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The Zodiac Signs Dirty Secrets

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
September 04, 2022
The Zodiac Signs Dirty Secrets
The Zodiac Signs Dirty Secrets
TL;DRWhen zodiac signs are in love, it can seem like amazing compatibility cannot ever be jeopardized…or can it? A perfectly matched zodiac couple may still run into issues from time to time and that’s because each zodiac sign has their own bad habits, but don’t be dismayed. Those habits can be unlearned, and relationships can survive and thrive even if we have been at our worst. Join Mysticsense to explore each of the signs' worst traits and how you can survive as a zodiac couple despite it all!

So, you have fallen in love with the Aries or Pisces, and you realize they are perfect for you. Luckily, a lot can be told about our best traits by our zodiac signs, and a lot of astrologers invest plenty of time praising our best qualities. Knowing your significant other’s zodiac sign will help you know all about their best traits, however, it’s only fair to mention that nobody is perfect, ever Mr. or Mrs. Right! You may wonder what you are in store for when your new sweetheart is at his or her worst, and what you should do to deal with it. That’s why we have broken down, sign by sign what to expect on your sweetheart’s worst days based on their horoscope signs and what you can do about it.

Understanding the Aries Woman’s Temperament

Your Aries man or woman may seem fun, competent, and energetic. They will sweep you off your feet with their confidence and ability to make it appear they have everything under control. That is, until they get upset. Then they can act like an absolute toddler throwing the mother of all tantrums- IN PUBLIC sometimes too, and they won’t be calmed down sometimes until they wear themselves out from having a major fit. Keep in mind that not all Aries throw fits over tiny things, and some don’t get upset until a LOT has gone wrong, but most Aries people are very demonstrative when they are upset and they like everybody to know it most especially if they get MAD instead of sad.

Unless your Aries is spoiled, immature, or just has an ego the size of the Milky Way, keep in mind that everybody gets upset about something at some point, and psychologists say it is healthier to let it out than to bottle it up. Let your Aries get it out of their system and move on to helping find solutions for whatever made them mad. If their friend/neighbor only calls when they want a favor, suggest they point that out to said friend, so they don’t feel walked on. If the grocery didn’t have the brand of pizza they wanted, take them to another store to find it. If they always blow their top when you drag them out of bed a couple hours earlier than they are used to getting up, stop doing that. There is almost always a solution to a problem, and once your Aries gets a chance to cool their jets, they will be ready to solve everything.

Understanding the Taurus Woman’s Bossiness

Understanding the Taurus Woman’s Bossiness

Your lovely Taurus is an amazing person who makes you and everybody else they love feel welcome in their homes and lives, and they will be the first one to step in and take care of you the second you need it. He or she is probably either a great cook, or they know exactly what restaurants or deli counters to get the best vittles from. Nobody feels unloved under their watch, and they are amorous, dedicated sex partners. Unfortunately, they can be downright domineering and act genuinely shocked when somebody tells them to stop trying to boss everybody around. People regularly tell them to stop being so darned bossy by the way, and they don’t mean to be.

What they mean is to take care of you, and they have thought out what they feel is the best way to do that. They don’t realize it is overstepping boundaries to balance your checkbook while you are working out on the elliptical machine, and they had no idea you wanted to pick out your own outfit to go meet their parents for the first time. Simply listen to their idea, and point blank say no, you have picked your own clothing out, and you balance your own checkbook thank you. Unless they are complete jerks, they will respect your choices. After all, they have already fussed over you and nurtured you enough to make you want to stick around and set your own boundaries.

Gemini Men’s Two Facedness

Gemini Men’s Two Facedness

One of the Gemini men facts is they have very versatile personalities and can adapt their approach to accommodate most people. This serves them well in life as they are great mediators and are well loved by all different sorts of personality types. Unfortunately, this sometimes translates into flip flopping, and they do different things than they said they would. It’s not that he is trying to be dishonest, it’s just that he wants to keep the peace, and after he had started to install the raised bed garden on the balcony you fell in love with, the downstairs neighbor had a fit because she said your plants would dribble water all over her good cast iron antique balcony furniture.

