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Ayahuasca & Psychedelic Drugs: Holy or Drug Trip?

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
August 02, 2024
Ayahuasca & Psychedelic Drugs:  Holy or Drug Trip?
Ayahuasca & Psychedelic Drugs: Holy or Drug Trip?

What are psychedelic drugs and are they really as great for spirituality as some people say? Are they just another kind of drug, and the damage they could do outweighs the possibility of a positive experience? Find out these answers as well as what some psychedelics are and what they do.

If some people are to be believed, the greatest spiritual experiences are had while under the influence of psychedelic substances. These are supposed to be things that alter the mind in good ways and open avenues of understanding about the powerful truths of the universe. Other people say the human body reacts to these mind-altering substances by going on a drug induced trip and returning worse for the wear with the possibility of permanent damage. So which is it? Join Mysticsense as we explore psychedelic drugs. Find out what they are, what some of them do, and the pros and cons of using them.

What Are Psychedelics?

What Are Psychedelics?

These are hallucinogenic substances that change the human mind. They can produce hallucinations, and make you hear sounds differently, sense light differently, and they can even make your body feel different. They have been used in ancient religious societies for centuries to produce visions or heightened senses of awareness. Because there are countless psychedelic substances, reactions to these vary and each person can react differently. Some people have intense emotional changes or experience a sensation of complete calm and detachment. Others get sick, anxious, and wish they never tried them.

More research is being done, but so far, for the most part, it is accepted they affect the serotonin levels, which decide moods and how we sleep and also the prefrontal cortex of the brain, where personality, planning, and behavior is orchestrated. Substances that control one or both of these things will have a major influence on us. Modern medicine is studying certain psychedelics like ketamine to treat psychiatric issues and some like fentanyl are used for pain control. With luck, and of course plenty of research, science can find ways for psychedelics to promote long term healing. Read about luck here: How to Make Your Own Luck 

Psychedelics have been used in religious ceremonies and traditional medicine for countless centuries. The San Pedro cactus has been used in healing by people in the Andean region for at least 2,000 years. Iboga, a shrub, has been used in Africa as medicine and as a stimulant to keep warriors awake for long periods of time. The Pythia, or Oracles at Delphi fell into deep trances and spoke for gods and provided divination. It is now believed they were inspired by hallucinogenic gasses rising from the earth combined from fumes of burning oleander leaves. Ancient holy people and their descendants have always known just how to use psychedelics to heal, and to create spiritual experiences. What are these psychedelics?

Different Psychedelics

There are countless psychedelic substances. Some of the most well known are some of the most widely available ones. Magic mushrooms, ayahuasca, and peyote might be the most famous, but those are difficult to attain. More easily attained LSD and ,marijuana, which are used widely.

Peyote or Mescaline

Peyote or Mescaline

Peyote is a small spineless cactus that grows in parts of Mexico and Texas. It has been used by First Nations people for at least 5,000 years. The active ingredient in it is called mescaline, and it produces altered senses of time, space, and body image as well as a sense of euphoria. It can also increase heart rate and blood pressure and produce intense vomiting, anxiety, and hallucinations. It can produce extreme joy or terror and enhance the senses to the extreme. To the Huichol, peyote helps aid in communication with the divine and creates spiritual visions.

Today, to use peyote, you need to find your own or buy it, and it’s hard to come by. You can buy seeds or starts and grow your own, but it is a slow growing plant. Texas is the only state in the US where selling peyote is legal, and there are few who sell it. There is another hoop to jump through to score peyote, though. You need to be a member of The Native American Church to buy it, and you have to prove your ancestry as a Native American to join. Read about Oya, a goddess of transformation: Oya, Goddess of Transformation


This is a concoction produced in South America by various indigenous holy people and a variety of different plants go into it. It is used in divination, healing, and in rituals. Primarily banistereopsis caapi vine is used in it, with other plants added in. What is in the concoction varies based on region and which individual is making it. It is often used for ritual purification, spirit communication, healing, and to create mystical experiences. It can create flashbacks to past traumas that can overwhelm some people, and for others, this can be healing. It creates euphoria and a sense of peace. It can also create violent vomiting and diarrhea as well as heart rate issues. Many who use it say it allows them to be aware of their thoughts and emotions without judgment.

Magic Mushrooms

Also known as the psilocybin mushroom, there are about 200 different kinds of fungi that produce psilocybin. The amanita muscaria is one of these magic mushrooms that has been used by Western Siberian holy people to achieve trance. Research to the effects of this substance have taken place over the years, showing that high doses of it can produce paranoia and anxiety, but modern research into using small amounts of it to treat depression have turned up some promising results and this substance could very well be used to develop a cure. Read about that here: Psilocybin Treatment for Major Depression Effective for Up to a Year for Most Patients, Study Shows | Johns Hopkins Medicine



Known as Mary Jane, or Weed, marijuana comes from the cannabis plant. It is native to South and Central Asia, and is grown all over the world because it is very popular as a recreational drug. In both Hinduism and Rastafarianism, it is a sacred plant, and the god Shiva himself is said to use marijuana. Using marijuana, known as ganja to Rastas, is considered a sacrament and it is used in a practice called “grounding”. During grounding, gatherings of people happens, and they recite poetry, drum, and have conversations. They say ganja promotes love and peace and allows you to discover inner divinity. They also say burning it acts as an incense that wards off immorality. Read about warding off evil spirits: Warding off Wicked Spirits


Salvia itself is a large group of plants, and it includes over 1,000 different ones. Salvia divinorum, known as magic mint or seers sage, has a compound in the leaves that can be chewed, smoked, or steeped into a tea to drink. Native to a region in Oaxaca, Mexico, it is considered dangerous, so at least half of states have laws against using it. Mazatec people of Oaxaca have used it for spiritual purposes as well as psilocybin and morning glory seeds. Because these people are private about their religious practice, little is known about their use of the plant. The plant is only known to grow in this region and produces few seeds. Tests show low toxicity levels in the plant, and it is reported to produce a meditative trance. It can also make you laugh uncontrollably, have a sense of euphoria, or create a distorted sense of reality or a feeling of being out of your body.


