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Redemption - Do We Really Need It?

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
September 03, 2024
Redemption - Do We Really Need It?
Redemption - Do We Really Need It?

The concepts embraced in the idea of Biblical salvation are things members of some other religions and philosophies say are crucial for humanity to connect with the divine and reach our greatest potential, but some others say it is not necessary. Which is it? 

Champions for salvation would have us believe that humanity is incapable of being good enough on our own, and we need a deity to tear us down before building us up to perfection. Other people say this is a misunderstanding of human nature, and we are good enough as we are. Which is it and what does salvation mean? Join Mysticsense to learn about salvation. Find out what some major philosophies say about the way to salvation and decide for yourself if we need to be redeemed or if we are acceptable as we are.

What is Salvation?

Salvation is the soul being saved from the consequences of sin. This belief asserts that humanity, for some reason, is inherently flawed, and needs a divine being to intervene to cleanse us, enlighten us, or somehow make us worthy of escaping the consequences of the way we are born. While most people can admit they are far from perfect, the concept of salvation goes beyond that. It assumes we are born somehow flawed and that we cannot better ourselves without the help of a higher power. Some people believe salvation is achieved the moment you believe you need it, and other people believe that salvation is a lot more work than that.

Different groups of people have their own beliefs about salvation. Some people seek salvation for their whole lives, and others don’t worry about it at all. Still other people believe humanity needs to work on themselves constantly, but that no deity is going to do the work for them. People disagree on how to attain salvation. Some say it is by faith alone, and others believe your deeds decide whether or not you are saved. Buddhism believes in something called enlightenment and while saints and the Buddha can help to guide you, ultimately it is up to you to attain it. Hinduism believes in moving up or down in reincarnation based on your deeds, and then Satanists and non-religious people have a different take on salvation entirely. Read about old souls here:Are You an Old Soul?


Christians believe that human beings are reliant on their god for salvation and the goal of every Christian is to make it to heaven. They believe that this is not possible without salvation. Different Christians disagree on how to do this. Some Christians say that belief in the salvation of their god will automatically grant salvation no matter what. Some other Christians don’t think so. They believe that the deeds you do dictate whether you are one of their god’s children, and they avoid sins to be deserving of it.

Faith Alone

Some denominations of Christians believe in something called “accepting Jesus into your heart.” This just means that you say you belong to Jesus and accept him as your god. You then invite him to reside in your heart for life. They believe that salvation is achieved this way and you will enter into a state called “grace”. Grace is the favor of their god and people who believe in grace believe humans are not deserving of it, but it is granted anyways. Those who believe in this believe humans are incapable of not sinning and can only be accepted into heaven by their god. They believe Jesus died to pay a blood debt for human sin and every human being can accept grace if they want to because of this. A lot of people believe in destiny and you can learn about it here:All About Destiny

Good Deeds

Some Christians say that belief in their god is crucial, and that faith will be shown by the deeds you do. So they believe you cannot deliberately commit sins, or wrong deeds, that separate you from their god, and be redeemed. Like those who believe in grace, these Christians believe that faith is crucial, but actions show belief. They believe their god forgives sins, but to be forgiven, you have to be truly sorry for what you have done, and work to never commit that sin again. Salvation for those who believe your deeds allow it means you have to work to avoid sin and do good things to be saved from being a sinner. Read about the Spiritualist movement here: Spiritualist Movement and Mediumship



Buddhists believe we should seek something called Enlightenment. Enlightenment is awakened wisdom and freedom from the fetters of life. Once enlightened, Buddhists believe they can be free from the cycle of death, and rebirth called reincarnation. Attaining awareness for the way things are as well as your own nature is part of this. It includes breaking free from desires, overcoming bad habits, becoming unafraid of death, and attaining wisdom. The desire to harm no life on earth as well as the need to help others is a part of this. Accepting that human nature makes us selfish and we are capable of causing harm is a part of becoming enlightened and working on yourself every day to overcome selfish desires helps attain enlightenment. Full attainment of enlightenment will result in moving into an altered state of existence upon death either as a saint who guides others to enlightenment or full attainment of a state called Nirvana. Read more about the Buddhist teachings about enlightenment here: What is Enlightenment in Buddhism? | Lion’s Roar (


Like Buddhists, Hindus believe salvation is breaking the cycle of death and rebirth, but their name for the state one enters when this is attained is moksha. There are different ways to earn this and one fast, easy way. The easy way is to die in the city of Varanasi in India and then be cremated at the banks of the Ganges River. Not everybody can do this, however. So many Hindus focus on living good, holy lives so they can reincarnate well. They can do that by devoting themselves to a deity, by doing good deeds, or by attaining enough knowledge. Some people do all these things so when they reincarnate, they can move toward moksha if not completely achieve it. Moksha is not just a release from death and rebirth, but union with Brahman, the ultimate reality of the universe itself. Read the power of Karma here: The Power of Karma