While you may feel he is taking that so-and-so’s side over yours, what he is actually doing is keeping a major fight from starting. When your Gemini suddenly does something different than they said they would, sit down and talk it out. Find out why they changed their mind, and maybe they were right. If not, go ahead and install that raised garden bed, but put it on the other side of the patio than what is just above the busybody neighbor’s old tacky furniture. Geminis love win-win situations, and if you can present an option that works out well for everybody involved, they will see things through just like they said they would.

Cancerian’s Moodiness and Meanness

Cancerian’s Moodiness and Meanness

Cancer men attraction comes across as devoted, romantic, and selfless, but before you think you have found the world’s perfect individual, wait until they get good and mad at you, and you will see another side of your Cancer. Cancers have very high expectations of their lovers, and sometimes hold their lovers to higher standards than they do their family and friends. They are emotional signs, and they pour all of their feelings into their lives with the men and women they fall in love with. So, they get extra upset at YOU, their boyfriend or girlfriend, over seemingly the tiniest things. That’s only because they want a lover who is their best friend and is the one they can trust above all others.

So, when they get upset with you, they will have a long list of ALL the things you ever did that upset them before- and that list will just keep growing the longer you are together. Some people don’t want to sit and listen to a Cancerian bawling and yelling about the fact they got a dozen roses as opposed to two dozen roses like their friend did for Valentine’s Day. If you don’t want to listen to this, it is understandable, but if you want to stick around, you are going to have to set up some rules for how you both communicate when you get upset.

First off, you are in for a lot of heart-to-heart talks regularly. It is necessary for Cancers to feel they can express their tender emotions to their significant others, but that does not need to include them being snippy or mean. So, if your Cancer starts “keeping score” of everything that has ever upset them or doing mean talk, simply tell them that is not acceptable if they want to remain in the relationship. They may not even realize they were doing it, and if they love you, they will be genuinely sorry.

Regal Leo’s “Extra” Drama

Regal Leo’s “Extra” Drama

The Leo love life is sometimes like a reality show, where they stride impressively into your life, and manage to make your existence happier, even if it was already a happy one. They are extremely loyal and will stick by you literally forever if they love you, and they are not only generous, but love to make sure their lovers are having fun both in and out of the bedroom. Unfortunately, they won’t be happy with you unless they feel they are the center of your world.

This can translate to jealousy, and accusations that you are not a diligent lover, and they may threaten to leave- even though they make no plans to do so. This is not because they are jerks, but because when a Leo becomes your lover, they have chosen you as their number one favorite person, and they will be absolutely heartbroken if they worry that you don’t feel the same way about them. Some other signs like Libra would just quietly dump you and not cry about it once, but a Leo will shake their mane and roar all about what is upsetting them to try and work things out. They are not trying to own you. They just want a relationship with someone who loves them as much as they love in return.

They will have to accept that you have friends and family you want to see without them attached to your hip, and the longer they are with you, and the more they see you are dedicated to them, the less afraid they will become of being less important to you than you are to them. Trust is built over time, and a loyal Leo who wants to stick by you for life will as long as they feel you will too. So be patient, reassure them, and give them time to develop that trust and confidence in the relationship.

The Virgo Man’s Controlling Tendencies

The Virgo Man’s Controlling Tendencies

Maybe Scorpio gets a bad rap for being a controlling and manipulative boyfriend, but many a Virgo can be even better at it when they want to be. They will try and control your diet. They will buy vitamins for you. They will plan your vacations together from start to finish and may even have all the restaurants picked out and genuinely feel hurt when you suggest you want some input. After all, they put all that time and effort they could have spent on something else planning what they feel is best for you. “And this is the thanks I get!” they will cry.

