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Is My Pet Psychic? / Your Pet’s Psychic Abilities

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
July 05, 2024
Is My Pet Psychic? / Your Pet’s Psychic Abilities
Is My Pet Psychic? / Your Pet’s Psychic Abilities

Is your pet psychic, and if they are, how can you facilitate psychic communication with your pets?

Most searches online about pet psychics turn up advertisements for people who say they can communicate with your animal with their own psychic gifts, but there is not a lot out there about animal’s psychic abilities. Is your dog psychic? Is your cat psychic? Chances are, yes, your pets have psychic gifts. Maybe you have not practiced psychic communication with your pets- or have you? They can’t use words and we don’t communicate the way they do- but somehow, you understand exactly what they are saying. It’s no coincidence, but it’s psychic communication. Join us as we explore the psychic abilities of pets and find out how to use your psychic abilities to communicate with them.

What are Psychic Abilities?

What are Psychic Abilities?

Psychic abilities are sensory abilities that go beyond the senses of taste, smell, touch, sight, and hearing. Some people say psychic abilities are mental powers, and indeed, they are registered in the mind. While some people call them supernatural abilities, others say psychic abilities are a natural human ability. An example of psychic abilities is when you suddenly start thinking of someone and a minute later, they show up at your front door. Maybe your Soulmate comes to you that way. 

Other psychic abilities include being able to understand other people’s feelings even if they have not expressed them. People who can do this are called Empaths. Knowing where lost objects may be found is another psychic ability. This is often possible when you have an energy connection to the object and can connect with the energy. Other psychic abilities are memories of past lives and some people even say they have memories of being in their mother’s womb before birth. The ability to know what will happen in the future is a psychic ability and being able to tell if people are lying when they have given no physical signs of dishonesty is too. 

What if Cats Can Talk to the Dead?

What if Cats Can Talk to the Dead?

What would convince you that your cart, dog, bird, or even your lizard could speak to the dead? Have you ever felt a presence nearby, and went to the room in your house where you sensed it only to find your pet there, staring at seemingly nothing? Right in the spot you sensed the presence? It is believed by some that cardinals deliver messages for the dead and angels and some creatures hold the spirits of the dead. Furthermore, it is widely accepted that people speak with the dead, so who says animals can’t? They communicate with the living, and it is believed the spirits of those they loved visit them just like they do people. So yes, it is believed that pets communicate with the dead. Samhain is a holiday with ancient roots that venerates the dead.

Animal Communication the Psychic Way

We all know that a dog, cat, bird, fish, or any other pet can’t communicate with human words. Sure, some species of birds can parrot human speech, but it’s not the same as being a person who talks. So, psychic communication is a simple way pets communicate with us, but exactly what type of psychic abilities do they use? They use telepathy easily and they have natural intuition that tells them things. They also communicate with the people who they have a soul connection with.


Telepathy is the ability to communicate from your mind directly to someone else’s mind. One way this is seen is by the looks people who are friends, family, or lovers give each other. Sometimes, this can be done with facial expressions, other times, a simple look focuses your attention on one another so you can exchange thoughts. Some people communicate telepathically in dreams as well. If you dream about your pet, they might be thinking about you and their thoughts show up in your dreams. The closer your emotional connection with your pet, the stronger the chance you can use telepathy to communicate with one another. Sure, we know what telepathy means, but are psychics even real? 

Animal Intuition

Animal Intuition

Do you remember the last time you were having a really bad day, but you made sure you did not say anything or behave differently? How did your pet react? How do they react when you are stressed from your work, if you are in an especially good mood, or when you are bored? Usually, a pet will try to make you feel better. If you are sad, they often cuddle you. If you are bored, they helpfully suggest you walk them or play with them. They can also tell when intruders are near. Some dogs will run and hide in fear from intruders, but other brave dogs rush to stop an intruder to protect their human. Animals sense fear, stress, joy, and anxiety and may even be more sensitive to these emotions in us than other people are. This is because not only is their intuition strong, but we are their whole world. They know us intimately and love us deeply. 

You are Deeply Connected

The more deeply you and your pet are connected, the stronger your psychic connection with one another will be. Some people feel that connection the moment they meet their new pet for the first time, and others develop a deep connection gradually. You may find you connect more deeply with your pets than you do with most people. Not only do you share a home and a life with your pets, but you are responsible for their care and sense of emotional wellbeing. You are everything to them. To some people, their pets are their best friends and closest family members, and they would feel lost without them. The connection we have with pets is unmistakable, and for some, their relationship with their pets is their most important relationship. Some people even keep pets that are the same species as their spirit animals. 

Can My Dog Understand Me?

