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The Ultimate Guide to Becoming Patient

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
January 24, 2025
The Ultimate Guide to Becoming Patient
The Ultimate Guide to Becoming Patient

It’s important to be patient to improve both your relationships and your own life in general. Find out easy ways to have patience even if you are what people call an “impatient” person and simple techniques that mean being patient can be easy for everybody.

When was the last time you had to wait for something, and you thought you would lose your mind in the process? We've all gone through that before. Some people would say that the answer to such a situation is to just be patient, but what does that even mean? Join Mysticsense to explore the importance of learning to be patient. Find out what patience is and why it matters. Find out what kind of problems being impatient cause and then find out a few easy ways to learn to be a more patient person. Even the most impatient of people can learn to be patient, so read all the way to the end of this article to find out how.

What is Patience?

What is Patience?

“Patience is being at peace with the process of life.” – Louise Hay

Patience is defined as being able to endure difficulties or waiting long periods of time for something. Generally, it indicates tolerance of waiting for results. It's not difficult to be patient for a short period of time, but having tolerance for waiting a long period of time is what requires patience. Other words for it is forbearance, or steadfastness. Patience is more than just waiting, however. It means waiting for long periods of time without becoming upset or getting sick of waiting. It is considered a virtue and a sign of good character by many people.

Patience can be a learned trait, but it shows a lot of self-control. Do you have the ability to wait for what you want, or do you become frustrated and give up? Back in 2015, a survey reported by the Daily News journal says patience can be a rare trait. In the survey 96% of people said they would consume food that was extremely hot and would hang up the phone after being on hold for just a minute or less. 1/4 of the respondents who were between the ages of 18 and 24 would only wait for about a minute before they asked their host again when their table would be ready in a restaurant. Read more about that survey here: Survey says ‘patience no longer reality’ had some interesting things to report about patience as well. Being patient is highly beneficial. Being patient helps to engage your frontal lobe, which will help you to make better decisions that are less reckless. Being patient to cope with stress and things that upset you will help you to experience less negative feelings and feelings of depression. It will also help you to feel more gratitude and have a greater sense of abundance. Patient people report less health problems like headaches, pneumonia, and ulcers. It will also help you to be less irritable and control your emotions better. Read more about that here: These 7 Surprising Facts About Patience Will Change Everything About How You Live Your Life |

Why Patience Matters

“ If you have infinite patience and perseverance, success is bound to come. No mistake in that.”- Swami Vivekananda

A lot of people have had a lot of things to say about why patience matters. Just the Bioble has words of wisdom about it. In the book of Proverbs 15:18, it says “ An ill-tempered man stirs up strife, but a patient man allays discord.” Proverbs also says in 14:29, “ The patient man shows much good sense, but the quick tempered man displays folly at its height.” Patience matters because it helps you decide how to conduct yourself. It helps you to solve problems in a level headed way, and it helps you to think carefully about what you say before you open your mouth. There is great power in the words you use and you can find out why here: Magical Words: The Amazing Power of Words | Mysticsense

Patience also helps cultivate relationships. It always pays to be patient with the people who you love. If someone isn't feeling well, it might take them longer to accomplish something that they usually do very quickly. Can you be understanding and patient enough to wait for them? Patience in new relationships is important also. If you rush a relationship, it might make someone uncomfortable, but if you are patient and let someone get to know you, your relationship may work out long term. If you expect immediate commitment from someone who you just met a number of weeks ago, they may question whether you're serious about them. It is important to set healthy boundaries in your relationships and you can read all about how to do that here: Setting Boundaries in Your Life and Relationships

Being patient will also give you the opportunity to learn things. Nobody masters a subject or skill short term. The longer you study something or practice it, the better you get at it. When you're looking to transform your life, if you expect instant gratification instead of committing to put in work long term, you might give up and quit trying, and therefore not accomplish what you want to. Anything worth doing is worth doing well, and it is worth doing long term. So be patient, commit to doing things long term, and you will manifest excellent results. Read about the power of manifestation here: The Power of Manifesting | Positive Affirmations

What Impatience Causes

What Impatience Causes

“In any situation you can think of, impatience is a source of weakness and fear, while patience represents substance and strength. “ – Jim Rohn

Impatience is the opposite of patience. It's understandable sometimes to get frustrated with how long things are taking, but it's not helpful. If you become impatient it can cause emotional disruptions which can result in self-control issues. Beyond that, it can cause missed opportunities, and nobody wants that.

Emotional Disruptions

When we want a result, sometimes we become emotional about that. We have all done it and we're only human, so it's natural sometimes. However, if we let our emotions get the better of us, it might give us a bad attitude. So, instead of letting your emotions get the better of you, do some positive affirmations when you feel yourself wanting to become impatient. One excellent positive affirmation when you're struggling to remain patient is to say to yourself, “ This is taking longer than I wanted, but it's worth the wait.” That might be the only positive affirmation that you need.