Many cannot be in a long-term romance with a Virgo, and that’s not because Virgos are unattractive. It’s because Virgos are so picky about who they let into their personal lives that they block a lot of possible lovers out. Keeping that in mind, you can rest assured beyond a shadow of a doubt that your controlling Virgo REALLY likes you a lot if they bothered to get involved with you in the first place. That is the first thing you need to remember when approaching the topic of personal choice with your Virgo. The second thing you need to remember is they care deeply about you being healthy and having the best experience in life possible, and that is why they come across as so controlling. They just want what they feel is best for you.

Sit them down with the travel plans, and flat out say you know their heart was in the right place, but you are vetoing the juice bar and electing to eat at the five star steakhouse instead on Friday. Furthermore, you expect to have equal say in all plans from here on out, and discussing things, using ideas from both of you is the way things are going to be. Chances are, your Virgo already likes your ideas enough, it won’t take a lot of haggling to get them to come around. They were really not that fond of that pulpy juice anyways, and steak sounds great.

The Strange Libra Love Life

The Strange Libra Love Life

Disclaimer- many Librans DO get into long term relationships and stay with their loved one for a very long time! However, many Libras jump in and out of romances at the drop of a hat before they settle down, and even if they SAY they have settled, they might change their mind over something you had no idea upset them. That’s because your Libra falls deeply in love and will tolerate all forms of bad things ranging from verbal attacks to a freeloading lover for long periods of time, because they prefer to see only the good in those they commit to. However, the minute they feel taken advantage of, they start to see all the wrong things that had taken place, and they feel hurt and unappreciated. If you won’t see the light and change your ways, your previously adoring Libra just might shock you, and suddenly kick you to the curb in seemingly the least emotional way possible.

If you want to work things out, listen to what your Libra has to say, and don’t be defensive. When they are upset, they might act like they can do no wrong and you can do no right but arguing will only make them more likely to ditch you. If you can listen to what they are asking you to change, and genuinely put forth effort, chances are you can discard your zodiac love triangle of you, them, and the problems in the relationship, replacing it with a renewed relationship that is one of the best zodiac pairings for you both.

Scorpio Self Destruction

Scorpio Self Destruction

While some would assume a Scorpio’s worst trait is their temper, that’s not true. The worst thing they do is compromise themselves. This starts with their emotions, and not just anger. Sometimes, they are overly sad about something, or overly happy about somebody who isn’t really worth their time, and they plunge into things without being careful. Scorpio zodiac matches excite them, so when they are crazy mad about some man or woman, they will sometimes throw all their cautious habits away, and completely emotionally invest in somebody. So, a Scorpio who is overly excited about this new romance interest may unfortunately not feel this new person is as into them as they are them, and they may start acting out…even if the new person is just taking their time to get to know their new Scorpio love interest.

Keep in mind that Scorpios don’t mean to try and dictate how a relationship progresses in a situation like this. They just got really excited and then got scared the feeling was not mutual, so they freaked out. When a Scorpio is hurt, they can complain to ALL your mutual friends about how you did not appreciate or deserve them, and in the process tick your friends off. They may call or text, saying mean things to try and make themselves feel better which will make you less liable to take them back. They may find the trashiest skank as a rebound boy or girl to “show it didn’t bother them” and end up with their wallet stolen at the end of the date. Whatever the Scorpio does to try and demonstrate you meant nothing to them, they end up hurting themselves. Remember, the scorpion that represents Scorpio has that stinger positioned to strike, and their worst trait is using it to strike themselves!

How to combat this- if they don’t scare you off acting like this- is to sit them down and have a heart-to-heart conversation about whatever it is that is bothering them and have them agree in advance there will be no fighting. Scorpios are emotional signs, but they can be reasoned with, most especially early on when they get upset about something.

Do Sagittarius Men Come Back?

Do Sagittarius Men Come Back?

Sometimes they do, but sometimes, they drop you like a hot potato, and move on to pick up other lovers, leaving you wondering what the heck went wrong. Sagittarians cannot endure boredom and crave adventure and variety. Sometimes, they prefer a bad boy attraction or a one-night stand that will result in a massive fight with their best friend over a committed partner who they feel is too predictable. In all fairness, Sagittarians tend to be the bluntest people in the zodiac and will flat out tell you they are bored with you.

