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How to Deal with Energy Vampires

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
December 17, 2024
How to Deal with Energy Vampires
How to Deal with Energy Vampires

An emotional vampire can take many forms and can manipulate everybody in the room before you know what is happening. Find out how to spot a psychic vampire, what they do, how they do it, and techniques to use to prevent psychic vampires from sucking the energy out of you.

You can spot some of them the minute they walk in the room. They come in, take command, and immediately start imposing themselves on people. Some of them are charismatic people pleasers who and some can be the biggest manipulators on the planet. Some of them are quieter, but still have a knack for bending people to their will. Psychic vampires, energy vampires, energy suckers are some of the names they go by. They would probably say they are effectively persuasive, but persuasion and manipulation are entirely different things. Join Mysticsense to learn all about those special energy suckers who slither in and out of our lives. Find out what they are, how they operate, and why they even do it. Find out how to spot one and exactly what to do about them so they don’t suck the life out of you.

What’s an Energy Vampire?

What’s an Energy Vampire

An energy vampire, also known as a psychic vampire, is a person who has the ability to drain other people's energy. They tend to be very needy and highly manipulative and they may be unable to do pretty much anything for themselves. Sometimes they beg pitifully, but other times they are extremely demanding and have a sense of entitlement. They always have an excuse for the way that they are. They may share stories of victimization as children, or they may be someone who struggles with some form of illness.

Some psychic vampires are completely unaware of what they're doing but other ones do it deliberately. Like the vampire of myth, they feed off the life force of others and it seems like they can't survive on their own. They have an uncanny ability to identify people who will accommodate them and some of them are seldom if ever not seen with someone who can be called a host. Their host provides a life force and resources for them and psychic vampires act as parasites. Healthy relationships with psychic vampires can be difficult or impossible, and quite often even if you point out to them what they're doing, they will either deny it or be unable to stop even if they admit it. Some psychic vampires drain people emotionally and others will drain them physically and financially. Being an energy vampire is a nasty vice, but vices can be beaten if you really want to. Read how to identify and beat your vices here: Understanding Your Vices and Overcoming Them

How Do Energy Vampires Operate?

Energy vampires operate by taking from someone else to give to themselves. This can be done in a number of different ways. First they can just talk people into giving them material resources. It can be something as simple as “Oh look, I forgot my wallet, can’t you buy my lunch today since I always do so much for you? Don’t be ungrateful.” In that one statement, they have managed to request that you buy for them and make you feel guilty at the same time. If they do this in front of people, they can also make you look really bad, thus making themselves feel better. So not only are you drained financially, but you're also drained emotionally, and your reputation might suffer.

Some energy vampires don't necessarily ask for physical things, but they ask for attention. Everybody wants attention, respect, love, and companionship. That's normal. What's not normal is seeking negative attention and that's what a lot of psychic vampires do. Some of them will talk about how used and abused they have been for their whole lives and some of them are very good at making people feel responsible for healing their emotions or giving them a better life than the life they say they had before. Sharing your struggles is different from what a psychic vampire does. The psychic vampire will talk about their perceived sufferings in an attempt to get people to do things for them.

The one thing that all energy vampires do is work on the people who they know will give them what they want. They can't manipulate you or get things from you if you don't let them. They are highly aware of this and might demonize you to people if you refuse. Since they can't get what they want from you they will use you for more attention from people who they can manipulate. They have a natural instinct for knowing how to find the people who will do for them, and they spend a lot of time looking for those people. Once they find those people, they spend most of their time with them. While it is important to be open minded, it's important to know the difference between open mindedness and being easily manipulated and you can learn how to do that here: The Importance of Having an Open Mind

Why Do They Do It?

Psychic vampires do it for one reason, because they can. To explain this are three reasons that they do it. They sometimes do it because they want attention or because they're manipulative. Some people become psychic vampires because they are ill or have an addiction and that makes them very needy.

Attention Seeking

Attention Seeking

We're all happy when the right people pay attention to us and when we get to see the people who we love. That is healthy attention and everybody needs that. Psychic vampires seek attention in unhealthy ways. Sometimes they want to hoard the attention. Other times they make people feel sorry for them or watch them show off when they really don't have anything to brag about. Speaking of bragging they're great at that. Some of them will also belittle other people's accomplishments and talk about how much better they think they are. They sometimes don’t mind using abusive words. You can find out if you are an abuse victim here: Are You Abused? | The Signs You May Be


Everybody needs help sometimes, even the most independent and capable of people. Energy vampires take it a step further and they try to control other people in unhealthy ways. They may pretend they're out of groceries just because they don't want you to go home and rest after a long day of work. They might lie and tell somebody that you spoke against them because they want that person to hate you. They might pretend to be more helpless than they are just so you don't get time to spend with other people who you love. They want you with them at all times. Manipulation is unhealthy control of other people for selfish purposes and energy vampires are great at doing that.

