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The House of Wands in Tarot

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
April 04, 2022
The House of Wands in Tarot
The House of Wands in Tarot
TL;DRThe Major Arcana does not stand alone in Tarot, but is supported by the Minor Arcana. In the Minor Arcana are the four suits and those are Pentacles, Swords, Cups, and Wands. Join Mysticsense to learn about the House of Wands in the Minor Arcana of Tarot and what psychics online can tell you from a reading using them.

Your psychic medium may use nearly any tool to give you a reading. Aside from an intuitive empath psychic or another psychic who reads with no tools, your reading may be done with Tarot cards and some of the best love psychic readings have been done this way. In Tarot, there is the Major Arcana, and also the Minor Arcana which has four suits, those of Wands, Cups, Pentacles, and Swords. Each house on the Minor Arcana has specific meaning and gives different answers. The Major Arcana is different than the Minor Arcana and can be read about here: The Major Arcana of Tarot and the Cards Meanings | Mysticsense. Today, we will learn about the Suit, or House of Wands. What do Wands mean, and how can the information they communicate help in a Tarot reading?

What Do Wands Mean?
What Do Wands Mean?

Wands explore issues related to actions we take. They are also called the Clubs and are associated with the element of fire as well. Fire can be used for so many things. It can give necessary warmth, but it can burn us up as well. It can ignite us with passion, and it can make us dissolve into rage. Fire and our actions in general can make our futures sound or create undesirable consequences.

The House of Wands

The House of Wands

Each card has its own upright and reversed meaning of course, but Tarot cards are open to intuitive interpretation. Each reader will have his or her own way of interpreting the cards from the House of Wands, but some basic classical meanings are shared here.

The Ace of Wands

The Ace of Wands

The Ace of Wands upright is all about births and new beginnings. It can be foretelling the birth of an actual child, or it can be telling you that the time is right to embark on a new path. It advises enthusiasm, hard work, and joy as you set out. It also advises confidence in your ability to achieve success.

Ace of Wands Reversed

The Ace of Wands reversed indicates there are either holdups in this new venture, or you are just not feeling up to starting out. Maybe you don’t believe in the possibility of succeeding at the project, or maybe you just don’t want to do it. Somehow, the energy to get started isn’t there, and that will keep you from getting things done.

The Two of Wands

The Two of Wands

The Two of wands has to do with decisions, new experiences, and opportunities, and moving forward in life in general. It can be telling you to plan ahead, or it could be reassuring you that you will not be stuck in the experience you are currently having forever. The key is to have the attitude that you have a positive future in store and keep your eyes open for new ways of being and learning. The Two of Wands love reading can alert you that a new lover will come along soon!

Two of Wands Reversed

The Two of Wands reversed can indicate anxiety about the future and being afraid because you are unsure of what will come to pass. It can indicate lack of options or stagnation and either no desire to change or not believing in the ability to improve. The Two of Wands reversed love reading can be telling you that you are making the mistake of holding back on taking a chance on love, but you need to take that chance!

The Three of Wands

The Three of Wands

The Three of Wands is a travel card. It’s all about mobility and opportunities to change location. It can indicate the ability to branch out and advises keeping your options open and accepting opportunities that come your way. The Three of Wands love reading indicates there are plenty of lovers possible for you and you can choose from many of them instead of staying stuck in a dead-end relationship. The Three of Wands love outcome may be breakup, but rest assured that if this is so, it just means better lovers await.

Three of Wands Reversed

The Three of Wands reversed may indicate disappointments or even a delay in embarking on forward movement. You might feel stuck, but don’t give up. Keep looking for a way out. The Three of Wands reversed love reading deals with heartbreaks or feelings of loneliness you have experienced, and that holding on to the past will simply hold you back from love that awaits your future.

The Four of Wands

The Four of Wands

The Four of Wands is a wonderful card to get in a reading when it’s upright. It is about homecomings and happiness. It can indicate a harmonious family life and can be telling you that you are right where you belong. It can be foretelling an upcoming celebration, a reunion, or can be telling you that you are laying ground roots for a major project or event in life that is very meaningful and will define your life in positive ways for years to come.

Four of Wands Reversed

The Four of Wands reversed can indicate disharmony or even dysfunction in your family life. It can be telling you that a place you are asking about isn’t your homeland where you belong, and you need to move on to find home. It can warn about issues with stability, or it can be telling you that a planned homecoming or celebration has been canceled.

The Five of Wands

The Five of Wands

The Five of Wands is all about conflicts, fights, and struggles. There may be lack of unity in your team, or there may be things that are a total pain in the neck that stand in the way of you and your goals, and you are fighting it to progress. These conflicts can range from mild disagreements or misunderstandings to outright full-on feuds that threaten everything.

