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The Power of Names

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
July 29, 2024
The Power of Names
The Power of Names

When people say there is power in a name, they understand that the origin and meaning of your name that is bestowed can create magical changes. Whether you are named after somebody special, or the meaning of the name itself is why it is chosen, the name you are called can help to create who you are and influence your life in amazing ways. Learn about the magical powers names hold and how to find your name’s magical meaning. 

Some people believe names are just things we are called by, and others see names as powerful ways to bring magic into our lives. Some point out the power of names in the Bible as evidence that names are magical, and others feel that the names we bestow upon places and things have the ability to alter reality. What is in a name besides letters and sounds? How can you find out what your name means, and what are some first and last names that are powerful? Do names have any power at all, and if so, how does that power manifest? Read on to learn all about the power of names.

Names and Magic

What is magical about a name? Isn’t it just sounds we use to call people, so that we know who we are talking to or talking about? While that is one purpose of names, another is to instill characteristics upon people. Some people choose names for their children to endear them to others, and still some choose names that support some sort of an important tradition. 

Names to Instill Characteristics

In Alex Haley’s Pulitzer Prize winning book Roots: The Saga of an American Family, Kunta Kinte, a man who was kidnapped from his home in Africa, and sold into slavery in America, decided to name his daughter Kizzie, which he said means “you stay put.” He said there was magic in naming her that, and it was necessary because slave owners would sell their slaves children, and they never saw them again sometimes. Unfortunately, Kizzie ended up being sold, but one day, she did return to visit her parents again, although it would be after their deaths. The power of her name helped her back home to her family.

Some people will name their kids after people whose example they hope their children will follow. Naming a child Brigid after the goddess Brigid and various saints, is one example, and bestowing the name Michael after the powerful archangel Michael is yet another. The name Jordan exploded in popularity in the 1990’s with the rise of the famous basketball player, Michael Jordan and over twenty two thousand American babies, both boys and girls were named Jordan, or other similar spellings of the same name, although soon after this boon in using that name, it drastically dropped in popularity.

Some people choose popular names for their babies because that’s what a lot of other people are naming their children. Names like Doris, Helen, and Ethel were wildly popular decades ago, but names like Ana, Mia, and Brayden are popular names for babies today. lists the top baby names of 2022 that were chosen for girls as Olivia, Emma, and Amelia, and the top baby names that were chosen for boys in 2022 as Liam, Noah, and Oliver. Read about the difference between good and evil: What’s the Difference Between Good and Evil?

Names to Endear

A lot of people choose to name their children after people they love or admire, and many will name them after deceased relatives, thus continuing the tradition of that particular name in their family. There was a time, however, that people named their children after other people for a very different reason. Children would be named after relatives or close family friends who the parents hoped would involve themselves in the upbringing of the child, and possibly take them in to apprentice them or help pay for their upbringing.

Children have often been named after grandparents or other family members. Traditionally, in Ireland, the order of birth helps to decide your name. The firstborn son will get the name of his grandfather on his father’s side while the second born son will be named after his mother’s father and the third son will be named after his father. The same practice is done with girls, using the names of women in the family. Firstborn girls are named after their maternal grandmother while the second daughter is named after her father’s mother and the third daughter is named after her mother.

Names for Tradition

Names for Tradition

Traditions may be based on how things have always been done, but traditions change. In the 1950’s there were a limited number of names people named their babies, but the Civil Rights Movement was said to help change all of that. Individuality versus conformity started being valued more, and the diversity of names increased dramatically. Some of today’s parents are following a new practice of inventing names for their children. One such parent was highlighted internationally for naming her child Abcde, but you will be surprised to find out there are more kids who have that name. You can read about that here: The Story Behind the Name "Abcde" - FamilyEducation

Biblical names are popular for many Christians with names like Daniel, Ruth, David, and Esther bring only a few that are popular. It is said that Biblical names are popular baby names because people are familiar with them. Some religious Christians like to include religious names out of respect for their religion. Some even name their children after Saints whose example they hope their children emulate, and many modern Pagans name their kids after gods and goddesses like Freyja, Osiris, and Angus.

How to Find the Meaning of Your Name

The simplest way to find out the meaning of your name is to do a good old internet search. For example, the name “April” comes from Latin Aprilus which means to “open” like the flowers are opening in Spring. However, the name in Spanish is “Abril '' and in Irish it’s Aibreain. Averill is another variation of the name.

The meaning of the name Mary can be found as well. The name Mary has many forms including Maria, Miriam, and might come from the Egyptian name” Merit-Atum” which meant beloved of Atum, a primordial god of creation. The name Mary basically means “beloved.”

