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The Power of Your Thoughts

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
October 15, 2024
The Power of Your Thoughts
The Power of Your Thoughts

Positive thinking power has been lauded as a stepping stone for all kinds of success. A positive mindset creates a can-do attitude and helps you work toward goals, whereas a negative mindset can keep you from even trying. Find out what powerful positive thinking is and how it can propel you forward to great things.

People talk about the power of positivity every day. Some people, who call themselves positive thinkers act like they can do anything, but in the back of your mind you know limitations exist for everyone, no matter what people may believe. Being aware of limitations and being a positive thinker can happen at the same time, though. Join Mysticsense to learn about the power of positivity. Find out what positive thinking is and isn’t, and why it helps. Find out on the flip side, what negative thinking is, and how it compromises even your best efforts.

What Are Positive Thoughts?

What Are Positive Thoughts?

Positive thoughts are thoughts of optimism and ones that make you feel encouraged and uplifted. They are thoughts of appreciation and hope. Sometimes, it is difficult to think positive thoughts, like when you are dealing with tragedies, but positive thoughts that things will get better can help you deal with problems. Hope is the belief that there is a possibility that good things will happen, and is called a “cornerstone of resilience” by John- Manuel Andriote in an article for Psychology Today. He says hope has been associated with growth and wellbeing. Read more from him here: Hope Is a Choice to Make Things Better | Psychology Today

Positive thoughts that there are possibilities for good things in bad times will help you to look for solutions instead of giving up and waiting for your doom. An example of positive thinking is telling yourself you will do the best you can for a presentation at work you feel intimidated by. Another example is seeking help from another doctor when one doctor did not help you. Being grateful for all you have is another positive mindset. Even if you don’t have the house of your dreams, being thankful for the home you have is positive. Positive affirmations are also positive thinking. Telling yourself good things like “ I have friends and family who love me” when your partner breaks up with you will remind you that you are loved and valued by people even if one person does not. Read about the power of positive affirmations here: The Power Of Positive Affirmations

What Positive Thinking Does

Positive thinking sets you up for success and to continue trying , even when times are tough. It encourages you when you are discouraged, and it helps you to seek solutions to problems. An example is “I can’t get in to see my hairdresser for two weeks, but I can pull my hair back until then.” Or “ My teammate at work is late turning in the work I need to complete my part for the project. I am going to ask for an extended deadline so we are compliant.” Positive thinking sets your mind on solutions and good things instead of feeling defeated by problems.

It is also good for your health. Positive thinking lowers stress, and gives you a better sense of well-being. You will be less stressed when you think positively because you will focus on good things and solutions rather than worries or anxiety. You will believe the situation is in your control instead of feeling overpowered by it. Stress lowers your immunities and makes it harder for your body to fight off disease. You will be better at dealing with stress and less likely to use unhealthy coping mechanisms like abusing substances, shunning exercise, and eating unhealthy foods. You will also have less of a risk for cardiovascular disease and depression. You literally live a longer, happier life when you are a positive thinker. Read more about that here: Benefits of Positive Thinking for Body and Mind (

What Positive Thinking Isn’t

What Positive Thinking Isn’t

Positive thinking will make a lot of difference, but it’s not everything. Some people find themselves seriously disappointed when they assume positive thinking is something it’s not. Positive thinking doesn’t replace hard work and just because you think something will happen doesn’t mean it will. Positive thinking has to be balanced with being realistic. We all have limits and forgetting that can hurt you.

A Replacement for Work

Believing you will get an outcome is very important. It means you will do the things it takes, and keep trying even when things get difficult. You will still have to put in the work to meet your goals, though. It might even take a long time to get results, but that’s okay. Keep believing in yourself and that things will work out, and it will encourage you to keep working on them. Some people believe all they have to do is think something will happen, and the universe will make it happen for them. They say this is “The Law of Attraction”, but that’s not really what the Law of Attraction says. Find out the truth about the Law of Attraction here: The Truth About The Law of Attraction

That You Will get All You Want

Sometimes, you work hard, do everything you are supposed to, and your hard work doesn’t pay off. You can’t have what you put your heart and soul into. How unfair! Maybe you got picked over for the job you wanted or your marriage ended in divorce despite how devoted you were. Positive thinking will help you pull yourself together and continue with your life even when you don’t get what you put a lot of effort into.

Assuming Nothing is Impossible

Positivity needs to be balanced or you could become unrealistic. You might decide to buy the house of your dreams, but if it is out of your price range, the bank will not approve the sale. You might decide you want to become a pilot, but that doesn’t mean you will pass the classes and get certified if you are legally blind. We all have to accept limitations sometimes. There are times we have to work past them, but when you hit a standstill due to an unsurmountable limitation, positive thinking will help you through. It will help you to remember that sometimes, things are not possible, but that is okay because you are still lucky because there are so many other wonderful things waiting for you. Read about making your own luck here: How to Make Your Own Luck

What Are Negative Thoughts?