Five of Wands Reversed

The Five of Wands reversed is more desirable to draw than the right side up Five of Wands card. This can indicate the conflicts are dissolving or can be worked through easily. It can be advising that you ought to avoid conflict and can indicate a non-confrontational approach is the best way to resolve whatever issues there are.

The Six of Wands

The Six of Wands

The Six of Wands is a success card that can also communicate that your accomplishments have created a reputation of renown that goes before you. People may be coming to you for advice, and you can confidently share it. The Six of Wands love reading is that your confidence and eligibility will be what draws lovers to you, or that you are in a relationship you can be proud of. The Six of Wands reconciliation advice is to remember goodwill when deciding to reconcile with others or not, and also remember past behaviors they have displayed. Somebody who is a backstabber isn’t somebody you want to welcome back into your life, even if you move on from bad things they have done. Goodwill is for you as well as other people.

Six of Wands Reversed

The Six of Wands reversed expresses failure or lack of success, but it can also describe arrogance or falling from grace. The Six of Wands love reading is a warning. You may be overly confident about a suitor whose bragging presents them as having more to offer than they do, and humbly reassessing them will reveal the truth.

The Seven of Wands

The Seven of Wands

Your Seven of Wands card can answer questions about career, love, and can even give a Seven of wands Yes/No answer. The Seven of Wands meaning upright indicates that in negotiation, you will have the upper hand. Seven of Wands advice is to stand firm, take up for yourself, being assertive, and assured you will come out on top. The Seven of wands love reading can be telling you that this relationship is worth investing energy into and will stand the test of time, or that your partner is worth fighting for!

Seven of Wands Reversed

The Seven Wands card reversed is the opposite. There is no point arguing or fighting. You cannot have everything your way here, and compromising is the best way to avoid complete defeat. The Seven of Wands relationship reading reversed can indicate the relationship itself is not going to make it, or you need to simply stop fighting your partner. The Seven of Wands Yes/ No reading can be a “Yes“ when upright since it is in a favorable position for you, and “No” for reversed.

The Eight of Wands

The Eight of Wands

The Eight of Wands is all about swift movement, speed, and moving forward with goals quickly. Things may seem to be moving so fast, it makes your head spin, but sometimes feeling overwhelmed by how quickly things progress is natural, and things are moving at the pace they are supposed to. You may not feel ready for things, but they will probably work out well anyways, and you will manage just fine. In this situation, you want things to move along quickly and smoothly, and you will be able to adjust even if you feel overwhelmed at first.

Eight of Wands Reversed

The Eight of Wands reversed signals delays or things that block progress. Maybe you are the one stalling, and you need to take a leap of faith and move forward. Maybe the card is telling you that the delays are only temporary, and the next cards will tell you what it is you need to do to get things to progress again.

The Nine of Wands

The Nine of Wands

The Nine of Wands card indicates delays but remember that delays are only temporary. Now is the time to dig your heels in and keep trying for results until you accomplish them. Anything worth doing is worth putting up with temporary slowdowns before you accomplish your goals after all. The Nine of Wands love reading can be telling you that maybe you are single, but it won’t be that way forever, or that things are delayed in a relationship, but you are advised patience. Hang in there because love is on the way! Think of this time as a test of faith and be assured you can pass the test if you will tough things out.

Nine of Wands Reversed

The Nine of Wands reversed indicates being worried to the point of over worry, and maybe even being paranoid about things. It’s not any better to over think than it is to ignore important things, but the card is advising to relax your anxieties about the situation. Overthinking can make you defensive and that can push people away, which is exactly what you don’t want.

The Ten of Wands

The Ten of Wands

The Ten of Wands can indicate biting off more than you can chew and that you should not take on too much responsibility and overwhelm yourself. The Ten of Wands love reading would be that relationships are supposed to be balanced, and you are warned not to be the only one who gives in a relationship. Being the giver to somebody who only takes is a horrible situation to be in, and if your lover won’t give their fair share, you can move on to somebody who values you more.

Ten of Wands Reversed

The Ten of Wands reversed can have two meanings. It can indicate that you are trying too hard at something and are absolutely refusing to let up. In this scenario, it’s basically a lost cause, and you have trapped yourself in a pointless situation that you need to just let go of. Secondly, the Ten of Wands reversed can indicate, on a more positive note, that the ability to let so of something is at hand and will happen peacefully. Either way, the Ten of Wands indicates releasing something and accepting that we all have our limits, and you have reached yours.

