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Seeking Satisfaction-Ending Chronic Unhappiness

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
March 27, 2025
Seeking Satisfaction-Ending Chronic Unhappiness
Seeking Satisfaction-Ending Chronic Unhappiness

Some people are known for their chronic dissatisfaction with everything in their lives. If you are one of those people, find out possible underlying reasons why you are always unhappy, and find out what to do about people who are never satisfied.

It seems like some people are never satisfied. No matter where they go or what they do they, find imperfections everywhere. They are chronically annoyed and never get exactly what they want. They have high standards and discerning tastes they are proud of, but do they? Join Mysticsense to learn all about people who are constantly dissatisfied. Find out signs of chronic dissatisfaction in yourself and others and some of the underlying causes of it. Most importantly, discover what you can do if you are constantly dissatisfied and what to do if you have to deal with someone who is.

What is Chronic Dissatisfaction?

What is Chronic Dissatisfaction

Chronic dissatisfaction means someone is dissatisfied constantly. They are people who spend their lives always being dissatisfied. Maybe their food was a little too salty this time and last time it was too hot. Maybe the service at the restaurant was too slow this time, and last time they said the server took an attitude. Maybe when they're dating, they think that people are too short, too tall, too thin, not thin enough, too quiet, or too talkative. They seem to constantly be searching for satisfaction yet never find it.

Oftentimes their criticism will be of other people, but sometimes they are never satisfied with themselves. They can be very vocal about how imperfect they think everything is. They may love to complain and expect to be accommodated wherever they go. When someone is chronically dissatisfied, they can create a lot of conflicts with their chronic dissatisfaction, but conflicts can be resolved. Read all about conflict resolution here: The Complete Guide to Conflict Resolution

Signs You Are Never Satisfied

There are countless signs that you are impossible to satisfy, but a few big reasons stand out. If you need perfection but can't find it, you are chronically dissatisfied. If you are constantly disappointed, that doesn't mean that people are failing to meet your standards, you're just never satisfied. If you complain all the time, you're chronically dissatisfied.

You Can’t Find Perfection

If you are constantly on the quest for perfection but cannot find it, congratulations you are chronically dissatisfied. Some people say that perfection doesn't actually exist, and some people say perfection exists in all of the places where you don't look for it. Obsession with minute detail, insisting on for problems, and an inability to find the good and things will alll make sure that you are never satisfied. There will always be a speck of dust on an otherwise perfect piece of art. There will always be a candidate out there who has more to offer. There will always be something that could be better, but one day you'll realize that doesn't matter.

You Are Constantly Disappointed

If you are always disappointed no matter what, you are chronically unsatisfied. One solution to combat this is not to have any preconceived expectations, and just watch things and see how they turn out. Think of new things as learning experiences or adventures and wait and see what happens instead of telling yourself how things should be. That will help keep you from being disappointed. Being unable to control chaos can make you feel highly disappointed, but chaos isn’t always a bad thing. Read why here: Why Chaotic Times Aren’t Always Bad

You Constantly Complain

Sometimes, you just have to complain because it makes you feel better. Then there are people who never seem to stop complaining no matter what. To find out if you complain all the time, keep a journal of your daily conversations for about a week or two. Are you always looking for the negative instead of discussing the positive? Are you unable to see positive things in general? Make it a goal if all you do is complain to say one thing positive for each negative thing that you say and you will discover that you have a lot less to complain about.

Signs Someone is Never Satisfied

Signs Someone is Never Satisfied

Sometimes it's easier to tell if someone else is chronically dissatisfied than it is to tell if you are. One of the signs that someone is chronically dissatisfied is that their complaining embarrasses their friends and family. They will nitpick other people incessantly. They will also be overly critical of themselves.

They Embarrass Their Friends

Have you ever been to a restaurant with somebody who found fault with the restaurant's atmosphere, the food itself, and the service, but everything was actually great? When they sit and complain about that it might embarrass you. Constant dissatisfaction and complaining creates tension for the people who have to deal with the complainers, and the people who love them and go places with them will become embarrassed by this unnecessary tension that they create. Speaking of friends- can we be friends with our exes? Find out here: Ex-Relationships: Signs of Attention-Seeking Ex.

They Nitpick Other People

There are people out there who seem that the meaning of life for them as criticizing other people constantly. When their son gets an A on his test, they will complain because he didn't get an A+. If he gets an A+, they will complain that he didn't get extra credit. if he gets extra credit, they will complain about a time when he didn't. They will over analyze other people's clothing, hair, perfume, their job field, the way they walk, and basically everything about them . If you know someone who is constantly nitpicking everything and everybody, that is a sure sign that they are chronically dissatisfied.

They Are Overly Critical of Themselves

Some people nitpick themselves just as much as they nitpick other people. They look for the tiniest imperfection and hyper focus on it, forgetting about the fact that all of us could improve, but sometimes it's not necessary to. They can have serious self-esteem problems and not see anything good about themselves if they are chronically disappointed and highly critical of themselves. You don’t have to be overly critical of yourself. Be courageous instead and find out how to embrace your personal power here: Find Your Inner Courage and Embrace Your Power

Is Chronic Dissatisfaction Perfectionism?

Some people who are chronically dissatisfied brag that they are perfectionists, but are they? Not really. Perfectionists have high standards because they want things to be great. If you meet a perfectionist’s standards they will applaud you, appreciate you, and promote you to the best of their ability. They will want to work with you over and over again and they will give other people a great reference about how amazing they think you are. Perfectionists are good at pointing out where there is room for improvement, and they can be good at offering solutions.

