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April Zodiac Compatibility

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
April 14, 2023
April Zodiac Compatibility
April Zodiac Compatibility


For Aries and Taurus people born in April, there is magic at their fingertips.. Knowing both their sun sign and best love matches will help April birthday holders guide their journey to love.

Birthstones and birth month flowers can bring their energy to powerful talismans, and the lore from Spring will show even more ways the magic of April can work for you. Read about these things and more today.

If you were born in April, you are one of the lucky people who is either a fiery Aries or a reliable Taurus. You probably know that already, but you may not know how you can use your birth month flowers or birth stones for personal empowerment.

Why stop there when you can learn some of the lore of the month and which zodiac signs work best for Taurus women or Aries men in relationships? Read on to learn more!

The Magic of April

The Magic of April

“When in April the sweet showers fall

That pierce March’s drought to the root and all

And bathed every vein in liquor that has power

To generate therein and sire the flower;” Chaucer - the Canterbury Tales

In the Northern Hemisphere, the Spring thaw will be behind you, and some wildflowers and early bloomers in gardens will have already bloomed. The birdsong, warming weather, and lengthening days makes people want to get out in nature again after the long, cold winter

The month of April is named after Latin Aprilis, which is derived from a word that means “to open”, referencing the opening flowers! Some say the month might actually be named after Aphrodite, goddess of love!

Aphrodite is a Greek goddess, who is believed to have evolved from the Phoenician goddess Astarte, who was a form of Ishtar from Akkadia and Inanna from Sumeria. She was the goddess of love, desire, lust, beauty, pleasure, and sex.

Like the goddess Ishtar, the dove is one of Aphrodite’s symbols and believe it or not, her worship is not forgotten after all these centuries. Today, The Church of Aphrodite is at least online in an attempt to resurrect it. In the 1930s Russian-born Gleb Botkin founded this church as a monotheistic religion focused on the worship of Aphrodite and upon his passing in 1969, the Church dissolved.

A Facebook Page to try and raise awareness has been established, although the official church is no longer operating.

The month of April itself sees many worldwide celebrations. April hosts National Pet Month in the UK and National Poetry Month in the USA. The First Day of Summer for Iceland is in April, and Senegal has Independence Day on the fourth of April.

Heathens celebrate Ostara as a Spring rite in devotion to their goddess Eostre in April, and April 17 is National Espresso Day. On a more somber note, April 19 is Poland’s Holocaust Remembrance Day and April 24 is World Day for Laboratory Animals.

Springtime Superstitions

Springtime Superstitions

People have always recognized the importance of Spring, and beliefs about omens and weather have popped up around it. Sometimes Easter falls on a day in April, and it is said that if it rains on Easter, it will definitely rain at some point during the next seven days.

It is said that a cold, moist April “fills the cellar and fattens the cow.” This means that rain will make the crops grow and feed everybody well! Keeping April rain in mind, it is said that a haze around the moon foretells that rain is on the way. It’s also worth watching to see if bees are crowding inside their hives instead of flying about, because if so, they are taking shelter before it rains.

It is also said that when bad weather is on its way, spiders will abandon their webs, even if they are midway through spinning them. So, keep an eye out for the bees and spiders during the weather forecast for April!

Because Easter falls on an April day sometimes, Easter superstitions are also included. At one time, eggs were forbidden during Lent, so beautiful Easter eggs as well as chocolate ones were a special indulgence back then.

Also,eggs were dyed red in remembrance of the blood of Christ, and the red dyed eggs were given to children in the belief that they would protect them! A red dyed egg was buried on the property’s vineyards and food growing fields to protect them from hail and lightning.

Just be aware of how you dispose of the eggshells when you do eat Easter eggs. Don’t ever burn them, or it will make your hens unable to lay more eggs! Babies born on Easter are said to be especially lucky, and holy water from the Easter mass is said to cure a plethora of illnesses.

