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Becoming a Higher Self: Manifesting the Real You

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
November 13, 2024
Becoming a Higher Self: Manifesting the Real You
Becoming a Higher Self: Manifesting the Real You

Find out how we can all reach our Higher Selves, different techniques to do it, and how your Higher Will or greater purpose can unlock all the secrets to living a great life.

Your Higher Self. The very name sounds ominous and greater than something people can fathom, but the truth is, it’s simply a part of you. Some people say that your Higher Self is the spiritual side of you, and other people even believe it is a being that helps you to find out exactly what you are born to do. Join Mysticsense to learn all about the Higher Self. Find out how you can get in touch with yours and why doing that helps you to live the best life you can. Find out what things you might be doing to hide from it, and why everybody can find their Higher Self. Read all the way to the end to find out why you shouldn’t worry about finding your Higher Self and how we can help you to find it if you need us.

What is the Higher Self?

What is the Higher Self?

It's hard to say exactly what your Higher Self is, because a lot of people disagree. Some people say your higher self is your spiritual self, and some people call this Higher Self the soul. Some people say your Higher Self is a greater consciousness that makes you aware of supernatural and psychic phenomena. Some people say your Higher Self is something called a Holy Guardian Angel which is a being that will guide you to your Higher Will, or that which you were born to do. People say your Higher Self is your real, or true self, and that it is eternal.

Some people say that your Higher Self is an aspect of yourself that has a godlike quality. Other people say your Higher Self connects you to your higher power, or your god. Some people say your Higher Self is a higher form of intellectualism, and it elevates you to deeper levels of thought. Some people say that your Higher Self allows you to be raised to a higher level of spirituality, and it has nothing to do with the intellectual mind. Some people say that your Higher Self can raise you to higher levels of consciousness and do things like lucid dreaming, become euphoric, and experience psychic phenomena. Everybody who believes in a Higher Self agrees that it is something different from your mundane self, and it's very special. Read about the power of your thoughts here: The Power of Mindset

What is the Higher Will?

“There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt. Love is the law, love under will.”- Aleister Crowley

Crowley wrote and spoke these words and there is much misunderstanding surrounding them. People assumed he was referencing the Golden Rule that we should love one another, but he wasn’t. He also wasn’t saying to do whatever we want. He was saying that the whole of your life should be dedicated to pursuing your Higher Will, and that nobody should be held to any laws, taboos, rules, or expectations other than that. Some people agree and they focus solely on their Higher Will, but what is that anyway? Read about The Golden Rule here: Are Golden Rule Truths Universal Teachings?

Some people don’t worry about meaning in life, but other people feel we are here for a reason. To them, the Higher Will is what you are born to do. This can also be called your greater purpose. Some people believe we are reincarnated with a purpose and goals set in place before we are born. Other people believe we choose what we will do with our lives. Other people believe that their higher power, or deity, decides and calls them to some form of service. Some people believe that once we discover our Higher Will, it is basically a sin if we don’t pursue it.

What can be our Higher Will? Perhaps Crowley’s was to write, teach, and minister to believers of his faith. Perhaps yours is too. Some people believe their Higher Will is to do something like saving lives and they work in medicine. Others believe theirs is to make the world a beautiful place by being an artist. Some people feel that their Higher Will is to take care of their family and others feel their Higher Will is to help provide stability in their communities. Others feel it is their lifepath to be activists who create a better world. Some people look for their Life Path numbers to give them answers about Higher Will or greater purpose and you can find yours and what it means here: What Is My Life Path Number?

Does Everybody Have a Higher Self?

Does Everybody Have a Higher Self?

Everybody has a Higher Self. Not everybody knows this and not everybody believes in it. Even people who don't know if they believe in a Higher Self still have a Higher Self, though. Even people who aren't spiritual have a Higher Self. They just probably aren't in touch with it. You might already know your Higher Self, but you had a Higher Self even before you knew it. What happens to people who don't find their Higher Selves? Can they still be spiritual? Sure, they can. Being connected with your Higher Self makes your spirituality deeper, but not having that connection doesn’t make spirituality impossible. Read more about spiritual intuition here: Do You Have Spiritual Intuition?

What Keeps Us From Our Higher Self?

Even though everybody has a Higher Self, not everybody connects with it. Not everybody wants to connect with their Higher Self, and that's ok. Some people get hints and encouragement from their Higher Self to connect, but they're not paying attention. Some people are not in touch with their spirituality, and that keeps them from connecting to their Higher Self.

