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Peace of Mind: How to Get It and Keep It

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
November 22, 2024
Peace of Mind: How to Get It and Keep It
Peace of Mind: How to Get It and Keep It

Finding peace of mind and keeping it no matter what happens is very important. Find out what peace of mind is, why peace of mind is important, ten ways to get it, and learn how to do a peace of mind meditation.

“I need to protect my peace, but I don’t know how to do it!” We’ve all been there. Life can get crazy, and a million different things can go wrong. It’s enough to make you wonder if you can ever have peace of mind, but there is good news. You can. Join Mysticsense to find out all about peace of mind. Discover what it is, why it is important, and then find out ten easy tips for getting peace of mind, protecting it, and keeping it. Sometimes all you need is a good meditation for peace of mind, and we have one to share. Even if you’re going through the toughest time in life, you can still protect your peace. Read on to find out how.

What is Peace of Mind?

What is Peace of Mind?

Peace of mind is what we call feeling protected or safe. It's also called feeling inner tranquility, a sense of calm, or being content. Peace of Mind can center around how you feel confident and secure within yourself. It can mean that you have faith in yourself to handle whatever goes wrong. It can mean that you have the self-esteem that you believe in yourself to achieve whatever you want to. It can also center around satisfaction with your life in general.

Peace of Mind might not have anything to do with you though. It might have to do with feeling safe and secure in your environment. If you feel a sense of safety and security, you feel that you have peace and mind. Security in your job, security in your relationships, and having a positive outlook in general on life can all give you peace of mind. Some people even take it a step further, and find ways that they don't feel dependent on other people, and this gives them peace of mind. To have the ability to harmonize with people, even if you dislike them will help give peace of mind. Read about how to do that here: How to Harmonize with People You Don’t Like

Why Peace of Mind is Important

Some people think that peace of mind is just feeling calm and having tranquil emotions, but it's more than that. It directly affects your health. Not having peace of mind raises your stress levels which affects your entire body. It affects your cardiovascular health, your nervous system, your reproductive system, your gastrointestinal system, your musculoskeletal system, and even your respiratory system. Your muscles will tense up and you'll get tension headaches, and back pain, which will affect your concentration levels. Stress can make you short of breath, which means not enough oxygen gets through your body. Long-term stress increases your heart rate, cortisol, and adrenaline hormones and increases your risk for heart attack, stroke, or hypertension, which could kill you.

Peace of mind reduces stress. This means that you will get more oxygen in your body, your heart rate and blood pressure will be better, and you will sleep better. Better health means better quality of life. Peace of mind also helps you to concentrate better, which means that you perform better at work, at play, and at life in general. You make wiser decisions and react less on impulse. Peace of mind is especially important during difficult times so that you can make sure to concentrate and problem solve. The mind is very powerful, and the memory is a big part of that. Learn all about unlocking the power of your memory here: The Mysterious Power of Memories

Ten Tips for Peace of Mind

There are countless ways to get peace of mind. That's a good thing, because each of us is different. We each need to do different things for our own peace of mind. What's even better is we can do all different kinds of things to get peace of mind. Below are ten tips to help you to get peace of mind and keep it. Something as simple as telling somebody no, and being grateful for the good things that you have will help to give you peace of mind. Read on to find out more about all ten ways to get peace of mind.

Learn to Say No

Learn to Say No

When you say no, you set a boundary. Boundaries are necessary for peace of mind. If you don't set boundaries, people will take advantage of you, your time, and they will show no respect for your personal needs. Some people have a hard time saying no, because they feel guilty if they're not pleasing everyone. However, people who take advantage of you don't care about displeasing you, they just want what they want. So go ahead and say no to taking on extra responsibilities at your volunteer position. Go ahead and tell the neighbor that you will not dog sit for free. Go ahead and tell your free loading cousin you won't give them any more money. Saying no at the right time we'll release you from things that compromise your peace.

Learn to Say Yes

Just make sure to say yes to the right things. Say yes to a guilt free mental health day. Say yes to going out to dinner with the people you love. Say yes to that new bracelet you've been saving money for. Say yes to a date with a cute neighbor who some of your friends disapprove of. Say yes to whatever good things make you happy. Also say yes to things that don't necessarily make you happy but they're good for you. Say yes to the healthy food instead of just the yummy junk food. Say yes to taking your dog for an extra-long walk when the weather is nice out. Say yes to getting out of bed in time to get a start on your day. Saying yes to good things creates positivity in your life and brings you peace of mind. Read about walking the road to happiness here:The Path to Happiness


Being thankful for the good things that you have in life will help you to focus on all the blessings that you have. There's going to be times when things are tough and you're not thankful for those times. Is anybody. It's especially important during those times to focus on what you do have that's good. Otherwise, you might stress yourself to the point that you don't feel like you have the energy to solve problems. When you didn't get the raise you wanted, be thankful you have a job. When you didn't lose the 20 pounds you wanted to, be thankful that you've lost some weight. When your best friend moves out of town and you're sad to see them go, be thankful for the good times that you've had and the fact that you will maintain your relationship long distance. There is always something to be thankful for, so never forget that.


