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The Importance of Open-Mindedness

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
December 03, 2024
The Importance of Open-Mindedness
The Importance of Open-Mindedness

It’s not always easy to open your mind, but it’s important. Learn simple ways to keep an open mind, and the difference between being open-minded and rejecting bad ideas.

Open-mindedness is praised by some and disdained by others, but what does it mean anyways? Open-mindedness is something that’s important in most situations, but in others, it’s not considered to be the best idea, but how do you know which is which? Join Mysticsense to learn all about the importance of open-mindedness and find out how you can be open-minded. Just remember, everything in life is a balancing act, so it’s important to know when to say “no” to some ideas and say “yes” and remain open to what is right for you. Read on to learn more.

What is Open-Mindedness?

What is Open-Mindedness?

“Keep an open mind; it’s the only way new things can get in.”- Colleen Hoover

If you are open-minded, it means that you are open to new things and ideas. It also means that you will listen to people's opinions and views that conflict with yours. It means that you give fair and impartial consideration to people who oppose you intellectually, and it means that you are willing to take other people's views seriously. If you are open-minded it means that you are aware that your beliefs, opinions, ways of doing things, and the things that you think you know are not perfect and you could always know more.

It's not limited to just ideas and beliefs though. Being open-minded means being open to new experiences and opportunities. Sure, it's ok to have habits and to have your favorite things, but that doesn't mean that you can never do anything else. Something as simple as being open to getting started on a trip earlier than usual, or trying a new restaurant can show open-mindedness. It also means that you will be critical of yourself. You will understand that you are not always right and you will also understand that you don't know everything. Open-minded people are also aware of the fact that something might be the best way for themselves, but it's ok for other people to do things differently because it's better for them.

When you're open minded, you're ok coexisting with people who are different from you without trying to change them. When you're open-minded you can put your own opinions aside and respect the fact that somebody else has a different opinion. Being open-minded will help you to understand that there are all different kinds of people in the world and that's a beautiful thing. It helps you to accept and embrace diversity, and even enjoy it. It can be difficult to reason with controlling people- and they can be extremely closed-minded. Read about how to handle controlling behaviors and how to get out of controlling relationships here: How to Get Out of a Controlling Relationship

What Happens When Our Minds Are Closed?

What Happens When Our Minds are Closed?

“A closed mind is a dying mind.”- Edna Ferber

Having a closed mind is never a good thing. There comes a time when we know we're right about something, but we're not always right. There comes a time when you know the best way of doing something, but there also comes a time when you could do things in better ways. When your mind is closed you can't learn because you think you know everything, and you won't listen. You limit the experiences that you have, and you isolate yourself from other people if you are closed-minded..

We Can’t Learn

Some people get tired of learning new things. They finish school, start working for a living, and after work they sit down and don't want to use their brains at all. It is understandable to be tired after a long day, but the human mind needs to learn new things. It is estimated that we average about 70 thousand thoughts per day and the brain has 86 billion neurons. The brain doesn't run out of capacity to think, but if we don't challenge ourselves and learn new things, our cognitive ability will decrease and thinking and remembering things will be much more difficult. So, keep the brain active and keep learning. Read more about the capacity of the human mind here: Memory Capacity Of Human Brain: 29 Human Memory Statistics & Facts

We Limit Our Experiences

The place where you are standing or sitting at this moment in time is only one location on our planet. There are countless other experiences going on around you. Some of them are things that you can experience too. If your mind is closed to new information and new experiences then you will miss out on a lot of wonderful things that you could enjoy. Not every new experience is worth having, but you won't know that unless you try it. Don't limit yourself. Be open to new experiences and enjoy everything that the world has to offer.

We Isolate Ourselves

If you believe that there is one way to live and one way to think, and of course it's your way, you will separate yourself from other people that you could have meaningful relationships with. You will have created a bias within yourself that you are superior, and you won't want to bother with those other people. If you think that you can surround yourself only with people who are just like you, think again. Even the people who are very much like you have some differences in the way that they are and the way that they believe. It never pays to be so closed-minded that you put a barrier between yourself and people who you could love. You can even get along with people who you don't especially like and you can read about that here: How to Harmonize with People You Don’t Like

How to Open Your Mind

“ An open minded person sees life without boundaries, whereas a closed minded person only sees what’s beyond their eyes.” – Kaoru Shinmon

Opening your mind happens a few easy steps, and it’s something anybody can do. Yes, even the most stubborn, closed-minded people! First, you just need to be quiet and listen. Next, it is important to set your emotions aside. Then, give something new a chance and try it and allow yourself to be challenged. What have you got to lose?



Listening is very important and it’s a skill everybody needs to master. It’s more than just being quiet while someone else talks, though. Listening means paying attention to what is said, asking for clarification if you don’t understand, and then really considering what the other person is saying. Listening is also more than just being quiet and waiting for your turn to respond. It means having the attitude that other people have important things to say that are worth hearing. When you silence your voice and listen to other people's voices, you have the opportunity to hear something wonderful. Listening to others is important but we also have to listen to ourselves. Your heart may be telling you that you love your ex, and you can read about that here: Should I Go Back to My Ex and Do I Still Love Them?

