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The Spiritual Meaning of Bees: Sacred Pollinators

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
October 03, 2024
The Spiritual Meaning of Bees: Sacred Pollinators
The Spiritual Meaning of Bees: Sacred Pollinators

One of our most necessary creatures, the tiny bee faces dangers created by humanity. Learn about their lore, their spiritual meaning, the messages they share in dreams, and what they teach as a spirit animal.

On a summer day, seeing a tiny bee flit from blossom to blossom might seem idyllic. The humble bee isn’t out doing that just to be quaint. It’s keeping the plants on the earth alive. Bees are one of the smallest creatures which creates one of the greatest impacts, and few understand how important bees are. Besides being necessary to the survival of the planet, bees hold great spiritual meaning. Join Mysticsense to read about the spiritual meaning of bees. Find out what they symbolize, the healing powers of their honey, and what dreams about bees mean. Read on to discover what the bee spirit animal bestows upon people and find out how you can help bees.

What is a Bee?

What is a Bee?

Bees are insects that are present on all but one continent- Antarctica. They are winged insects, many of whom congregate in groups called colonies, structured around a Queen Bee. There are about 20,000 different kinds of bees with the smallest being .08 inches long and the largest being over an inch and a half long. Bees are known for being a stinging insect, but not all species of bees sting. While, as stated above, bees are known for being organized in colonies, some are actually solitary creatures.

Research shows that bees have been around since at least 120 million years ago and it is believed they evolved from predatory wasps, shifting from just preying on other insects to collecting nectar to feed upon. What happened though, was while flitting from plant to plant, they ended up starting the process of pollinating flowers. Today, it is believed that about 96% of all the bee species on earth are under studied, and we need to learn more about them. Read about another pollinator, the fly here: The Symbolism of Flies

Why Are Bees Important?

Some people run from bees the second they see them because they are afraid of being stung. It is true that some people are allergic to bee stings and should avoid them, but not everyone who is afraid of bee stings is allergic. A lot of people just don’t want the pain of being stung. That is one reason why so many people don’t understand why bees are so important. Imagine for a moment, a world without bees. It is estimated that bees pollinate 70% of the food that feeds 90% of us. Without this crucial help bees provide, food supplies would be seriously strained.

Not only do bees pollinate the plants that create the food we eat, but bees pollinate many other species of plants. Enriching the ecosystems by landing on one plant at a time, bees keep plants reproducing. Some species of bees live in the soil, providing aeration to the soil. Not only do they break up the soil, making it breathe, but they also break down organic matter, keeping the soil fertile. They produce honey and royal jelly, which is used as food and medicine. Bees are one of our most important creatures on the planet. Read about saving the earth here:Environmentalism: How to Save the Earth

The Sacred Meaning of Bees

Not enough can be said about how important bees are to the planet. The tiny bee also represents a lot of different things spiritually. They symbolize healing. They also represent hard work and high productivity. They represent a healthy ecosystem as well.


Not only are bee stings used in alternative medicine to ease the symptoms of arthritis, but bees also pollinate trees, which create oxygen so we can breathe clean air. They pollinate plants, many of which are used to create medicines, and thus they are responsible for healing. Your sense of wellbeing will increase if you are in nature, surrounded by beautiful plants, which are pollinated by bees of course. Their honey is used in a plethora of medicines for healing including things to treat eczema and dizziness. Their beeswax is used in some skincare products as well. Spiritually, to embrace the healing of honey, use it in your tea, or put a small jar of it on your altar as an offering. Read about the spiritual meaning of trees here:Spiritual Meaning of Trees and Their Symbolism


Bees each have their own jobs to do within their communities and they take those jobs very seriously. The Queen Bee is responsible for making babies and she accomplishes this by laying eggs. A Queen bee can lay up to 1,500 eggs in a day and up to 250,000 per year. Worker bees take care of the babies and collect food. Drone bees only exist to fertilize a queen bee and will go out of the hive in search of other queens to mate with. All the bees work together harmoniously producing food, taking care of babies, and supporting the hive in their own ways. When you do your work diligently and focus on doing your best, you are industrious like bees! Industriousness helps you to live up to your greatest potential and be an asset to your community.

A Healthy Ecosystem

A Healthy Ecosystem

The support bees give to the ecosystem cannot be stressed enough. Seeing a lot of bees often is a sign your ecosystem is healthy. It means there is plenty of plant life to attract bees and the bees will do their part to keep the land productive and healthy. When the land supports the plants, it means the earth is healthy there. Spiritually, this can signify that you are in the right place where you need to be. It can also mean that you are supporting your community like bees support theirs. The fact bees symbolize a healthy ecosystem makes them symbolize luck as well. Read about making your own luck here:How to Make Your Own Luck

The Curative Powers of Honey

Since ancient times, honey has been used in food production, to sweeten teas, and for healing. For thousands of years, honey has been applied to wounds and burns. The ancient Egyptians combined honey with other ingredients to use for contraceptives and used honey on burns and wounds to speed healing and prevent infections. Honey naturally encourages the blood to release oxygen, which speeds up healing. The kind of natural sugar in honey draws moisture from the wound, which reduces swelling, and it naturally has an antibacterial effect to keep bacteria from growing. Honey is also known to help soothe sore throats and can help ease nausea. Consult your physician before using honey for medical treatment.