Rejecting toxic energy and toxic people is crucial for your peace of mind. Stepping away from toxic relationships is one of the most important things that you can do for your peace of mind. Leaving a toxic living situation or a toxic job will also bring you peace of mind. Sometimes the negative energy and people won't go away, but that doesn't mean that you have to internalize it. You could put up your psychic shields, and reject the energy when you need to. Sometimes rejecting negativity means being quiet when people are trying to get a reaction from you. We can't control what other people do, but we can control our reaction, so reject the negativity. Find out how to block negativity here:Converting Negative Energy into Positive Energy

Embrace the Positive

Positive energy is good for peace of mind. You can't just reject negativity. You have to let in positive energy too. One way to do this is to use positive affirmations. When you're having moments of doubt, say, ” I don't know how much I can accomplish right now, but I will do the best that I can.” Remind yourself of your accomplishments instead of focusing on mistakes. Say positively uplifting things to people. Encourage people, give them compliments, and thank them for the good that they do. Embracing the positive will help give you peace of mind because it attracts your attention to all the good things that life has to offer.



Some people know exactly what to say or do to push your buttons. One moment you're fine, and the next moment, someone or something has completely thrown your emotions off, and your sense of peace is gone. Peace of mind can quickly be achieved during conflicts if you emotionally disengage. That's easier said than done, isn't it? Sometimes it takes you a while to talk yourself down when your emotions are flaring up, but you can disengage by refusing to react. Don't react to name calling. Don't react to insults. Don't engage in arguments. Remember you're not required to attend every argument, fight, or upsetting scenario that you're invited to. Just disengage. You might not even need revenge, or do you? Find out here: Getting Revenge- Is It Worth It?

Good Self-Care

Peace of mind is easier to achieve when you feel good. Practicing proper self-care can help with that. If you eat right, do what your doctor tells you, practice proper hygiene, sleep properly, and tend to yourself emotionally, you will feel better. Make sure to maintain a good work life balance so you don't feel burned out, but you get the sense of achievement that comes from a job well done. If you have anxiety, or emotional problems, make sure to take things with you that you need for self-calming. Take your medication, drink your water, get plenty of time outside, and lots of leisure time. Good self-care gives you good peace of mind.

Change What you Can’t Accept

Sometimes we are powerless, and we have to accept things that we don't like simply because that's the way that things are. It is important to pick your battles wisely and step away from the ones you know you can't win. It’s true that emotionally disengaging from things that you can't change is very important, but sometimes there are things that you simply cannot accept. It is times like those when you were called to create the change that you want to see in the world. Get active in your community to create a better world. Vote, volunteer, do kind things for people, and do what it takes to change what you can't accept. It will make you feel better about yourself and the world in general. War or peace, which is best? Some ancient deities know and you can read about them here:Who is the Goddess and God of War?

Your Priorities Straight

Do you know what your priorities are? If you don't, you can't have peace of mind. Think about the things and the people that are most important to you. Then think about whether the people most important to you and the things most important to you come before other things. If they don't, that will create a lot of stress. Neglecting your family, friends, and personal needs to accommodate other people will create quite the conflict in your life. Don't make that mistake. Decide what's most important and focus on that. The rest doesn't matter as much.


There are only 24 hours in a day, and it can seem like that's not enough time to accomplish everything sometimes. That's why some people find it difficult to rest, but if you don't rest, your productivity levels will drop, and you will not accomplish as much. The body needs time to relax. You need time away from the things that you're working on and focusing on to reset your mind. Otherwise, mentally you will over focus on something to the point that you literally can't see what you're doing anymore. Instead of glamorizing overwork and exhaustion, learn to value resting and doing nothing but that sometimes. It is important to relax and unwind when you've been under stress, and you can learn how to do that here: Rest and Recharge Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

Peace of Mind Meditation

A simple piece of mind meditation can help you anytime you need it. Find a peaceful and comfortable place and just stand or sit still. Close your eyes and focus on whatever it is that is causing you to feel a lack of peace. Quietly think of three things that you can do to either solve the problem, tolerate the problem, or completely step away from the problem. Then visualize yourself completely separating from it. Watch it drift away and in its place feel yourself bathed in the healing light of complete peace. Let this peace wash over you and completely fill every part of your being inside and out. Then, once you are ready, open your eyes and say to yourself, ”I can handle this.” Yes, you can.

Things can spiral out of control in a moment, leaving you wondering if you will ever have peace of mind again, but you can. Peace of mind doesn’t require you to control everything around you. It just requires you to mindfully navigate difficulties and celebrate good things. Simple things like practicing good self-care, setting boundaries, and being thankful will help you to have peace of mind and keep it. After all, we can’t control everything that happens in life, but we can control how we react and how we think. That helps decide a lot of things in our lives. May you have peace of mind, and keep it, no matter what. So Be It.

For more tips about how to find peace, maintain it, and make sure nothing compromises it, reach out to one of our psychic advisors for a reading today.

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