Special April Babies

Special April Babies

Besides being lucky if born on Easter day, what else makes April babies special? For one thing, they are either Aries or Taurus people, and that’s great news! Aries people are energetic, take charge individuals who use their focus and determination to succeed.

Taurus people are very nurturing and form strong friendships throughout their lives. They also tend to be wildly successful in whatever they set their minds to. In the UK, it was found that April born people thrive in a plethora of career fields, giving them variety in jobs and flexibility in life.

More babies born in the months of March and April work as CEO’s, too, when compared with other birth months. A study cited in the Washington Post said that April born babies are also less likely to develop reproductive, respiratory, or neurological issues.

April born Aries people are fearless adventurers and are unafraid to take risks. The saying “Nothing ventured, nothing gained” isn’t something most Aries people have to worry about. Web MD stated that risk-takers are happier and generally more satisfied with their lives than people who are not risk-takers.

Furthermore, Science Daily said that April born babies tend to have a more optimistic outlook in general, and greater optimism is tied in with better health, more happiness, and a better quality of life.

The Name April

The name April has been used to name baby girls, with the name taking multiple forms, including Abril and Aubrielle. The name April isn’t the most popular name for a girl, but surprisingly it has been used to name a handful of boys.

To date, 667 boys have been named April. In the past two hundred years, over 240,000 babies have been named April. The year that the name was used the most was in 1978, and 9,587 babies were named April that year.

April is the 291st most popular name in America, and Texas has the most amount of people named April compared to all other states.

April Flower of the Month

April Flower of the Month

If you are born in April, two beautiful flowers, the daisy and sweet peas, are your personal flowers of the month. You can use these flowers magically in a number of ways. You can dry the flowers and carry them in lockets or put them in bags in your car, wallet, or purse to keep them with you for power and luck.

You can also plant them on your property to absorb their strengths, and can create artwork with them, as well as using the plants themselves to draw strength from.


Native to northern, central, and Western Europe, the daisy has been planted in so many locations, it has naturalized itself in most places. The word daisy is a variation of “days eye” as it closes itself at night, opening back up during daylight.

There are over twenty thousand varieties of daisies. Some varieties of them are used in salads and pot-pourris, but others, you would not want to eat. Some are used as a laxative and others to treat fevers. They represent gentleness, purity, and innocence and have been dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite, who the month of April may be named after!

It is believed that if you pick a daisy, and pull the petals off one by one saying “He loves me” for one petal, and “He loves me not” for the next, the daisy will reveal if they love you or not!

Furthermore, it is believed that wearing a daisy or sleeping with a daisy root will return lost love to you and putting daisy chains on children will keep them from being taken by the fae. Daisy chains in maidens’ hair are also said to draw their lover to them, and you can carry or wear daisies to draw luck. Take daisies into the home on Midsummer to bring blessings.

Sweet Peas

Described as “a cottage garden favorite that smells divine” on Pinterest, the sweet pea is another of April’s flowers of the month. Native to Sicily, the Aegean, and parts of Italy, the sweet pea is a climbing plant that grows between three feet and seven feet tall!

Scotsman Henry Eckford developed sweet peas into the form that we know themduring the 1800s when he was working for the Earl of Radnor as his head gardener. While some varieties of them are edible, eating too many sweet peas can be toxic to both humans and animals, so be careful!

In general, sweet peas symbolize bliss and gratitude, so they are used to express thanks. They were used in weddings and dinner parties by the Victorians because of both their beauty and sweet scent, and also stand for goodbyes, friendship, and well wishes.

It is believed that sweet peas instill wisdom and spirituality, so use them to cultivate those strengths. They are seen as good luck for brides, so tuck them into your wedding bouquet on your wedding day!

April Month Birthstones

April Month Birthstones

Besides the power of monthly flowers, precious birth stones make for magical items you can use to empower yourself with. Many will wear their birth stones, but others pack them into bags with other crystals, or tuck them under their pillow at night. They can be placed in bowls at the home or office, and placed in the garden, even amongst your flowers of the month!


