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The Spiritual Meaning of Jaguars

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
October 28, 2021
The Spiritual Meaning of Jaguars
The Spiritual Meaning of Jaguars
TL;DR The spiritual meaning of jaguars grasps the imagination of many, and the legends and folk beliefs of ancient South Americans reflects that. What does it mean when you see a jaguar, what gifts are bestowed upon you when the jaguar is your spirit animal, and what can we do to help endangered jaguars today?

The mysterious jaguar masterfully navigates its realm, undetected until it wants to be. Experts in climbing the trees, sleeping seemingly in the sky, jaguars are also masters on land and in water, and human beings attach great spiritual meaning to the powerful cats. What is the symbolic meaning of jaguars and what does it mean when they are your spirit animal? What have ancient people believed about jaguars, and what is the status of the jaguar in the world today?

Jaguars Definition

Jaguars Definition

What’s a jaguar? The definition of jaguars is that they are the third largest cat species in the world and are native to the Americas only. The average adult jaguar weighs from 80 pounds up to 300 pounds, although when they are born, jaguar cubs only weigh about two pounds. They are carnivores, and have a powerful bite, they can snap right into bones and crush skulls. They live in swamps, deserts, in rainforests, and hunker down in caves or dens as their personal homes. Jaguars live about 12-15 years in the wild and can run up to a whopping 49 miles per hour. While they are reputed to be nocturnal, they are active in daytime hours also, but are most active at dawn and dusk.

Jaguars can either be gold with black spots and a lighter fur with more black spots on their underside, sable with black spots, or solid black. They are solitary for the most part, with couples pairing only to mate, and separating immediately. The mother jaguar gives birth to two to four cubs, and they stay with their mother for a year or two before striking out on their own. Jaguars can live up to 23 years in captivity, which is longer than any other big cat.

Mythology of Jaguars

mythology of jaguars

These powerful cats have attracted quite the attention for generations, and the ancient people of Mesoamerica reflected their awe of the big cats in the stories of their gods. Each civilization borrowed the stories from the people who had lived before them, building on the rich myths about jaguars.



It is possible the Olmecs, who lived in the tropic lowlands of Tabasco and Veracruz and thrived around 1,500 to 400 BCE built the very first Mesoamerican civilization. Depictions of people with jaguar like features who are today called werejaguars are plentiful from the Olmecs, and many theories about what they meant exist. Some say these werejaguar portraits were of specific people who had jaguar-human features and were believed to actually be part jaguar. It is believed by some that these jaguar people were blessed with mystical powers, and looked to for leadership. The poses the carvings are in of adult werejaguars typically have clenched fists, penetrating gazes, and broad, strong looking shoulders, seeming to communicate confidence, power, and a strong lifeforce. Depictions of babies with the werejaguar features are held by adults who seem to be respectfully and ritualistically “presenting” them to somebody.

While the Olmecs are credited with creating one of the earliest writing systems in the Americas, they did not leave a book comparable to a Bible of sorts, and their religious beliefs are surmised from carvings and art they created that survives today. However, it is believed by researchers that the Olmecs' religious beliefs were carried over into the beliefs of people who came after them, and their gods were earlier forms of many newer gods. We cannot know exactly what jaguars and werejaguars symbolized to the Olmecs, but we know they were very important to their belief system and were highly respected.



The jaguar was so revered by ancient Mayans, many of their gods and rulers were depicted as sitting on thrones with jaguar motifs on them, wearing jaguar skins, and with features like claws and the fangs of jaguars. The Mayans had several jaguar gods, and one was a god of fire, the underworld, the night sun and protection for warriors. This was the Mayan Jaguar God of Terrestrial Fire and he has jaguar ears, fangs, and wears a jaguar pelt. The Night Sun is believed to be a form the sun transforms into at night, and travels through the underworld, or under the earth, and it is associated with fire itself, and he rules over this. This god was seen as a god who protected warriors, as some of their shields had his protective image on it, and he was also depicted as a star and may have been associated with a constellation.

Other Mayan jaguar gods include a very old god referred to today as God L, and modern scholars believe they have interpreted old Mayan writings of him well enough to decipher pronunciation of his name as Ek Chuah. Believed to be a main god of war, he is depicted sometimes as an older man painted black, and he has an owl on his head, which symbolized war. He also has jaguar ears, teeth, and wears a jaguar pelt completed with its long tail. He has been portrayed with a walking stick, symbolizing wealth, smoking a cigar which represented magic, and around maize and cacao, both of which symbolize plenty and abundance.

To the Mayans, jaguars were powerful cats, worthy of kingship and deification, and represented plentifulness and nourishment, skill and prowess in war, protection of the people, and wealth and power in general.



Forty miles Northeast of Mexico City stands the ruins of Teotihuacan which in its heyday was the sixth largest city on earth, and 125,000 or more people lived there. Taking up eight square miles, from about 1 AD to 500 AD, it was the most populated and largest Pre-Columbian American center of civilization. Many images of jaguars adorn Teotihuacan, including the beautiful Palace of Jaguars. Various brightly painted images of jaguars are painted there, which persevere to this day. These depict the jaguars blowing ceremonial conches of war, wearing feathered headdresses, and wearing the same style of clothing some of the priests of Teotihuacan were also depicted as wearing.

On one of the pyramids at Teotihuacan, a jaguar head surrounded with plumes like the plumed serpent god is depicted. This plumed serpent represents the god Quetzalcoatl, one of the most powerful gods to these people. He was the god of rain, the winds, and created human beings. It is believed the plumes he and the plumed jaguar sport may represent the winds that brought rain waters, which were lifegiving. It is believed the jaguar symbolized to the people of Teotihuacan the deities and religion, power in war, and had a connection with the plumed serpent god who brought life and the nourishing rains.