Satanism, a newer religion a lot of people have not heard of, has a different take on the concept of redemption. They don’t believe in it. Satanists believe human beings are responsible for themselves, and the only one who can keep them from doing awful things is themselves. No god or saint will save you. It is your job to do the right thing for the sake of doing it. Their concept of sin is different. They have a list of nine sins which include the sins of stupidity, pretentiousness, solipsism, self-deceit, herd conformity, lack of perspective, forgetfulness of past orthodoxies, counterproductive pride, and lack of aesthetics. Their concept of sin is anything you do to live a life that does not serve you, that causes problems for other people. Their nine virtues to strive for are intelligence, competency, acceptance, self-awareness, individuality, perspective, appreciation of history, pragmatism, and refined aesthetics. Read about the devil here: All About the Devil

Non-Religious People

A lot of non-religious people say spirituality is not the goal of self-improvement, but being a decent person is. There are many different individuals who are not religious who believe that striving for personal betterment is important. Many of these people say this is a lifelong journey and we never stop learning or improving ourselves. A lot of non-religious people find it distasteful to do the right thing just to try and earn your way into a desirable afterlife situation. They say that doing the right thing should be done for unselfish reasons. Doing the right thing can make you a better version of yourself, and also improve your community. Read about making positive changes in life here: How to Make Positive Changes

How to Attain Salvation

How to Attain Salvation

Salvation can be attained by anybody at any time, and it doesn’t necessarily require help every step of the way. Even if you believe you need the help of a deity to save you from sin, you are still responsible for deciding to be saved. Your attitude and beliefs reflect how you feel about being delivered. Then this will influence the decisions you make. Those decisions will decide what things you do.

Have The Right Attitude

Accepting the fact we are not perfect is the first step to positive changes. If you believe you are perfect and can do no wrong, you will never improve. You may blind yourself to your flaws, and that’s how your greatest weaknesses can rule you. Every day we have a choice. We can either grow as a person, accepting that we can always learn and improve, or we can pretend we are so great, we can’t get any better. The minute we consciously make the decision to stop learning and growing is the minute we cut ourselves off from the ability to progress. Read about how to make positive energy out of negative energy here: Converting Negative Energy into Positive Energy

Make Good Decisions

If you accept that you are imperfect, you will become aware of any biases, bad habits, or desires to indulge in things that are bad for you that you might have. You will objectively think about the decisions you make and you will try to make the best decisions. You will be aware of how your decisions directly create the kind of life you live, and you will be aware of something else- the fact that our decisions create the kind of life the people around us live too. Deciding to do the things that are best for everybody involved shows that you have broken away from being a selfish person who is ruled by your impulses. You can do the right thing even during dark times. Read about dark times here: Dealing with Dark Times Spiritually

Proper Actions

Having the right attitude and making good choices will make you do good things. People know us for the things we do, and our actions define us as people. They show how our minds work, and they reveal our intentions. Good actions create good results and make us known for being kind, considerate, and fair. Some people do only what they feel will cause no harm. The actions we take are the final step in being saved from what we feel is sin. Perhaps doing the right thing is what it takes to save ourselves. We all have that ability every day in everything we do. Read about how to use magic to manifest your reality here: Making Your Own Reality Using Magic

Do We Need to be Saved?

So do we need salvation, and if so, why? Some people say we do and others insist we don’t. Those who say we need salvation say we are inherently flawed or damaged in some way, and it is impossible for us to do better without help. Other people say this is shunning responsibility and nobody has the power to make us better people except ourselves.

The Case for Salvation

Those who believe people need to be saved say that we need to escape from the worst side of ourselves or else we will separate ourselves from other people and our higher power. Many who believe in salvation believe that people cannot save themselves, but need a deity to do it for them. They say that it is only through faith that we can be lifted out of the condition we are born into. Some people believe salvation is reached through good deeds and devotion to living a good life, but we still have to do all those things to escape sinning. They say without salvation, we will never connect with our higher power and that is the worst thing that could happen to us.

The Case Against Salvation

Some people say nobody needs anybody else to save them from themselves or anything else. They say we just need to make good decisions and not be nasty people. They say people have free will and we make our own decisions. No belief in any deity changes that or keeps us from doing ugly things. Some people say that believing a god will save you deflects personal responsibility and is an excuse for doing awful things. Some people say that instead of focusing on being rescued from our own bad habits and bad decisions, we should accept full responsibility for the way we are, and make the decision to change for the better.

Deliverance from the worst parts of ourselves comes only after we ask for it. People have different ideas about exactly how we can go about attaining it. Some people say salvation only comes from a deity, but other people say it comes from the choices we make. Should we seek salvation, and do we even need it? Some people say yes, and other people say no. No matter what anybody says, the decision is yours. What do you think?

Do you need help deciding what the best thing to do is? We have hundreds of psychics available any time any day to guide you so get a reading started today. Make sure to sign up for our Horoscopes to find out what the future holds: Daily Horoscope | Free Horoscopes

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