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The Dark Night of the Soul

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
July 12, 2024
The Dark Night of the Soul
The Dark Night of the Soul

Some dark times can have you questioning everything about life and the meaning of it all, and you may wonder what the universal laws for happiness have in store for your future. You may get started warding off negative energy and use magic to bring in positive energy only, but your highest efforts may amount to nothing when you feel stuck in a painful situation or you can’t feel a spiritual connection with the divine. We all go through dark times in life that can make us question whether things will ever get better and we think of giving up. Explore what it means to struggle, and what to do about it when you are. 

Instructions for blocking negative energy and affirmations to give you what you want might be just the magic you need to get through most things, but there comes a time when even your most powerful magic doesn’t seem to be working. While you may know all about how to become an optimistic person, how to become emotionally independent, and how to cleanse your energy, one of these days, some dark times can creep in and a prayer to ward off evil won’t change that. The truth is sometimes bad things happen no matter how many good things we do to counteract them, and it just results in suffering.

While some people might insist that what doesn’t kill us simply makes us stronger, or seek meaning in their trials, some of us don’t have time to think about that while we are trying to hold ourselves together. While magic can help, sometimes, the only thing that can make us feel better is when things get better. Suffering can show us hidden strengths we did not know we had, but sometimes there is no reason for our suffering, and we just hurt. There are things we can do while we are going through dark times, of course and we can make sure not to overthink things, which would make us feel worse. We can use protective magic, and ward off malevolence, but we can also push away people who are not making things easier. The best thing we can do sometimes is focus on the positive and rest assured we are powerful people who might not be invincible, but we can, and oftentimes do survive dark times. Read on.

The Dark Side of the Soul

“In the dark times you have something to hold on to, which is yourself, you’ll survive.” – Whoopi Goldberg

In life, we often focus on what we are working towards, and the good times we have with the people we love. We celebrate happy times, festive occasions, rites of passage, and we make plans for the future that will make us happy. When times are good , we give thanks, but what do we do when times are tough and there is no way to change anything? Some people say their faith keeps them strong and others say their loved ones support them, but not everybody is lucky enough to have people who know how to make them feel better, and sometimes, it seems like the voice of the divine falls silent.

It is during these times we can fall into deep despair that makes us question why we even bother to get out of bed in the morning, and even why we have ever bothered to do so. It is the times when we feel all hope is lost that we may feel like giving up because we are afraid nothing will ever get better and that everything in life is pointless. It is times like these we go through what some call a “dark night of the soul.” The thing about nights though, is they don’t last forever, and the dawn will come. It might seem impossible that a dark time in life would change, but it will.

When you can’t change bad things that are happening, and you are still going through it, you have no time to grieve, but you instead focus on getting through whatever it is that is happening. How do you hold yourself together during the bad times? Whether you are dealing with a chronic illness there is no cure for, or your best friend left, or even if you are feeling empty and lonesome after relocating to a different city or State and you had to leave all your friends behind there are times in life that are so painful, we fear things will never improve.

Even if things cannot go back to the way they were before, the worst of times usually don’t last forever, and new things and better times will come. Coping with the fact things have changed or that we have no power to create exactly the situation we want or emotionally need sometimes results in devastating grief that can cripple us at least temporarily. There are ways to deal with the grief that comes at the end of a horrible time. To read how to cope with the grief that hits you after great loss, see here: How Can We Deal with Loss and Communicate with the Dead? | Mysticsense

Sometimes There Isn’t a Reason

“Bad things happen to good people.” Harold S. Kushner

Plenty of people will try to make you feel better by rationalizing whatever bad things are going on, and some people have found great comfort believing that every time we suffer, there is some great plan that a god , goddess, or the universe in general has for us, and this suffering will teach a profound, life changing lesson that we evolve spiritually because of. While it is true that every single thing that happens does happen for a reason, sometimes it’s just random. A major storm can wipe away your home and there is no great enlightening lesson to learn from this. The reason your things are gone is due to the storm, but that’s it.

