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The Ultimate Guide to Love Letters

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
February 14, 2025
The Ultimate Guide to Love Letters
The Ultimate Guide to Love Letters

The fine art of love letter writing might seem like a rare talent few possess, but everybody can write beautiful love letters. Using your own words to express your true feelings is the way to share your love in a letter. Find the inspiration here to get started.

When you're in love with someone, especially if you are in a relationship with them, you want to express your love. When you're not together, you need to put your love in writing. Writing love letters can be terrifying for some people. Yet getting a love letter is wonderful. Join Mysticsense to learn all about how to write the perfect love letter. Find out what a love letter really is and read some of the most famous love letters of all time. Discover why love letters seem difficult, what they should say, and some simple steps you can take to writing a love letter. By the time you finish this article you will know how to construct the perfect love letter. Read on.

What Are Love Letters?

What Are Love Letters?

Love letters are just love expressed in written form. They could be short notes, or longer letters which express feelings in deep detail. Love letters can say all the same things that you would say aloud, only it's on paper. The wonderful thing about love letters is that the person you love can keep the letter you give them and read it over and over and remember the wonderful things that you said to them. Love letters can be sent over the miles when you can't be together, and you can't talk. They can also be held onto for a long time after a relationship is over or when the person who loved you passes away.

Just how old is love letter writing? It is probably as old as writing itself. Love letters Pharaoh Akhenaten wrote to Nefertiti have been found all over hieroglyphics of ancient Egyptian ruins. As early as 5,000 years ago in the Bhagavata Purana, a love letter is discussed that was sent from Princess Rukmini to King Krishna and delivered by her messenger Sunanda. The Song of Solomon, believed to be composed sometime between 970 and 931 BC is a poem of what was said between two lovers containing words like “ How beautiful you are, my darling. Oh, how beautiful! Your eyes are doves.” You might think you need love spells to express love, but you don’t. Read here to find out why: What Are Love Spells? Are Love Spells Needed?

Famous Love Letters

If you've never written a love letter or you've never been given one, you might wonder what some good examples of love letters are. Some famous people wrote love letters that are available for us to read today. American President George H.W. Bush wrote a beautiful love letter to his wife Barbara. Oscar Wilde wrote famous ones to Lord Alfred Douglas. Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton exchanged famous love letters.

President George H.W. Bush to Barbara Bush

In 1942, President George H.W. Bush was stationed far from home as a soldier. He wrote many letters home to family, and the young woman who would be his wife, Barbara Pierce. He wrote, “This should be a very easy letter to write—words should come easily and in short it should be simple for me to tell you how desperately happy I was to open the paper and see the announcement of our engagement, but somehow I can't possibly say all in a letter I should like to. I love you, precious, with all my heart and to know that you love me means my life. How often I have thought about the immeasurable joy that will be ours some day. How lucky our children will be to have a mother like you...” Read about embracing the mother goddess here: Embracing Divine Feminine Spirituality

Oscar Wilde to Lord Alfred Douglas

Writer Oscar Wilde met Poet Lord Alfred Douglas in 1891 when he was married. Wilde and Douglas would begin a tumultuous and passionate affair, and split but reunited briefly before their families tragically separated them. He wrote to Douglas, “I feel that it is only with you that I can do anything at all. Do remake my ruined life for me, and then our friendship and love will have a different meaning to the world. I wish that when we met at Rouen we had not parted at all. There are such wide abysses now of space and land between us. But we love each other.” Read about LGBTQI relationships here: LGBTQI Romance and Love

Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton

Famous actors Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton may have been as famous for their fights and reconciliations with one another as they were for acting. They were cast for one of their most famous couplings in The Taming of the Shrew after they were seen arguing in public. Despite this, they were very much in love. After one of their breakups, Burton wrote, “You must know, of course, how much I love you. You must know, of course, how badly I treat you. But the fundamental and most vicious, swinish, murderous, and unchangeable fact is that we totally misunderstand each other … we operate on alien wavelengths … I love you and I always will. Come back to me as soon as you can.” She did! If you have a breakup, you can reunite too. Read about reuniting after a breakup here: Reuniting with Ex Lovers

Why Love Letters Seem Difficult

There are different reasons why people have difficulty writing love letters. Sometimes it's difficult to write a love letter because thinking about your strong feelings can be painful, especially when the person who you love isn't with you. Some people assume that they can express their love verbally but putting words on paper makes them nervous because they think that they need to be a professional writer to do it. Some people are not good at expressing their feelings, and that makes it difficult for them to write a love letter.

Some people can't get a love letter started because they're afraid that if they say the wrong things, it will hold back a relationship. Some people are afraid of “scaring someone off” with strong feelings. If you think that you have to be “good with words” to write a beautiful love letter, you're kidding yourself. If you think that you have to find somebody to write a love letter for you, you're also kidding yourself. If expressing your feelings is difficult, that could make writing a love letter difficult, and maybe it's not your love language. Read about the five love languages here: The Five Love Languages

What Should a Love Letter Say?

