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Mastering the Art of Being Persuasive

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
November 06, 2024
Mastering the Art of Being Persuasive
Mastering the Art of Being Persuasive

Find out the secrets persuasive people use in speaking, persuasive writing, and in body language and how you can use these techniques to convince people to do things.

It seems like some people can get people to do anything they want. Wouldn’t it be nice to know how they do that? You’re in luck, because we are about to tell you how! Join Mysticsense to find out the secrets of persuasive people. Discover exactly what persuasion is and all about a magical technique called glamor. Then find out some skills used to be persuasive and six easy steps you can take to persuade people to do things. Persuasive “secrets” aren’t really secrets once you know about them!

What is Persuasion?

What is Persuasion?

Persuasion is used by someone to get people to believe or do something. To be persuasive, you have to talk somebody into something without pressuring them unnecessarily. Threats to coerce people to do things don't count as persuasion, that is manipulation. Propaganda is a type of persuasion used to indoctrinate groups of people towards some type of agenda, and that’s manipulation. To be persuasive, you want to get people to choose what you would like them to do instead of doing what you want through force or manipulation.

People who are in politics, sales, or even people who are taking care of you have to be persuasive to get you to do things. Politicians convince you to vote for them because they are the candidate who will create the society you want. Salespeople convince you to buy what they have because they say that their product is exactly what you want or need. People who are taking care of you may have a more difficult time of it though. If they tried to convince you to do what's healthiest for you and that's not fun to do. You might refuse to do it. If you are diabetic you know that eating that ice cream will raise your blood sugars, but you don't care because you want the ice cream. If they can convince you that long-term, it's better not to have your blood sugar spike, you might forgo the ice cream.

Everywhere we go every day, there are things out there to persuade us to do things. Cosmetics advertisements are everywhere, and they very cleverly convince people that they won't be happy unless they are considered more attractive, so they better buy those cosmetics. Clothing advertisers convince people that they have a particular image that they need to uphold to be happy and popular, so they better buy those clothes so people view them the way they want to be viewed.

Advertisers aren't the only ones that persuade us to do things every day. Friends and family can easily convince you to lose sleep to attend a picnic with them out of town. So what if you have to drive all night? They're positive it's worth it. Some people are so persuasive that they can get you to do things without you realizing they are doing it. “ I'll buy you lunch today. I just need to stop and do some errands on the way,” it's a simple way that a friend can convince you to go with them to do their errands. See how easy that is? You might even forget it happened. Read about the power of your memory here: The Mysterious Power of Memories

What is Glamor?

Glamour is a type of magic that entails creating some form of an illusion, and it's a very powerful form of magic to use when you want to be persuasive. One of the most famous types of glamor is makeup. There are some women who wear makeup to look older because they feel like it makes people take them more seriously in business. Other women will wear it to make them look younger, so people think they're more attractive and won't discriminate against their age. Some women will wear makeup because it makes them feel more fashionable and it makes them feel confident.

Glamour can be achieved physically using other things besides makeup. Expensive perfume can make you seem wealthier than you are. Some people will wear the exact same type of clothing as the people who they want to fit in with to make those people feel more comfortable with them. Showing up late on purpose to make it seem like you don't care about meeting somebody. This is especially handy when you don't want someone to think that you're desperate for their attention, and some people will do this when they first start dating people.

Turning off all the lights at your house can make people who stop by think nobody is home and they'll go away. Setting up an electronic system with lights, the radio, and the television turning on and off at random times can make it appear that you're home when you're on vacation, so you don't get broken in on. Acting like you're in an especially good mood when you're having a terrible day can keep people from asking, ”What’s wrong” so you won't have to tell them what happened. Prominently displaying a gift you hate when the person who gave it to you comes will make them think that you liked and appreciated the gift. They don't have to know that you keep it stored away in the closet when they're not there. People use glamor effectively every day to persuade people to believe what they want them to. Read about using magic everyday here: How to Include Everyday Magic In Your Life

Persuasive Skills

If you want to be persuasive, there are three major skills that you should learn. The first is how to speak persuasively. Next you should learn how to write persuasively, and you should use persuasive body language.

Persuasive Speaking

Persuasive Speaking

Persuasive speaking is using words to change someone's beliefs, attitudes, or actions. It's a matter of knowing exactly what to say, and how to say it. Knowing what influences the person or people you're talking to when you do this is very important. If you are addressing a group of serious hobby collectors, trying to sell them a product, and you don't know any of the technical words that those collectors use, they probably won't listen to you. If you are educated about what you're trying to sell, the words that they use, and what their concerns are, you're more likely to be able to solve them what you want to. Using pleasant tones of voice instead of yelling can help persuade people to do what you want them to also.