When you can’t learn a lesson, grow as a person, gain some type of enlightenment, or feel you are somehow better off after something terrible happens, how do you find peace with what happened? How do you find any sense of justice in the world or feel like life is still fair? The truth is, even though there are times it seems everything is fair, sometimes things are not fair and nothing can change that. The only way to deal with that heartbreaking realization is to accept that bad things happen for no reason sometimes and there is nothing to be learned or gained. The focus at those times must be in pulling yourself through the bad times to get to better times and there is more than one way to do that.

Let Go of Harmful Thoughts

Let Go of Harmful Thoughts

“ Negative thoughts definitely attracts negative results.” _ Dr. Normal Vincent Peale

Thinking that everything is one hundred percent perfect when they are not is unrealistic and does not help at all, but something equally unhelpful is thinking the worst and telling yourself that things will never ever improve. Another voice of warning in your heart and soul will tell you not to overthink things when times are tough or things could be so much worse. The number one risk of negative thinking during bad times is that you can convince yourself there is no point in trying to make things better, and so, you give up. That is a surefire way to ensure that things don’t improve one bit.

Sometimes, things are out of your control and nothing you do will make anything better, but if you sink into negative thinking, your ability to reason will be too clouded and when an opportunity to go into a better situation presents itself, you could talk yourself out of trying. “Why bother, my life is already ruined anyhow.” It is true that some things end, but while you are still alive, there is still hope for good things. Don’t let the bad things make you believe there is no good left in the world for you and stay open to positive experiences even if times are bad. Read about positive affirmations: The Power Of Positive Affirmations | Mysticsense

Charms of Protection

“ The best protection any woman can have…is courage.” – Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Hematite and water are famous magical things to use for protection from evil. However, when bad times come, it doesn’t necessarily mean some malevolent spirits are about, so protective magical operations and blessed items don’t take bad times away. They can, however, help you to block out any negative energies while you are coping with all that is going on and sometimes, any help you can get is welcome. There are three extremely important things to make sure to do, and you can use magical items to help with this most especially when times are tough. Eat, sleep, and pray.


Maintaining proper nutrition when you are emotionally and spiritually vulnerable from bad times is extremely important. Some people skip meals because they say they have no appetite when they are upset, and others overeat junk food to get a mood enhancement from the sugar rush. Some people try to drink their sorrows away and all that accomplishes is a terrible hangover and dehydration. Don’t fall into the trap of neglecting your nutrition which would make your health suffer while you are going through dark times. The better your health is, the better you can deal with anything bad that happens. Sometimes, eating good food makes you feel better emotionally, and that makes it easier to cope and make smart decisions that will help make things better. Sometimes your physical health is the only thing supported by good food, and that in and of itself is great magic. 


If you are not getting the right amount of sleep, your body and mind will suffer, and you won’t be able to function properly. While it is completely normal to lie awake, worrying during bad times, it is still important to make every effort to focus on what it will take you to get some rest, so you are refreshed. Do some meditation or journaling before bed to get your mind relaxed. Read, play relaxing music, have some soothing tea, and do whatever it is you need to before bed to help you to get plenty of sleep especially while times are difficult. Tomorrow really is another day, and a new day brings new opportunities and making sure you are well rested will make you more alert and ready to take advantage of chances for good things.



While not everybody believes in a higher power, plenty of people do, and talking to your mother goddess or father god can help soothe your worries and get you in the state of mind to receive guidance from your higher power. Some people follow a deity that has an expectation that we work through our own problems and don’t ask for divine intervention, but even then, all deities guide and counsel their devotees. Reading scripture as well as meditating or asking for counseling from your clergy persons or spiritual sisters and brothers when times are tough can yield some amazing advice and great wisdom is often given in these ways. Don’t be afraid to pray, asking your higher power to help guide and strengthen you.

