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Palmistry 101- Know Your Palm

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
October 25, 2021
Palmistry 101- Know Your Palm
Palmistry 101- Know Your Palm
TL;DR Are palm readings real and can I get mine read with an online palm reader? How is a palm reading psychic reading different from say a card reading, and how do you read palm lines? Join us as we answer these and more questions about what palm reading is, discuss some basic palmistry psychic lines, and learn how to read your own palm!

Palm Reading Meaning

Palm Reading Meaning

What is a palm reading, and what can it tell you? To define palm reading, it is simply a form of divination using the features of the hands to discover things about your life. Some palm readers use the lines to predict things like how many children and marriages you will have while others say the features of the hands predict only personality traits. Still other palm readers, also called palmists or palm astrologers say palmistry predicts both character traits and life events.

Palmistry, palm reading, palm astrology, chiromancy, and chirology are all names for this. This practice has been recorded in ancient Rome, ancient China, and India, parts of the Middle East, and the Romanies, disparagingly referred to as “gypsies” became famous for their palmistry divination. Because so many different peoples practiced this, all of whom did so in different ways, some skeptics say there is no proof palmistry is real, and they write it off as fake. However, this tradition has been used in all these parts of the World for generations , and many people insist the practice is a legitimate, accurate way to do divination. They can’t all be wrong!

How Do You Read Palms?

How Do You Read Palms?

How to read palms in the simplest way is to examine the lines in the palms, length and shape of fingers, the specific shapes of the bumps on the hand, and where everything is spaced in comparison with everything else, and this tells you things. A palm astrologer is somebody who knows what all of these things mean, and can explain it to you. To go more into detail, we will list some main lines and shapes, and what they mean.

Palm Reading Right or Left?

Palm Reading Right or Left?

What is the difference between right palm lines and your palm reading lines on the left hand? Some traditions say only to do a left hand palm reading, and others say only to do a right hand palm reading. Some say whether you are male or female matters with palm reading left hand to be to read a man’s hand and right hand palm reading to be for a female’s palmistry reading. Still others insist you read the dominant hand, or the one that is used most often, and this is normally the hand you write with. Unless you are ascribing to a particular system of reading palms, you can experiment with reading both palms until you decide for yourself whether a left palm reading or a right palm reading is best.

Palm Reading Lines- What They Mean

Palm Reading Lines- What They Mean

Palm reading lines meanings vary by tradition, but it all goes by palm readings lines on hands specifically, not lines on other parts of the body. Your palm heart line means one thing and your fate lines on palm mean something else. While different traditions of palmistry attach some different interpretation to what each line is telling us, most of them agree that your palm life line is exactly where the next palm readers say it is. 

Palm Reading Wrist Lines/ Palm Reading Bracelet Lines

Palm Reading Wrist Lines/ Palm Reading Bracelet Lines

The wrist or “bracelet” lines refer to health, happiness, and wealth. The first line, directly under the palm is the one that ascribes health, and it is believed a “chained” first bracelet line denotes a life of poor health. A break in the line means there will be a spell of health issues, but if the health bracelet line is deep and strong, it means good health.

The second bracelet line tells about wealth, and if there are no breaks and it is clearly defined, this indicates financial prosperity, but if this is broken or chained, it can indicate a life of hard work or little financial wealth. The third line indicates happiness in the community, and if the line is strong this means you will be well loved and respected in your community.

Not everybody has three wrist lines, however, and this can mean health struggles early in life, but don’t dismay if any of the lines have breaks or chains. You still have a chance to overcome problems and have a happy life anyways.

Palm Reading Life Line

palm reading life line

Your life line on the left or right hands is in the same position, which can be seen in the provided photo. The life lines palm reading indicates health, energy level, and vitality, but not how long of a lifespan you will have. A broken life line palm reading will explain this denotes illness, and a palm reading broken life line on one hand means you will get sick, but recover fairly quickly while a broken life line on both hands unfortunately means a longer illness. A chained life line means you are susceptible to illness or emotional issues, and a forked life line indicates a shift in life and a major change. A Reading palm lifeline with a strong deep life line indicates good health and a short deep life line means you overcome obstacles easily.

Palm Reading Health Line

palm reading health line

Reading palm health line tells more about the general health and some say it denotes liver and digestive health. Don’t panic of you don’t have a health line, because that means your health is great and there are no issues to worry about! If your health line has breaks, chains, or is in fragments, it denotes illness, and if the health line appears faint or weak, it can indicate poor health. It can also indicate that you should be mindful of what you eat and drink, watching out for the digestion, and not ingesting things you know makes you feel ill.

