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Identifying Your Vices and Beating Them

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
December 05, 2024
Identifying Your Vices and Beating Them
Identifying Your Vices and Beating Them

The seven vices have been called deadly, but there aren’t just seven vices, but a lot more! Learning to identify your vices is the first step to defeating them and we have three easy ways you can beat your vices for good.

The deadly vices have been written about by people all around the world for centuries, but vices are a problem modern people face. Vices are things we do that make our lives more difficult and they make us worse versions of ourselves. Join Mysticsense as we explore the ugly reality of the vices and what they do to us. Find out what some of the worst vices are, and then how you can turn your vices around so all your worst habits can become your best habits.

What’s a Vice?

What’s a Vice?

A vice is a bad behavior which is often considered immoral. Some people consider vices to be a character flaw, and some people even consider them to be a flaw and temperament rather than moral choices. Some people think of a vice as something worse than this though. Some people consider advice to be an extremely bad character flaw or behavior that can be fatal and ruin your entire life. Some people don't think that vices are that severe and that everybody has bad habits.

The word vice comes from the Latin word ”vitium” which means ‘failing or defect.” Vices tend to be highly immoral things that may be considered sacrilege or are socially prohibited. Legally, the word vice is used to designate certain crimes. In the United States, first crimes may be related to drugs. Other terms that characterize how people view vices include moral depravity and wickedness. Moral failure and personal defects are also other ways that some people describe vices. Something considered by some as evil and others as sacred is the swastika symbol and you can read about it here: The Swastika: Sacred Image or Symbol of Terror?

What Do Vices Cause?

Our vices don't cause anything good. Some vices will cause temporary pleasure, but in the long run they create problems in our lives. Our health can suffer from certain vices and vices can lead to financial ruin. Vices can cause us to make bad decisions and deal with the ugly consequences. Our vices can make us unbearable to deal with and this can come between us and other people and seriously compromise our relationships. This can end in falling outs with friends or even romantic breakups or divorce.

More than anything, vices compromise our relationship with ourselves. How? This happens because when we are the worst possible versions of ourselves, it holds us back from being the best possible versions of ourselves. Vices can hold us back from success in our careers and this can hurt our financial well-being. Some vices cause so many problems in our lives that they stress us to the point that our mental health suffers. Vices can also cause compulsive behaviors and addiction issues. On the other hand, a better self waits. Learn how to get in touch with your Higher Self here: Your Holy Guardian Angel: The Higher Self

Who Decides What is a Vice?

So, who decides what's a vice and what isn't a vice? Everybody does. Culturally, each group of people has their own definition of what behaviors are unacceptable and which ones are acceptable. What is socially acceptable in one culture may even be frowned upon by another. Religious traditions, too, define what they feel is a vice and what isn't. Each family will have their own definition of what is terribly unacceptable and what is accepted. No matter what anybody tells you though there's only one person who you need to listen to.

That person is yourself. Nobody knows you better than you know yourself. Nobody knows what screws up your life better than you do. Sometimes we don't suffer from a vice, we enjoy it. When that happens, we don't want to admit to ourselves that we should not indulge in a vice. If you really listen to yourself, you will admit when a habit or behavior is not working out for you. What you think matters most and your thoughts are very powerful. Read about the power of your thoughts here: The Power of Mindset

Some Vices

It would be nice if there was a list somewhere that included all of the vices so each of us could make sure we didn't have any. Sadly, there are too many vices to list all in one place. However, unkindness, greed, argumentativeness, laziness, and self-depreciation are some pretty hefty vices. Ingratitude, dishonesty, exploitation, jealousy, and excessiveness are pretty bad ones too.


Unkindness means when you are harsh or inconsiderate or you might just behave unfriendly, unpleasantly, or cruel. Unkindness is typically hurtful and usually the person who is unkind knows it. What we say and do can determine other people's feelings, and deliberately making people feel bad is considered one of the worst choices that we can make. Some people say they treat other people in ways that they would want to be treated and they call that a golden rule. You can read about the golden rule here: Are Golden Rule Truths Universal Teachings?



It's natural to want things. It is natural to want more than we have and to try and find ways to get it. Greed is excessive desire for something and it's typically the desire to have more than you need. Greed is often most noticeable when it is used to take things unfairly from other people and hoard it for yourself. Greed is considered one of the most evil vices because it creates shortages for other people, but what is the difference between good and evil? Read here to find out: What’s the Difference Between Good and Evil?


