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What Are Angel Cards and How to Use Them

By Mysticsense
June 24, 2020
What Are Angel Cards and How to Use Them
What Are Angel Cards and How to Use Them

What Are Angel Cards?

Angel cards are a much easier way into card readings than tarot, so what exactly are angel cards? They bear encouraging and inspiring messages from your celestial guides, and anybody can pick them up and read them.

A pack of angel tarot cards usually consists of anywhere between 36 to over one hundred cards. The images depicted on the cards are typically of angels, or contain some beautiful spiritual imagery.

Like tarot cards, they can be an incredibly powerful tool for individuals pursuing added vision and guidance in their life. The cards specifically seek to tap into the messages of angels. Angels are said to be fantastic beacons of light in times of trouble, so their guidance through the cards is a great way to provide peace of mind. 

Perhaps you are facing relationship issues, or your career has taken a sudden turn. Whatever the issue may be, angel cards are a fantastic method to receive comfort from the above.

How Do Angel Cards Differ From Tarot Cards?

Whilst they both seek to achieve insight through spiritual means, angel cards and tarot cards are far more divergent than many people realize. Firstly, angel tarot cards don’t have the distinctive Major and Minor Arcana format as seen in tarot. 

In addition, angel cards are typically ‘softer’ than tarot cards, this means that there are no cards that indicate doom or destruction, like the dreaded tower card in tarot. They also rarely imply specific times, dates or places and instead bear positive affirmations and reassuring words of guidance. Angel cards intentions are to uplift and support, rather than send messages of warning or caution.

As a result, angel cards are a fantastic substitute for those who seek truth and direction in situations but may be anxious about the bluntness of tarot. For this reason, there’s a fantastic ‘starter’ pack available for children interested in spiritualism.

Despite being ‘softer around the edges’ angel cards should not be discredited as they have a high level of accuracy and have provided comfort to many people trapped in turbulent times. They are much less centered around predictive connotations like one might find in tarot, but instead focus more heavily on the situation at present and clarifying current uncertainties.

Again, this is another reason why many people feel drawn towards the comfort provided by angel tarot cards in place of alternative styles of deck.

Another distinctive characteristic of angel tarot cards is their simplicity. They require no specific training and can be used immediately. Almost all decks contain an information pamphlet describing not only what each card means, but also how they can be used in conjunction with each other.

How to Communicate with Your Angels

Before reading angel tarot cards, it is imperative that you establish clear communication with your angels. Other than basic meditating, and simply asking their God to send angels to speak with you before reading, scriptures tell us how other people have initiated clear communication with angels.

Surprisingly, in these scriptures, angels have appeared before people when they are in need of answers. Well known author Christopher Penczak wrote in his publication ‘The Witches Shield: Protection Magick and Psychic Self Defense’ that calling the Archangel Michael to send a pillar of light for protection will get an immediate response. Some people who have used this method swear by it.

This angel is likely to answer yes to your request for protection. References to people speaking with angels can be found in scriptural books including books of Genesis, Numbers, Kings, Hebrews and Luke. Often, the angels initiate communication, but you can also initiate communication yourself.

If an angel does reach out to you using this method, you can ask them to speak to you instead. In some cases it can be that simple! We recommend asking your angel something like “Please speak to me through my angel reading. I need your guidance and wisdom.“

This can be read silently or out loud, whichever you prefer. Following this, you must pay attention. Sometimes a reading won’t be entirely necessary after calling to them, but a little voice inside your heart will let you know the angels are ready to speak to you. Sometimes, you might feel a peaceful presence, or see them in a dream, similarly to Joseph when he was told to take Mary and Jesus away to safety.

Angel Card Spreads

What are angel cards? When using these cards, there are several different card spreads that can be used to achieve an angel reading.

One Card Spread

The one card spread is useful in scenarios where a quick take is the best call. To perform this spread, a simple question needs to be asked – internally or externally – and the first card selected from a well-shuffled deck is presented. 

This spread works best for questions looking for yes or no answers, as it provides a more generalized message. This single-card pull method is highly receptive to simple, closed-ended questions such as ‘Should I get back with my ex?’ or ‘Am I currently in the right career?’.

Three Card Spread

A three card spread indicates the past, present and future. Whilst it was previously mentioned that angel cards typically center around current situations, they are still able to provide useful indications about other timeframes. 

This spread is great when seeking a quick answer, yet it also provides a slightly broader vision of how a certain situation has progressed, or come to be. It is especially practical when seeking advice on relationships and careers because of its focus on the overall bigger picture.

Five Card Spread

This spread is particularly handy in determining a course of action that may have been playing on one’s mind, or in illuminating some hidden influences that may be affecting one’s decision-making. 

The five cards in the spread highlight the following:

  1. Center Card - The general overview of the situation;
  2. Card on the Left - Past influences;
  3. Card on the Right - Future outcomes;
  4. Bottom Card - The reasons behind the question;
  5. Top Card - Potentialities in the situation.

For those who want to get to the crux of a situation, the five card spread may be the most optimal choice.

Seven Card Spread

Typically arranged in an up-turned V formation, each of the cards in a seven card spread carries a specific suggestion. In order from left to right, the cards suggest:

  1. What you desire;
  2. How to get started in achieving this;
  3. New required mindsets;
  4. Who or what can help;
  5. Challenges you may encounter;
  6. What you will gain overall;
  7. The bigger picture.

