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How to Break a Spell

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
June 15, 2023
How to Break a Spell
How to Break a Spell

There may be times when it seems like someone else has complete control over you, and you are absolutely powerless to stop them.But the question is, how much power do other human beings actually have over us? They only have as much power as we allow them to have, and even if we insist they have wronged us,people still only have the amount of power over our hearts and minds that we allow them to.

Some of the most important things you can do as a magical person, is to learn how to break spells or dissolve the energy that other people try to use to control you. You may understand the importance of being kind, so you don’t stoop to the level of malevolent magicians, but magical self-defense is perhaps the kindest thing you can practice.

What is a Spell?

What is a Spell?

A spell is a magical working that is used to achieve a goal. For some, casting love spells free their sense of loneliness, but those are not the kinds of spells you want people to use on you. Rituals are used to move energy to try and create a physical change in the world, and the goal is to have those changes manifest in ways that benefit the one casting the spell or sending the energy out. Spells can be cast to aid in personal transformation, like getting the job you want, in helping you change in beneficial ways, and also to help improve your relationships with other people. 

One of the most popular types of spells the mainstream writes about is love spells, but those are typically the kinds of spells people seek to break. Nobody wants to be forced to be involved with somebody else, and while nobody likes to feel alone, it is far better to allow love to happen naturally than to try and force somebody to love us.

The types of spells that can be used are countless, but there are two kinds of reasons people cast spells, and that is either for selfish reasons, or for benevolent ones. At some point in our lives, even selfless people have to do things for our own wellbeing and gain, but that’s but really being selfish. Selfish magic is often referred to as “black” magic or even “evil “magic. Magics used to lie to people through the use of glamor, to harm people by discrediting them, and then magic to unfairly entice other people to do things that do not benefit them are three of the ways magic can be used selfishly.

Glamor Spells

One very important kind of spell work used is a glamor working. In a glamor spell, the one casting it seeks to enhance the image of themselves that they project to others in ways to benefit them. Some people will seek to make themselves appear more beautiful, and thus more attractive. Once those who were fooled by this spell realize they have been fooled, they feel betrayed. This spell is used in interviews and in dating to try to secure jobs or mates, and is perhaps the most widely used technique in love spells. Once a glamor spell is broken, however, you may lose everything you gained by the false images you cultivated, and it takes a lot of time and energy to keep glamor spells working. You may decide it’s not worth it to use glamor workings if it is long term results you are seeking.

Discrediting Spells

Another widely used form of magic is discrediting others for our own personal gain, and one of the most commonly used ways to bring this about is through gossip or even slander. Speaking ill about innocent people to get popularity or positions they have, which we want for ourselves, can be highly successful. This form of magic is often seen in job settings, most especially where people compete for promotions and raises, and it is extensively used in politics. Tearing down other people and bragging about how you feel you are somehow superior to them is one way many seek to crush their competition, but be careful about using this magic. If those granting promotions or raises catch on to this ploy, they may not trust you anymore, and instead demote or even fire you. It can also make other team members suspicious and distance themselves from you.

Enticing Spells

Another powerful form of magic used in love spells or in other spells to make people like us more is ‘enticement’ spells. Glamor workings can certainly be used in this, but they don’t have to be. Doing things to endear people to us, and thus react more favorably to us, is powerful magic. This spell can be used by the local neighborhood gossip to get people to talk to them. They can do this by doing things like bringing gifts or sharing bits of gossip to get people comfortable and thus share information they may have. Beware of people who use this because it emulates friendship, but these people are not actually friends. They are posing as people who you can trust to get you to do things for them, and they don’t care about you. Keep in mind also that if gossip is part of their magic, it is highly likely that they will immediately talk about you to other people the second your back is turned if they have any information about your personal business.

