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The Spiritual Meaning of Fruits in Dreams

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
July 31, 2024
The Spiritual Meaning of Fruits in Dreams
The Spiritual Meaning of Fruits in Dreams

Find out what it means when you have dreams of fruit, what some spiritual traditions say about that, and what some fruits like apples mean in dreams.

The sleeping mind takes us to places we may never explore in our waking life. We go to whole new worlds, and become things we never thought we could, and when we awaken, we know that sometimes, the mind was not just occupying itself during slumber. One of the things that shows up in people’s dreams a lot is fruit. The spiritual meaning of fruit itself is powerful, but the meaning of fruit in dreams is something quite different. Join Mysticsense as we explore fruits and their meaning in spirituality, and what some fruit means in dreams. Maybe you will discover ways of interpretingwhat some of your own dreams about fruit mean!

The History of Fruit in Spirituality 

Fruit is both a material thing and something used symbolically to represent other things. Perhaps because fruit is so important to nourishing us, it stands for more than just what we use to soothe hunger. In general , fruit represents abundance, life, fertility, and pleasure. Different cultural meanings exist for fruit in general, and some well-known meanings of fruit are found in the Bible, in the writings and myths of Ancient Rome, and in rituals for first fruits.

Fruit Meaning in The Bible

Fruit Meaning in The Bible

Multiple scriptures in the Bible speak of fruit, using it as a metaphor for what people’s intentions and deeds produce. If your intentions and deeds are good, you will produce wonderful things like a tree produces good fruit. One of the most powerful images about fruit in the Bible is about what are called “the Fruits of the Holy Spirit.” Catholics have twelve of these fruits, or virtues, and 5:22-25 Galatians said “ 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.24 And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” These “fruits” are habits and behaviors people are said to develop when they live with the spirit of their god within them, and these habits are evidence of this. Read about Spirit Animals: A Guide To Spirit Animals

This was not the only place the Bible talked about the meaning of fruit. Matthew, 7:16-17 says, “ 16Ye shall know them by their fruits: do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.” This refers to the deeds we do. Good people do good things, and they will be known for the things they do. Ephesians 5:9 says “ For the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true.” People are encouraged throughout the Bible to do good deeds and fill the world with their love and goodness, feeding the world spiritually like fruit vines and trees produce fruit to feed the world.

Fruit Meaning in Ancient Rome

The ancient Romans had their own meanings for fruits. For example, citrus fruits were expensive and rare at one time, so citrus fruit symbolizes wealth since only those financially well off could have all they wanted. Early on, only citrons and lemons were available, but by the 10th century, pomelos, sour oranges, and limes made their way to Rome. It would be close to another five centuries before the sweet orange became available there, and citrus fruits were no longer a luxury only the rich could afford.

Grapes were another matter, however, and were sacred to Bacchus, the Roman god of wine, vegetation, agriculture, and fruit trees. He was tasked with making fruits produce well, and with helping with the harvest. Bacchus, and his wine granted freedom from toil and brought joy. Wine, in general, was a regular part of religious celebrations, and before beginning many rituals, grape wine was offered to the gods. Wine was also used as gifts to the dead, being poured through tubes into the ground at cemeteries. Read about honoring the dead: Honoring the Dead 

Fruit Meaning in “First Fruits”

In multiple cultures, an offering of first fruits is given to show thanks to the powers that be for a bountiful harvest. The first fruits of a harvest are given as a gift to a god or goddesswho is believed to have helped the people to have accomplished a successful harvest. In ancient Judaism, the first grown fruits were brought to the temple and given as a sacrifice to YHVH as was ordered in Deuteronomy 26:10 , which says “ And now behold, I have brought the first fruit of the land, which Thou, Oh Lord hast given me.” And thou shalt set it down before the Lord, thy God, and worship before the Lord, thy God.``

 In ancient Athens, Greece, people would donate the first fruits of their harvest to the temple, and the temple would have a kind of market, selling the fruits, and raising funds for the upkeep of the temple. Of course, not all the fruit was sold. Some of it was offered to the goddesses Demeter and Kore, and these offerings to them were given in hope the goddesses would smile upon Athens, bringing abundance, and safety. In modern times, some mystical people save the seeds from their first fruits harvested, and plant those in the earth. Some people bury a whole piece of fruit as a gift to the earth. Burying these fruits and seeds shares the harvest with the earth, and plants more fruit for future abundance.

