mean, or maybe one of you expects the other to do all the work but won’t participate. Either way, setting your sights on other lovers may be for the best.

The King of Pentacles Meaning

The King of Pentacles Meaning

The King of Pentacles indicates a successful businessperson and excellent provider for material needs. If the reading is about a job, this one will pay you will with great benefits, and if the reading is about love, your King of Pentacles lover will watch over you, keeping your best interests in mind. The King of Pentacles indicates success, cooperation, prosperity, and having full control of how you share and invest your wealth.

The King of Pentacles Reversed Meaning

Reversed, The King of Pentacles card can warn about a domineering control freak who will have only their own way. In career, it can indicate your job somehow dominates your life unhealthfully, or that your team or managers create a toxic workplace environment. Somebody may be too stubborn to listen to other team members, or there is only one way to do things at the job, and that way is simply not working out. In a love reading, it can indicate emotional coldness, verbal or emotional abuse, or even neglect from a lover who is uncaring. Regardless of what aspect of your life the King of Pentacles is drawn reversed about, find a way out if you can, because chances are this bad situation won’t change.

While a reading using just the cards of the House of Pentacles can give amazing answers, these cards don’t have to stand alone. Your reader can combine these with the Major Arcana cards and the cards of the suits of Cups, Wands, and Swords to give you an in-depth reading. Look for more articles about the Minor Arcana , explaining the meanings in detail of all the houses of cards. Join your Mysticsense psychic for a Tarot reading with the suit of Wands and all the cards in all the houses for a personal reading about all your life’s questions today.

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