There comes a time to stand your ground, and there comes a time to just shut up. Argumentative people do not understand that. Argumentative people seem to live to start fighting, and they just love to have disagreements. It's not that everybody has to agree with everybody else, but when you are always ready to start a disagreement and get angry about it or make other people angry, you are argumentative. Some argumentative people enjoy the heated energy exchanged in arguments and love to try to dominate other people in conversations. They may think that they are always right, or they might just like to have a squabble going. Libras can be argumentative when they want to be, and you can read about that Zodiac Sign here: Libra Traits | Star Sign in the Spotlight


Everybody gets tired sometimes, but unless you're ill, never wanting to do anything at all is a sign of laziness. Lazy people prefer to be inactive and accomplish nothing. Quite often, lazy people prefer to have other people do everything for them. Not only does this create hardship for other people, but it holds you back from accomplishing things in life. You won't work to get where you want to be in life, you won't try to accomplish things, and you'll never find out what you're capable of if you let laziness overtake you. If you want to make your own luck you need to get up and work for it. To find out more about creating your own luck, read here: How to Make Your Own Luck



Some people consider arrogance one of the worst vices, but self-deprecation is just as bad. It means undervaluing and tearing yourself down. Self-deprecation is not humility. Humility means understanding that you are imperfect, could improve, and are not superior to other people. Self-deprecation, on the other hand, means that you behave as if other people are superior to you and your redeeming qualities are so low that you're not deserving of self-love. It’s important to accept your dark side through, and you can learn how to do that here: The Unconscious Self: Embracing the Dark Side

Ingratitude means lack of appreciation. It's more than just your attitude, it's behavior. Even if you don't have a deep appreciation for somebody, still saying thank you is considered gracious and polite. When people do things for you, then you should not only express thanks to them, but you should return the kindness when you get the chance. None of us are so good that we don't need other people to help us. Understanding that people are not required to help us, but they do so out of the kindness of our hearts will help us to be more thankful. Learn some tips on how to have a grateful heart here: Learning to Have a Grateful Heart


The truth is very helpful. Not only does it let people know what's actually going on, but it shows people that they can trust you if you tell the truth. Some people are dishonest because they don't want to face the consequences for what they do. Negative consequences are never fun, but one of the biggest negative consequences happens when people find out you've been lying to them. Some people say telling the whole truth gets you in trouble sometimes though, so are little white lies ever ok? Read here to find out: Are White Lies Ok? | The Truth


Seeing a good opportunity and taking it is smart, but exploitation is different. Exploitation is taking unfair advantage of a person, or a situation and it is not acceptable. Exploitation is done to earn a profit or other benefit for yourself, but it unfairly takes something from someone else. It is considered a form of cheating, and some people even call it stealing. People who exploit are known as master manipulators who know how to be very persuasive. Learn the fine art of being persuasive here: Mastering the Power of Persuasion


Jealousy means having a terrible envy of someone else's success, or advantages. The terrible part of jealousy isn't wanting good things. The terrible part is you're not happy for people who have good things just because you don't have those things. Admiring people's accomplishments and being inspired to accomplish similar things for yourself is actually very healthy. Just don't be angry with somebody because they accomplished something good for themselves before you did. Jealous people can be abusive when they want to be. Read here to find out if you are a victim of abuse: Are You Abused? | The Signs You May Be


Believe it or not, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. If you drink too much alcohol it will damage your health. If you spend too much money, you could be ruined financially. If you talk so much you share all your friends’ secrets, you will destroy your relationships. Doing everything in moderation is a great way to live your life. Balance how much you exercise with how much you rest, and balance how much you work with how much you play. Balance everything so you don’t partake too much. Is it possible to love too much? Find out here: Loving Someone More Than They Love You

How to Beat Vices

It can be difficult to overcome your vices, however it can be done. The first step to making any change is admitting that a change needs made, so admit that you have a vice. Then replace your vice with a good habit. Finally, after a while, pay attention, and you will see how much you've benefited from leaving behind your vice.

Admit To Vices

Not everybody wants to admit that they're doing something wrong, but if you can admit that you have imperfections that you can improve upon, it will be easier for you to learn and to grow as a person. You might feel justified if you're jealous of your significant other, but jealousy will cause problems in your relationship. You might feel like overindulging on unhealthy food is good for your mental health, but in the end, the health of your body is important too. Admit that you have a vice and that you need to work on it, and you will be on the way to changing it.

Replace Them

Anytime you break a bad habit, replace it with a good habit. Quite often the opposite thing of a vice is a good thing, so think of what your vice is and something good you can replace it with. Instead of sharing unkind opinions, simply keep them to yourself. Staying silent when you don't have anything nice to say is a great habit. Instead of hoarding all of the resources for yourself, share them. Of course you will keep some for yourself, but if you share, nobody has to go without and your entire community will benefit from it.

Measure Progress

Change is difficult. When you first distance yourself from your vices, you can be so busy working on yourself, that you don't notice what positive things have started because of the changes you've made. Give yourself weeks, or even months, but then you're going to notice the progress. You can keep a journal, writing down every time you notice a positive change. Over time, you will notice the growth, and you will be very proud of yourself.

Nobody is perfect and our vices are evidence of that. Vices are things that can be called bad habits and they compromise our relationships with ourselves and with others. A vice can be something as simple as jealousy, or just being ungrateful. If you want to overcome your vices, you can. All you have to do is admit you have them, replace that vice with a good habit, and then look over your progress over time and see how much better you're doing. You know your bad habits better than anybody else. Nobody knows better than you what to do to change and be the best version of yourself. Yes, you can!

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