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Taking Back Your Power and Control of Your Life

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
March 05, 2025
Taking Back Your Power and Control of Your Life
Taking Back Your Power and Control of Your Life

Taking back your power when things get out of control can seem impossible, but you can do it. Find out why life gets out of control sometimes, and what to do so that you can be in charge of your own life.

Sometimes, it seems like you are in the driver seat of your own life, and other times it seems like you can't make anything go your way. It's during times when things seem completely out of control. Wouldn't it seem fair for us to have complete say in our own lives? Join Mysticsense to find out about finding your own power when your life seems out of control. Find out why things get out of control and why we can't control everything in our own lives to begin with. Find out what having control of life means, signs that your life is out of control, and what you can do to take back your personal power and get back in control of your own life.

What Control Means

What Control Means

Merriam-Webster online defines control as “ To exercise restraining or directing influence over. To have power over.” Words that mean the same as control are contained, regulate, restrain, rule, or to pull in. When you're in control, it means that you get to decide what happens. Your choices and preferences dictate the way things go, and what is done as opposed to what is not done. When you are in control, you have the authority to make decisions, decide who is involved, tell people what to do, and you decide how they will do it. Most people don't like other people making decisions for them, so a lot of people want to be in control.

With that type of power often comes great responsibility, however. You will be the one to decide who is welcome and who is not. If you make the decisions when something goes wrong, you will be blamed. If things go well, you will get credit, and people will ask you to be the one in control again. Keep in mind, the more authority you have, the more people you will be accountable for. Some people think of such a position as being a position of great personal power, but it's one where you take care of more people, or more people tell you what they need, and more people count on you. Often when we are in control of a situation, more people are involved than just us, and they need us to do things that are in their best interests as well as ours. If you do a great job when you’re in control, you will gain a lot of respect. Find out how to get the respect you deserve here: The Art of Being Respectful and Being Respected

Why Does Life Get Out of Control?

Life gets out of control for one reason- because we all only have so much power and there are three components to who gets the say and things. There is your will, the will of other people around you, and the will of the universe, or what some people say is the will of our higher power. All three of those elements decide what happens. You would think that each of us would be able to decide every single thing that happens in our lives, but we don't. That's because our will and our lives are interconnected with everything and everybody else.

For example when you are deciding what job you want to take, it's a very personal thing. However, the community you serve, and the people who you work with are also involved in deciding what job you will have. Everything that you say and do affects the people around you intimately and they will decide whether or not to welcome you into their lives. So, something as personal as the job that you do isn't just about you, but it's about everybody else who your life touches. So, you might want that job more than anything else, but the decision won't be yours to make. Times like these call for patience. Learn how to become more patient here: The Ultimate Guide to Learning Patience

Sometimes, our higher power has a plan for us that we don't fully understand. Think about a time when you made a decision about exactly where you wanted to be in life, and you didn't get exactly what you wanted. Instead, something much better happened. As mysterious as such a thing may seem, your higher power or the universe itself knew exactly what you needed to be doing and where you needed to be. Things may have seemed to fall apart at first, but when things fell back together, they were much better than you had ever hoped they would be. So, sometimes when we think we know best the universe knows better.

Why Can’t I Control It All?

Why Can’t I Control it All?

We can't control it all because we're not supposed to. Sometimes, we have to surrender to the will of our higher power. Sometimes we have to accommodate somebody else's needs. Other times, we have to wait for the right things to come into our lives when they are meant to. Sometimes things are just chaotic. Sometimes things are not fair. Sometimes things are just random and don't happen for a reason. Your will is very powerful. So is everybody else's. When your will is in conflict with somebody else's, sometimes you can't control outcomes. Sometimes, even when your goals completely harmonize with everybody else's goals around you, things don't turn out the way that you want them to. Keep an open mind during these times and you can find out how here: The Importance of Having an Open Mind

Occasionally when you set a goal and you're working toward results, you don't know what it takes to achieve what you want to. Sometimes you know exactly what it takes, you work very hard, and you somehow manage to fail. Sometimes, when this happens, something better than you have ever hoped for or expected happens instead of what you wanted. None of us have absolute power. There will be times when we cannot manifest our will. Everybody will go through that ugly reality at one time or another. You can't control everything because nobody can.

Signs Your Life is Out of Control

Life can get out of control for any of us. It can sneak up on you when you least expect it. Ways that you can tell your life has gotten out of control might surprise you. When nobody is listening to you no matter how hard you try to explain things, your life has gotten out of control. When you have no choice in what happens to you, your life is definitely out of control. When you feel overwhelmed, your life is out of control.