The popular diamond was not always seen as desirable as it is today. There was a time when diamonds represented bad luck! Today they are seen as the ultimate testament of enduring love because of their expense and strength.

They are the hardest precious stone to scratch, instilling strength, and are believed to render the wearer invincible by some. They symbolize pure perfection and mental illumination. They can be placed over your third eye to stimulate psychic ability, and diamonds stimulate your imagination and creative side, opening you to new ideas.

If diamonds are being used for magical purposes, it is preferable to use them in their natural form as a crystal than to have their shape altered and cut. They amplify energy and attract prosperity, so they are fantastic stones to have on the job to help attract success.

They are used to manifest abundance and draw more wealth as well. Not only that, they are also excellent stones to use for cleansing and can be placed in the bedroom to ward off negative energies or spirits and ensure peaceful sleep with no nightmares. Diamonds can also be used to cleanse yourself physically and spiritually, and are believed to banish exhaustion.

Blood stones

A variety of jasper, blood stones typically have both rich reds and greens in them and were believed to have formed where the blood of Christ dropped to the earth during his crucifixion. The stone became associated with altruism and sacrificing yourself for the good of others.

Prior to Christianity, it was called the Sun Stone, or heliotrope and believed to turn the rays of the Sun red when it was either put in water or sat to bask in the Sun’s rays. It was believed to stop blood flow and was thus carried by soldiers in battle to help stop or prevent bleeding. It was placed on the body to ensure good circulation and was believed to heal disease.

Blood stones provide emotional strength during difficult times and grants courage and the ability to accept mortality. They are used to tap into mystical and spiritual realms and help you to travel between the worlds. In addition, they dispel confusion and help give intuitive insight to hidden truths. Blood stones also aid in knowing what actions to take to stay on your path and allow you to know when to be steadfast and when to adapt or change.


The emerald is used to help open the heart, letting in love and granting compassion. They are also linked to love and fertility and were worn by ancient Egyptians for just that. A symbol of the goddess Venus, the emerald represents love itself and most especially devoted love.

Wear the emerald to help you have children. As the emerald is believed to be linked to the green earth, use it for fertility specificallu in Spring when the earth becomes green again, strengthening the fertile powers of emeralds.

The emerald is also used to inspire patience, unity, and love in others. It is therefore used to allow harmonious communication, and to keep everybody’s hearts and minds open to listening compassionately to one another.

Carry emeralds to ward off and protect against all forms of magic and spell work. Emeralds also open the intellectual mind as well as stimulating psychic abilities. Use the stone to strengthen your love relationships, as it amplifies loyalty and satisfaction in romance.

Soulmates by Birth Date for the April Born

ASoulmates by Birth Date for the April Born

Besides just the magical uses of your birthstones and flowers of the month, your zodiac signs will help you work out who you typically match best with in love if you are born in April. The dates Aries people are born goes from March 21st through April 19th.

Taurus season dates are from April 20th through May 20th. Aries people are energetic, courageous, and forceful. Some people may find their enthusiasm and confidence overwhelming and label them as “pushy” but having a determined Aries on your side is one of the best feelings there is.

Taurus people are nurturing, reliable, and sensitive. They, themselves, can be pushy about having things their way sometimes, but that’s just because they are trying to do what they feel is best.


An Aries individual is associated with the god Mars. Powerful, brave, and passionate like that god, Aries people can be off-putting to more domineering signs like Virgos, but if bossy people can respect their Aries friend or lover’s expertise and autonomy, they will benefit from all that great drive and optimism Aries people have.

Aries people can rush into things without thinking them through sometimes, but they understand that there are no guarantees in life, and sometimes taking a risk is better than letting opportunities pass by.

Good Matches for Aries

What is the best love match for Aries? The best match for Aries can be one of a few signs. Taurus and Aries couples do well together, and Scorpio Aries couples tend to have successful long term love relationships. Aries people also do quite well in relationships with Leos! Let’s explore those great love matches.

