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The Spiritual Meaning of Crows

Rachel Clare
By Rachel Clare
January 26, 2023
The Spiritual Meaning of Crows
The Spiritual Meaning of Crows

Crows are magnificent creatures although many fear them, associating them with fear, black magic and even death. However, in various cultures, the crow is revered as a symbol of power, strength and protection. So, with that in mind, it is useful to learn about the various meanings linked to the beautiful crow, and to understand the symbolism behind their actions and behaviors also.

Our comprehensive guide will cover:

Crows Symbolic Meaning

Crows Symbolic Meaning

Despite crows symbolizing all things death and darkness, they also symbolize new opportunities and possibilities for growth and evolution. Death symbolizes the end of superficiality and letting go of the ego in many other cultures, meaning it is strongly revered as the ultimate spiritual journey a person can take. Therefore crows represent the ending of one stage in life and the start of the next. As we progress through these new stages, we find ourselves having to actively work towards reaching higher spiritual planes, rather than simply waiting for them to come to us. As such, crows commonly appear during challenging and troubling times of our lives, including grief, loss, and general upheaval - but encourage us to take action rather than sit back passively and wait for life to simply ‘happen’. This may explain why crows are typically considered 'bad omens' or have negative connotations attached to them, as their presence can be a hard truth to swallow. However, it is only after we have experienced the bad that we can truly appreciate the good, so we can thank crows for helping us along this journey.

Crows and Death Meaning

In centuries past, the association between crows and mortality has made the bird seem ominous. In art, media, and television, the presence of crows unfairly suggests danger is looming. In fact, as a group, they are referred to as 'murders' and since crows scavenge and hunt smaller birds, they earned a reputation as a vicious predator. Not only this, but crows can be fairly intimidating when they come into contact with us; they are known to swoop and dive on humans when they feel their habitat is in danger. All in all, it's evident why crows are associated with death and danger, but what do other patterns of behavior they display suggest about their role as spiritual symbols?

What Does the Crow Symbolize in Native American Culture?

Native American tribes are highly diverse and rich in culture. Although united by geography, the customs, traditions and belief systems vary widely from tribe-to-tribe. That said, all tribes have a deep respect and admiration for all animals; they revere animals for the way they feed the population, shape the land and keep the earth’s ecosystem operating effectively. However, certain tribes hold certain animals in particularly high esteem, associating them with their own meanings and spiritual interpretations. For instance, many tribes across the great plains region in the US, including the Lakota and Sioux people, adorn their tribal clothing with crows feathers in preparation for various cultural dances. They wear these feathers with the belief that they will be protected by the crow.

What Does it Mean When a Crow Follows You Around?

When a crow follows a person, it is believed to be a sign that this person has telepathic or psychic abilities of some kind. Crows are attracted to the energy emitted by these individuals, so show a lot of interest when they are near. Other than this, a crow following a person around may indicate that this is their spirit animal. It may sound hard to distinguish between animals simply being in your environment and those that have a strong, spiritual attachment to you, but when they grow particularly persistent or crop up from what seems like nowhere, you can be sure the bond runs a little deeper than most.

What Does it Mean When a Crow Caws at You?

A crow’s caw may strike fear in most, but there really is nothing alarming about this powerful bird song. However, in ancient folklore, the number of caws heard was thought to correspond to different messages, and some of these are a little uncomfortable to say the least. One crow’s caw was seen to be a sign of bad news, whereas two caws were believed to signify a positive message. Three caws were thought to point to good health and four were linked to receiving a surprise windfall of cash. That said, five caws were believed to be the worst of all, indicating poor health or bereavement. Regardless, there is plenty of ancient folklore that we can find interesting to learn about, but that we don’t necessarily need to carry forward with us through life. The key thing is to connect with whatever message you feel is most salient at the time, and use that for comfort and guidance. 

Crows Cawing in the Morning

A crow’s caw in the morning signals that we need to pay attention to the spiritual signs the universe offers us throughout our day. The signs are often overlooked, but if we step into our days with the intention of spotting them, we're going to be more aware of them. Thus, when making major life changes, such as refocusing your career or ending a relationship, crows cawing in the morning are often considered a sign to seek higher guidance. We should make sure to slow down, pay attention to the signals, and make decisions based on them, because the universe knows what's best for us.

Crows Cawing at Night Meaning

 A crow cawing at night indicates that something negative is about to take place. In American legend, a crows’ nightly caw is associated with death, darkness, fear and danger. This is partly because crows have a diurnal sleep pattern, meaning they are awake and active during the daytime while resting at night. This means many people believe that there has to be an ominous reason for crows’ activity after dark, or that they must be altering us to something to watch out for. So, casting of protective spells or forming psychic shields may be beneficial for those who are more spiritually inclined. Unfortunately, the crows can't predict exactly what's going to happen, but it's never a bad idea to prepare yourself and take protective measures.

