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Phobias- The Things That Scare Us

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
December 22, 2024
Phobias- The Things That Scare Us
Phobias- The Things That Scare Us

Different kinds of phobias scare us more than pretty much anything and they can control our lives, but they don’t have to. Find out what phobias are, how common they are, and exactly what you can do about them.

Phobias are things that scare us beyond belief and make us wonder if we will ever be free from living in fear of them. There are so many different types of phobias that could reign over us, it’s impossible to list them all in one place. They are real, terrifying, and can completely dominate us. Join Mysticsense to learn all about the things we call phobias. Find out what they are, how they affect us, and different types of phobias. Not all is lost, though. Phobias can be overcome, and we can help you to learn how. By the time you read this article, you can be on the way to beating phobias for good!

What’s a Phobia?

What’s a Phobia?

A phobia is a persistent fear of something that is considered to be highly irrational because it's unlikely to cause any harm. It comes from the Greek word “phobos” which means “horror”, or “fear.” Phobias are different from just being afraid. Phobias cause a large amount of stress and can interfere with your work, relationships, home life, or anything at all. A lot of people actively avoid their phobias and if they can't, they may actually become physically ill from the anxiety that it causes. Phobias can raise your blood pressure and cause things like panic attacks, but they might also cause you to faint which could injure you. People who have phobias can be at a higher risk for suicide.

Phobias can be caused for different reasons. A traumatic experience can cause you to have a phobia. Being raised by someone who has a phobia can cause you to have the same phobia as they have. Painful experiences in your childhood can trigger phobias also. More women than men report having phobias, and phobias can start as early as in childhood. A phobia isn't just a reaction to danger. It's a heightened sense of fear that you're in danger when you're actually safe. Being abused can cause phobias and you can find out the signs of abuse here: Are You Abused? | The Signs You May Be

How Phobias Control Us

Phobias can limit us. That’s because some people will go to great lengths to avoid the things that they are terrified of. People who are afraid of crowds will avoid events where they would have to be in a crowd, and they may build their relationships around people who don't like to go to large events. People who have a phobia of traveling in an airplane can go to great lengths to take jobs that they don't have to travel for. People who have phobias of dogs will avoid the animals at any cost. Dogs are spiritual creatures though, and you can read about them here: Dog Spiritual Meaning, Symbolism, and Dreams

Everybody avoids certain situations for different reasons. However, if a phobia holds you back from going on trips that you want, taking jobs that you want, or going to events that you like, it's controlling your life. You not only suffer emotionally because of how the fear of the phobia makes you physically ill. You can also suffer from missed opportunities and experiences. It can affect your relationships and separate you from people who you love. It can also make you have an emotional struggle with yourself and you can read about how to fix that here: How to Love Yourself More

How Many of Us Have Phobias?

How Many of Us Have Phobias?><br></p>
<p has some surprising statistics that show how common it is to have a phobia. At any time, between 5 and 10% of people around the world have a phobia. That’s actually a lot of people if you think about it, so don’t think you are strange if you do have a phobia. About 60% of people worldwide have a dental phobia. It is estimated that about 40% of the population is afraid of flying. About 27% of British people polled revealed they are terrified of change. Don’t feel alone if you have a phobia, because they are actually quite common. You can read more from that article here: 22 Astonishing Phobia Statistics for 2024

Different Phobias

What kind of things could be phobias? Truthfully, most anything could be. Some very common phobias are agoraphobia, arachnophobia, social phobia, mysophobia, claustrophobia, acrophobia, and aerophobia. Do you have any of these phobias?


The Cleveland Clinic defines agoraphobia as “ An anxiety disorder that causes an intense fear of becoming overwhelmed or unable to escape or get help. Because of fear and anxiety, people who have agoraphobia often avoid new places and unfamiliar situations like large open areas or enclosed spaces. Crowds. Places outside of their home. Public transportation.” They also say that about 1/3 of people with panic disorder also develop agoraphobia. If you get stressed about leaving the house, avoid situations because you are afraid of them, or rely on other people to shop or do errands for you, you may have agoraphobia. Read more about what the Cleveland Clinic has to say here: Agoraphobia: What It Is, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment



Arachnophobia is the fear of spiders or any arachnid like ticks and scorpions. People with arachnophobia will avoid these creatures, and may not even enter someplace if they see a spiderweb there. For some people, even a video or a photograph of these creatures will create a response. It is true that some spiders are venomous, but venomous spiders are very rare. Ticks carry disease, and scorpions have venom also. It is normal to avoid creatures that you think could cause you harm. Keeping these creatures out of your environment will help to keep you from harm. A photograph of one of these insects can't cause you harm though, so if that gives you a panic attack you probably have agoraphobia. Read about spider symbolism here: What Do Spiders Mean Spiritually?