How to Know if Someone Put a Spell on You

How to Know if Someone Put a Spell on You

If you find yourself asking if a spell is to blame for something bad that’s happened to you, a sure way to dispel that suspicious energy is by laughter, most especially by laughing at the thought that somebody has worked malevolent magic to create problems for you. Don’t be so quick to blame toxic patterns of abuse in families to generational curses that powerful witches can work on entire family lines, because there is no evidence this is even possible. However, individuals can, and do put energy on other people, effectively controlling them, and there are a few ways you can tell if someone has done this to you. You can tell if you feel bound by them, if you are unable to act at will, and if you can tell they have somehow trapped you.

You Feel Bound to Them

If you instinctively feel like someone has bound you, making you connected to them when you really don’t want to be, you just might be under their spell. Ways people can do this is with mind control, manipulation, or by effectively controlling how other people view you. It is a terrible feeling when you realize somebody has you bound in this way, and you might feel helpless to sever the connection, but the good news is, all you need is a stronger will to be free of them than their will is to bind you.

You are Unable to Act at Will

If you find yourself unable to act in the way you want to in response to what somebody is doing, they may have you under their spell. Employers are famous for limiting their employees’ personal power to leave a dead-end job, and some people in long term relationships are able to find ways to make it seem impossible for you to leave them. This goes beyond not wanting to act or else there would be undesirable consequences, but if you literally feel unable to act in any way at all, chances are they have worked magic to make it, so you can’t. 

You Feel Trapped by Them

Beyond being literally stuck with them or bound to them and unable to act in ways you want to, somebody can have you completely trapped by their spell. You may Have a landlord who has found ways to keep you from moving when your lease is over, or a parent who is trying to keep you from moving out on your own or make your own decisions once you have become an adult. This can be done by controlling your finances, creating “accidents”, forcing you to stay and “take care of them”, or trapping your mind by making you feel responsible for them when you really aren’t. Again, you don’t have to stay under this spell forever, and a little work on your part can get the ball rolling to your freedom.

Kinds of Spells People Cast

Kinds of Spells People Cast

The kinds of malevolent spells that can be cast are limitless, and you would be amazed by how many different techniques people will use to do so. Some of the most common types of spells are verbal abuse, love spells, lies, and then good old-fashioned curses themselves. Reading about these things may trigger a PTSD or trauma response when you realize someone has done this to you. Just remember, you can break these spells. No matter how potent they are, your own power to have a peaceful life lived on your own terms will always be more powerful than other people’s power to keep you from it.

They Put Me Down

Verbal abuse can take the form of insulting people and making them believe bad things about themselves. An abusive lover who wants you to never leave them may go to great lengths to say how unattractive they believe you are. This is because they want to convince you that nobody could stand to be in a relationship with you but them.

Abusive mentors sometimes like the power of having students, but will go out of their way to hold their students back, afraid of being surpassed. People with super low self-esteem sometimes go out of their way to put other people down to make themselves look and feel better. Never succumb to believing the nasty things that these people say to you, and that will make sure that their verbal abuse cannot be used to cast a spell to control you. Believe it or not, it really is that easy to repel their malevolent magic.

Casting Love Spells on Someone

Love spells are cast to try and make somebody fall in love with the person casting the spell, and it is a violation of trust that completely disregards the person’s right to consent. Nobody who loves you will ever try to take away your right to choose what relationships you are in. Being in love with somebody who does not love you back hurts, but the reality is, if you truly love someone, you want them to be happy, and having their right to say no taken away never made anybody happy. If a desperate, or uncaring individual has cast a love spell on you, the minute you realize this, chances are that spell will be broken. Ties that bind us together can be further severed through magical work, and you can read techniques to do that below.

The Lies They Tell

Another form of malevolent magic is people will lie to you, controlling the information you have, because they don’t want you to make the decision you would if you actually knew the truth. They might lie about their income because you have reduced the amount of bills they pay, thinking they cannot afford to pay a certain share, or they might lie about going out with friends when they are actually cheating on you. Your employer might “keep forgetting” to turn in your application to get them to help pay for you to take college courses which you are entitled to, when in fact they don’t want you to gain more skills because you would be promoted to a different position that they don’t want you to take. The way to break these spells is to dig for facts when you are suspicious, and once you find out what is actually going on, act accordingly, thus completely taking their ability to control you away from them.