What Should a Love Letter Say?

Hopefully by now you believe that anybody can write a love letter, even you. What should your love letter say though? It should say whatever you want it to. Just keep in mind that once something is in writing it's forever. Don't worry about holding back feelings from someone who you're in a committed relationship with though. Years down the road, maybe your letters will not become famous like Richard Burton's were to Elizabeth Taylor. However, your love letters will mean a lot to the people who love you. Your love letters should always tell the truth. Don't hold back your feelings. Don't get other people to write love letters for you. Use your own words. Other than that, your love letters can say whatever you want them to.

Be Honest

More than anything, a love letter should be genuine, so tell the complete truth in your love letter. This can be very scary for some people. Love is a very powerful thing and it influences us more than most things. To completely tell someone the truth about how you feel about them can make you feel more vulnerable than anything else you've ever done. If you're going to go to the trouble of writing a love letter, don't be scared. Tell the whole truth anyways. Go ahead and be vulnerable. The right person will appreciate that and respond by loving you more. Never tell a little white lie in a love letter. Read here to find out if little white lies are ever ok: Are White Lies Ok? | The Truth

Your Own Words

When you love someone, expressing it in your own words is the best way to do it. Especially if it's the first time you tell someone you love them, make sure to use the language that you would typically use. Don't look to expand your vocabulary to impress somebody in a love letter. Use the words you would use in a regular conversation. In your own words, express how you feel, and the right people will respond well to that. Words are more powerful than most people know. Read here to find out all about the magical power of words: Magical Words: The Amazing Power of Words

What You Want

When you're writing a love letter, the purpose of the letter should be clear. If you just want to tell someone you love them, express that. If you want to do what Richard Burton did and ask your lover to come back to you, express it like he did. If you want to ask someone to tell you whether they love you or not, ask. If your love letter is just to give compliments and praise to someone, let them know. Love letters can be highly persuasive, so if you're trying to get a reaction from someone who you love, make sure to let them know what reaction you're looking for. The fine art of persuasion will get you far, sometimes even if you want to persuade someone to be your lover. Read about how to be persuasive here: Mastering the Power of Persuasion

The Steps to Love Letter Writing

The Steps to Love Letter Writing

Some people think that there is a structure that you have to use when writing a love letter, but there really isn't. There are just a few things that you need to keep in mind when you're writing. First off you need to write your letter with love in your heart. Then speak from the heart and express that love. Finally, stop putting off that love letter. Write it and deliver it now.

Write With Love

A love letter is all about one thing- love. When you write a letter to your beloved, express that to them. Tell them you love them, how much you love them, and maybe even why you love them. You can tell them what happened the day that you realized that you loved them. If you're apart, you can tell them that you miss them. If you want to spend your life with them, you can tell them that too. Don’t hold back. Share that love in your letter completely and unconditionally. Read about unconditional love here: Unconditional Love Meaning

Speak From the Heart

The next step in writing a love letter is to speak from the heart. Tell the person you love how you really feel. Communicating that will make your relationship stronger. It will show them what you're thinking and how focused you are on them and the relationship. Don't worry about using frilly words or “saying the right thing.” Just say what you mean. When you are genuine with someone who you love, it will help to build trust. So, speak from the heart. You can also express love with gifts of things like roses. Read about the magical symbolism of roses here: The Meaning and Magic of the Rose

Do It Now

Some people say that life is short. Maybe your life will be long, but there's no point in putting off letting someone know that you love them. If you haven't already told someone you love them and you want to let them know and a love letter, what are you waiting for? Don't worry about rejection. Think about what will happen if you love someone who loves you also and they're waiting for you to make the first move. If you never make that move, your relationship may never start. So, go ahead and write that love letter and give it to the person that you love. Love is worth taking a chance on. Read about love at first sight here: Is Love at First Sight Real?

A Final Word

One very important thing to keep in mind about love letters as the purpose of them is to make someone else feel loved. If someone is not returning the love, but you want to let them know how you feel anyways, go ahead and write the letter. Some people keep love letters for the rest of their lives. Some people don't appreciate love letters. You're taking a chance of being rejected anytime you tell someone that you love them. Love is worth taking a chance on though. So go ahead and express your feelings, ask someone to be yours, and wait to see what they say. If you went to the trouble of falling in love with them, it's worth it to go to the trouble of telling them and taking a chance on making them yours.

When you truly love someone, they are the luckiest person in the world. They might not understand how deep your feelings are until you tell them, though. So don’t hold back. Express your feelings in person or in a beautiful love letter. Love letters don’t need to have “the right words.” They just need to have the words that truly express your love. Never fear your feelings and focus on giving love to that special person instead of being afraid of rejection. True love is the most wonderful thing in the world you can share, so express your love in a beautiful letter written in your own words. Your loved one will appreciate it.

If you’re looking for the right words to use to tell someone you love them, reach out to one of our psychics to find out what to say.

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