In times when you can’t feel an answer, you may think your god has forgotten you, but rest assured that isn’t the case. There is a misconception that if we pray and are what we consider “good people” that the divine will never let us suffer and only bad people suffer. Depending on your religion, you may have a belief that your creator gave human beings great power and instilled a piece of divinity within us as well, so we are human embodiments of the divine. If you believe this, know that your hands are the hands of the creator, and you have the divine within you no matter what. So when you call upon your god or goddess to help you, they will remind you they have empowered you with their magic already!

Ward off Evil

“Attack the evil that is within yourself rather than the evil that is in others.” – Confucius

Believe it or not, evil is real even though it’s not like the evil portrayed in horror films. It happens due to choices, and sometimes someone has chosen to commit evil against you. When somebody has committed evil against you, there are a few ways you can ward that off, and while magic can and should be used for protection, work on the mundane level should be done as well. If a criminal act was committed, it is imperative that you file a police report and bring the perpetrator to justice. If no criminal act occurred, but somebody still wronged you, confronting them and demanding justice is just as important. Even when people are not sorry, exposing what they have done can help prevent them from doing such a thing again because they don’t want to deal with consequences of such actions.

Magically, there are ways to ward people off in general, besides simply telling them to go away, that is! You can do simple things to make them physically uncomfortable. If they dislike your dog, allowing it to bark at them when they knock at the door and not calling it off will discourage them from knocking. If they are a co-worker who is constantly in your office complaining and their negative energy depletes you, and they are always cold, turn down the thermostat so they feel like it is freezing, and they won’t want to stay as long. If they come around uninvited before mealtime, eat in front of them but don’t share anything with them so they don’t feel as welcome. If they are allergic to cats, save cathairs and scatter them around where they will be, so they want to leave quickly. You can cast spells too, of course, but changing the energy on a physical level can ward people off as well. Sometimes, all you need to make life easier for yourself is to refuse to allow people to be around you, although sometimes you can’t make them leave, but you can. Read about sending negativity away: Converting Negative Energy into Positive Energy | Mysticsense

Walk Away from People

“ Never forget that walking away from something unhealthy is brave.” –

While a lot of people frown upon walking away from people and relationships, sometimes it’s the only way to have peace. Not everybody who involves themselves with you truly cares about you and if you are in an abusive, narcissistic, violent, toxic, or otherwise negative relationship, it can cause enough problems to literally wreck your life. Simply cutting off communication from someone who treats you this way can immediately solve problems, and take the dark times away. If you find yourself involved with a negative person, even if you care about them, if they make life difficult, you don’t owe it to them to continue a relationship with them.

If somebody is taking advantage of you for money and they are draining your finances, taking away their ability to do that will immediately help you shape up your financial wellbeing. If you have a job that is working you to exhaustion and taking you away from your family and friends, quitting to take a better job will create positive change immediately. If you are in a relationship with somebody who neglects you, and you break up with them, it opens you to move on to a more loving relationship. Sometimes the problem causing our dark times is the fact that we choose to be involved with people or be in situations that hurt us and when we choose to love ourselves enough to walk away from that, the darkness lifts and we walk forward into a new day.

Focus on Desirable Traits

“ Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what is going on around them.” – Jack Canfield

To be fair, there are times in life when we are completely powerless to change things and we have no control over something that is happening in our lives. However, we have complete control over our own reactions, and sometimes that is all the control we need. The number one thing we can and should choose at all times, but most especially during tough times, is to maintain a positive attitude. It cannot be stressed enough how powerful an optimistic outlook is that things can be better when things are bad. Believing things can never get better will close your heart and mind to possibilities, and to succeed in working through tough times to get to better times, believing those better times can come is crucial. Having an open mind and expecting nothing while hoping for good things, giving it your best try, and then being patient for results are three important things to do while dealing with dark times.


If we expect the best, we become disappointed because there are few times in life when the best of the best situations materialize. If we expect the worst, we close our minds to great possibilities, and fantastic things can be right in front of us and we won’t even see them. While we are working for positive results, hoping for success is natural, but waiting to see what will happen while we work helps to keep us from setting ourselves up for disappointment. Hope for good, but wait and see what happens instead of creating expectations. 

