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The Spiritual Significance of Water

Rachel Clare
By Rachel Clare
January 30, 2022
The Spiritual Significance of Water
The Spiritual Significance of Water
TL;DRThe spiritual significance of water grasps the imagination of virtually all cultures and communities across the globe. The varied legends and folk beliefs of water unite different belief systems from different lands. What the element water sign means in Astrology, why water has been influential in ancient mythology, the role of water in religion and the meaning of water in our dreams are all areas to be explored.

Water is vital in sustaining life on earth, with its majesty and mystique having sparked intrigue for thousands of years. It is no surprise, therefore, that various different religions and cultural groups view the element with such immense spiritual prestige. In this article, you will discover what the spiritual significance of water is for religion and in ancient mythology, the role of the element in Astrology and what water means in our dreams. 

About Water

About Water

Life as we know it would not exist without water. From our earliest school days, we are taught the importance of the wonderful substance and its role in sustaining all living things on this planet. Water gives life, allows for movement between land, heals the sick and quenches our thirst. It has played a hugely important role in all societies throughout civilization, underpinning much of the human progress and scientific discovery that has advanced the world to where it is today. However, water is just as formidable and dangerous as it is nourishing; water’s deepest depths are an immense force that can end it all in the blink of an eye. As such, we must always hold great respect for the power of water and its role in both the giving and taking of life. Due to this, water has an important role in all areas of spirituality, bearing various different meanings and significance across different communities. 

Water in Astrology

Water in Astrology

As you may know, there are four elements that form the basis of astrology; Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Each of these elements possesses unique traits and characteristics which are expressed in each of their corresponding zodiac signs. The traits for water zodiac signs are as follows;

Traits of the Water Signs

Traits of the Water Signs

Generally speaking, there is an element of emotion, curiosity, and thoughtfulness associated with water. Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces are the astrological signs that belong to this element and these three signs are known for their mysterious natures and emotional sensitivity. The moods of people born under the water element often fluctuate according to the various lunar phases, just like the ever-changing tides of the ocean. As the moon has a great deal of influence over the movements of the earth's oceans, people who are impacted by it may notice similar changes occur in themselves as well. Therefore, people of the water element may struggle with feeling overly emotional and find themselves unable to mentally ‘switch off’. A person connected with this element also has an affinity for winter, since the cool and bleak qualities of water are associated with this season.

There is something deeply peaceful and serene about water, but it is also an extremely formidable and powerful natural force. People who are drawn to the water's powerful dichotomy become energized when swimming or sailing. If your heart lies with water, you can revitalize yourself even by taking a simple hot bath. 

Water Sign Compatibility

Water Sign Compatibility

While many variations exist amongst each of the zodiac signs, understanding the overarching energy of each ruling element is a great place to begin when learning about astrology. When it comes to water, the element is ruled by feminine energy, so astrological signs governed by water are generally of a nurturing and emotional nature. An easy way to remember which elements are compatible with which is by thinking about the elements in a physical sense. For instance, air and fire signs typically make a strong match because a flame cannot burn without oxygen. Similarly, water and earth are a complementary duo as all of nature needs hydration. With this foundation, we can then look a little more closely at which signs are most compatible with water signs. So, what are the water signs? The signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.


Cancer and Taurus make a strong romantic pairing. While Taurus can be blunt, stubborn, and sometimes a little deaf to the emotional needs of others, Cancer makes a perfect balance of sensitivity and compassion. Further, Taurus' love for physical intimacy provides Cancer with the comfort it often seeks. Also, Cancer is generally taught to avoid getting lost in their thoughts and emotions by Taurus, since Taurus serves as the relationship's center of practicality. Taurus, on the other hand, learns the value of tact from Cancer.


Capricorn's stability and strength are a great counterbalance to Pisces' watery, emotional personality. When times become stressful, this couple can learn to stabilize one another and be mediators when there are irrational feelings or behavior at play. Capricorns are known for their stoicism but the empathy of the mutable water sign, Pisces, helps them connect and engage better with their emotive side. As a result, this couple is able to help each other bring out the best qualities in one another.


Virgo is an earth sign that is extremely meticulous and structured in their outlook, which makes them excellent partners for a Scorpio who possesses a similar serious nature. Both signs are also hard-working and dedicated, qualities admired in each other. Scorpio's intense emotions can be tempered by Virgo's rational perspective and help them to see things more clearly. Scorpio is also capable of strengthening Virgo's passion and emotions, resulting in a harmonious outcome. 

Water in Mythology

Water in Mythology

Water in its various forms; immense oceans, lashing rain and trickling rivers, has played a significant role in mythology for thousands of years. As a result of human agricultural endeavours, early civilizations from Egypt, China, India to the Nordic regions (to name a few), have incorporated the power and a mystique of water into their cultural folklore.