Persuasive Writing

Persuasive writing is a little bit easier than persuasive speaking, even though you still have to know who you're communicating with. You only get one chance to say something when you're speaking, but when you're writing you can set your writing aside and go back and edit it to make sure you say what you want. Writing can also go farther, especially if what you write gets published. One thing to keep in mind about writing though, especially published writing, is that it can always be consulted even years down the road and if you have written the wrong thing, people will lose trust in you. Make sure that what you write is completely accurate so that it cannot be held against you in the future. Runes are a divination tool created using ancient words and you can read more here: What Are Rune Stones and How to Use Them

Persuasive Body Language

When you want to persuade somebody to do something, watch your body language. The movements you make need to communicate confidence, and you want to seem welcoming. Making eye contact, smiling, using your hands to gesture during key points, and opening your arms as if you're welcoming people will make you seem more inviting and will make people feel more comfortable with you. An extremely important type of body language that you want to use anytime you want to convince somebody to do something is to behave as if you are listening to every word they say. Do not interrupt them to make a point that you feel is more important. Tilt your head and nod, to show that you understand what they're saying, and most importantly thank them for listening to you.

How to Be Persuasive

The fine art of being persuasive can be mastered in six easy steps. Whether you want to convince your parents to go on vacation with you or you want to convince your employees to work overtime, simple things that you do will make people more receptive. Preparation, confidence, and dressing in a way that communicates that you respect the people you're trying to persuade goes a long way to getting them to do what you want. Explaining to them the benefits of doing what you want them to, making sure that they like you to begin with, and being so necessary to them that they can't do without you will also help.

Be Prepared

When was the last time that you went on a job interview? Did you walk in knowing about the company that was hiring, or did you walk in not knowing anything about them at all? Interviewers and anybody else who you're trying to persuade will be more impressed with you if you walk in knowledgeable about them. If you know things about the people who you're trying to convince, you will be able to tell them why what you want them to do will benefit them. If not, they're going to think that you just want them to do things to benefit you, and they will be less likely to do what you want. This is a golden rule of persuasion. You can read about the Golden Rule of life here: Are Golden Rule Truths Universal Teachings?

Project Confidence

If you don't know any of the other five steps here, follow this step. Anytime you want somebody to do something, you must project confidence. If you don't have faith in yourself, they won't either. You have to behave confident about what it is that you're trying to convince people to do, or they won't see any validity in it. Even if you believe that the product you're selling is not as good as what the next salesperson has, pretend that you do. Otherwise, you just might lose the sale. People interpret Your confidence as a sign that what you're asking them to do is the best possible option. So, make them believe it is just by being confident.

Dress the Part

Dress the Part

your appearance is the first thing that people see when you're going to ask them to do something. If you are mailing someone a letter, and you spell coffee on the envelope, throw it away and get a new one. Some people interpret something as simple as a stained envelope as sloppiness and not caring. If you are going into a fashionable event to try and convince people to do something, and you don't dress fashionably, they're not going to pay attention to you. Remember that the clothes you wear do not make you who you are. You can change your clothes anytime, any day. Make sure that your appearance including your hair styling, jewelry, cosmetics, clothing, and even the way that you smell matches the expectations people have for what you're trying to get them to do. Even the name you tell people to call you holds power and you can read why here: All About the Power of Names

Show the Benefits

Make sure to let people know how doing what you want them to do benefits them. Explaining to the kids that getting to bed on time means they'll feel like getting up extra early to go on vacation tomorrow and beat the morning traffic might not be enough to convince them. However, if you tell them that you will have extra time to go to their favorite breakfast restaurant before the trip tomorrow if they do, they may go straight to bed. Just telling somebody to do something ”Because I said so” isn't always enough motivation. So, explain to them why it will benefit them to do what you want them to do, and you might not have to tell them twice.

Make Them Like You

If people like you, they're more likely to do what you ask them to do. If somebody likes you, they're more likely to want to make you happy, and they're more likely to listen to what you have to say. Likability is important even with strangers. A way to get strangers to like you is to act like you like them and you're happy to see them. Businesses who greet people when they walk in tend to have more engagement with clients. When a new neighbor moves into the neighborhood, going to welcome them will make them like you. They might be more likely to keep an eye on your house while you're out of town than if they don't like you. You don't have to be everybody's best friend, but if they find you pleasant, they're more likely to do what you want them to do.

Become Indispensable

If people feel like they cannot do without you, they will be more likely to do what you ask. This is because they want to keep you happy. If they do what you ask, they will feel more confident you will stick around. This takes time, but it is worth it and an important part of persuading people to do things.

with a reputation for being highly persuasive might seem like geniuses, but now that you know their secrets, you can be highly persuasive too. You just have to show people why doing what you want is the best possible option, and you can do that in a few simple ways. Never underestimate the power of things like being confident and explaining to people the benefits of doing what you want. Soon you might be one of the most persuasive people there are.

If you still want to know what else you can do to persuade someone to do something, find out how with a psychic reading today

We have selected the most relevant psychics for this article, you can connect with any of them and get accurate advice on this subject.

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