The word “curse” sends chills down people’s spines and conjures up images of powerful crones who need only say a few magic words or cook some obscenely disgusting potion, and it can completely ruin your life, but the truth is, the most powerful person who can curse you is yourself. We curse ourselves by repeating bad behaviors that create undesirable consequences, and we curse ourselves by not taking care of ourselves. We can also internalize the voices of our abusers and continue to beat ourselves down, and at that point the one cursing us is ourselves. We curse ourselves by staying in toxic relationships and at dead end jobs when we could move ahead. Don’t be afraid of some stranger who suddenly decided to do an ancient curse on you, but instead pay attention to the things you do to compromise yourself and stop doing those things. 

Breaking Spells

Breaking Spells

Spells to do at home to counteract spells that have been put on you are easier than you think. It’s about more than smudging or chants, and certainly about more than using crystals. Using oils and burning sage alternatives include sacrificing something, setting boundaries and telling somebody you have, and of course, cord cutting or breaking energetic ties.

Give Up Something

Sacrifice is one way to dispel energy that is binding you. If you have been locked into an apartment you hate, but cannot find another place in your price range, give up the assumption you never will, and instead look for ways to earn more. You could also look for alternative living arrangements like having roommates or moving to a smaller place at a more desirable location. If you are miserable in your relationship and want a happy life, give up the relationship, so you can free yourself up for better loves. If you are sick of forking money over to a sibling who refuses to work, but you continue doing it because a parent wants you to, then sacrifice your parent’s approval, and stop doing it. Other types of sacrifice include giving a gift to your deity to show sincerity and praying for guidance. Just make sure to act once you understand what it is you need to do to move forward, and the spell will be broken.

Tell Them Off

Tell them it’s over and then stick to your guns and don’t let your boundaries be crossed. Words are magic, and using words to create change in energy can be referred to as “mouth magic”. The more you say something, the more you believe it, and sometimes, you have to “speak” something into reality before it will materialize. Telling somebody you are taking control of your own situation is all they need to hear and they immediately back off, respecting what you have told them. Be aware, people will push back on the boundaries you have set, but all you have to do is to continue using the most magical word there is, and that word is “No.” Speak your will into being and stick to it, and your magic will be invincible.

Cord Cutting Ritual

The magical power of an emotional connectionkeeps us under somebody’s spell, who we really don’t feel is good for us.. Telling them so is the first step, and then doing cord cutting magic can completely release you from their spell. Realizing there are emotional cords binding us, and that this is not a good connection, will automatically make the cords fall away, but sometimes more work is needed. One simple way to sever the cords keeping you connected is to visualize the cord as a silver thread that connects your hearts and visualize yourself pulling it out. Next, visualize all the healthier emotional connections you have and focus on fostering those connections instead. 

Do We Create Our Own Reality?

Do We Create Our Own Reality?

How much control do we have over our own lives, and how much control do other people have? It all depends on how much control we give to other people. If you allow someone to control your mind and all you do, then no, you don’t control your own reality. There’s things we can’t control like earthquakes, our boss, and family members who are demanding, but how we react to things decides more than we sometimes realize. To put a spell on someone, energy has to be focused on a particular outcome, and just because somebody tries, does not mean you have to let them succeed in casting magic on you. A ‘getting over someone’ spell can break whatever emotional control they have over you, but it won’t work until you decide you want it to.

While some would insist every problem that crops up in their life is due to some nasty curse that some malevolent practitioner has cast upon them, the truth is we can bring positive energy into our own lives so well, no amount of magic worked against us matters. Using a cord cutting spell, learning the importance of saying no, and knowing when it’s time to give up toxic relationships all go a lot farther than simply scattering energy. Putting spells on someone can prove completely ineffective if they know how to counteract them because positive energy brings positive results. Let your own energy work techniques be the most powerful magic in your own life, and nobody can ever put spells on you.

We have selected the most relevant psychics for this article, you can connect with any of them and get accurate advice on this subject.

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Crystal Fae
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Love Crystal Fae
$1.73 / min
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