Sometimes they act like they don’t, right? Like when you tell them NOT to eat something in the park that will make them sick, what do they do? They look you in the eye and they eat it anyways, don’t they? Don’t let things like that fool you. Your pet understands more than we give them credit for. They also know when you are angry, sad, scared, or sick. They might not know your bank account is overdrawn or you had a fight with a friend, but they know, deep down in their hearts something is wrong. They are also well aware of your happiness. When you glow, it makes them happier. They don't understand every word that you speak, but they completely understand the tone that you say it in.

Just how do you think they understand things if they don't speak human language? They are psychic. Some people say that small children are exactly the same way. They can feel when you are in pain and both pets and children try to make you feel better. Then again, who says pets are not your children? Plenty of people decide not to have children and instead they have pets who they call their children. Whether your children have two legs or four and whether they travel by walking, swimming, or flying, they understand you because they have a psychic connection to you. One type of animal that might be your pet is the black cat.

How To Psychically Communicate with Pets

Maybe you believe that you can communicate with your pets using your psychic abilities, but you're not sure how to do it. It's easy. Sometimes psychic communication happens by one look. Other times physical bonding establishes a stronger psychic connection. Sometimes you just send energy, and other times you communicate with a touch. Material belongings can also be used for psychic communication. Gifts that you give and things that belong to you can hold your energy and send psychic messages to your pets.

Unspoken Looks

Some people say all it takes is one look to get your meaning across. This is attributed to body language, but sometimes it's more than this. Everyone has a different way that they focus their psychic energy when they're sending it. A lot of dog owners can be seen doing this. When they are walking their dog past something and the dog is exhibiting fear or anxiety, all they have to do is look at the dog and that reassures it that everything is okay. When you come home, the first moment you and your pet look at one another, you silently tell one another. “I love you.” Looking at your pet to send them a psychic message is the perfect way to communicate with them. 

Physical Bonding

One way to strengthen your psychic connection with your pet is to be affectionate with them. We absorb the energy of things that come near us. The more you cuddle your pet, the more you stroke their fur, the more often you feed them from your hand, the more of your energy they absorb. In the wild, animals are free to befriend, mate with, and physically bond with any other animal that they want to. In your home, however, their options are limited. Experts say that physical affection is very important to emotional and mental well-being. When you physically bond with your pet and give them that physical affection that they need, their soul touches your soul. The more you do that the stronger your psychic connection with them will be.

Sending Energy

You and your pets send energy to one another, and you might not realize you're doing it. When you get home and they're extremely excited to see you, if you have a psychic connection with them, you will be able to feel their joy before you open the front door. Even before they hear your car pull into the driveway, they know that you are coming home because they feel your presence more strongly the closer you get to them. If you are on a trip, and you're on the way home, and you start thinking about your pet, chances are they will get that psychic message that you are coming home to them. 


One simple way to give your pets energy is through a simple touch. When you touch them, it is easier to establish a connection between your energy and theirs. If they're afraid, you can gently put your hand on them to reassure them. If they are misbehaving, you can gently tap them to let them know you want them to stop. People who have deaf and blind animals will touch them to let them know that they are with them, and it's fair to say one way that the blind and deaf animals can tell which person is touching


Treats and toys for your pets that you give them communicates your love to them. Of course, they will have their favorite things based on what their preferences are, but anything that you put your love into will be appreciated by them. Just like people can sense other people's intentions, so can animals. When you give a gift with love in your heart regardless of whether you're giving it to a human being or an animal, the one receiving it understands your meaning. Psychic gifts are a form of wisdom. 

Your Things

Believe it or not the things that you use have your energy. That's part of the reason why your pet wants to sleep in bed with you, roll in your clothes, and cuddle with your shoes. It's not the same as cuddling with you, but it helps them to feel closer to you when they have your things. If you have to leave them with a sitter or at a boarding facility make sure to send them things that belong to you like blankets or scarves so they can feel your love. 

Some people don’t believe animals have psychic abilities, but pet owners know better. Your pet is trying to tell you things, and since they can’t use words, they often use their psychic abilities to send you messages. Chances are, you have been communicating with your pets through energy, focusing thoughts when you look into one another’s eyes, and bonding with them physically. You might not even know it, because quite often you and your pets do these things by instinct. Psychic communication with your pets can happen every day, and if you have not done that yet, make sure to follow the steps we shared to get started.

Would you like to talk to a psychic about your pet? We have countless psychics available all day every day to answer any questions you have.

We have selected the most relevant psychics for this article, you can connect with any of them and get accurate advice on this subject.

The Cher
The Cher
Psychic Medium The Cher
$3.70 / min
Psychic Medium yogiRohan
$1.82 – $3.66 / min
Psychic Medium Raiden
$1.99 / min
Miki Psychic Medium
Miki Psychic Medium
Psychic Medium Miki Psychic Medium
$2.20 – $2.30 / min
Psychic Medium Harmony
$1.50 – $2.99 / min
Crystal Aventura
Crystal Aventura
Affairs & Cheating Hearts Crystal Aventura
$1.94 / min
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