What Does Fruit in My Dream Mean?

 Fruits in general represent abundance and reaping the rewards for hard work, but when you dream about fruit, the meaning of the dream really depends on which fruit it is. It also depends on what is happening in the dream. Sometimes, you dream you are eating fruit, and other times, you are doing things like harvesting, or planting fruit. Other times, fruits can seem out of reach in dreams. Dead fruit or vines represent one thing, and sometimes the color of the fruit in your dream tells you something important.

Apples in Dreams

When you dream about apples, especially red ones, they represent passion and sexual desire. Apples, after all, represent sexand fertility and they also symbolize temptation. May consider the forbidden fruit Adam and Eve ate and got cast out of the Garden of Eden over to be apples. If you feel a sense of guilt when you dream about biting a red apple, it means you lust after a forbidden lover, and the sultry temptation they lure you to them with may be too powerful for you to refuse. Read about sex and the Zodiac Signs: Sex and the Signs

Grapes in Dreams

Grapes represent abundance, wealth, and luxury. When you dream that you are dancing among grapevines, your dream is telling you to enjoy the wonderful life you have created for yourself. When you dream of dead grapevines or rotted grapes, it is telling you there is disease or decay of something you have worked for. Maybe a relationship is dead or you are stuck in a dead end job, and it is time to move on. Dreams about raisins, or dried grapes, means you should save your time, and money for the future, preserving your resources for a time when you are not so fortunate.

Pomegranates in Dreams

Pomegranates in Dreams

Pomegranates represent hidden wisdom, the feminine divine, marriage,and the dead. When you dream you are being offered the fruit of the pomegranate, it means an ancestor wants to communicate with you. When you dream you are eating pomegranate seeds, it means you are about to learn something. If you eat the pomegranate quickly, it means the lesson will come quickly, but if you dream of eating the pomegranate slowly, one seed at a time, you are being counseled to be patient, because the lesson you learn will take some time. If you are forced to eat pomegranate seeds, like Persephone was to trap her in Hades, it means you are stuck in a situation you have no control over.

Peaches in Dreams

Peaches symbolize long life, immortality, good health, sex, and happiness. If you dream you are planting a peach pit, the dream is telling you to create your own happiness If you dream that you are watching a peach tree grow, it means that your health is good, and if this dream comes during or after an illness, it means your health is improving. If you dream about a deceased loved one offering you peaches, it means the ancestors are helping you to have a long life. If you dream of a peach tree growing in some place that makes you unhappy, the dream is telling you that the situation will upset you forever, and you should not waste your time trying to change things, but move on instead.

Strawberries in Dreams

Strawberries represent romance, love, the summer, and opportunities. If you dream about a field of strawberries, it means you have plenty of chances to find new lovers. If you dream about wearing a garland of strawberries in your hair, it can portend finding the person you will marry. If you dream you are eating ripe, juicy strawberries, it tells you that you will have a passionate lover come into your life soon. If you dream you are planting strawberries, the dream is telling you to open yourself up for new love, which is coming your way. Read about Summer: The Summer Solstice

Fruit Symbolism 

Each and every fruit has its own symbolism. Some fruits grow in multiple places all over the world, and they have a lot of different ancient meanings. Figs, oranges, cherries, blackberries, and pears are not only delicious to eat, but spiritually, they have deep meaning.