When you find yourself wanting to be impatient and emotional, it can stress you. This can be brought on by fears. The longer it takes for something to manifest, the more nervous we can become that it will never happen. An excellent positive affirmation for when you're afraid that things are not going to work out, is to say, “I will remain optimistic that things will work out, and if they don't, something else will.” Read about the power of positive affirmations here: The Power Of Positive Affirmations

Lack of Self-Control

If you become emotional you can lose self-control. It might make you quit on a project that's worth waiting for, and it might also make you say things that you regret. A lot of people have temper eruptions and yell when they feel like they have to wait too long for something. This can make you react impulsively also. If you're frustrated that you're not losing weight as quickly as you'd like to, you might give up on your diet and start eating things that you later regret eating. You can gain back all the weight you've lost and set your hard work back for weeks or months if you give in and don't control yourself when you're starting to feel impatient.

When you start to feel yourself lose control of yourself because you're frustrated and wanting to grow impatient, there are multiple positive affirmations that you could use. One is, “I cannot control the situation, but I can and will control my reaction.” Another positive affirmation to use at times like these is, “With every thought, with every word, with every action I control my destiny. I will make the best decisions for long term success” Read about how to manifest success in love and career here: Manifesting Your Destiny with Love and Careers

Missed Opportunities

Impatience can make you miss good opportunities. Giving up on a relationship or a situation because it isn't moving along as quickly as you would like it to is something that impatience can cause. If you have emotional outbursts and upset somebody when you become impatient, you might cause damage to a relationship that's very important to you. If you get frustrated at a job because you're not getting the benefits or promotions that you want, don't make the mistake of walking off the job until you have another job or your income could suffer. Take advantage of every chance to make positive changes in life. Read about how here: How to Make Positive Changes

There are plenty of affirmations that you could use to remind yourself that impatience isn't worth it. One thing you could tell yourself is, “It is my desire to enjoy every opportunity that I can. I will wait patiently for the opportunity to present itself.” Another affirmation that you could use is, “All the best things come to people who are content to wait.” It's not always easy to be patient, but when you remember the opportunities that you are waiting for, that will make it easier. While you're waiting for good opportunities, relax and unwind your mind. Read this article to find out how to do that: Rest and Recharge Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

How to Be Patient

“ Be patient, be diligent. Consistency is the key.”- Frank Mir

Being patient is a decision that you make from moment to moment. It is easier said than done sometimes, but you can do it. There are just a few simple steps that you can take, and they are steps that anyone can master. First, to be patient, stop what you are doing, and breathe deeply. Sometimes that is all you need to do. Next, remind yourself that it's ok to wait and be patient. Then just hang in there because the time is coming when you won't have to wait any longer.

Stop and Breathe

Stop and Breathe

When you need to focus on being patient, and you feel your emotions and impatience welling up inside of you, just stop whatever you are doing and breathe. Quite often when we become frustrated, our breathing becomes shallow and then we don't feel good because we're not having as much oxygen move evenly through our bodies. That's never a good thing. With each breath you take, focus on pulling in patience and every time you exhale breathe out any impatience that you feel. Meditation is one good way to still your mind and focus on your breaths and you can learn how to do that here: How to Meditate: A Complete Guide

Affirm That Waiting is Okay

Anytime you feel yourself wanting to be impatient, remind yourself that instant gratification isn't always possible and it's ok to wait for results. It might not be fun or preferable, but things are going to happen at their own rate of speed. Sometimes you can't make them happen faster because that is what is meant to be. It would be so wonderful if the minute we decided that we wanted to do something we could automatically manifest it, but life doesn't work like that sometimes. So, we have to learn to be patient and wait. Things were that way before all of us were born and the world will be that way once all of us cross to the other side. It is ok to be content to wait. An attitude of gratitude can also help you to be more patient and you can learn how to have that here: Learning to Have a Grateful Heart

Hang In There

Sometimes you've done a lot of work. You've laid the foundations, you've completed a long list of tasks. You've done everything that needs to be done, and the results just aren't coming about yet. The only thing you can do is hang in there and wait for results. Don't give up. Don't lose your temper. Just hang in there. Everything that is meant to be yours will come to you when it's meant to. So, be proud of the work that you have done, and be patient. Good things are coming your way. If you tell yourself that you can hang in there, that will make it easier because your thoughts are powerful. You can read about the power of your thoughts here: The Power of Mindset

Being patient might not be easy sometimes, but it will make your life a lot easier. Impatience makes us overly emotional and unable to focus on what’s important. It can make us have emotional disruptions, lose focus, and miss good opportunities. Being patient helps us to slow down and take a look at what really matters. It also helps preserve our mental health and makes people more comfortable with us.

Even the most impatient person in the world can learn to be patient by stopping, taking a breath, and reminding themselves that it’s okay to wait for the best results. You can use positive affirmations to help you to become more patient, but sometimes all you have to do is just remind yourself that good things are coming your way when they are meant to. After all, the best things in life really are worth waiting for!

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