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Aliens: Are We Alone in the Universe?

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
August 28, 2024
Aliens: Are We Alone in the Universe?
Aliens: Are We Alone in the Universe?

Aliens, UFO’s, and stories about ancient aliens like the Anunnaki seems like pure fiction, but is there truth to them? Discover the evidence for life on other planets and decide for yourself if aliens are real.

Some people work at establishing alien contact, and others believe there is no such thing. Who is right? Stories from many years ago speak of beings who possessed superior knowledge and visited humanity to being messages or decree fate. Does the big eyed “space man” of fiction exist, or is it all a big hoax? Join Mysticsense to learn about aliens. Find out what aliens and UFO’s are and discover the scriptural writings about ancient aliens. Read what the evidence about aliens says and what the naysayers believe. Most importantly, do we have to worry about an alien invasion? By the time we end our exploration of aliens, you might realize that you, too, have had an alien encounter!

What is an Alien?

What is an Alien?

“There may be aliens in our Milky Way galaxy, and there are billions of other galaxies. The probability is almost certain that there is life somewhere in space.” – Buzz Aldrin

 Aliens are beings that are not from earth. Also known as extraterrestrial life, aliens are believed to have their own civilizations, home planets, and languages, like humans do. While some people assume planet earth is the only one capable of supporting life, Harvard professor Harlow Shapley stated that “ The universe has ten million, million, million suns similar to our own. One in a million has planets around it. Only one in a million million has the right combination of chemicals, temperature, water, days and nights to support planetary life as we know it. This calculation arrives at the estimated figure of 100 million worlds where life has been forged by evolution.”

It is hard to argue with such facts, but few, if many have claimed to see an alien. What are they like? In 218 B.C.E, Livy stated there were phantom ships in the sky. In 65 A.D. Flavius Josephus said he saw chariots being driven through the sky. In 740 A.D., multiple places in the Irish Annals record ships sailing in the sky. In modern times, in 1803 in Japan, some fishermen said they opened a mysterious vessel and a woman with red and white hair, dressed unusually, and speaking a language they had never heard before talked to them and showed them a box she would not allow them to touch. People who have said they have seen aliens often report they have grey or green skin, large black eyes, and are about three feet tall. Some say they are reptilian, and others say they are tall with blonde hair and blue eyes. Read about the symbolism of another airborne creature, the bird here:What Do Different Birds Symbolize?

What is a UFO?

What is a UFO?

“I’m sure the universe is full of intelligent life. It’s just been too intelligent to come here.” – Arthur C. Clarke

UFO means Unidentified Flying Object, and UFO’s have been reported throughout history. UFO’s have been called ships or chariots, but some are just unusual sightings of light. Irish myth talks about something called Will-o-the-wisp. This is a mysterious apparition of lights that appear near bogs, marshes, or swamps, and has been attested to for many generations. The tales say not to waste your time trying to approach it because the more you walk toward it, the farther away it gets.

 In 1896 and 1897, a slew of reports about “mystery airships'' swamped the media in the US. There were multiple nighttime sightings of lights in the sky in places like California, Michigan, and Nebraska. Some accounts were simply about a light moving through the sky and others were detailed about the appearance of an airship and even described passengers. One account from November 22, 1896 was recounted by hundreds of people in Sacramento, Red Bluff, Yolo, Los Angeles, and multiple other cities. It has never been discovered what caused the mystery airship sightings of 1896 and 1897. Perhaps aliens? Read about the meaning of flies here:The Symbolism of Flies

Ancient Aliens

“UFO’s are as real as the airplanes flying overhead.”- Paul Hellyer

Belief in life from outside our planet isn’t a new thing at all. People have talked about other beings who visit earth, some of whom were gods, and others who served a god. The Anunnaki of the ancient world share much in common with wat people describe as aliens as do angels. Sometimes, though, things from outside of our planet come here in surprising ways.

The Anunnaki

The Anunnaki are a group of ancient gods worshiped in Babylon, Akkad, Assyria, and Sumeria. They are gods and goddesses who have been tasked with deciding the fates of human beings. There are at least seven of them , but there may be more. Some of them named are Inanna, Utu, Nanna, Ninhursag, Enki, Enlil, and An. Since different people venerated them in ancient times, different tasks were ascribed to them, and they did more than just decree fate. What makes them possible candidates for being thought of as alien lifeforms, is they came to earth in what looked like spaceships and they were associated with heavenly bodies like the Sun, Moon, and Venus. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Anunnaki set the world aflame, and Ishtar, the equivalent of Inanna grieves when the world is destroyed.

Authors like Michael Cremo and Erich von Daniken believed the Anunnaki were an alien species masquerading as gods. Some say they built monuments like the pyramids and Stonehenge and other theories say the Anunnaki created human beings to be their servants. It is noteworthy that cuneiform tablets from Sumeria survive showing they were knowledgeable about the cosmos. They made precise mathematical calculations about the orbit of Jupiter- a feat they accomplished 1,600 years before the Europeans managed to do it. While some modern people assume that modern telescopes and rockets to other planets are necessary to discover things about other planets, people like the Sumerians, Aztecs, Egyptians, and ancient Celts understood the movements of the heavens very well. Did the Anunnaki teach humanity these things? We may never know. Read about goddesses and gods of war here:Who is the Goddess and God of War?