Nobody is Listening to You

Sometimes what you say to people seems to fall on deaf ears. You will go out of your way to explain yourself, and somebody just might not listen. They might be too focused on what they want to do to listen to what anybody else has to say, and they might know exactly what you're saying but they just don't care. In a perfect world, we will all listen to one another and understand perfectly every time. That doesn't always happen though. When nobody is listening to you, you have no control over what happens. One way to get people to listen to you is to learn to speak persuasively. Find out how to do that here: Mastering the Power of Persuasion

You Have No Choice

In the best of times we get to choose everything that goes on in our lives. Usually we have some choice in what goes on, but we don't get to choose everything. Sometimes we have no choice at all. On the job especially, you might not get to decide things. In your community, you might get to express preferences, but in the end somebody else makes the decision. You might have married the love of your life, but they decide to divorce you and you don't have any say in the matter. When you don't get to choose anything that happens, you have completely lost control of what's going on in your life. When this happens, you can only hope that whoever is making the decisions cares about your needs, preferences, and what will make you happy.

You Feel Overwhelmed

When you are totally overwhelmed by things that are going on, you've lost control of everything. You might have too heavy of a workload on the job and find it impossible to keep up. Being overwhelmed can come out of nowhere, but when it happens remember one thing- it can happen to anybody. You might not have made bad decisions, then careless or sloppy, or missed something that you would have benefited from knowing. Each of us has great power, but in the grand scheme of things, the world is larger than any individual so it can overwhelm us sometimes. The only thing you can do when you're overwhelmed is to be courageous. Learn about finding your inner courage here: Find Your Inner Courage and Embrace Your Power

Regaining Control of Life

Regaining Control of Life

When life gets out of control, exactly what should you do about it? Sometimes you just have to hang in there until things calm down, but other times you have to start by accepting things for the way that they are and that will help you to get some perspective of the situation. Next, don't lose your head, but stay calm so that you can focus on solutions. Choose your reactions wisely in ways that you feel might benefit you best, and then watch for opportunities right before you take advantage of them.

Accept Things

The first step to solving any problem is to have a firm grasp of what's actually happening. It might seem easier to deny the way things are, as if denial will magically make things the way that you want them to be. However, denying reality doesn't change it. It just holds us back from participating in things. So, when things have gotten out of control, you're going to have to accept it. You're also going to have to accept the things are the way they are no matter how much you dislike the way that things are going. Accepting things for the way they are will give you an opportunity to understand things. When you understand things you are better able to create changes when the time comes.

Stay Calm

It is completely understandable to become upset when life seems to fall to pieces. You have to process the pain that you feel from such an ugly realization before you can move on to solutions. Feelings are a very real part of who we are, and if we didn't feel things, we would not be human. However, in the long run, losing complete control of the emotions will keep us from functioning. So focus on being present in the moment, and making good decisions. When we can't control what is going on, we can at least control our reactions. As a matter of fact, a lot of times in life the only thing we have control over is our own reactions. Calmness is considered a virtue. Find out how to live a virtuous life here: What is a Virtue and How Can You Embody it?

Choose Reactions Wisely

The power to control our reactions might seem very small compared to the fact that we can't control everything else. However, within that small amount of power lies everything that we will ever need. Making the right decisions can put you in complete control of your own life. You might not choose for your landlord to start charging more rent, but choosing to get a higher paying job can keep you in your apartment that you love. You might not choose to share an office at work, but if you choose to befriend your coworker, you can become an unstoppable team. You might not choose for your best friend to move out of town, but you can choose to go and visit them and enjoy the trip. The decisions that you make based on what goes on can give you all the power in the world.

Watch for Opportunities

Besides making wise decisions, watch for opportunities to present themselves when things seem out of control. If you get outbid on the house you wanted, ask your realtor to suggest a different property. You might like the new property better than the one you were going to buy. If you can't buy the pedigree dog you want, what dogs are available for adoption at the local animal shelter? Your new best friend might be waiting for you there and you didn't even know. If your trip gets cancelled at the last minute, what trips are available? You might be able to go on an adventure you never dreamed possible. There are always opportunities waiting. Just watch for them and take advantage of them. Learning how to make positive changes can help you with making opportunities become a new reality. Find out how here: How to Make Positive Changes

The ugly truth is, we can’t control everything, although it would be nice if we could. We cannot control the whole world, can’t always influence the people around us, and sometimes we have no choice in things that go on in our lives. To balance the reality of the fact we can only control so much in life, it’s our job to accept things for the way they really are, keep a cool head, select our reactions to things in ways that benefit us, and seize all opportunities. The number one thing we control is ourselves, and if we learn to do that well, we will have more say in life than we could ever imagine!

When things are feeling out of control, a psychic advisor can help you understand what is going on and what to do about it. So, get a reading started today!

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