Set Emotions Aside

When we form beliefs, we develop emotional attachments to them. We seek evidence to support what we start to believe and often reject evidence that those beliefs are wrong. We can become extremely upset when someone challenges those beliefs with new ideas. However, sometimes, our opinions or beliefs are wrong, and to grow as people, and be present in reality, we have to open our minds. It’s harder to do if we put up a barrier because of our emotional need to be right, though. So, set emotions aside when you are learning about a new idea, belief, or way of doing things. Of course, even if you disengage your emotions you're still going to have them and you're still going to have to express them. You can find out more about why it is important to do that here: Inability to Express Emotions Can Cripple Us

Try Something New

New experiences can be scary especially if new experiences have not worked out well in the past. However, if you think back on your life, you will realize that some new experiences have worked out well. There was a time when each of the things that you do regularly were not a part of your life. If you allow it, new things can become a part of your life today as well. That doesn't mean that you have to give up doing everything that you love. It just means that you need to be open to finding more things to love. Give yourself permission to try new things, consider new ideas, and listen to what new people have to say. You won't regret it. Speaking of new things and experiences, have you done New Moon magic before? Find out all about it here:New Moon Spells and Rituals

Allow Yourself to Be Challenged

It's not fun to be challenged. Especially when you discover that the way that you believe or do something is considered wrong by somebody else. Or, maybe nobody is saying that you're wrong. Maybe they're just saying that there is a different way of being that you had not considered. Allowing someone to challenge or question the way that you think or do things will give you an opportunity to explore why you hold those beliefs or why you do those things. Being challenged may not change the way that you do things. It might help somebody else to understand people like you who are different from them, though. It might give you an opportunity to understand people who are different from you. So welcome the challenge. Relationships with mama's boys can be challenging, but are they worth it? Find out here:Inability to Express Emotions Can Cripple Us

When to Reject an idea

“It pays to keep an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out.”- Carl Sagan

So, you opened your mind. You listened and you just don't think that you can welcome the idea that you were presented with. Sometimes that's ok. When you have already given this consideration, and you've made up your mind against it, go ahead and reject the idea. When embracing this idea would cause harm, it's a good idea to reject it. When adapting to this new idea wouldn't help anything, it's ok to reject it.

You have Considered it Enough

When you've been presented with a new idea or a new experience multiple times and you've thought it over and you have decided that it's just not going to be good for you, it's time to reject the idea. People will always try to get you to change your political views, your religious beliefs, and your opinions on what your favorite things and experiences are. When you have listened to what multiple people have to say, giving things a chance, and they just didn't go well, go ahead and reject it. While it is true that we all need to be open to new experiences so that we can grow and experience richer, fuller lives, it's also true that we don't have to do everything. Sometimes you know what's best even after you've given new things plenty of consideration. Setting boundaries is sometimes the best thing that you can do for your relationships and you can read about why here: Setting Boundaries in Your Life and Relationships

It Would Cause Harm

When someone is trying to get you to do something that's bad for you, refusing to do it is not having a closed mind. It's being smart. Deep within us, we have an intuitive voice that lets us know that things are a bad idea. No matter what the people who you love may say, if your intuitive voice is telling you that this new idea would cause harm, go ahead and reject it. You might get some pushback from saying no, but no is a magic word that creates good situations. When you say no to causing harm, you say yes to doing good things. One thing that can cause a lot of harm is revenge and you can read all about that here: Getting Revenge- Is It Worth It?

It Won’t Help Anything

When being receptive to a new idea or a new experience won't improve your life or anybody else’s life in any shape, size, or form, why bother? Go ahead and reject the idea. There are some people who just want you to be flexible for them just so they feel like they're in control. They don't care if they're helping or not. When your inner voice tells you that this new idea or experience someone is trying to talk you into doesn't help anything or anybody, just tell them no. Again, you might get pushback. People might argue that you're being stubborn. Go ahead and let them say it. If their way doesn't help anything, let them do it themselves and you do things the way that you feel is best. You might have to meditate on what the best thing to do is, and you can read all about how to do that here: How to Meditate: A Complete Guide

Open-mindedness only works when you aren’t so open, you accept everything people throw at you. There is a time to be open to new ideas and people’s suggestions, and a time to be open to what you know is best for you. Knowing when to be open-minded, or to stand firm is important. However, it never pays to have your mind so shut down you never allow in new ideas or experiences. Life is full of so many wonderful things to enjoy, and our minds are thirsty for knowledge and to expand. So, keep an open mind- just don’t let your brain slide out!

If you’re wondering whether to allow a new experience or not, reach out to one of our psychics for illumination. We are available any time and any day to help.

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