Palm Reading Head Line

palm reading head line

A head line palm reading tells about the person’s intelligence, thinking, attitude, and beliefs. A forked head line palmistry reading can have two meanings depending on how the fork points. A downward branching forked head line means you have strong analytical and problem solving skills and an upward pointing head line fork means you are socially gifted, adaptable, and can succeed in business. A broken head line palmistry reading can mean to take care not to get a head injury, and it can denote illness in general. A palm reading broken head line meaning if the line is chained can indicate difficulty concentrating and if the line is broken in the sense that there are two head lines it indicates you have especially strong mental capabilities and you are able to consider things from multiple perspectives.

Palm Reading Fate Line

palm reading fate line

A fate line palm reading tells about our work and career lives and some say this directly impacts destiny and fortune in all areas of our lives. If a faint fate line is present, the person will struggle with finding work purpose. It’s very good if no fate line is on the palm because it means they will always be working on projects, staying busy and can have a carefree attitude, not worrying easily. A deep fate line means you will be good at running your own business, and a chained fate line near the beginning at the wrist indicates difficulty in school due to a difficult home life, but if the chains are at the top, nearer the fingers, it means career issues can create financial hardship as you get older.

Palmistry Heart Lines

Palmistry Heart Lines

A heart line palm reading is all about love. A broken heart line is not considered good as it denotes problems in love that interrupt the person’s entire life. In a palm reading, heart line fork when it’s at the end of the heart line means this person has s positive outlook on relationships and may be OVERLY optimistic at times, so they should be careful about that. A chained heart line means the person is easily hurt by the people they love and this can cause cardiovascular issues for them somewhere down the road. Vertical lines cutting the heart line indicate heartbreak, and maybe even divorce.

Palm Reading Fingers

palm reading fingers

Finger lines palmistry depend on which finger we are discussing. On the thumb, up to three vertical lines mean this person is a quick thinker but more than this indicates jumbled thoughts and difficulty concentrating. Stars on the index fingertip means this person will be fortunate and strong spiritually while x’s there indicate quite the opposite. On the middle finger, a lot of vertical lines mean a lot of responsibility and the individual should take care not to overwhelm themselves. The ring, or fourth finger when it has multiple vertical lines means great talent in creativity. The pinky finger denotes inability to speak your mind when horizontal lines are on it but vertical lines on the pinky finger mean the individual is a great communicator.

Girdle of Venus Palmistry Meaning

Girdle of Venus Palmistry Meaning

A line that is rare and not everyone has is called the Girdle of Venus. It is located above the heart line, and it indicates extra sensuality in the individual. These people have a free love approach to their sexuality, and take many lovers. They are able to separate sex from love, and sometimes, overindulge. We all overindulge in something or another, however, it may as well be what makes us happy.

Travel Lines on Palm

travel lines on palm

Travel lines branch off the life line and are found on the outside of the hand. They indicate trips and relocation. A whole lot of travel lines indicate somebody who travels often, and sometimes it indicates somebody who is restless and can’t stand to stay put in one place for very long. A major break in the lifeline can also be a sign of permanent relocation to another country.

Palm Reading Crosses and Stars

palm reading crosses and stars

Typically crosses or x’s stand for bad luck or bad events, and stars are good luck and good things that happen. However, some crosses on the palm are good things. For example, a large cross between the heart line and head line is called the mystic cross and if you have one, it means you have powerful psychic gifts and you will have prophetic dreams.

Stars on the palm can indicate bad things also, depending on where they are positioned. A star on the break of the life line indicates severe disease, and a star on the head line indicates injury or disease. Yet a star NEAR the head line, but not ON it indicates great intelligence.

Fire, Earth, Water, and Air Hands Palmistry

Fire, Earth, Water, and Air Hands Palmistry

Four kinds of palms exist based on the size of the palm in comparison with the length of the fingers. They are Earth, Air, Fire, and Water palms.

Earth Palms

Earth palms have short fingers and palms and these people typically do something with their hands like carving or gardening. Stability matters to them, and they are emotionally grounded. They often like to be out in nature, enjoying the outdoors and they are not dreamers, preferring to be more practical.

Air Palms

These people are great communicators, and their intelligence and scholarly pursuits keep them learning all their lives. They think for themselves and need to surround themselves with like minded individuals and they stay busy. They have short palms and long fingers.

Fire Palms

These people have short fingers and large or long palms. Fire people are passionate and adventurous and can even be impulsive at times. They tend to be strong both physically and in personality and their take charge abilities make them great leaders. They like to stay physically active and have a lot of energy.

Water Palms

With long palms and long fingers, water people are very sensitive, emotional, and empathetic to others. They are creative and imaginative, and they are the dreamers who excel in the arts. They have to be careful not to be taken advantage of by the people who they care for, however!