Social Phobia

Also known as social anxiety disorder, social phobia is fear of being watched or judged in social situations. Some people cannot eat in front of other people, have difficulty meeting new people, doing job interviews, or even talking to people in stores if they have social phobia. This particular phobia can keep people from going to school or work, socializing, or even going shopping for groceries. It often starts in childhood and seems like being extremely shy and if it's not treated it can last for a lifetime. It's normal to feel nervous on a first date or when you're taking a test, but when your social phobia keeps you from doing these things at all, it becomes a problem. It’s enough to make you stressed and tense, so read our suggestions for unwinding and relaxing here: Rest and Recharge Your Body, Mind, and Spirit


This is a very common phobia also called germophobia, bacteriophobia, and bacillophobia. It is an extreme fear of contamination or germs. People with this phobia can exhibit signs of obsessive-compulsive disorder and try very hard to keep from getting germs or contaminated. They may engage in obsessive washing, avoid people or situations who they feel are unclean, refuse to eat food that they feel is contaminated, go home early if they feel they have been exposed to germs or contamination, or refuse to touch surfaces that they don't feel are clean. It can manifest as fear of dirty, messy spaces, or disease. It can be caused by family members who already have this phobia and it can also be caused by being in some kind of an unclean or contaminated environment. Something called exposure therapy, which we will read about a little later, is one of the accepted treatments for this phobia. Some people also use crystals to help with healing and you can read more here: Crystals for Manifesting Healing


Aerophobia is a fear of air travel or flying. Statistics show that air travel is actually safer than traveling by automobile, but a lot of people are afraid of air travel. Up to 40% of people have anxiety about air travel each year as a matter of fact. However, the actual phobia is not as prevalent as anxiety about flying, thankfully. A lot of people with aerophobia may feel just fine at the airport, but once they have to start boarding the plane their anxiety will kick in. This phobia can be caused by fear of being in the air and worrying that the plane will crash, or serious motion sickness that being in an airplane causes. Flying, for some people, is associated with freedom, and an animal associated with freedom is birds. You can read about the symbolism of birds here: What Do Different Birds Symbolize?


Claustrophobia is the intense fear of enclosed spaces. This can manifest as feeling stuck in a room that you can't get out of, being in an elevator, or just being in a crowd. People with claustrophobia will have difficulty being in an MRI machine, or doing things like touring underground caverns with a group. Some claustrophobic people refuse to live in a residence that has low ceilings, and others have to drive in large cars instead of smaller cars. It can also cause people to not wear tight clothing, and it can make people unable to stay in windowless rooms. Claustrophobia happens because of associating small or confined spaces with danger. You may have a fear of being trapped, and you may just have a genetic disposition to being uncomfortable in smaller spaces. The worst place to feel confined is in a relationship and you can read about setting boundaries in relationships here: Setting Boundaries in Your Life and Relationships


Acrophobia, also known as hypsophobia, is the extreme fear of heights. It could be caused by the fear of falling. It could also be a lack of exposure to high places growing up. Mobility and balance issues can cause this also. While it is practical to feel concerned when you are on a cliff side, or on a glass stairwell while hundreds of feet in the air, some people experience this standing on a balcony, parking at a multi-level garage, or climbing stairs. You don't have to go bungee jumping to overcome your fear of heights though. Exposure therapy, which we will read more about, is a very good way to overcome acrophobia. Some people have successfully used meditation to help with phobias and you can read our complete guide to meditation here: How to Meditate: A Complete Guide

How to Overcome Phobias

You might still have a phobia even if you overcome it. The goal isn’t to stop being afraid- but to be able to function even if you are. Each of us is different, and different things help each of us. Some people are able to work with a counselor to tame their phobias. Other people do something called exposure therapy, and other people use self-care and can help themselves to combat phobias.


The positive effects of professional counseling cannot be stressed more. You are not “crazy” or “weak minded” If you see a counselor. You're smart. Our minds are part of our bodies, and we have to take care of them as well as the rest of us. Counselors step in to help us to find ways to cope with problems that we're having. They also help us to find solutions so that we can make things manageable. A professional counselor is just another kind of doctor. That it can reassure you that it is not unusual to have phobias, and they can help you find ways to beat your phobias once and for all. Don’t hesitate to see a counselor to help you deal with phobias.

Exposure Therapy

Exposure therapy can be difficult, but some people swear by it. Exposure therapy entails being exposed to a phobia gradually over time until the fear of it starts to subside. Some people are able to completely kick their phobia over time using exposure therapy. Some people will go full exposure to their phobia with exposure therapy, and other people will expose themselves a little bit at a time. Sometimes the focus is on seeing how you will react to the phobia when you're exposed to it, and other times it's exposing you to the negative effects that the phobia can have and seeing that it won't harm you. Talk to your doctor to see if exposure therapy is right for you.


Some people don't actually need help with their phobias. They can take care of it themselves. For some people, knowing their triggers is the only thing necessary to overcome phobias, and when they see that their phobia is coming their way, they can prepare themselves. Other people have methods for self-calming when their phobia triggers them. For some people, taking a step back and relaxing themselves mentally is the only self-care that they need when their phobia confronts them. Other people will step away when they start to feel overwhelmed by their phobia, and then come back when they feel better. Practice good self-care at all times. It might help your phobias.

More than just fears, phobias grip our minds and can totally overwhelm us. There are countless phobias we could suffer from, and they aren’t even uncommon- many people have a phobia at one point in their lives. Different phobias include agoraphobia, arachnophobia, and social phobia. Phobias don’t have to control us forever, though. There are professionals who can help you beat a phobia so well you say, “What phobia?” After all, the most powerful thing on earth is someone with a will that is stronger than what scares them, and that person can be you!

Anytime you need support for anything at all that scares you, don’t forget we are here for you. You can start a reading with us anytime 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

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