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Our Living Environment: Can We Save the Earth?

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
July 26, 2024
Our Living Environment: Can We Save the Earth?
Our Living Environment: Can We Save the Earth?

Discover smart, easy ways to help the environment by taking small, simple steps every day that make a big impact.

Some people are saying our days on planet earth are numbered. Some people even talk about creating colonies on the Moon or Mars in the event we destroy our planet, but our future doesn’t have to be so bleak. Sure, human beings are the most destructive species on earth, but we are also a very capable species, so not all hope is lost. Every last harmful thing we do can be countered by something that helps. It doesn’t even take a lot of time or effort. There are a lot of small things we can do every day to help make a little difference here and there. All the little things we do add up and, in the end, make a big difference. Join Mysticsense to find out what small things you can easily do every day to make a big difference and save the planet.

Use Non-Toxic Products

Use Non-Toxic Products

You might be surprised to find out how many household products are actually toxic. Multiple cosmetics have toxic ingredients that when poured down the sink, cannot be removed from the water system. Some things are called forever chemicals and are also known as polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). These can enter the body in small numbers, but they build up over time and cause problems. Commonly used things like nail polish, plastic bowls, and nonstick cookware have them. To avoid forever chemicals, don’t buy nonstick cookware, put your food in glass storage containers, and buy products that say on the label they are PFAS free. To read more about these chemicals, read here: Everything in Your Home That May Have PFAS Forever Chemicals | TIME

If you clean your house, you might be using hazardous products as well. Aerosol spray products contaminate the air and can exacerbate lung conditions. Air fresheners do the same thing. Some conventional cleaning products that are non-aerosol are loaded with toxic substances too. You can combat this by buying environmentally safe cleaning products, but those can be expensive. However, you can make your own cleaning products. Castille soap, vinegar, and baking soda are non-toxic cleaning products you can use. Countertop cleaning products can be made with equal parts white vinegar and water. This will clean and help kill certain bacteria like salmonella and e. coli. You can also create spells for making magic and you can learn how here: How to Write a Spell | Spell Guide

Reduce Energy Use

You don’t have to go without utilities to reduce energy use. You just have to change how you use them. Keep your curtains and blinds drawn during the hottest parts of the day to reduce how fast your place heats up in Summer. If heat bothers you more than cold, reduce use of heat in winter by a degree or more to save energy. If you have errands, group how you do them. Go in a straight line through town to do all the errands on one side of town, and on the way back, stop at the other places on that side. Do online bill pay so you can go paperless, thus saving trees, and keeping used paper from going into the landfill. Carpool when you can, walk or ride a bicycle when you can, and do less car trips in general. Read about psychic energy here: Converting Negative Energy into Positive Energy

Control Waste

Control Waste

There was a time when people were only asked to put trash in certain places instead of just dumping it on the ground, but now we know that is not enough to help. The US EPA reported that in 2018, human beings generated about 4.9 pounds of trash per day per person. That adds up to 292.4 million tons of trash annually in the US. This does not count trash in all the other nations of the world. At some point, we will run out of space on the planet for trash, so we have to do something else. To combat this, a three-step action plan of reducing trash production by doing things like reusing things and recycling them can be done. Read more statistics here: National Overview: Facts and Figures on Materials, Wastes and Recycling | US EPA


Reducing the amount of trash you create sounds difficult, but you can start small. Buy more products that are not in single use containers, so there is not as much to throw away. Use a refillable water bottle instead of disposable bottles of water. Don’t get rid of your clothing every season if you can help it. Clothes can be worn year after year with different accessories to make them fashionable. Use washable plates, glasses and cups, and cutlery instead of using disposable ones.


Buy things at antique malls, resale shops, or thrift stores as often as possible instead of buying everything new. Not only will it save money, but it will also keep things out of the landfill. Pull your stakes and trellises at the end of the growing season and reuse them in your garden next year. Take things you no longer want to donate if you don’t want to sell them online or do yard sales. Set up a day to swap things with friends. Have everybody bring whatever they own that they want to get rid of, and let just people take what they want for free. Donate whatever is left over. Use old clothes to make quilts, purses, or crafts projects, and wear worn, but still comfortable clothes as pajamas. Speaking of pajamas, read about interpreting dreams here: How to Interpret Dreams Spiritually


Some communities have programs where they pick up recyclable things at your front door. Not every place offers this, but you can find a recycling drop point in most towns. This might seem like a lot of work, but it makes a big difference. The above cited link from the US EPA says that in 2018, of the 292.4 million tons of trash, about 69 million tons of it was recycled. Then about 25 million tons of it were composted and the amount of trash that was composted and recycled combined added up to 32.1% of all the trash. Along with other types of waste management, about 50% of all trash escaped the landfills. Continuing this and improving upon it is worth the effort.

Protect All Life

Protect All Life

Humans are not the only living creatures on the planet. It’s hard to know exactly how what we do causes animals to suffer, because they can’t talk to us to tell us. Controlling waste so pollution doesn’t destroy animal’s homes is just one thing we can do to protect life on the planet. We can also be mindful of what we use for pest control and we can plant things. Respecting animals means staying out of their territories so they can live, and we can rescue them when they need our help. We can also volunteer or donate.