They may do so with their actions, so watch for red flags they are looking past you for a partner. Some signs include them leaving the dinner they planned with you early to go “hang out” with somebody else, or they are literally checking out other prospective lovers right in front of you. It’s not that no Sagittarian ever settled down in a long-term relationship, it’s just that they are unlikely to do so unless they are completely satisfied. If your Sagittarian is acting bored with you, ask them what kind of new things they want to do to add variety and interest. Let them plan trips or even choose what to do in town on a Saturday night together. They will appreciate you caring enough about their need for variety, and they just might stick around.

Why are Capricorns SO Cold Hearted???

Well, they really aren’t. That’s the problem. They are extremely tender-hearted, and they sometimes close themselves off in their relationships because they are afraid of getting hurt. They are very vocal about whatever is bothering them, which is a very good thing, because it allows time for you to work things out as a couple. However, if they feel you are not putting forth effort, they might not quit the relationship, but they will start complaining, as often as they like, and they won’t stop. All the while, they will withdraw, and all that is left will be the complaining. You might translate this as them not loving you anymore or being cold hearted, but the fact is, their heart beats for you, and they have no choice but to emotionally withdraw to prevent them from becoming completely broken hearted.

While it is good to allow your Aries to get their anger out of their system, your Capricorn will feel better if you are not listening without responding. They want to talk it out and they want to fix it. They are unfairly called “capricious” people whose feelings change constantly, but that’s not true. Their behavior is what changes based on what they feel is the best course of action, and once you feel they have turned cold, it’s time to find out what they need to see happen for them to bring back that warmth.

Aquarius Woman’s Attraction to Being Independent

Aquarius Woman’s Attraction to Being Independent

Notice Aquarius men’s attraction to being radically independent? You won’t have to worry about a clingy lover in an Aquarius because they have their own way of doing things independently. They may opt to be their own boss, and they are so good at organizing, they may be the boss of many others in their friends’ groups as well as their careers. They can live with separate bedrooms, separate vacations, and even separate households from their lovers. While you may love the idea of not feeling owned by a lover, they may shock you by how independent they remain even after you have committed to one another.

This type of relationship isn’t for everybody, and not everybody wants to be with someone who does everything differently than most people do, but if you are in love with a one-of-a-kind Aquarius, it comes with the territory. They can be so independent they detach from you even if you are their greatest friend and lover, and it’s not because they don’t want you around. It’s because they need to be on their own for a lot of things.

How to deal with this is to be equally as independent. Some signs like Sagittarians love the individuality they get out of being committed to an Aquarian. Some signs would feel absolutely neglected and would be shocked when their Aquarian returns to them. You can’t change an Aquarius and you can’t take away their independence, so if you want to be their lover, keep yourself occupied and active when they are gone, and join them when you are back together again.

The Very Sexy Pisces Woman!

The Very Sexy Pisces Woman!

A Pisces man falling in love with you may make you feel like he thinks you are a sex object. Now some people have absolutely no problem whatsoever with this, but other people don’t like feeling treated like a human dildo. Unless your Pisces identifies as asexual or has some form of medical issues that prevent it, if you want to be the love interest of a Pisces man or woman, you are going to be in for a lot of sex. There are some people who would be disappointed with anything less, and the fact is, Pisces lovers enjoy making sure their lovers are just as satisfied as they are. So, when your Pisces makes a move, tell them what you want, how you want it, and how much of it you want in the bedroom. They will go out of their way to accommodate you. “Problem” solved.

Your perfect zodiac romance may be a match made in the heavens even if your sweetie can act like a jerk from…somewhere else…from time to time. Not all bad qualities are deal breakers, and there is something to be said for understanding how your lover ticks when they are at their worst. 

Now that you have learned what to do about their worst traits, would you like to speak with a psychic advisor to see where your romance is going? Start your call with a Mysticsense advisor to find out today!

We have selected the most relevant psychics for this article, you can connect with any of them and get accurate advice on this subject.

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Clairvoyant Gal
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