Speaking of creator gods, the Aztec god Smoking Mirror also known as Tezcatlipoca was another god of the Night Sun. His animal form is the jaguar, with the spots of the night sky, which he is a god of, and he is believed to have been brought to the Aztecs by the Toltecs but was also venerated by the Olmecs. Tezcatlipoca was a god of boys and their military training , a protector of slaves, and he had a special mirror he gazed into to see the thoughts and deeds of all humanity. He was also a god of magic, war, night winds and hurricanes, and he was the royal patron god who the new king had to pray and dedicate to when he was sworn in. Also a merciful god, sick children were accepted by temple Priests into service for Tezcatlipoca.

This god assisted with the creation and destruction of the world multiple times, even making one goddess cry so hard, her tears flooded the world, snuffing out life. He was also one of the gods who was impersonated by a human being who was worshipped as a human embodiment of him, and who fathered children ritualistically to ensure bounty and fertility of the people and earth. This human impersonator of the god was later ritualistically sacrificed to magically end drought, and as a way to bring the gods likeness to earth, ensuring survival of the world for another year. This jaguar god and the jaguar in general symbolized birth, death, rebirth, continued life, military training for boys, mercy, and care of the marginalized to the Aztecs.

Jaguar Symbolism

jaguar symbolism

Based on these myths, the jaguar symbolizes the night, royalty, strength, lifeforce, confidence, sacredness, the protection and power of warriors, education of warriors in training, rain, winds, hurricanes, nourishment, creation and destruction, mercy, protection of the marginalized, and the high god sacrificing an aspect of himself so the people could continue to thrive.

Seeing a Jaguar Meaning

Seeing a Jaguar Meaning

Beyond the sacred meanings, what does it mean if you see a jaguar? Seeing a jaguar symbolizes the ability to face your fears and overcome them entirely. Seeing a jaguar in the wild, however, means you better watch your step, because if you are intruding on their territory, and you may be near their den, which they would feel they need to defend against all intruders. If the jaguar doesn’t see you, back away slowly, not drawing attention to yourself at all, and quietly leave. Seeing a jaguar in the wild can be a sign of good luck also and can be telling you that when times are difficult, gather your strength, because you have a lot of it, and can work out nearly any problem.

Seeing a Black Jaguar Meaning

Seeing a Black Jaguar Meaning

A black jaguar, also called a panther, symbolizes something different. Black jaguar symbolism is that of being able to see all things very clearly, while at the same time having the ability to camouflage successfully, not being seen unless you want to be. Seeing a black jaguar can be telling you that magic is near, or to use your own magic in a situation. Black jaguar symbolism is also that of focus and purpose, and the black jaguar sighting can be telling you to set your sights steadfastly on your goals and go for them! Black jaguar meaning is also that of keeping silent and waiting until just the right moment to make your thoughts and presence known.

Jaguar Spirit Animals

Jaguar Spirit Animals

When the jaguar is your spirit animal, you will be blessed with attributes of the powerful cat, and you will embody its strengths. Jaguar spirit animals bring all the gifts of lifeforce and strength the jaguar symbolically embodies, but they also bring you special power to “hunt” for what you want in life. They bestow the ability to stalk out that which is yours, taking it, and your jaguar spirit animal will give you the courage to take on something you fear might be too great to accomplish. Jaguar animal guides bring fertility and productivity in all you do, and you will have the ability to accomplish nearly every goal. Your jaguar totem animal gives you a charismatic presence, and great poise and dexterity physically.

Dreams About Jaguars

dreams about jaguars

When jaguars visit in dreams, they can be bringing any of the messages of the things they symbolize, and they can also be telling you that you are protected from any threats because your own personal power is so mighty, little can get at you. Dreams about jaguars can let you know a period of peace and tranquility is coming, and that you can relax and enjoy this beautiful time. If you dream of being attacked by a jaguar, it means your own self-doubt is paralyzing you, and if you dream of being befriended or adopted by jaguars, it’s a strong indicator they are your power animals.

Endangered Jaguars

endangered jaguars

While not on the brink of extinction, jaguars are endangered today. After the settling of North America by European immigrants, jaguars and other large predators were seen as threats to livestock, and considered pests, and extermination attempts were quite successful. Habitat loss as well as trafficking of jaguar pelts and body parts and killing to eradicate them reduced numbers drastically, and as of 1972, jaguars were listed as an endangered species in America. Conservation efforts in both North and South America have been successful, with hunting of them being banned in many places, preserves being established, and conservation units have been working tirelessly to make life easier for jaguars.

How You Can Help

Reducing risks to jaguars is the number one way you can help endangered jaguars survive and thrive. Ways to do this include:

  • Don’t buy any products fashioned from jaguar body parts including their fur or claws. No demand means poachers won’t find killing them profitable and without a market, the killings will stop.
  • If you are a livestock owner someplace where jaguars roam, installing things like electric fences to keep jaguars away from your herd will eradicate the threat they pose to your animals, rather than killing them.
  • Join a conservation fund, raising awareness of their needs, and donate time or funds if you can. One organization that works on the behalf of jaguars is the World Wildlife Fund, and according to them, jaguars have lost both habitat and food sources, and need help. World Wildlife Fund can be found here: Adopt a Jaguar | WWF

The beauty and power of the jaguar is with you when these majestic creatures visit you in waking or in a dream, and when the jaguar spirit animal is yours, you are as powerful as they are. May the sacred spirit of the lifegiving jaguar bless you with courage, protection, and the ability to succeed they bring.

Have you ever seen a jaguar, and what happened? What have been your experiences with your jaguar spirit animal? What wisdom and gifts have the jaguar brought to you and what teachings of theirs would you like to share today? Let us know!

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