The Page of Wands

The Page of Wands

The Page of Wands card is that of enthusiasm and adventure. It can be telling you to have an open mind and unleash your inner free spirit to explore and enjoy new experiences. The Page of Wands love reading is to open your mind and heart to new lovers and give people a chance who are different from what you believe your “type” is. The Page of Wands love feelings are all about opening yourself to new experiences, even if it is a new way to make love to your significant other. The page of Wands love outcome is that you will expand your experiences and learn to enjoy people and things you never knew you liked.

Page of Wands Reversed

The Page of Wands reversed can indicate impatience or even boredom, and the answer to these issues is to turn the Page of Wands right side up and get into a positive mindset about things. If you are bored, branch out and if you are impatient, take a breath and collect yourself. Things only happen at the rate of speed they are meant to and becoming upset with the process won’t speed things up but will create a negative experience for you. The Page of Wands reversed love reading is that you feel unhappy with either your lover or possible love interests and while the card validates your feelings, making sure that you don’t trap yourself in unfulfilling relationships is possibly your only way to remedy the situation.

The Knight of Wands

The Knight of Wands

The Knight of Wands card meaning is that of energy, bravery, taking chances, and passionately pursuing whatever goal you have. In love this can indicate that an individual who you have your eye on is okay to approach, and you should not be afraid to express your interest. The Knight of Wands can be passionate to the point of being vivaciously lusty, and that side of your sexuality is perfectly healthy and can be explored with willing partners. Lucky them!

Knight of Wands Reversed

The Knight of Wands card reversed can indicate overconfidence and loud-mouthed bragging. If you have asked about an individual, they are a braggart and what they say should be taken with a grain of salt. It can indicate a temperamental individual who blows up instead of expressing themselves constructively, and it can also indicate a lover whose lust is so unbridled, they may be cheating or only using you for sex and they don’t care about you.

The Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands card indicates the energy of stability, generosity, and intelligence. It indicates good partnerships and business dealings and passionate determination. Bringing this energy into relationships, the Queen of Wands and lovers have a special connection. The Queen of Wands love reading is that this is a good union where the lovers are balanced and well suited to one another. The Queen of Wands love outcome is a good one, and this person may even be the one who you settle down and grow old with.

Queen of Wands Reversed

Reversed, the Queen of Wands indicates a demanding energy is present and the security and stability the card indicated right side up is not present. Instead, there is instability, and it may bring in jealousy, fights, or even cruelty. The Queen of Wands reversed love reading is not good, but it is pointing out ugly truths about your relationship that you need to accept. Being in a bad relationship creates more loneliness than being in no relationship at all and taking a hard look at whether you need out may be called for. Here are some things to take into account when you are deciding whether it is time to cut off a relationship or not: Forward! Never Back (

The King of Wands

The King of Wands

The King of Wands Tarot card indicates the energy of charm, being a natural born leader, being trustworthy and honest, and knowing how to use your words well. When the King of Wands is drawn in a career reading, you are advised to showcase these skills and genuinely engage with the people you serve. It indicates a businesslike demeanor and dedication to the work to be done. The King of Wands in a love reading indicates being forthright and honest and having faith in your ability to win people over.

King of Wands Reversed

The King of Wands reversed can either indicate an autocratic bullying energy or that of outright weakness and lack of resolve. In career readings, it can warn you that if you are asking about a potential employer, they don’t have anything to offer you and you will be better off working elsewhere. In love readings, the King of Wands reversed indicates lack of passion and possibly neglect or outright abuse.

Online Psychic Services and Tarot

Online Psychic Services and Tarot

While much emphasis is placed on readings about love, don’t assume the House of Wands cards are only useful in love readings. Any topic can be asked about in a Tarot reading using all the cards in both the Major and Minor Arcana, so don’t think you are limited by topics in Tarot readings. A Tarot reader can answer questions about not just love, but also career and money, friendships, family relationships, life path and destiny, and even help find lost people and things in a reading with cards from the suit of Wands.

Your favorite online psychic can help with a “Will I find love” Tarot reading, and the cards in the House of Wands don’t stand alone. Career advice psychics can use the Suit of Wands to point you to correct action, and questions about family and life path can be illuminated by Wands also. All the cards of the Major and Minor Arcana can answer your questions about what actions you should take for the best possible outcome, and a Mysticsense psychic can give you answers. Join us today!

We have selected the most relevant psychics for this article, you can connect with any of them and get accurate advice on this subject.

Roxy Fortune Telling
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$1.99 – $4.00 / min
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Bliss Spirit Psychic
Psychic Medium Bliss Spirit Psychic
$2.50 / min
Bella Love
Bella Love
Psychic Medium Bella Love
$10.00 / min
Luca Light
Luca Light
Psychic Medium Luca Light
$3.00 – $3.17 / min
Shakti Healer
Shakti Healer
Energy Healer Shakti Healer
$2.68 – $3.77 / min
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