Dreams About Bees

Seeing bees while you are awake symbolizes great spiritual things, but sometimes you see bees in your dreams. The dream may hold any of the listed spiritual meanings, but the details of the dream can indicate deeper meaning.

Dreams About Bees Attacking You

Dreams About Bees Attacking You

Dreams about bees attacking you symbolize fears or feeling overwhelmed with problems. If a single bee attacks you, what happened in the dream? Were you able to escape or did it sting you? If you escape, your dream is telling you to step away from a bad situation and this will keep you safe. If you fought the bees in the dream and won, your dream is telling you to stand your ground, and overcome your foes. Read about how to block negative energy here:Converting Negative Energy into Positive Energy

Dreams of Bees Flying Around You

Dreams of bees peacefully flying around you symbolize being accepted within your community. If the bees lead you to their hive, it means you are being welcomed into the homes and families of new people who you meet. If you dream about bees flying around you and visiting with you, it means you will get a surprise visit from someone you love.

Bee Sting Dream Meaning

Dreams of bee stings indicate fear of being harmed. If you are allergic to bees, dreams of being stung indicate that you are worried that a situation could be devastating. What happened after you were stung by a bee in your dream? Were you harmed, or did it just sting a little bit? If you were safe after the sting, your dream is telling you not to worry about being harmed. You will be okay. So, just stand your ground when problems arise, and you won’t suffer. Read about gods and goddesses of war and victory here:Who is the Goddess and God of War?

Dreams About the Queen Bee

Dreams about a Queen Bee are often about strong women figures in your life. If you dream a Queen Bee is your lover when you are single, keep an eye out. It is possible you are about to meet a powerful woman who will rev up your love life. Queen bees symbolize motherhood, so you might also be put on notice that you are about to become a parent!

Dreams About Finding Honey

Dreams about finding honey are about discovering something good. If you search for the honey and find it, the dream is telling you to keep searching for what you want and working for it because what you seek is yours. You just have to find it. If you dream you happen to find honey when you are not searching for it, your dream is telling you that you are about to have some unexpected good luck! Read about another lucky animal- the ladybug:What is the Spiritual Meaning of Ladybugs?

The Bee Spirit Animal

When the bee is your spirit animal it teaches you its gifts. It reminds you to work hard and be a team player within your community so everybody can benefit from your good work. It reminds you to focus on good health and healing all the days of your life and it reminds you to be generous as a caretaker to the planet. Bees also teach you how to foster a healthy world through your actions and practice responsible, conscious living. To communicate with your bee spirit animal, do things to help bees, and it will draw them to you.

How to Help Bees

You would think that such a powerful creature who is crucial for the survival of ecosystems would be invincible, but unfortunately, the bee is a fragile creature. Bees need our help, believe it or not. Some of the top threats to bees are due to humanity. The pesticides we use kills them, and we displace their homes by developing properties. While none of us are going to stop clearing undeveloped property to build homes, we don’t have to stand by and watch our bees suffer. To help bees, refrain from using pesticides, grow native plants, and provide a bee bath.

Don’t Use Pesticides

You might think you are protecting crops when you use neonicotinoids, but ultimately, they kill bees. They don’t kill bees immediately but over time a couple of different ways. They lower reproductive rates, and this keeps bees from reproducing. The nutritional values of the crops are lowered, so bees cannot draw enough nutrition from treated plants. The plants treated can leech the chemical out when it rains on them. Rainwater runs off into water systems and both birds and bees drink this water and get sick. Weed killers and sprays used on plants designed to kill other insects affect bees too. Use natural things instead of chemical pesticides and keep the bees safe. Here are some bee friendly alternatives to chemical pesticides:

Establish a Native Garden

Bees need plants with the proper nectar to survive. They collect nectar from plants and make various products from it to feed their hive. Because there are so many different kinds of bees all over the world, each type of bee uses different plants for nutrition. Research local plants and find out which of them attracts bees. Plant what you can on your property. You might be in a rental home, and you cannot plant anything in the ground, but things like lavender grow well in pots. Even if you can’t plant anything at all, you can donate to a local community garden to make sure bee friendly things are planted.

Create a Bee Bath

Bees need water. Not only do they need water to drink, but they take it back to their hives and use it for cooling when it is hot. Smart! Unfortunately, it can be difficult for them to find reliable water sources in urban areas. You can help by setting out a water source for them. Set out a shallow bowl, but don’t just fill it with water. Bees need something to perch on to get the water, so place rocks or pebbles in the water. Fill the bee bath close to the top of the rocks, but leave some uncovered so they can have a dry place to rest on. Keep the water clean and refilled and the bees will appreciate your help. Read more suggestions for bee baths here: Transform Your Garden into a Bee Oasis: How to Make a Homemade Bee Bath - Home and Gardening Ideas

Bees are crucial to survival on the planet for all life. They pollinate plants, creating food that feeds countless creatures. Their honey is used in healing, they symbolize great things spiritually, and as your spirit animal they teach all their gifts. They are perhaps one of the most powerful creatures on the planet. Despite this, they are fragile and need to be protected. They continue, despite their struggles to cultivate the earth. So next time you see a bee on a flower, stop and pay attention. It might show you a great spiritual truth.

Would you like to know more about spirit animals? Reach out to a psychic to find out more.

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