Winged beings who are not from here that are said to appear to humans have been written about in the Jewish and Christian scriptures, and today we call them angels. The Hebrew word for angel means “messenger” and these beings were servants of the high god YHVH/ Jehovah. They carried out malevolent and benevolent jobs for him. Rabbinic Judaism says they are bodyless beings created from fire and some experts say post Exilic literature transformed angels from being supernatural “sons of god” who sat on the divine council to mere servants of YHVH. Angels were good beings who served their god, and there were demonic beings who were evil. The Kabbalah teaches that angels were created to complete tasks and once they complete them, the angel ceases to exist. For example, in the book of Exodus, an angel passed over Egypt and slew every firstborn Egyptian child. In the book of Judges, an angel curses those who do not help YHVH against his enemies. Read more about angels here: A Complete Guide to Working With Angels

Things From Space

Believe it or not, things from outside our planet have made it to earth before. An impact event is when something from outside a planet makes it into the atmosphere and falls to the ground. Researchers believe multiple impact events have happened on earth, but the one that created a huge difference is called the Chicxulub Impact. 66 million years ago, an asteroid that could have been up to 9 miles wide struck the earth and created so much devastation, it killed about ¾ of animal and plant life on earth. In 1908, an asteroid that may have been as large as 200 feet wide hit Russia and flattened over 800 square miles of forest. Some researchers believe an asteroid may have brought water to earth. Astronauts bring samples from other planets to earth to study them. Cosmic dust is something that is particles from space that falls to earth, and it happens all the time. Who knows what changes and organisms these will bring to our planet? Read about earth here:What is the Earth Element in Astrology?

Evidence of Aliens

“ For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don’t believe, no proof is possible.”- Stuart Chase

Both historical and modern accounts are the proof we have of aliens. Some have said that ancient depictions of gods and goddesses in places like Egypt, which shows beings who have some human features, and some animal features probably showed alien life. The Egyptian god, Sobek, for example, has been portrayed as a man with a crocodile head. The ancient Mesopotamians believed in Anzu, a massive bird being who was the personification of the thunder clouds and the south wind. Hinduism believes some of the gods travel from place to place in flying palaces or chariots called Vimana. Ancient art depicting such beings is often taken as proof that beings who are not from earth have always visited here. Read about folklore of the sky during the sunrise of sunset here:Sunset and Sunrise Meaning in Magic and Folklore

Some people believe that before modern times, large monuments like the pyramids of Egypt, Stonehenge, and the Stone Figures of Easter Island were created by aliens. Then there are photographs. Countless photos exist that people claim are aliens or their spaceships, and some people say these photos could be aviation vehicles the government is testing, or simply aircraft the photographer had never seen before. To see some of these photos, read here:The Enticing Mysteries of U.F.O. Photography | The New Yorker

Who Says Aliens Aren’t Real?

“Two possibilities exist: Either we are alone in the universe, or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.” – Arthur C. Clarke

There might be people who swear they have seen aliens or UFO’s, but there are other people who don’t believe it. Some say because there is no documented evidence on a large scale that it is impossible that life is elsewhere in the universe. Some people believe that people who say they had an alien encounter are lying, want attention, or else hallucinated. Some people say the shapes seen in the sky are probably just unusual cloud formations, or that people have seen government spacecraft they had never seen before and wrongly assumed it as from another planet or even another galaxy. Some photos and videos have been proven to be fake, and this further makes some people believe it is all a sham. Some people say the shear lack of an alien presence on earth shows aliens do not exist. One mysterious creature some people think is too beautiful to be real is the jaguar and you can read about it here: What is the Spiritual Meaning of Jaguars?

Is an Alien Invasion Possible?

Is an Alien Invasion Possible?

“ One alien is a curiosity. Two are an invasion.” - Ursula K Le Guin

Anything is possible, but that doesn’t mean it will happen. If aliens have existed on other planets and in other galaxies all this time, and they have never invaded, chances are, they won’t. Some fictional TV shows and films depict disaster scenarios where hostile aliens swarm the earth, bringing destruction to the planet and especially targeting humans to be terrorized. Why is this such a popular theme for horror fiction? Perhaps because the human mind fears being enslaved or destroyed, and our fears make us imagine the worst possible scenarios. If alien lifeforms have visited as angels and the Anunnaki like religions say they have, they have not invaded or created destruction, and chances are they have no intentions of doing so. One creature that scares people but isn’t necessarily dangerous is the snake and you can read about it here:What is the Spiritual Meaning of a Snake?

Have You Had an Alien Encounter?

“ Alien 1- Did humans receive our message?

Alien 2- yes, but they named it dubstep and dance to it.”-

Maybe you have not been “beamed up” onto a spaceship like some people say they have been, but you believe you have seen or met alien life. How can you tell if it has happened? Angel visits are reported to bring a sense of peace, protection, and feeling like you have received a message from the divine. The Anunnaki may visit in the form of a flood, and you may be unaware they have been there. About 15,000 tons of cosmic dust falls to earth annually, but much of it disintegrates in the atmosphere before landing. However, about 5,000 tons of it makes it to the surface of our planet each year. So maybe, just maybe you have touched it at some time or another. Chances are, you have already had an alien encounter and if you haven’t yet, you will someday.

Gods, angels, cosmic dust. It has been documented that they have all made it here throughout history, and there is no telling when they will come again. Could these be the basis for stories about aliens, or do green men wearing silver suits riding in tiny flying saucers want to come invade the earth or kidnap people to take them home to a faraway planet? Some people swear they have the answers, but we all have to decide for ourselves. Are we alone in the universe, or is there life out there? If scriptures are to be believed, aliens exist, just maybe not in the way modern fiction says they do.

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