Negative thoughts are the opposite of positive thoughts. They focus on the bad things, fears, and worries. Negative thoughts are things like “I will never finish this, so I may as well just give up.” Negative thoughts tell you things are so bad, nothing can make them better. We focus on our weaknesses instead of our strengths with negative thinking and we don’t see any hope. Ugly things like self-doubt, fear of the worst even if nothing is wrong, and worries about being unable to solve problems can take over our minds and keep us from seeing hope and solutions.

Negative thoughts can cripple us. If we allow them to dominate our minds instead of managing them, we will be ruled by them. Worrying about being late can either make you plan ahead so you get where you need to go in time, or it can make you so upset, you can’t function. Negative thoughts can keep us from taking chances and they can compromise our relationships. For example, if your last boyfriend cheated, assuming all men cheat can keep you from finding new love. Everybody has negative thoughts sometimes, and if you have been hurt, while you are healing, negativity can cripple you. Read about reuniting after a breakup here:Reuniting with Ex Lovers

Why Are We Negative Sometimes?

Negativity is a survival mechanism. We worry about what could go wrong, and think about what we could do to protect ourselves if things do go wrong. Thinking about those things makes us have negative thoughts sometimes. So, negative thoughts can help us, but allowing them to take over and shut us down would be a mistake. We are also negative after something bad has already happened, worrying that it could happen again. This is another defense mechanism. If we are ready for another bad thing, we feel more prepared. It’s okay to prepare and be aware of things as long as we don’t obsess over what could go wrong.

How to Block Out Negative Thoughts

How to Block Out Negative Thoughts

Although negative thoughts help, when they get out of hand, we must control them. Luckily, it can be done. It might take a little practice, but when you catch yourself over focusing on the negative, there are a few things you can think about to keep yourself from being overwhelmed. Think about what will happen if things go well instead of if things go wrong, and instead of focusing on what cannot be done, focus on what can be done. Remember the great successes of other people if you need encouragement.

if Things Go Well?

We always ask ourselves what will happen if things go wrong. When was the last time you asked yourself what will happen if things go well? This will help you to be more optimistic and hopeful for good things. When you have a fight with your friend, instead of being too afraid to reach out and make up, imagine how nice it will be if you are able to make up and spend time with your friend again. If you want to sign up for classes, but are afraid of failing, imagine how nice it will be if you take the classes, learn a lot, and excel. Don’t let negative thoughts keep you from taking a chance on good things happening.

Change “Can’t ” to “Can”

Often, we focus on what we can’t do, and it can make us feel incapable. There will always be something we can’t do. There are also things that we can do. Instead of feeling defeated if you can’t do something, do something you can instead. If you can’t go with your friends to a festival this weekend, instead of feeling bad, make plans to go with them to another one when you can. If you can’t buy the expensive blue car you want, buy a less expensive blue car you can afford. If you can’t get the respect you deserve at work, get the respect you deserve at a new job instead. There will always be limitations, but there will also be other things we can do instead of what limitations won’t allow.

Remember Successes

If we lose, fail, or come up short in any way in our efforts, we can feel like complete failures sometimes. Don’t forget that some of the most successful people in the world have suffered setbacks before they achieved success. Famous dancer Fred Astaire was called short, bald, and told he could only dance a little at an early audition. Walt Disney was once fired for lack of imaginative ideas. Thomas Edison’s teachers said he was too dumb to learn. All of these people rose to great success after being rejected and told they were incapable. They did not listen to their critics and instead focused on becoming successful. Anytime you have a setback or failure, remember that everybody struggles sometimes, but anybody can succeed if they keep working hard. Even you.

How to Think Positively

So how do we go about thinking positively? Some people make it a habit every day to keep an open mind instead of shutting their minds down. They look for solutions to any problems and when they need to, they ask for help.

Keep an Open Mind

If you have tried every option you can think of, and you feel like you are still not succeeding, don’t stop thinking. An open mind is open to new ideas and approaches. Sometimes, we need to do more research and sometimes we need to keep trying things just the way we have been. Stay open to the hope that things will succeed, things will be okay, and things will get better.

Find Solutions

If there is a problem, don’t let it dominate you. Find solutions. If it is your first day at a new job, and when you go out to drive to work, the car won’t start, don’t give up. Ask your neighbor for a ride. If your pharmacy quotes you a price that is not affordable, ask about discount programs, call other pharmacies to look for better prices, or ask your doctor for a less expensive prescription. Solve problems instead of letting them stop you.

For Help

If you can’t make good things happen by yourself, reach out for help. Ask friends and family for help or ask the experts what they recommend. Sometimes, you don’t need people to give ideas, you just need some emotional support so you can stay positive. The people who love you will come through if you reach out and ask for the help you need. Someday, you will be the one helping others.

Positive thinking won’t get your work done and it won’t meet all your goals, but it will give you the powerful mindset to get started. Positive thinking tells us we can find solutions, overcome obstacles, and make dreams come true. Negative thinking, on the other hand, focuses on worries and fears that nothing is possible and everything will always be terrible. While it is true we all have limitations, a negative mindset creates an illusion of only limitations and shuts out the ability to look for opportunities. So, keep a positive mindset. It will give you the courage to take steps to making beautiful things happen.

Are you struggling to think positively and would like some coaching? Our psychics can help, so get a reading started today.

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