Also known as Acid or Lucy, LSD means lysergic acid diethylamide. It is created from a fungus that grows on rye and grain which is called ergot. The effects of LSD can start within an half hour, peak within 3-4 hours, and last for up to 20 hours, although most effects last 8-10 hours. It produces hallucinations and feelings of euphoria, which are said to last for days or weeks after ingestion or what is known as a “bad acid trip.” This can cause extreme fear or paranoia and suicidal thoughts. While some sufferers of schizophrenia report that their condition worsens from LSD, some people with anxiety disorder report decreased symptoms. A feeling of unity with the cosmos, euphoria, and an appreciation for life are reported by a lot of users. More studies are being done to find out if LSD can be used medicinally. Read about making positive changes in life: How to Make Positive Changes

The Pros

People who swear by psychedelics have some appealing reasons for using them. They say using psychedelics is a great way to open the channels of spirit communication. They say it also opens your mind in general, not just spiritually. They say these things change your life for the better.

Spirit Communication

Some people swear they open channels with spirits when they use psychedelics. C.A Green stated taking LSD made him embrace his faith, and a healer named Carolyn Fine said it opened her to her faith as well. Some people are able to drop consciousness of the material world and commune directly with spirit beings and some people say they meet their higher power.

Mind Opening

Psychedelics directly change your brain, even temporarily, and allows your thoughts to progress differently than usual. This can allow for shifts in perception and new levels or awareness. They can also help heal from addiction, emotional trauma, or psychiatric problems. Some people say they experience the reality of how interconnected all life in the world is, and feeling this creates a feeling of oneness with creation that is unforgettable. Realizing your own strengths and imperfections without judging yourself gives you room to improve and grow without shame.

Life Changing

Realizations, epiphanies, and making contact with spirit entities can change your life in unexplainable ways. Having relief for anxiety, depression, or PTSD from past traumas can take stress off you and allow you space to heal. Psychedelics are also used to help people get over substance addiction, and living a life free of addiction after many years of being an addict is a wonderful and welcome change.

The Cons

On the other hand, there are some serious things to take into consideration. Because there is little research into psychedelics, we don’t know exactly what they do to the body short term or long term. The way somebody’s body reacts may not be the same way somebody else’s does. Then there is the ugly issue of the fact that misappropriating sacred practices from other cultures means you lack the knowledge to use their tools and substances effectively. Finally, any damage from something you take into your body can be permanent.

We Don’t Know What They Do

Not enough research has been done on many psychedelics to show what will happen to you. You could very well be a “guinea pig” to ‘see what happens’ when you take a psychedelic. Short term, it has been shown peyote in small amounts does not cause damage. So far, small amounts of peyote used properly appear safe. However, large amounts? We don’t know. Even if you know people who use psychedelics, their bodies are not the same as yours. You may have a severe reaction none of them has. You might also take a psychedelic that counteracts with a medication or creates an allergic reaction. Read about psychic healing here: Psychic Protection for Family Problems

Cultural Misappropriation

To be an indigenous holy person, you study for a long time. Learning to do ritual with psychedelics is just a part of that training. It is a sacred clergy position and an honor to serve the people and the gods. These holy people have trained with elders who trained with elders, and who also trained with elders. Countless generations of holy people learned how to use psychedelics in ritual and worship safely. Without that knowledge, you can’t do what they do. Don’t assume that you are going to get a piece of peyote or make some ayahuasca and replicate the experience trained indigenous holy people will. There are some groups who will welcome you as a guest, but only if you seek spiritual enlightenment as a devotee of their tradition- not as somebody who wants a ‘groovy high’ and disrespects their traditions to try and get it from them

Damage Can Be Irreversible

Overdose can lead to death with many substances. Psilocybin, when overused, can create extreme anxiety and this and other psychedelics can impair thinking and make people believe they have superhuman abilities, which lead them to decide to do dangerous things. Something called serotonin syndrome can also result. It is caused when substances build up unnaturally high amounts of serotonin in the body and can elevate heart rate and blood pressure as well as cause seizures and unconsciousness, all of which are dangerous and could be fatal. Read about energy healing: All You Need to Know About Energy Healing

Psychedelics are said to provide pathways to the creator and to the divine self within us. Ancient practices were developed to use these substances for healing, spirituality, and are considered sacred. Today’s people seek out the powers of psychedelics, but they don’t always have access to indigenous ways of using them, and can get sick, or even overdose. Are psychedelics sacred or holy? It all depends on who uses them, how they are used, and the reason they are used for. Not everybody’s health or medical needs allow them to use psychedelics, but some people’s do. Should you use psychedelics? Only you can decide. Just make sure they are used respectfully, and properly. May all your experiences with them be safe, sacred, and unforgettable. So be It.

Plants and drugs are said to give life changing epiphanies, but so can a psychic reading. Reach out and get a reading started today. Make sure to sign up for our horoscopes to find out what the future holds.

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