Use Natural Pest Control

The author’s husband may or may not have dropped a tortilla chip on the floor and left it there all night. When she awoke the next day, there was a swarm of hungry ants happily dissembling the chip to carry home. She didn’t reach for the chemical insecticide. Instead, she swept the ants up and carried them outside and discarded the chip. That took care of the ants. When you have ants in your kitchen, all you have to do is remove the food that draws them, and they won’t have any reason to be there. Remember to wipe the floor where they were with soap and water because ants release scent pheromones where they have found food to act as a map to guide them back in case they can find more food there. Soap and water takes those pheromones away. Instead of using toxic sprays to kill insects, divert them and let them live elsewhere. Other tricks to get rid of insects is to plant things like marigolds or lavender, which repels them. Read about the spiritual meaning of dragonflies here: What is the Meaning of the Dragonfly?

Plant Things

Trees are called the lungs of the planet, because they produce oxygen. Planting trees is one thing you can do to benefit the planet. They provide shade from heat, and homes for countless birds, frogs, and other creatures like raccoons. Some trees also produce food that humans and other species can enjoy. Trees are not the only thing you can plant. Planting things that are native to your region will help to enrich the ecosystem and keep it healthy. Planting your own flower garden and tending to it can help prevent unwanted things like poison ivy from taking over. A fruit orchard or vegetable garden can help feed you and your family and save money on groceries. Gardening lowers blood pressure, gets you outside in nature, and helps keep you active. Read about the spiritual meaning of trees here: Spiritual Meaning of Trees and Their Symbolism

Respect Animals

Like humans, animals want to be free to live good lives. Sometimes, we interfere with that, but don’t worry. There are things we can do to respect the animals and their right to a peaceful, happy, healthy existence. We can stay out of their environments, and not disturb them. We can step in and rescue them when we are needed. Even if we cannot directly influence them, we can donate to causes or do volunteer work that helps.

Stay off Animal’s Space

You might have seen viral videos where people have stepped off the path to interact with wild animals in National Parks and been reminded of why the path is there when the animal attacks them. We share this planet with animals, we don’t own it, and animals are just as deserving of having their homes respected as humans are. We are considered a species that is overpopulated and this has created challenges for nature. We push into more wild spaces to make our homes, which displaces animals. We use more food and water so that is less resources for animals. We are responsible for deforestation, which erodes soils and takes homes from animals. The least we can do is not engage wild animals or take more from them than we have to.

Instead of ripping up bunnie’s nests because you think it makes your lawn ugly, leave the bunnies be, and do something like plant some flowers for beautification instead. Do not engage wild animals for selfies. It terrifies them and if they injure you, the authorities might euthanize them. If you are not allergic to bees, is it really crucial to knock down the beehive in the woods by your house? Try to live in harmony with animals, not encroaching on their territories. Read about spirit animals here: What Spirit Animal Am I? | Spirit Animal Quiz

Rescue Animals

Sometimes, humans have to step in to help animals. Dogs and cats especially need our help when they are strays or feral. Our modern cities don’t always allow them the space they need to hunt enough food and shelter can be hard to find. In addition, being injured by being hit by cars or attacked by cruel people can incapacitate them. Reporting animal abuse can help, but someone has to do the work to help animals that have been rescued. If you can, adopt an animal, or do work for local animal shelters. Even if you don’t adopt animals, helping baby birds back to the nest or taking an orphaned baby squirrel to a wildlife center saves a life. Taking minutes of your time can save an animal and give it a chance for a happy, safe life. Read about the spiritual meaning of dogs here: Dog Spiritual Meaning, Symbolism, and Dreams

Volunteer or Donate

Do you have extra time or money you can put toward making a difference in animal’s lives? Your help is appreciated and needed. What about if you can’t? You can share information about causes. You never know when sharing what you know about animal welfare organizations will lead to somebody reaching out to help. Your local animal rights group might have fundraisers. Do you have anything you can donate to that cause? Can you post flyers or forward invitations to the fundraiser? If you have extra time on weekends or evenings, can you go to the animal shelter to walk dogs or pet cats? Check your local listings to see who can use your help. For example, people in the Central Ohio region can contact the Ohio Wildlife Center to help: Ohio Wildlife Center | Humane Wildlife Control & Animal Rehabilitation

Buy Sustainable Products

You can buy products that don’t hurt the environment. For example, instead of buying an artificial holiday tree that is coated with toxic materials, buy a real tree. Isn’t it bad to cut down trees? Well, holiday tree farms grow trees year-round, which benefits the environment. The trees are cut down and more trees are planted. The money they earn keeps them in business, so they keep planting trees. You can recycle used holiday trees at places like parks or zoos that accept them. Some companies use animal testing which some people consider to be cruel, so you can buy only beauty products made by companies that don’t test on animals. You can also buy products that are made of recycled materials, supporting recycling!

We can do a lot of good every day with everything we do, or we can cause a lot of harm. It doesn’t take a lot to make a big difference and it doesn’t have to be uncomfortable, expensive, or difficult. It just takes some thoughtfulness, and you can help protect and save our planet. We need you!

Would you like to know more about your animal spirit guide? Get a reading started to find out: Online Psychic Readings. Read all about spirit guides, the spiritual significance of animals, and psychic animals in our articles section: Articles & Media | Psychic Service.

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