Illness or Addiction

Some energy vampires are that way because they really do need you. When people are sick, their life force may feel weakened. So, they will pull from other people's life force to strengthen themselves. People who are sick whether it is a physical illness or a psychiatric condition can unintentionally become psychic vampires and it is a survival mechanism. People struggling with addiction function as if they are ill, and indeed some experts today say that addiction is a disease. Some people with actual physical problems will become psychic vampires because they cannot do for themselves. You can use energy healing though. Find out how here: All You Need to Know About Energy Healing

How to Spot an Energy Vampire

Some people spot an energy vampire because they immediately feel tired in their presence, but not all energy vampires are so easily detected. There are multiple ways that you can spot an energy vampire including someone who always needs to be the center of attention and who acts like they are always right about everything. They may constantly be asking for things, but they're difficult or impossible to please.

They Need to Be the Center of Attention

We've all seen people who are only happy when everybody is paying attention to them and them only. They will be jealous when somebody else is getting praise or acknowledgement for good things they've done. They love to interrupt because they feel like they're the only ones who have anything important to say. They will always find a way to downplay other people's needs by saying that their needs are greater. Anytime there's somebody that constantly needs to be the center of attention, that's an energy vampire. Sagittarians don't mind a lot of the right kind of attention and you can read about that Zodiac sign here: Sagittarius | Traits Star Sign in the Spotlight

They Are Always Asking for Things

Do you know someone who only calls you when they want something? People who always want favors, for you to make exceptions for them, and who constantly have a request only want you around for what they can get from you. They are using you and are draining you. That's an energy vampire. It's fair to say that when we have friends and family members that we're close to we help each other. However, if someone is always taking and they never give, they're an energy vampire.

They Are "Always Right"

Not all energy vampires ask for things, but they expect to be told that they're perfect. These people will often be criticizing everybody else and comparing themselves to those people who they criticize. They hold themselves up as an example of perfection and anybody who points out that they're less than perfect will be silenced if not verbally attacked. People who think of themselves as perfect but keep that to themselves don't qualify to be called energy vampires. It's the people who brag long and loud about how great they are and how awful everybody is. Earth signs try very hard to do what they feel is right and you can read about those Zodiac signs here: What is the Earth Element in Astrology?

They are Difficult to Please

One way that energy vampires manipulate people is by making them feel like they're not good enough. They may be asking you for things constantly, but they complain about the way that you do it. They'll complain that what you did for them wasn't good enough or that you didn't do it fast enough. They might complain about the fact that they “had to ask” to begin with but if you try to anticipate something they need, they'll say that you're wrong. They may invent dietary restrictions and health restrictions just to stay in control and go out of their way to complain about everything you do for them. They seem to enjoy being impossible to please and might brag that they have “high standards” when in fact their so-called standards are impossible.

How to Handle Energy Vampires

So, how do you handle energy vampires if you don't want your energy and life force to be sucked by them? There's a few simple things you can do to protect yourself. First off, if you refuse to give them anything, they'll stop asking you. They'll go away and find somebody else. You might be able to avoid them to the point that they stop seeking you out. If you can't stay away from them, you can use energy protection techniques.

Don’t Give Them Anything

Don’t Give Them Anything

Energy vampires surround themselves with the people who strengthen them. If you refuse to do that, they will go away and leave you alone. Their goal is to get the support that they want and if you're not giving it to them, they might throw a fit and complain about you to other people, but they will have no choice but to leave you alone. They will seek out people who will do what they want instead.

Avoid Them

You might be able to avoid energy vampires so they don't have an opportunity to try to take your energy to begin with. If you know they're going to be at a particular place at a particular time, leave before they get there or show up after they've gone. If they're in the same room with you, move away from them when they come your way. If they show up at your house, don't open the door. If they call, don't answer. If they text you, delete the text and don't respond. They can't drain your energy if they're not around you.

Protect Your Energy

Protecting your energy is something you can do if you're stuck dealing with an energy vampire. A simple protective technique that you can use is to visualize yourself surrounded by a protective light that nothing can penetrate if you don't let it. Just don't let them in your protected personal area. You can also tell them “No” to protect yourself. One very important thing to do if they are speaking against you to people who you know is to inform the people who they've spoken against you to that they need to mind their own business and not try to micromanage the situation. People can't take your energy if you protect yourself from them.

Energy vampires are everywhere, and you may even have at least one of them in your own life. They are people who feed off the life force of others and the only reason they do it is because they can. They can't feed off you if you don't let them. They can easily be spotted by being very needy and their attempts can be thwarted by refusing to give them what they want or avoiding them completely. Just because you say no to energy vampires doesn't mean you say no to helping people that need your help. You can help people in healthy ways without being taken advantage of.

Need advice on how to handle an energy vampire or any other manipulative individual? Our psychics have the best advice for dealing with any nasty situation, so get a reading started now!

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