Is Palm Reading Legit?

Is Palm Reading Legit?

Yes and no, depending on who is reading your palm. Like with any form of divination, not everybody who will take your money, insisting they can tell you the accurate truth can. There are quack palm readers just like there are quack tarot readers, but if you have spoken with many psychic advisors, you will be able to figure out very quickly whether the palmist you are considering hiring is legitimate or not. Palmistry tells us things about who we are and what has and will happen in our lives. Generations of people would not have passed the art of palmistry on, let alone earn a living from it if it was a false science. So yes palmistry is legit, but only if you have a legit palm reader!

Is Palm Reading Witchcraft?

Is Palm Reading Witchcraft?

That all depends on your definition of witchcraft. To some, witchcraft is worship if the devil and bad, and to others witchcraft is a natural practice of magic and very good. The word witch first appeared in the Inquisition to denote those who performed maleficum, or malevolent magic, and it was considered heresy, or against the church. It was punishable by death. A witch was typically somebody who was female and had done something like disliked eating pork or who got her chores done too well. These types of things raised suspicion the woman has supernatural abilities and it was believed these came directly form the devil.

In the book of 2 Chronicles 33:6, it says “Hhe sacrificed his children in the fire of Ben Hinnom, practiced divination and witchcraft, sought omens, and consulted mediums and spiritists. He did much evil in the eyes of the Lord, arousing his anger.” The book of Leviticus 20:27 says “ A man or woman who is a medium or spiritist among you must be put to death. You are to stone them. Their blood will be upon their own heads. “To the people following these religions, any form of psychic gifts with or without tools was seen as a sin against their god and was punishable by death. To them there was no good in the practices and it was forbidden.

Modern people who practice magic in new age and metaphysical communities and modern covens don’t worship the Biblical devil nor practice malevolent magic, but they do practice divination. To them any form of magic is natural and the ability to excel in magic is a gift from the powers that be, and that’s a good thing. So, is palm reading witchcraft? You tradition and beliefs will decide what you feel it is.

Psychic Palm Reading Near Me

Psychic Palm Reading Near Me

Now the question is, how do you want to get your palm read? Would you prefer to learn all about the lines of the hand and do your readings yourself or would you like to see what professionals have to offer? An in-person palmist can physically examine your hand, and deliver one on one in the flesh guidance and answers. An online search will turn up local palmists, and get you started getting your palm read soon.

Cheap Palm Reading Near Me? Palmistry Readings Online Free?

Can you get a free palm reading and who can read your palm online free? The best palm reading won’t be cheap and it won’t be free, unfortunately. Your best way to get a free palm reading is to consult educational materials and read your own. A palm reading app that is free tends to get mixed reviews, and while a palm reading in general can be accurate, a palm reading fake site can be a “free” click away but yield no useful guidance. Palm reading prices vary, and remember, you do get what you pay for and the best palm reading might be the most expensive.

Palm Reading Online

palm reading online

“Can somebody read my palm online? ” While free palm readings might not work out, palm reading true readings can certainly be done accurately online. A palmistry reading online can be done by either e-mailing photos of your hands in various shots and positions to a palmist, or by doing a live video chat with a psychic palm reader online. We cannot vouch for the best palmistry site, but shop around for a palms reader, checking the testimonials and reviews given by clients, and you can judge for yourself which palmistry hand reading online professionals appeal most to you.

One professional who gives free palmistry online free education as well as her services to read lines on palm is Frederique Herel and one of her free videos can be found here: 

(12) Sample of 5 Free Palm Reading Lessons by - YouTube

She also offers in person palmistry readings and coaching for those who want to learn. She is unavailable to do skype and video chats, unfortunately, but her clients swear by her readings.

Her page can be found here: Hand Reading Sessions (

When Will I Meet My Soul Mate Palmistry

When Will I Meet My Soul Mate Palmistry

Palm reading doesn’t necessarily function the way a card reading would. While palm readers can identify at what points in your life certain events are likely to occur, don’t expect your palmist to pinpoint an exact date and time you will meet a soulmate. Remember that no one person is your destiny, and you may very well have more than one soul mate also!

Read more about soul mates here: What Is A Soulmate - When Do We Know We Have One?

How do you read palms yourself? Do you read palms online, give palm readings in Chicago or are a La Palma psychic, and do you do palm readings left or right hand? What has your experience as a client with palmists been? Is palm reading correct, or have you had somebody poorly read lines on your palm? What unique palm line do you have? Write us and let us know because we want to hear from you!

We have selected the most relevant psychics for this article, you can connect with any of them and get accurate advice on this subject.

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