Everybody wants to enjoy abundant living, but not everybody knows that abundance can be achieved through magic. Learn powerful spells and magic to bring abundance into your life.
Living a life of abundance might not be at the top of the list of things that you want to accomplish in life. If it's not your top priority, it should be close to the top of the list. Having an abundance of all the things we need to be healthy, happy, and feel loved is very important. Join Mysticsense To find out what abundance is and what kind of magic you can use to bring more abundance into your life. Find out just how much spells can do, how to live an abundant life without spells, and then what type of spells and magic you can use to live more abundantly. So, read on to find out how to live an abundant life.
What is Abundance?
Abundance means having all that you need plus some left over. Other words for abundance are plenty, wealth, and affluence. Some people just focus on having enough to get by, and that's because there were times when they barely had enough to survive. You may go through times in your life where things are scarce, and that makes everything more difficult. When you first realize that you have enough to be comfortable, you might be satisfied with that, and be afraid to wish for more, but you shouldn't be. There is more than enough to go around for everybody, and there is more than enough that you can live abundantly.
Abundance means that you have enough to save. You can save for the possibility of lean times that may be ahead of you, and you can save to build wealth for your future. Having enough left over to save means that you won't have to worry as much in the future. If you have an abundance of things you may decide not to keep it all for yourself, but to share with those who have less. So, if you're given more than you need, using your abundance to help people who have less than they need means that everybody prospers, not just you. Some people say that none of us can be truly prosperous if we are surrounded by people who go without, so if this is how you feel, use your prosperity to help other people. Compassion makes us want to help others and that is considered a virtue. Read more about virtues here: What is a Virtue and How Can You Embody it?
Can Spells Fix Everything?
Magical spells are go-tos for people who want to create positive change in their lives. Maybe they want to find a job or find love, or they want guidance when they feel lost. Whatever the reason, a lot of people agree that spells are really helpful, but will spells fix everything? No. Spellwork consists of magical operations to direct energy to a goal. They help, but they won't do the work for you. Think of spell work as one of the ingredients for success. Spells are one of many things that you can do to make positive changes happen in your life. Read our beginners guide to writing spells here: How to Write a Spell | Spell Guide
If you want a job you can send out a spell to help to attract the right job to you, but if you don't look for a job, if you don't apply for jobs, and you don't interview, the universe probably won't hand you a job. The universe will help direct you to opportunities, help attract the right people in your direction, and help you to focus on your goals. If you feel attracted to spells, you should definitely use them to create changes, just don't make the mistake of thinking that all you have to do is cast a spell and everything you ever dreamed of will automatically become yours.
How To Tell You Are Living Abundantly
There are three ways to tell if you are experiencing abundance in your life. First, if you have more than enough and don't have to fear scarcity you are living an abundant life. Another sign of abundance is having enough for yourself plus enough to share.
You Have More Than Enough
By definition, abundance specifically means having more than enough. If you have more than enough money to pay your bills, you have an abundant income. If you have more than enough food to eat, you have abundant food. If you have more than enough time to do things, that's a true blessing and you have an abundance of time. If you have plenty of friends and family who enrich your life, you have an abundance of love. Read about unconditional love here: Unconditional Love Meaning
You Don’t Have to Fear Scarcity
You can tell that you are living abundantly when you don't have to fear going without. If you are not worried about where your next paycheck is going to come from, or whether you will have a home, you're living in abundance. If you don't have to worry about how you're going to pay your bills when you retire, you're living an abundant life. If you don't have to worry about being alone, you're blessed with an abundance of good people who care about you. Fearing going without means that you either have or you're going without now, if you don't have to worry about that when you live in abundance.
You Have Enough to Share
Abundance means you have more than enough for yourself and plenty to give to other people too. It means you have resources to help with charitable causes, you have enough money and resources to help those who are struggling, and you have the capability to take people in who have no one to watch over them. Some people also use their financial abundance to help animals, contribute to causes to save the earth, and build up their communities in ways that benefit everybody. Even if you don't have a lot of money you can help save the earth and you can find out how here: Environmentalism: How to Save the Earth
When Abundance is Missing
When abundance is missing in your life, there will be signs. You might just be getting by, but you have none left over. That means you're not gifted with abundance. Chances are you will worry about the future. You might fear that you are one paycheck away from losing everything, and you might wonder what you will do if you lose what little you have. You will have just enough to get by, and certainly not enough to share with other people although you probably would like to. When your income and resources are limited, you may experience financial hardship, and with that come other problems.