Do Your Best

Sometimes, challenges during rough times can seem insurmountable, and the idea of tackling a great difficulty can make us feel like we can’t win. Don’t overwhelm yourself with an expectation that you accomplish all you set out to immediately. Simply say “I don’t know how much I can accomplish, but right now I’m going to do my best and see what happens.” Then take one step at a time, pace yourself, and do the best you can. If you are struggling with depression and taking a shower seems impossible, start by brushing your teeth, and then go in and wash your face later. If you have chronic pain and cleaning the kitchen seems like too much, clean for a few minutes at a time and take breaks. Before you know it, every little step you take to accomplish something will add up, and you will accomplish what you set out to do. Read about how to make your own luck: How to Make Your Own Luck | Mysticsense

Be Patient

It is very important that you don’t immediately expect a goal to be met the second you begin working towards it, although that really would be nice, wouldn’t it? If you keep the right mindset, and do your best, your efforts will begin to pay off, but it might take time. Be patient with yourself and be patient with the situation in general. While that is certainly easier said than done, rushing things and allowing yourself to be frustrated might cause you to make rash decisions. If that happens, that is okay. Simply take a step back, take a deep breath and use the positive affirmation of “I collect myself, and trust the process” , and then start again. You can do this.

The Only Thing Guaranteed is Change

“Life belongs to the living and he who lives must be prepared for changes. “ -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

There are times when it feels like life is perfect. You worked hard and are reaping the rewards of all your good efforts at a job or in a relationship and suddenly one day, everything changes and there is nothing you can do about it and it’s not a great feeling. The ugly truth is, things in life change without a second's notice ,and this happens often. Sometimes, it’s a great change, and sometimes, something tragic happens and we can’t fix it. The good part about change is that while bad changes happen, those are very often not permanent, and things will get better.

Embracing the fact that thighs change beats fighting the changes. There are times when we can influence things, and other times when we can’t. Sometimes change is good, and creates new situations we enjoy. Sometimes, we hate the changes, but as time passes, we adjust and come to embrace those things. In times when changes are bad, all we can do sometimes is hang in there, and cope. It is important to remember that even bad changes result in more changes, and soon, you may be enjoying a positive change. Go with it, and adapt. 

You Are a Warrior

“ Warriors are not the ones who always win but the ones who always fight.” - Anonymous

Sometimes, knowing you’re a warrior is all the assurance you need that you will get through your dark times. What are the characteristics of a warrior, though? Warriors are not people who are born powerful and who know all the perfect ways to handle all bad times. They are not people who are never afraid, and they aren’t people who never have moments of weakness when they feel like giving up. Warriors are people who face whatever they are being hurt by and they don’t let bad times stop them from continuing with life.

Warriors are people who stand strong in the face of opposition, and they might worry that all might be lost, but they don’t stop trying to get through bad times in hopes of a better tomorrow. There will be times in your life when you are afraid that some catastrophic event has created an end of life as you know it, and you could be right. Life may change permanently, and you can’t fix it, but when you realize that despite all this, life is continuing, you can look at what is left over from the life you knew and gather that up and move forward into a new life you can build.

Blocking negative energy, knowing how to cleanse your home, and knowing that one of the vices of women and men is to give up too soon can help you through tough times. Sometimes, though, despite all this, the sorrows of the dark times can push your emotions and soul to the point you are afraid your heart will be broken forever. The cliché “hang in there” saying can be your mantra while you are going through pain and struggles. Nothing lasts forever, and a lot of times, things really do get better. If nothing else, having faith in your power as a warrior can give you the strength to hold on for better times.

May your sorrows be few, and your joys be many. May dark times be short and may the warrior within you stand strong no matter what you endure. So be It. 

You don’t have to struggle alone. Reach out to one of our psychics to guide you through dark times: Online Psychic Readings | Mysticsense

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Love Crystal Fae
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$3.33 / min
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