They Don’t Want To

Not everybody wants to have a connection with their Higher Self, and that can happen for a number of reasons. First off not everybody believes in a Higher Self. Some people don't believe in a spirit self at all, so for them, seeking out their Higher Self has no meaning. Some people believe that they don't need a connection with their Higher Selves because they feel that they have their own spirituality under control. Some people only want to spiritually connect to their personal god or goddess, and they don't believe that another being needs to guide them spiritually. It's ok if you don't want to connect to your Higher Self. One powerful deity is Oya and you can read about her here: Oya, Goddess of Transformation

Lack of Self Awareness

Some people are unaware of even their mundane selves, and therefore have no awareness of their Higher Self. Don’t worry though because even some of the most highly evolved spiritual people may have gone through a period where they struggled with lack of self-awareness. So don't worry that lack of self-awareness will always hold you back from contacting your Higher Self. When people are ready to get in touch with their Higher Selves, they will find a way. Some people believe that getting in touch with your Higher Self happens when it's meant to, regardless of how self-aware you are. So that's something else to think about. Find out how to gain chakra awareness here: How to Access Your Chakras

Disconnection from Spirit

Some people are not spiritual at all so getting in touch with their Higher Self is not going to happen for them. Plenty of people are satisfied without being spiritually active. Not everybody feels the need to have a connection with their spiritual selves or their higher power. Having no connection with spirituality can make somebody feel that being connected to their Higher Self is unnecessary. Then again, some people have just never made the connection because they are so entrenched in the materialism of the world and the mundane problems of life, so they don't look beyond that. There is always a chance to become spiritually active even if you never have been before. You can even develop spirituality without a faith group and you can learn some easy ways to do that here: Easy Ways to Develop Spirituality in Solitude

Why Should I Find My Higher Self?

You find your Higher Self for one reason and one reason only- because you want to. Not everybody has the same spiritual needs. Not everybody cares about being in touch with what they believe their Higher Self is. Some people do, and if you are one of those people, you should try to get in touch with your Higher Self. Reaching your Higher Self will raise your awareness of other people's feelings. It will let you know how interconnected all life is. It will get you in touch with your greatest strengths and show you your worst weaknesses. It will then help you know how to turn those weaknesses into strengths. Learn to explore your shadow side here: The Unconscious Self: Embracing the Dark Side

It will also help you to be more compassionate. Your psychic abilities will be strengthened, and your relationship with yourself will be strengthened also. You will be more aware of toxic environments, and your Higher Self we'll show you how to remove yourself from those. Your relationships will change. You will grow closer to people who have a soul connection with you, and you will drift apart from people who don't treat you well. You will have more of a sense of purpose when you find your Higher Self, and you will live your life more deliberately. Read about soulmates here: What's a Soulmate & When Do We Know We Have One?

How to Reach Your Higher Self

The best way to ensure that you find your Higher Self is to decide who you believe has defined it correctly and where it lies. Do you believe it is a part of you already, or a being who helps you find your Higher Will? Your Higher Self will not hide from you. Once you know what you believe the essence of your Higher Self is, you can use prayer, meditation, or even magic to find it!


A simple prayer to find your Higher Self is “Higher Self, I call to you. Although I am a complete and whole person all on my own, I need you in my life. Come to me and guide me. Connect me to spirit and help me to find my Higher Will. I pray that when you come to me, we will remain connected for life.” Another prayer to find your Higher Self is” I call to my Higher Self within me. May I become aware and awake to all that I am, and to my full spiritual self. May I understand what I am put here to do and what I need to do it. I have faith that through my whole self within my body, spirit, and mind, I can accomplish all things I was born to do.” Read about prayers and spells for love and spirituality here: Spells and Prayers for Love and Spirituality


A simple meditation to find your Higher Self is as follows. Sit comfortably in someplace that you consider sacred. This could be a place of worship, but it doesn’t have to be. It can be any place in nature, or even at your own home in a spot that is sacred to you. It just needs to be someplace where you can have complete peace and be free from interruptions. Then clear your mind and open your awareness to your Higher Self. That’s it. Your Higher Self will appear in your psychic mind, and you may be surprised if you find it is already present.



You don’t have to create a magical operation to find your Holy Guardian Angel. Aleister Crowley prepared magic for that already. He wrote that there is not ONE way to attain communication with the Holy Guardian angel, since we are all unique and our relationships with our Higher Selves are unique. We can act as our own priests and think of ways to contact our own Higher Self. His operation is not easy. It requires special preparation, but you might like it enough to decide to use it. You can read all about it here: Liber VIII - 8th Aethyr (

What if I Can’t Find My Higher Self?

If you want to find your Higher Self, it might happen faster than you expect . It might take time though, and you might have to try to find it in different ways, but your Higher Self will not hide from you. The people who don’t think about finding their Higher Selves are the ones who might not. Then again, your Higher Self might reach out to you without you even trying to make contact. No matter how it happens, if you want to, you will definitely find your Higher Self. After all, on some level, you are already connected to it. If you want to find your Higher Self, you cannot fail!

Your Higher Self, or Holy Guardian Angel might not be all of who you are, but it is an important part of you. It is considered your true self, and some people say it’s the part of you that shows you your path in life. Other people say it’s your spiritual self that connects you to the powers that be and all of creation. Some people strive to pursue their Higher Will every day, and other people don’t worry about it. There are different ways to get in touch with your Higher Self, which will help you discover your Higher Will. Everybody has a Higher Self and can discover their Higher Will. May you find your Higher Self, follow your own path, and may your connection to spirit be lifelong. So Be It.

Reach out to one of our amazing psychics at Mysticsense any time any day to find out about your Higher Self and your Higher Will or greater purpose.

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