Chronically dissatisfied people will never admit when a job is well done. They might give positive feedback about some things, but they will always find something that they feel is imperfect no matter what. They're not trying to make people improve, but they want to make people feel bad and make themselves feel superior. Chronically dissatisfied people cannot be pleased, unlike perfectionists, who want to be pleased. Virgos are known for being perfectionists and they work very hard to try and make things perfect. Read more about that Zodiac assign here: Virgo Traits | Star Sign in The Spotlight

Causes of Chronic Unhappiness

Chronic dissatisfaction can be caused by multiple things, and they can either be habitual in nature, or you may have a medical problem. You may have been raised by somebody who was chronically dissatisfied and that is a habit that you have learned and will need to unlearn. Medically you may have a disorder that can be cured, or you just might not feel well.


Our families are the people who raise us. They are the first people that we meet, get to know, and love. We pick up a lot of habits from them also. If you were raised by someone who was never satisfied, you might pick up that habit and not even know you're doing it. The first way to combat chronic dissatisfaction when it's a learned habit, is to recognize that you are doing it, and then stop yourself in the act. This is a habit that will take a long time to unlearn, but replacing it with a better habit is a great way to unlearn that habit. Anytime you catch yourself wanting to be dissatisfied, especially if nothing is wrong, deliberately look for one positive thing about what's going on, and then think of simple solutions for what you think could be improved. Families can cause trauma bonds but those can be broken. Find out how here: How to Break a Trauma Bond and Set Yourself Free


There are different medical disorders like clinical depression or chronic illness that might make you unhappy, sad, and have difficulties keeping a positive attitude. Some people think that you can just change your attitude and ”snap out of being negative" when you have a medical condition that makes you constantly unhappy. That shows a major misunderstanding of how illness works. It's not a choice to have a medical condition and it's not a choice to suffer through the symptoms that it causes. Chronic dissatisfaction with life may be a sign of illness. If you have experienced this, don't hesitate to reach out to your primary care physician today and see if you have a diagnosis of a medical disorder. Your doctor will know what to do to take very good care of you and make you feel better.

Combatting Chronic Dissatisfaction

Depending on the cause of chronic dissatisfaction, there are a few different approaches to take to combat it. If chronic dissatisfaction is just a habit, cultivating an attitude of gratitude will help. If you struggle with a medical problem that causes you to be chronically dissatisfied, counseling or medical treatment will help. No matter what the cause of your chronic dissatisfaction though, that is going to take time for things to change.

An Attitude of Gratitude

An Attitude of Gratitude

Choosing to learn to be grateful for things will help with your chronic dissatisfaction. Journaling will help you with this also. For each thing that you are dissatisfied with, in your journal write one thing that you are thankful for. For example if you don't like your house, write a positive sentence about your house. “I am thankful to have a comfortable home to live in.” This will serve as an example of a positive affirmation and focusing on positive things will help you cultivate an attitude of gratitude. When you see all you have, you might forget to eb dissatisfied. Find out how to learn to be grateful here: Learning to Have a Grateful Heart

Counseling and Treatment

If you have a medical reason for being chronically dissatisfied, it's not a matter of adjusting your attitude. You need help from your doctor. If you have a psychiatric problem, medication won't necessarily help you, but counseling and behavior modification can. If you have chronic pain or chronic illness, managing your illness or pain mediaclly will make you feel much better and you will be able to see more positive things in life. Being sick isn't your fault, just let your doctor help you to get better.


Whether you're changing your attitude, or changing your health, it's going to take time. Be patient with yourself. You deserve time to heal and you deserve time to change your habits. On your journey of learning to be more satisfied with life, allow the process to take as long as it needs to. Does time heal a broken heart? Find out here: Will Time Heal a Broken Heart?

How to Deal with Chronically Dissatisfied People

Other people who are always dissatisfied can be very difficult to deal with. Whether it is a friend, family member, neighbor, coworker, or even a client, chronically dissatisfied people are difficult to be around. If you are like most people, you don't want anyone to walk away from you unhappy, but sometimes you just have to let them. Even if you continue to work with them, trying to make them happy, it is very important to keep something in mind. Some people are determined to be dissatisfied and that is not your fault, nor is it your responsibility. Sometimes you can't fix things and you have to move on.

If you're not ready to give up on trying to satisfy somebody who is difficult or impossible to please, communication is the key to resolve any issues that they may bring up. Ask them to specifically tell you why they are dissatisfied and ask them what solutions they can offer and what will please them. However, when you're dealing with someone who has a reputation for being difficult or impossible to satisfy, you're going to have to decide how long you want to continue trying to please them. It is possible that nothing you can do will satisfy them, but you can pull your hair out trying if you allow it to happen.

Some people are never happy, no matter what. If you are one of those people, don’t think you have to submit to being miserable for the rest of your life. Learning the underlying cause of your chronic dissatisfaction can be the way you conquer it for good. Learning to be thankful for the good things in life can help you change your attitude and stop being dissatisfied with everything. Not everybody chooses their mindset, and doctors can come in and provide treatment to change your life. Just give yourself time because positive change doesn’t happen overnight. There are so many wonderful things to be happy about in life and you can boot chronic dissatisfaction and start loving life!

If you are involved with somebody who is chronically dissatisfied no matter what you do, our psychics can provide insight into what is going on. Get a reading with us started today!

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