Baby name books can be found, but names used in myths can also explain meaning. The name Paris is a Gaulish word and was named after the Gaulish Parisii tribe who occupied lands that are now Paris, France, thus the city was named after them. The name might mean “spear holders” or “the commanders” and it could mean “crafty” or even “cauldron”. The city of Paris was one of the first cities to use the technology of gas streetlights and is still called “City of Lights” as a result. Paris was a prince who started the Trojan War, and a famous individual named Paris is Paris Hilton, who is famous for her charm and ability to talk to most anybody. Taking all of this into account Paris brings the meaning of forward progress and beauty. Another form of the name Paris is Parrish, which means “ecclesiastical loyalty” and a parish is the property under the supervision of a priest.

When researching the meaning of your name, find not only the literal meaning of the name, but where it is from and historic things and people who the name has been given to. The collective energy of a name can magically affect things. You would not want to name a child after a tyrant like Hitler, for example, but naming one after a hero like Mother Theresa can help instill some of her characteristics upon the child.

Another thing to consider when you are finding out the meaning of your name, is why you were named that in the first place. Ask the person or people who named you why they chose that name. Some families name children names they think sound nice, but some other people give their children names that have special meaning, and there is great power in that. For example, one woman’s parents were both born in the month of April, so that is what they named her. The power of that name was that both of the parents named her after themselves, thus giving a part of their own miracle of birth to their daughter. Read about magic: Making Your Own Reality Using Magic

Powerful First Names

When we are given a first name, it is very important because that is what we will always be called. We hear that name, and develop characteristics based on it, so whoever is naming us ought to take that into account! All names have their own power and meaning, and listed below are things about the names Robin, Jeanne, Rose, Eve, and Destiny.


The meaning of the name Robin is “bright” or “fame” and even “bright fame”. It is a unisex name, so the meaning of the name Robin, girl or boy, is somebody who has a bright future or has earned a name for themselves already. It can be classified as one of the names meaning power as well as one of the names that mean glory. Robin is a name that possibly originated in France and is considered an English name. Another spelling is Robyn, and it can be used as a first or last name. A famous Robin was Robin Williams who rose to fame as a comedian and later became well known as an actor. A winner of multiple Golden Globe awards and Emmy awards, He touched lives and made millions of people smile with his wonderful sense of humor and was also known for being very kind.


Jeanne name meaning is “god is gracious” and it is a Hebrew name. The name has several similar spellings including Jean, Gene, and Jane. Gene has been used as a unisex name, but Jeanne and other spellings are for girl’s names. A famous Jean was American actress Jean Stapleton, who was born Jeanne Murray. Famous for playing the plain and ditzy Edith Bunker from All in The Family, Stapleton was actually very intelligent and beautiful. She was known for her excellent range in character acting, her wonderful sense of humor, and the fact she was so pleasant to work with. Perhaps the magic in the name Jeanne bestowed her gracious mannerisms



Rose is a name that comes from the name of the flower, and it has many variations including Rosa, Rosalina, Rhoda, Rosalie, and Roisin. One form of it originated in Germany as a combination of Hrodheid, which means “fame kind.” The Latin form of the name refers to the flower called the rose, and the Biblical meaning of the name Rose is that of the flower and is Rhoda. In the Bible, Rhoda was a servant girl who went to answer the door after the apostle Peter was released from prison, but she was so excited he had returned, she ran to tell everybody that he had arrived and completely forgot to let him in. Although nobody believed her, she kept insisting Peter was indeed there, until they finally answered the door and let him in. Perhaps Rose is a name that means hidden power that never gives up on what it knows to be true, like Rhoda did.


The Biblical meaning of the name Destiny is not to be found because it is not a Biblical name. Destiny itself in the Bible is discussed in the book of Jeremiah 17:10, which says, “I, the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.” By this definition, destiny is decided by the deeds we do, not something we have no control over. The name Destiny comes from Latin destinare, which means “to determine” . While it is considered a name for females, a famous football player is named Iyenoma Destiny Udogie. Born in 2002, he became a professional athlete at age eighteen and won his first cap a year later. Truly living up to his name, he’s established himself in his profession by excelling in things many people only dream of, thus controlling his own destiny. Read about fate and destiny: All About Destiny


Some would consider Eve to be a god given name, meaning a name a god directly gave to someone. The name Eve means “life” and in some accounts, she is the first woman, and in others, she is the second, after Adam, the first man, rejected Lilith. The Kabala name meaning for Eve is “the mother of all living” and while some Christian sources see Eve as cursed for disobedience to Jehovah, the Kabala sees her as a powerful woman who was unafraid to use that power and balances the feminine power with the power of males. The name is not Hebrew, but it is an Akkadian one that means “living one”. Chavah was the original form of her name, and some consider her as the reason Daath, or knowledge was plucked from the tree representing the Tree of Life, and without it, human beings would not have a full existence.

