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The Meaning of Life

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
October 30, 2022
The Meaning of Life
The Meaning of Life

The meaning of life for some is all about finding compatible love for themselves, and for others it is about being able to spread the love, meaning to the whole world. Still others focus on attaining wisdom, or even self-improvement to find meaning in life. Find out what the meaning of life is for you today. 

In this article we will explore:

The young woman was at her wit’s end. She had moved thousands of miles from home and left behind all her friends and family because she had passionate love for someone, but it was someone who ended up discarding her within two weeks of the move. She found a spiritual reader and stepped through the front door of his shop in hopes that reader could guide her. She had so many questions. “When will I meet the love of my life?” she asked. “ What is my destiny?” She asked question after question, and the wise reader read the cards, and afterwards, asked her “What is the meaning of life?”

“Excuse me?” she asked because she had no idea. He told her to take some guesses. She tried but could not come up with an answer. Finally, the reader said, “The meaning of life is to be happy! Just be happy and do what it takes to be happy!” She left with knowledge about her personal path, knowing she had so much love to give, but she had no idea what she believed the meaning of life was. She knew it wasn’t about being in dead end relationships, however.

Years later, another spiritual guide who was a Priest sat in a discussion group with her and others. Again, the topic was the meaning of life. One by one, each of them gave answers as to what they felt the meaning of life was, and the Priest listened quietly to what each of them had to say. Finally, everyone but him had spoken, and all eyes fell upon him. They all wondered what he would say. After a pause, he simply said, “The meaning of life is whatever you make it to be.”

What is your meaning of life? Is it about waiting for someone you love, or is it about personal happiness? Is the meaning of life about spirituality or becoming wise, or is it about discovering destinies of the soul? Is it about being close to friends and family, or about making the world a better place? Just what is the meaning of life? Read on to learn!

What is Meaning?

What is Meaning?

Many people live their lives without thinking about what it all means. They simply enjoy themselves, trying to work through bad times, and they celebrate the good times, but other people ponder big questions. Why are we here and what are we supposed to be doing? Where do we come from, and where are we going when we die? Is there a destiny love for all of us, can you learn how to fulfill your wish to be your best self, and beyond that is there a way to connect to your higher self? Some people don’t feel it is necessary to assign meaning to things, or even life itself, but other people do not feel satisfied unless they have a sense of personal meaning about what life is for.

For some people, the meaning of life is to discover what they feel is their destiny, and for others, it is to find true love or attain knowledge. Other people make their friends and family the center of their lives, and others seek to change the world in positive ways. Some people want to learn to use magic and move energy while others seek to connect to their higher power and bloom spiritually. Still others feel the meaning of life is to connect to their Higher Self, but some people just want to be happy. It doesn’t seem like there is any one right answer as to what the meaning of life is, and that we all decide for ourselves.

To Meet Your Destiny

“The destiny of a man is in his own soul.”- Herodotus

Some people believe we are all put on this earth to accomplish something and once we do, we will pass away. Some people make the mistake of assuming their destiny will be fulfilled when they meet and join with ONE person, and then their whole life will be complete. Can one person be their destiny? Some people believe they are destined to create some change, and others feel their destiny is something they must pray for, and discovering this destiny should be their main goal in life. Other people don’t believe in destiny at all, but that we make decisions every moment and those things create change.

There is no proof as to whether destiny exists or not, but some people believe in it, and they apply themselves to doing what they feel fulfills their destiny. Some people believe their destiny is decided before they are born and that their responsibility is to pay attention to what their higher power is telling them it is. Some people even believe that not realizing and fulfilling their personal destiny means they will have to come back in a future life to fulfill it. Fulfilling their destiny is one thing that makes life meaningful for some people, and some people cannot imagine being able to live without attaining their destiny.

To Gain Wisdom or Knowledge

“Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.” -Socrates

To Gain Wisdom or Knowledge

Some people make obtaining more knowledge or wisdom their meaning in life. Some want to learn about certain topics, and others just want to become wise about life in general. There are people who read constantly, and others take classes to learn new skills and hobbies. One woman had dedicated her life to teaching both art and Spanish and upon retiring, she spends half of the year in Mexico taking history and arts classes. She is now in her early eighties and continues to go on trips and go to retreats for art. Her daughter in law started taking music classes when she graduated from college, and fifteen years later grew bored with music and switched to learning crochet instead. Both women make learning the center of their lives, and it gives them both a sense of great meaning.