You might buy the cheapest clothing and have to keep replacing it often instead of buying higher quality clothes that last longer. You will spend more money on clothes over time that way. You might neglect your health because it's costly. You might skip meals or buy the cheapest food that isn't healthy. You won't be able to afford to go and do the things that you enjoy like vacations, buy things you like, or go to places that you want to go. You can become very stressed, and this can take a toll on your health. You can lose sleep and even get sick more often if you're stressed. Crystals are used to manifest goals and they can help in times of stress. Learn how here: Powerful Crystals for Manifestation
How to Live Abundantly
Living an abundant life is critical for living a good life. There may be times when you just get by, but there will also be opportunities to have more. Spellwork is going to be a part of the discussion today, but not everybody wants to use spellwork, and that's all right. There are three main things that you can do to live an abundant life without spells, and it all starts with the right mindset. Then simplify, cutting out things that aren't necessary. Finally dream, plan, and achieve abundance one step at a time.
Get Your Mind Right
Getting your mind right means you focus on what's really important when it comes to abundance. There might be things you want, but they're not necessary. Is it really necessary to have the most expensive house in your town, or is it more important to have the right house so that you can save money for the future? Is it really important to spend the money that you have the minute you earn it, or is it better to set it aside in some type of account where it can draw interest and build money over time? Find out what's most important and what's going to help you meet your goals of abundance, that is the first step.
After you find out what's important, make that your focus. That means things that don't meet that goal need to be done away with. A sharp focus will get you to your goal faster, than if you are wasting time on things that do not support your goal. If you're saving for your dream vacation, don't blow your money on a bunch of small day trips. If you're taking classes to get your dream job, focus on doing the classwork and what it will take to get that job once you graduate. If you want to focus on getting married and the fall, plan your wedding instead of planning something else. There will be time to do other things once you have met your goal, so keep your eye on the goal and move forward to what you're doing now. The only way to move in life is forward. Find out more here: Move Forward or Get Back Together With Someone?
Dream, Plan, and Achieve!
The final step to living abundantly is to dream, make plans, and achieve that dream. Think about what it is that you truly want, and think about it all you need to until you understand exactly what that is. Don't be afraid to dream big, while you are in the stage of dreaming, Explore what your hopes are, never stifling what you wish for. How else are you supposed to know what your dream is? Then sit down and draw up a detailed plan. What does it take to make this dream happen? Do you have the resources, and if not how can you get them? Talk to other people who have achieved this dream, and get all the information you need. Next there's one thing left to do, roll up your sleeves and get active making your dream come true. Take as long as you need to and take it one step at a time but achieve your dream of abundance.
Spells for Abundance
Some people cast spells with glittering crystals, aromatic incense and resins, and fragrant herbs. While all those things can be used in spells, you can do a simpler form of spellwork using a magical ingredient that you have right at home, and won’t cost you any money- you! Sacrifice, honest work, and prayers are three methods of using magic to live abundantly.
Sacrifice is just giving up something to get something else. If you sacrifice extra time at a job you will get extra income in return. If you sacrifice impulse spending, your bank account will be less depleted. If you sacrifice an expensive cable plan, getting a less expensive one instead, you will gain the benefit of having more money. If you sacrifice your evenings and weekends by taking classes to further your career, that will pay off in the long run because you will be able to get a better job. Sacrifice isn't as easy as burning a beautiful candle and walking away believing you've done magic, but it is very effective. One thing to sacrifice that can create magic is vices. Find out how to beat them here: Understanding Your Vices and Overcoming Them
Work is the most powerful form of attraction magic there is. One man worked for years at a company that didn't profit very much, so for two years nobody got a bonus. He just kept working. One day, the owner of the company called him into her office and told him she was giving him not only a promotion and a raise, but he was going to be getting a bonus that year. His hard work took time to pay off, but in the end it did. Work means showing up often, putting in a lot of mental and physical effort, and watching results come over time. The energy that you put into your work attracts good things to you.
Prayer means speaking to a goddess or a god, and asking them to help you, but some people don't understand one of the powerful results of prayer is answers. Some people believe that their higher power makes great things happen for them, but when you pray to your higher power for help, sometimes they inspire you and show you the way to make great things happen. So say a prayer to your higher power and ask for guidance, and they will show you the way to abundance. Spells and Prayers for Love and Spirituality
Spells are things you can use to enhance your life, and they can help you meet goals- but they won’t meet your goals for you. So to live an abundant life you can work magic through sacrifice, hard work, and prayers for guidance. You can also get your mind set on what is truly important, shift focus toward that and away from everything else, and then dream, plan, and achieve your goals. The bounty of the universe is waiting for you. Reach out and take it with magic!
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