Mystical Last Names

It might be fair to say that like all first names, all last names have power, but last names are a bit different. In most cultures, your last name is the name of either your mother’s or father’s family you were born into and while we are all individuals, we are still members of that family. Over many generations, family names take on meaning, and the meaning of our names, first and last help to shape us. Of course, over time, all family last names have built up powerful auras, meaning energy based on all the family members who have lived. Some people believe you either bring honor or shame to the family name, but it is more than that. Family origins and history bring energy to the name over time. Some names like Kennedy, Hatfield and McCoy, and Forbes are familiar names because multiple members of their family have done noteworthy things.


Known as America’s Royal Family, the Kennedys immigrated from Ireland in the mid 1800’s, and by 1884, members of the family were elected to government offices. From 1947 through 2011, at least one Kennedy family member has always served in government, and even Arnold Schwarzenegger who married into the family served as the thirty eighth governor of California from 2003 until 2007 when his term expired. The name Kennedy comes from O’ Cinnedidh, which means “grandson of Cinnedidh” and it dervives from ceann, which means “chieftain”. Other forms of the name include Ceanneidigh, which means “head” and eidigh itself means “helmeted”. Kennedy can be translated to mean “helmeted chief” or “helmeted leader.” Many of these family members live up to this name by being leaders in government and Kennedy is therefore one of the last names that mean power.

Hatfield and McCoy

Who can forget the famous Hatfield- McCoy feud? For those who don’t know, it all started when Asa Harmon McCoy was murdered by who was believed to be a member of the Hatfield family. Thirteen years later, the families began fighting over a hog with Floyd Hatfield and Randolf McCoy both claiming they personally owned the hog. Bill Stanton, who was related to both families testified that the hog was Hatfield property, and the judge, also a Hatfield, ruled in the Hatfield family’s favor- so some of the McCoy’s got together and killed Bill Stanton in response. Various things occurred in the famous feud from 1863 to 1891, with at least twenty and as many as one hundred people dying as a result. The name Hatfield is an Anglo Saxon one meaning “heather field” and McCoy is an Irish name meaning “fire”. One magical meaning for heather is independence. Both family names coincide with fierce self- determination and for years, members of both families would not back down from the feuds. It is said that to this day several family members of both the McCoy and Hatfield families research the famous feuds, some of whom try to prove that their own family members' actions were justified.


Forbes is a Scottish Clan name, and the name means “prosperous.” While there are countless Forbes family members all over the world, and some of them are bound to be less than rich, the Forbes family name is associated with wealth and prosperity. After their first family member immigrated to America in the 1700’s, the family moved to Boston, and earned their riches trading in opium and teas from China, which they in turn, resold for a profit. The Forbes family also invested in the railroads, and various members of their family have achieved great success. William Hathaway Forbes was wise enough to invest in the Bell Telephone Company, and John Kerry, who is a Forbes family member, served as American Secretary of State and ran for President. Ruth Forbes Young created the International Peace Academy, and her husband invented the helicopter. Perhaps hard work is what makes this family live up to their name and be so prosperous, but it seems like everything they work towards turns out well!

Do Names Have Power?

Names have power, and magic is done by the very existence of the names themselves and the things done by people who have these names. We can rise above what we have been named, although the power of the names we have shape us, as a true life story of two men shows. Two brothers were given odd names by their father. One was named Winner and the other was named Loser, and having those names psychologically affected the boys. When Loser grew up, he became a police officer, and Winner became a criminal. Maybe Loser always wanted to prove he could live a good life and make something of himself and Winner thought he could do no wrong and went on to rack up almost three dozen different arrests. It has been suggested their names were destiny and their father got their names mixed up. You can read more about them here: The Controversial Story Of Two Brothers Named 'Winner' And | Ekohotblog.

If you want to know how your own name influences you, do searches of both your first and last names, then find out what other people who are not immediate family members but share your name have accomplished. Maybe you won’t be as successful as some of the Forbes have been while you are living up to your name, and instead you will be like Loser Lane, proving your worth despite what people call you. The power of your name will guide you through life, helping to shape your destiny.

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