Wisdom, on the other hand, is believed to come with age, and is learned by paying attention to lessons taught by life itself. Listening more than speaking as well as admitting to being imperfect so you can learn to correct mistakes are two ways to become wiser. Other ways to become wiser are to stay calm when you become upset as opposed to reacting on emotions takes time to learn and you are considered by many to be very wise if you do not make knee jerk decisions when you are upset. Using logic to make decisions is not the only way to be wise but thinking before you speak about the consequences of words aids in becoming wise also. Wise people don’t typically offer unsolicited opinions and they plan for the future as opposed to just living for the moment.

Sometimes, we are fortunate enough to have somebody we can look to for guidance when we are gaining wisdom, but others who become wise have learned just by paying close attention to things and people. Wisdom can be attained by anybody, and it is easier to become wise if you have a lot of different experiences and pay close attention to things that happen. It is said to be very wise to make sure you have a good support system of people who will have your back when you need them as well!

To Find Your Love

“ When you seek love with all your heart, you will find its echoes in the universe.” Rumi

Above is one of the quotes about true love and destiny that appeals to many. Love is all around us, and while many people have friends and family who they love and spend life with, they feel the need to find ONE true love. “When will I meet my love, and how can I find them?” you may ask. You would be amazed what people do for love when they think they have to quest for it, but there is good news. The people who are meant to be in our lives will come to us and we don’t have to struggle to seek them out.

It's not a bad idea to go places and meet like minded individuals, the people who enjoy the same things you do. This is one way to find people to share life with, and plenty of people have found mates through dating, actively introducing themselves to people they feel they have things in common with. One woman met her future husband through an online dating service, but one of her closest friends met her future spouse because they just happened to be neighbors! There is no one formula for success in finding love, thankfully.

 The closest thing to a sure fire way for everybody to find love, is that all you have to do is give love and then be open to also receiving it, and then you will discover love all around you. Remember that if you feel lonely, reach out to other people who are alone and you will keep one another company. If you want companionship, consider adopting homeless animals or visiting sick people who have nobody to visit them. If you are bored, reach out to other people with similar interests and join them. You will soon discover that love is all around waiting for you, and it is not just something you find romantically, but in friendships from many different people. To read more about love, read here: Different Kinds of Love (

Family and Friends

“ Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy: they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” – Marcel Proust

Family and Friends

There are people whose whole world and complete sense of meaning is structured around their family and friends. There are plenty of people who prefer a life of solitude, but there are other people who surround themselves with those who they love, and this gives them all the joy and meaning they need. Their time will be spent visiting and helping loved ones and they will often have their planner books and calendars filled with get togethers, lunches and dinners, shopping with people, and even just getting together over coffee after work. Some people are very social and need the companionship of the people they love to feel fulfilled, and often these are the people who are necessary in their families and friends groups to hold things together. They are also often the people who are called on for help, guidance, and support and they spend their entire lives being there for friends and family.

To Change the World

“One person can change the world.” – Rosa Parks

If anybody knew what it meant to change the world, it was the lady quoted above, Rosa Parks. Born in 1913 in Tuskegee, Alabama during Jim Crow times, Parks was no stranger to being discriminated against before she was even riding buses on her own. People of color had to use separate drinking fountains, restrooms, hotels, and even eat at different restaurants than white people in the American South. By the time Parks flat out refused to give up her seat on the bus, slavery had been abolished for nearly one hundred years, but racial segregation was still outrageous.

Before her historic refusal to move from her seat, Rosa Parks was already fighting back. Even as a child, she fought against white children who bullied her. She became secretary for the NAACP and helped organize for justice for innocent black people who were wrongfully accused of being criminals. She worked for protection of women against violent attacks, and even after her actions sparked a major event, she continued to be an activist supporting Martin Luther King Jr, Malcom X, the Black Panthers, and many other groups and individuals.

As a result of her refusing to move back four rows in 1955, the Montgomery Bus Boycott began, and it resulted in a court ruling that segregation of bus seating was illegal a year later. This was only a part of the American Civil Rights Movement, which took time, but it began the end of Jim Crow discrimination and started the desegregation of society. There is still racism and discrimination, but people like Rosa Parks life meaning to change the world for the better are the reason we move forward, and things improve.

To Be Your Best Self

“ The best thing you can do is get good at being you.” – Dennis The Menace

To Be Your Best Self

Seeking self-improvement for all of life is one thing many find life meaning in. While it could be said that attaining knowledge and wisdom fall into this category, one may seek self-improvement in non-intellectual ways. Some people seek to break all bad habits and replace them with better ones. Some set health and fitness goals, trying to go above their past fitness accomplishments. Others seek career betterment, climbing the ladder of success at work, and going as high in their field as possible and still others, seek to unlearn things they were wrongfully taught, and to relearn better things.

A well experienced music instructor told his students that he did not care of they were the BEST, all he cared about was that they improved their own skills regularly. His expectation was that they become better gradually than they had been before and that their improvement continued. Some people seek to be better every day than they were before all the days of their lives, and this is all the sense of meaning they need.