Chinese Mythology

Chinese Mythology

In Chinese mythology, water is a symbol of luck and wealth. It also played (and continues to play) an important role in the sacredness of hygiene and purity - features that are incredibly significant in ancient Chinese culture. Not only this, but 2022 is the year of the water tiger in the Chinese zodiac, and every Chinese zodiac sign will experience different things during the year of the water tiger. No matter what, you can be sure that this will not be a boring year; the tiger’s bold and powerful mentality will influence many of us, causing drama and various ups and downs. In general, however, the year of the water tiger is a year in which the body and mind are able to rebuild some strength and vitality after an often exhausting 2021. Alongside this, those born under the year of the water ox in the Chinese zodiac are set to have an influential year ahead. The zodiac hints at challenges that will set these individuals off course, but reveal an important shift in life direction as a result. In short, the role of water in the Chinese zodiac is particularly important right now.

Greek Mythology 

Greek Mythology

In Greek mythology, Amphitrite is the wife of Poseidon, ruler of the oceans. This makes her goddess of the sea and the Queen of water, although their partnership did not come about smoothly. After rejecting his proposal, she fled to Atlas, where she was retrieved by a dolphin brought by Poseidon. After returning home, Amphitrite had no choice but to become Poseidon's wife and he rewarded the dolphin’s efforts by gifting it a constellation. In Greek mythological artwork, Amphitrite was depicted either enthroned next to Poseidon or riding with him in a chariot drawn by many exotic sea creatures. 

Significance of Water in Religion

Significance of Water in Religion

As with virtually all communities since the dawn of human civilization, the majesty of water plays a similarly important role in most traditional religions. 



One of the central features of Buddhism is the calling to live in harmony with nature. Our planet and nature is believed to be more important than the inherently flawed mankind, therefore, the role of water is incredibly significant for Buddhists; for them, water symbolizes life, purity and stands as the element that ties all living things together. As clear waters represent clarity, calmness and cleanliness, Buddhists view this as a reminder to cleanse our minds and aim for purity in our earthly lives. 



Water takes on an important role in many occasions throughout the Bible. Christians are baptized either in or with water, symbolizing purity and the washing away of sins. However, water interestingly represents both a gift and a challenge in Christianity. For instance, Moses stretched out his hands and parted the treacherous seas for his followers, showing defiance in the face of adversity. On the other hand, during the creation of the planet, Christians tell of God using water to replenish the barren lands on earth, allowing for the beginning of all life.



Water is seen as one of the most profound elements for Muslims. As it sustains all life on earth, it is seen as a blessing from Allah, although water is both powerful and merciful, taking life as quick as it provides it. Alongside this, the simple act of giving water to the needy is a honourable act of charity in Islam, for water’s essential role in human life.



In Hinduism, water is held to a high spiritual regard because Hindus recognize that water intwines us humans with the planet; we drink water, are made up of mostly water and use water to make our daily lives easier. Not only this, but water has an important role in Hindhu religious ceremonies; pools of water lie at the entrances of temples as a means to cleanse and purify the body before partaking in religious rituals.

Significance of Water in Dreams

Significance of Water in Dreams

Whether or not a person subscribes to a religion or culture that honors the importance of water, water plays a significant role in the psyche of us all. One of the most commonly occuring dreams includes the presence of water, although the way in which water presents itself in our dreams has different connotations. For one, massive tidal waves, black water and crashing oceans likely means a dreamer is feeling overwhelmed in life. The familiar phrase of ‘keeping one’s head above water’ rings especially true here, as it speaks of times where we feel overcome by various problems and anxieties. When we feel out of our depth in life, it is common to see powerful waves coming crashing towards us in our dreams.

In a different light, smooth waters represent feeling content and at peace in life. The serenity of a tranquil body of water in one’s dream is a lovely subconscious message that all is well at the moment. When the water in our dreams is clear, this indicates clarity of the mind. When the water in our dreams shows our reflection, this symbolizes the need for contemplation about certain aspects of ourselves.

All in all, water plays a fundamental role in human life. Not only does it provide life and nourish all that is physical, but it also has an incredibly important spiritual significance in virtually all cultures and religions. Since humans began, the element’s power and majesty has fascinated us with its ability to both provide and exhaust life in an instant. Regardless of our beliefs, we must hold great respect for the wonder of water as without it, everything we know would cease to exist entirely.

Do you still want to know more about the spiritual significance of water? Or perhaps you have an interest in learning about the symbolism of the earth’s other elements. If so, make sure to check out this article; The Four Elements and What They Mean | Mysticsense. Either way, there are many resources at Mysticsense that can guide you with your learning and provide insight for any other questions you may have. Get started learning more about the symbolism of the elements at Mysticsense today!

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