There is a legend that wasps depend on figs to incubate their eggs, and figs depend on wasps to pollinate them. This is true! Wasps burrow into fig fruits to lay eggs, but die inside, these figs contain the decayed bodies of wasps. A substance inside the fig transforms the wasp into a protein the fruit absorbs. If you think that is scary, imagine a world without figs! Figs symbolize resurrection, and fertility and the prophet Muhammad said figs are from the paradise of Allah. Figs can be used in spells for rejuvenation and love spells. Read about love spells: What Are Love Spells? Are Love Spells Needed?


Originating in Asia, oranges are grown in warm places like Florida, and in India, and the trees are grown mostly for their fruit. While citrus trees in general have been around for about 20 million years, oranges appeared about 7,000 years ago. Oranges represent fertility, love, and romance. In Victorian times, brides wore orange blossoms as symbols of undying love, youth, and purity. Oranges are symbols of success, strength, and of the sun. They can be used in magic during wintertime to bless the sun with power and strength until it is reborn on the Winter Solstice. All About the Winter Solstice


Cherries are native to parts of Africa, Asia, and Europe and are eaten all over the world today. The blossoms of cherry trees in spring symbolize hope, renewal, and beauty. After the blossoms fade, the luscious cherry fruits develop and cherries are eaten whole, but also used to flavor sweets, syrups, candies, and to make extracts with. Enough of their pits crushed create a toxin that can be poisonous, but swallowing a whole cherry pit is harmless. Cherries symbolize new love and divination. Tie a strand of your hair to a blooming cherry tree to draw new love to you and you can boil cherries with water for tea to drink to make your psychic powers sharper during divination.


Growing native in woodlands in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas, blackberries are seen as an unsightly weed by some, and to others, their dark color links them with sorrows, death, and the devil. To others, blackberries symbolize the blood of Christ and legend has it that the crown of thorns Jesus wore when he was crucified was made of blackberry thorns. English folklore says walking under an archway of blackberry vines will cure people and cows of various illnesses. The thorns of blackberries are considered protective. Plant blackberries at home near entryways and use spent vines to make wreaths to hang on doors and windows for protection.


Native to North Africa, Asia, and Europe, pears are a versatile fruit eaten fresh, canned, cooked, and fermented into alcoholic beverages and they are so popular, about 3,000 variations of them have been developed. Pear trees were believed to be where good spirits lived in pre-Islamic Chechen regions, so it was forbidden to cut them down. Pears represent good health and good fortune and, in some places, pears are planted after the birth of a child, in the belief this is a blessing for the baby. Because it is also believed pears heal, eating pears during healing rituals is especially effective.

Making Magic with Fruit

Even if you don’t dream about fruit, you can still partake of its magic. Some people simply eat fruit to bring its magic into themselves, and indeed, every fruit possesses some healing power, but fruit has more magic within it than just that. Cultivating your own fruit, blessing it weekly, or daily throughout the growing season from spring to harvest will charge it with your magical intentions, and the fruit will work whatever magic you want it to. For example, say you want to create harmony amongst co-workers who don’t get along. Read about the magic of food: The Magic of Food

When your apple trees begin to bud, say a prayer into a bowl of water like this “I bless this water with the power of peace, and I grant it the ability to wash away all discord, and bring harmony. So Be It.” Then water the roots of your apple tree with this holy water. Repeat this magical operation as often as you like, and when you harvest your apples, wash them in water you have blessed in this way. Bake the apples into a pie or cake, which you serve to your co-workers, making extra sure the people who don’t get along get a slice, and watch the peacemaking power of your holy apples work their magic.

Fruit in Dreams and Psychic Readings 

Fruit has always had sacred meaning beyond just being good for food. It represents abundance, fertility, and pleasure, and individual fruits all have their own meanings. Dreams about fruit can tell you a lot about what is going on in your life, and what kind of wonderful things are to come. When you dream about fruit, pay extra close attention because your sleeping mind is not just keeping busy with dreams. Your ancestors, your current life, and your future are speaking to you.

Your dreams are sacred, but sometimes, they might be confusing. Would you like to speak with a psychic to interpret your dreams? At Mysticsense, our psychics are available 24/7 to deliver the best advice to you. 

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