Working with Energy

“ All human beings have magic in them. The secret is to know how to use this magic.” – Sybil Leek

Magic is a natural human ability that some practice as a way of life and it gives them more meaning than they can describe. Many who use magic and work with moving energy do so in order to feel in the driver’s seat of their own lives. Of course, working magic can’t control everything, but moving energy can help manifest our goals and get us in the mindset to create positive change. Some people belong to groups that use magic together and some observe the seasons, connecting to the earth by using ritual and magic.

Walking a magical path is not simply spell casting. It is being aware of how energy works and moves and being conscious and responsible for our own energy as well. It means shielding and banishing as well as doing protective magic as necessary and paying attention to what energy we project as well as what other people project as well. To read about manifesting with magic, see here:Making Your Own Reality Using Magic | Mysticsense

Connecting to Your Higher Self

“The sole test of one’s lordship is to know what one’s true Will is, and to do it.” Aleister Crowley

Connecting to Your Higher Self

Crowley wrote in depth about learning the Higher Will and that was by meeting one’s own Higher Self. The idea of the Higher Will is not terribly different from that of destiny, but the way to find it is different, and the method of pursuing the Higher Will differs from realizing destiny. Crowley believed we all had a Higher Self, or a Holy Guardian Angel who we could communicate with that would help us to understand our Higher Will, or greatest purpose. Rituals were used to meet the Holy Guardian Angel, and once Higher Will was discerned, Crowley said working towards that should be all one did.

When one learns their destiny, it is not typically imperative they only pursue that, although that is certainly an option. Crowley wrote, “ Do what thou Wilt”, and that meant to do what it is that fulfills your True Will. For Crowley, magic was “The Science and Art of causing change to occur in conformity with Will.” The Higher Will, that is. He believed it was possible to discern Higher Will in childhood, by the way.

Learning Crowley’s methods will take years of study and delving into Ceremonial Magic. For a beginning guide to ideas of Crowley’s and what influenced him, here is a free online copy of the Lesser Key of Solomon, which was also written by others is available through sacred-texts online here: The Lesser Key of Solomon Index (

To Grow Spiritually

“ The path of spiritual growth is a path of lifelong learning.”- M. Scott Peck

As of 2020, it was estimated there are over seven billion religious adherents worldwide and the world population was very close to that. So, most people in general as of 2020 counted themselves as religious. While plenty of people call themselves “spiritual but not religious” and do not ascribe to mainstream religious thought, most people do, and they spend a lot of time studying, attending worship, and circling with other people who follow the same religion as them. Growing spiritually is designed to bring people a closer relationship with their higher power, help them with morality, and teach them to be better people in general. Some people say their faith in their deity is what gets them through difficult times, and their belief in the afterlife is what helps them to make the right decisions.

Prayer, meditation, religious study with clergy persons, attending ritual and worship with their community, and then engaging in the extracurricular fellowship activities can make up one hundred percent of a religious individual’s free time. Some people, however, study and worship on their own, preferring solitary practice to strengthen their spirituality, and feel no need to circle with others for that. Some people get more meaning from their spirituality than anything else in life. To read about prayers and spells to grow spiritually, see here: Spells and Prayers for Love and Spirituality | Mysticsense

To Be Happy

“ There is no path to happiness: happiness is the path.” – Buddha

To Be Happy

For some people, it is as the spiritual advisor in the shop the young woman walked into said, their meaning in life is to be happy, and they spend time pursuing whatever it is that helps them to accomplish that. Some people’s happiness is through participation in the arts or travel and other people are happy reading or collecting antiques and going all around the world for these things. Different things make different people happy, and what makes us happy can change over time. Some people prefer a “deeper meaning” through religion or connecting with other people, while other people are plenty happy enough on their own with hobbies. Doing what makes them happy is the way of life for some people, and it gives them all the meaning they need.

The meaning of life is different for different people, and believe it or not, meaning can change for people as life goes on. One day, the meaning of life might be waiting for your lover, and soon, it might move from simply having lovers to learning where to find true love. Years later, you may seek to be wise or the meaning of life will be all about sharpening yourself to be the best you can be. For some people the meaning of life truly is to be happy, and what makes you happy can change faster than you would think. Maybe the Priest was right, and the meaning of life really is whatever you make it to be. What is the meaning of life for you?

You can always ask your guides about what gives your life meaning. You may not know what love questions to ask, but you can ask a love expert about any love fact you can think of. To find out yes or no questions to ask about love or about the love you seek and more, you can ask love questions 24/7 with one of hundreds of our advisors today!

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