Taurus and Aries Love Compatibility

Taurus and Aries love matches can be powerful ones. Both signs are passionate sensually, and openly communicate their feelings about things. They both appreciate the openness but have to watch out that their tempers don’t flare, because they will both fight to the end if they feel pushed to.

While Taurus people are more content to hang back and be homebodies, Aries people can be more interested in roaming and exploring. They balance one another well, simulating one another to get out of their habits, and enjoy other things.

Sometimes the best relationships are those that challenge us to explore other sides of ourselves, and a Taurus and Aries match will allow them to provide that beautifully for one another!

Scorpio Aries Love Matches

Will a Scorpio male and Aries female fall in love at first sight? It’s quite possible because Scorpio man Aries woman soulmates will recognize one another immediately. Scorpios are highly intuitive, and Aries people trust their guts, so when they meet one another, they can come together immediately.

Like Aries people, Scorpios are very much in touch with their sensuality, and passionate sexual fireworks can bring these two together. Scorpio man and Aries woman love can hit a snag, however, if their tempers flare.

Both signs refuse to be dominated, and both may try to be dominant. If they can be democratic in their relationship, focusing on their devotion to one another, they can be a passionate pairing few others can rival.

Aries Woman and Leo Man Relationship

Confident, natural-born leader, Leo, dazzles Aries with their take charge attitude, so long as they know their limits, that is! Aries is still the boss of themselves and won’t bow to anybody else. They, however, love to have a king or queen of their heart they dote on, and Leos insist on being the top priority of their lovers.

While this could create a battle of both lovers to see who can be in charge, they both love having a strong partner they can trust to hold their own in the face of life’s difficulties. They can take turns leaning on one another’s strength, and be an invincible pair!


Associated with the graceful, strong bull, Taurus people are steadfast, sometimes to the point of being stubborn, but they work very hard to try and find the best way of doing things, not just for themselves, of course, but for the people they love!

Typically, your Taurus will be thinking of the people they love first, second, and well…always, and will structure their days around nurturing, protecting, and spending all their time on their loved ones. Some signs may find this suffocating, while others thrive in what they feel is a secure relationship.

Taurus and Leo Love Compatibility

Taurus and Leo couples make a fantastic combination because they both focus on their sweethearts, and they both love being top priority. While they can both come across as “bossy”, the fact they are both focused on the relationship and one another above all things makes this relationship great for creating a Taurus and Leo power couple!

The Taurus and Leo match allows the devoted Taurus to shower their Leo with the attention the Leo craves, and their Leo will in turn provide just as much loyal attention. A Taurus and Leo love match is a perfect one because they both want to be put first, but also to be in love with someone who they too can put first. This is a love combination made in the heavens!

Taurus and Libra Couples

Taurus and Libra love matches can be a wonderful combination, and Taurus and Libra love compatibility is based on personality compatibility. Libras and Taurus people share the traits of confidence, speaking with authority because they make sure they know what they are talking about before they speak, and dedication to things and people they love and believe in.

While they both typically take charge, they tend to team up well together, taking turns leading and following harmoniously. Taurus is loyal and won’t be around anybody they don’t think is worth it, and their Libra loves the devotion.

The Taurus and Libra love match is a surprisingly good one, and they can be a perfectly united couple who all of their friends want to be just like!

Taurus and Scorpio Love Matches

The Taurus and Scorpio match is another good one. Both very private people who value the comforts of home, they are also both very particular about who they let into their personal lives as friends, let alone as lovers.

Tauruses are especially compassionate to Scorpio’s sensitive feelings and provide a safe emotional environment where their Scorpio feels one hundred percent secure and watched over.

Scorpios are fiercely protective of the people they love, and their Taurus will love the dedication their Scorpio has to their safety and wellbeing. These two can be a perfect couple for life!


Whether you are an Aries, or a Taurus born in April, your special birth month holds loads of amazing magic from the energies of your flowers of the month to your beautiful birthstones. Draw from their power and use the knowledge of your Sun Sign to find the best love matches for you!

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