Crows Circling Meaning

When crows circle around you overhead, it may be symbolic of needing an objective perspective on a situation troubling the recipient. Almost all of us are guilty of viewing things through tunnel vision and failing to imagine an alternative view. That's why crows circle ahead, reminding us that instead of simply looking down, we need to look up, forwards and around us. Viewing such a phenomenon is also likely to stop a recipient in their tracks. By doing so, it is symbolic of a person’s need to stop and look more broadly at their situation, assessing where they can make beneficial changes and visualizing an alternative route forward.

1 Crow Meaning 

If you come across a solitary crow, this could be a signal from the above warning you that things in your life may soon be turned on its head. This may be at work, with your partner, in your home life, or in another other major aspect of life. A single crow may also be highlighting situations of yours that are calling for change.

2 Crows Meaning 

When you see two crows, this can be a sign that you are entering a new season of your life. With the number two, comes new beginnings and fresh starts after an initial setback. It is therefore important to accept the changes that will follow. Two crows also suggest the presence of a dual personality; they indicate that you have the ability to act in different ways and mold to the situations you find yourself in. However, the ability to do this can be both a blessing and a curse as it also indicates uncertainty. The universe is showing you that you have options, so it’s now down to you to decide which path to follow.

3 Crows Meaning 

Three crows are a sign that an angel is close. They can symbolize that your guardian angel has your back and is particularly receptive to your calls at this time. Seeing three crows also has a spiritual meaning related to transformation. As a result, when you see this formation, expect that a transformation is about to begin, although it starts in the mind before manifesting in actions. The sight of three crows inspires you to change your mindset, which will result in better decision making and far more productive outcomes in the long run.

4 Crows Meaning 

When you see four crows, this can be a sign that you, or someone in your household, is struggling with instability. The instability in question can be related to the emotions, to financial situations or even that of relationships. The key thing is that life feels unsteady and the road ahead is yet to look clear. As such, it’s important to take a step back and assess your situation when you see four crows. Take it as a signal to slow down and plan your next movements more deliberately than you may have done otherwise.

5 Crows Meaning 

When five crows appear, this can be a sign to be open and receptive to signals from the universe. The universe is giving you a clear sign that there are important messages to be received, so keep yourself on alert to spot what these might be. It is also likely that there is to be a major shift in your life at this time, not necessarily good but also not necessarily bad - the big change will be positive or negative depending on how you interpret it. In short, five crows can be a scary sign to see, but it’s important to see it as a sign that life is soon to be shaken up, so listen to the universe for guidance and try to see the benefits that lie beneath it all.

6 Crows Meaning 

Seeing six crows is a sign of contentment and confidence. When you see this sign, expect to soon feel completely calm and secure in who you are and your soon-to-be situation. Life will feel smooth-sailing for the foreseeable and things will feel as if they are suddenly falling into place after a long time of struggle. Take this sign as a reward after months of back-breaking effort. Revel in the confidence and elation you will feel.

7 Crows Meaning 

Seeing seven crows is a sign of abundance and typically in the financial sense. Perhaps in recent times money has been a stress point, but seeing this collection of crows is a sign from the universe that support is on its way. It may arrive in the form of an unexpected lump sum, a new job or a long-lost bank account being unearthed again. But either way, it will feel like a windfall that has suddenly landed straight in your lap.

Are Crows a Bad Omen?

Are Crows a Bad Omen?

As crows have long been associated with black magic, witchcraft and other areas of dark occultism, they've earned a pretty negative image for themselves. In movies and stories, crows are also often depicted alongside the grim reaper, circling an ominous graveyard or waiting to dive in on unsuspecting prey. Whatever scene the crow finds itself in, most of us can agree that it conjures feelings of fear. However, these negative stereotypes are largely unfounded. In fact, in many cultures the crow is a symbol of protection during trying times. In Native American culture, various tribes worship crows and revere the part they play as a necessary predator in the animal kingdom. Due to this, next time you see a crow, remind yourself that they are far from a bad omen or a sign of negative things to come. Rather, they are symbols of protection and power from the universe, giving us the strength we need to tackle life’s adversities head on.

There are many resources at Mysticsense that can guide you with your learning and provide insight for any other questions you may have. Get started learning more about the symbolism of crows at Mysticsense today!


After reviewing the article on the spiritual meaning of crows at Mysticsense, readers might wonder:

1. How can one differentiate between a crow acting as a mere animal presence and when it serves as a spiritual guide or messenger?

Distinguishing a crow's presence as merely animal or spiritual involves personal intuition and context; if the crow appears in unusual circumstances or patterns that resonate with personal experiences or emotions, it might be considered a spiritual guide or messenger.

2. What specific rituals or practices can someone adopt to honor or communicate with crows as spiritual entities?

To honor or communicate with crows as spiritual entities, one might engage in practices such as leaving out offerings like seeds or shiny objects, creating a dedicated space in their environment for crows, or meditating with the intention of connecting with crow energy.

3. In light of the varied interpretations of crows' behaviors (such as cawing or circling), how does one apply these insights practically to their personal spiritual journey or daily life?

Applying the spiritual insights of crows’ behaviors to one’s life requires observation and reflection. Consider journaling about sightings and behaviors, looking for patterns or messages, and exploring how these align with current life circumstances or spiritual questions.

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