This spread is useful for reassurance during a major life change, as its step-by-step approach helps to unravel the problem.

Weekly Spread

In a weekly spread, seven cards are pulled and laid out in a line, with each card indicating a different day of the week. As mentioned previously, angel cards do not deal primarily with the long-term future, but instead give a general indication of what might lie ahead. 

This spread is a nice way to start the week with some comforting messages. It is well known that optimism and an uplift in mood attracts further positivity into one’s life. This spread is a popular choice for those feeling uncertain or anxious about the upcoming week.

Yearly Spread

The point at which angel tarot cards can provide guidance on the future is limited to roughly one year ahead. Again, the cards are unlike tarot in that they do not provide detailed predictions of the good, the bad and the ugly.

Instead, they act as a loose suggestion of positivity that the angels have envisioned for you. A yearly spread is organized in a circular and clockwise formation, starting with the month of December at the top.

Heart Shaped Spread

As intentions play a large role in using angel cards, one can play around with symbolic spreads as long as they are meaningful to the reader. 

The heart shaped spread, for example, is designed specifically to address romance-related questions. The twelve cards forming the heart are then split in half, with each side representing the thoughts and feelings of each partner in question.

Celtic Cross Spread

In both tarot and angel cards, the Celtic cross is probably the most recognized spread in existence. The traditional ten-card layout is fantastic for finding guidance in major life decisions.

It is a great spread for finding more specific clarification in a situation, as angel tarot cards are notorious for their simplicity. As it is also one of the more complex spreads out there, a list detailing each card’s meaning with its associated position in the spread should be helpful:

  • Where you are currently;
  • Potentialities or possible challenges;
  • Where to direct focus;
  • Insight into the past;
  • Your own unique strength;
  • Insight into the near future;
  • A suggested approach to the issue;
  • What you need to be aware of;
  • Your underlying hopes or fears;
  • Potential outcome.

Angel Oracle Readings

What Are Angel Oracle Cards?

Angel oracle cards are specifically designed to act as a tool that identifies what your angel is trying to tell you. There are countless different decks of cards that are for angels psychic readings, some are themed as guardian angel oracles, others as animal angel spirit decks.

The wonderful thing about today’s readers is they let merchants and manufacturers know that no two angel reading psychics are exactly the same. That’s why there is such an amazing variety of things available for you and your psychic to use as tools. 

A simple Amazon search for “Angel Oracle” brings back different sets of angel oracle cards. Simply shuffle the deck, pull the cards when you know that your angel is ready to speak to you, and then read what the angel oracle cards are saying.

List of Angel Cards and Meanings

Guardian Angel Readings

Many believe that we all have a guardian angel who watches over us every day of our lives. An example of a card set designed to hear from our guardian angels is the Guardian Angel Oracle Deck by Delia Ciccarelli. This deck contains 72 cards and a 160-page book explaining each of them.

Archangel Readings

The powerful archangels are sometimes asked after by devotees, and there are decks that are designed with that in mind. Angel card readings can be had from a deck called the Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. There are 45 cards in this set, and they share the wisdom of 15 different archangels.

Angel of Abundance Tarot Cards

Created by Doreen and Grant Virtue, the Angels of Abundance Oracle Card set is another one to consider. This forty-four card deck and guidebook will help you identify what you need to do to bring more abundance into your life.

It will also help you manifest “support for your earthly needs, life purpose, and charitable giving, so you can enjoy the blessings that are your Divine birthright!”.

Yes/No Angel Cards

This can be done with any deck at all, and you don’t even need to specifically use an angel oracle deck for this. It’s considered more of a technique, and anybody can do it at home.

Simply shuffle your cards, and ask your angel a yes or no question. If the card is right side up, the answer is yes! If the card is facing down, your angel is telling you no.

Online Angel Readings

There are plenty of gifted psychic mediums who can do an online angel reading for you. Speak to a Mysticsense psychic today. You can find yourself in an online reading in a matter of minutes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Angel Readings Accurate?

Yes! Angel card readings with Mysticsense online psychics are simple and accurate. Communicating with your angel is a relatively straightforward process, and in some cases you don’t even need to use cards.

The cards are helpful for receiving a quick, quiet answer without too much meditating, though.

Speak to a Mysticsense Angel Card psychic.

What Are the Best Online Angel Card Readings?

Mysticsense is a great place to receive online angel card readings. While we don’t offer completely free angel readings, we do offer your first five minutes of your angel oracle readings free when you create a Mysticsense account

Let the talented online angel card reading experts at Mysticsense give you your angelic tarot card readings today.

We have selected the most relevant psychics for this article, you can connect with any of them and get accurate advice on this subject.

Wynter Nagyazary
Wynter Nagyazary
Life Path & Destiny Wynter Nagyazary
$1.70 – $1.80 / min
Sea Madame
Sea Madame
Life Path & Destiny Sea Madame
$2.99 – $4.99 / min
Lady Nenari
Lady Nenari
Life Path & Destiny Lady Nenari
$3.03 – $4.35 / min
Bella Love
Bella Love
Psychic Medium Bella Love
$9.50 / min
Clairvoyant Gal
$3.22 – $4.97 / min
Spirituality & Psychic Ability Bronwyn
$2.80 / min
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