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Jupiter Meaning in Astrology

Rachel Clare
By Rachel Clare
June 13, 2022
Jupiter Meaning in Astrology
Jupiter Meaning in Astrology
TL;DRJupiter is the ruling planet of wisdom, knowledge and ambition, so, our Jupiter star sign is incredibly important at revealing how these qualities present in ourselves. Learn all about Jupiter chart ruler, how the planet impacts our behavior and what its significance is within our natal chart.

Jupiter Planet Meaning

Jupiter Planet Meaning

Being the fourth brightest object in the night’s sky, alongside one of the few planets visible from earth, Jupiter has been observable since ancient times. Due to this, there is no single person that has been credited as its discoverer. The Romans named Jupiter after the King of the Gods as Jupiter’s energy and influence is incredibly godlike; the illusive planet is the ruler of knowledge, good luck, wisdom and fruitfulness. Jupiter has also long been associated with the qualities of compassion, generosity, understanding and temperance. In short, for thousands of years, this wonderful planet has been viewed as a protector, and even paternal in nature. 

What Does Jupiter Mean in Astrology?

What Does Jupiter Mean in Astrology?

What sign does Jupiter rule? In Astrology, Jupiter is the planetary ruler of Sagittarius and, in traditional astrology, Pisces. As such, these two signs are believed to possess many of the traits and qualities exuded by Jupiter. Knowing this, we can say that Pisceans and Sagittarians have their sights set on the more important aspects of life - living life to the fullest and often having an appreciation for spirituality. Both signs also desire meaning in their life and have incredible interpersonal skills, making everyone feel at ease in their company. These factors combined mean that both Sagittarius and Pisces are often drawn to charitable and humanitarian pursuits in life. They are called to help others and strive to make a difference.

In addition to this, Jupiter has always been regarded as a highly influential planet in Astrology. The planet has a strong energy, dictating whether or not individuals’ efforts will be recognised or rewarded depending on its placement at the time. A person under Jupiter's influence also learns to set big goals and pursue them regardless of the circumstances; they are passionate about making money and can take care of themselves in a material sense. Not only this, but Jupiter encourages people to gain new knowledge and pursue their dreams - in addition to helping to define our guiding principles, this planet inspires us to always move toward success. As Jupiter inspires us to dream big, we might have to be risky at times.

What Does Jupiter Retrograde Mean?

What Does Jupiter Retrograde Mean?

Due to its extensive orbit, Jupiter enters a retrograde phase about every nine months, lasting about four months each time. When a planet retrogrades, it’s energy encourages internal introspection for those of the sign through which it is transiting. Therefore, when Jupiter is in retrograde, this manifests as a period of profound inner growth, particularly within the realm of the spiritual and philosophical. Due to this introspection, the planet’s retrograde often signals a personal transformation for people. We have the opportunity to conignnect with our inner compass, our indivisible inner truth, and the source within in order to realign and reconnect.

Alongside this, Mercury's retrograde will often bring detours in areas that Jupiter is transiting, as well as the opportunity for course corrections. A retrograde journey aims at looking at the big picture, finding balance, and pulling back if we have veered too far off course. The retrograding process might also raise questions about the traits governing each sign. There are some signs that might be entering a period of deep philosophical inquiry, or even diving into esoteric, religious, spiritual, and metaphysical studies. Upon gaining perspective and seeing things in a new light after the retrograde process, we can discover previously overlooked blessings and greater potential. Even when faced with a situation that seems beyond our ability to handle, one may realize their good fortune once the retrograde energy settles and we can look back. It's as if one's faith is reaffirmed by a greater invisible force that governs our universe and existence. With greater awareness comes the beginning of the inner journey of self-realization. Only then can there be a true discovery of one's gifts, and a greater appreciation for this gift of life.

Jupiter Numerology

Jupiter Numerology

Jupiter rules people born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th of any month. These people are all classified as ‘number three people in the world of numerology. With this in mind, Number three people are extremely ambitious - they do not appreciate being in a subordinate position and they often desire having control and authority over others. They are also excellent at executing commands as order and discipline are at the heart of everything they do. Also, while Number threes are quick to obey orders themselves, they also expect their orders to be obeyed. In business and other industrial spheres, number three people often quickly rise through the ranks. 

Jupiter in the Natal Chart

Jupiter in the Natal Chart

You probably already know your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs, and possibly even your Mercury sign. However, we all have a sign for every planet in the solar system, and today, we’re looking at the sign of Jupiter. When we talk about our ‘Jupiter sign’, we are referring to the position of Jupiter at the time of our birth, when a sign is said to "house Jupiter". Jupiter moves slowly, spending approximately 12 months in each sign, taking 12 years to complete a complete Zodiac circle. As a result, it's one of the easiest signs to locate and can be positioned anywhere in relation to your Sun sign.

Jupiter Characteristics Astrology

Jupiter Characteristics Astrology

The planet Jupiter is associated with luck, fortune, success, and generosity, standing as a force for good in the universe. When Jupiter passes through our Zodiac sign, it connects us to our sense of purpose and is a source of wisdom that reveals what we can learn and share with others. However, Jupiter is not only about finding the winning lottery numbers or landing the jobs of our dreams - even the worst situations are magnified and enlarged by Jupiter. For this reason, knowing your Jupiter sign calls for careful self-examination so we can identify our own desires and avoid wasting time on things that aren't useful to us. 

Jupiter in Aries

Jupiter in Aries is a powerful placement for this mighty planet. People born under this sign find their greatest luck when they step into the spotlight and take the lead. When individuals take action and seize opportunities, instead of relying on others to make it happen for them, they are able to find prosperity and opportunity. When they choose to be innovative, inspire others, and want to make a difference, the world bends more easily to their will. Individuals in this category tend to think big, know when it's a good time to take risks, and create their own opportunities. Jupiter-in-Aries people shine brightly when the Sun is in Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius.

Jupiter in Taurus

While Jupiter is the planet of knowledge, wisdom and the act of deep thought, Taurus is the zodiac’s most immobile, stagnant sign. So, when these two join forces, we are reminded that the answers we seek are always close by and don’t need to be painstakingly searched for. Spirituality is not an abstract notion that others possess but that we should merely aspire to - it is always around but becomes lost in the pace of everyday living. As such, those with their Jupiter sign in Taurus must remember to push past the distractions and tune into the wisdom that exists within us all.

Jupiter in Gemini

Those with Jupiter in Gemini are all about forming connections with others and taking advantage of their communication skills to promote prosperity and luck. Naturally, individuals with this placement are exceedly talented in writing, speaking, pitching and media. Opportunities are attracted to them as they are social, liberal and adaptable people. By showing their curiosity regarding other people’s lives and the wider world, Jupiter-in-Gemini lives are enriched greatly. Yearning for further knowledge and deepening their understanding of the world will also lead to fascinating discoveries of the self. 

Jupiter in Cancer

Cancer and Jupiter are incredibly harmonious celestial entities. The sign of Cancer endorses compassion, sensitivity and empathy and Jupiter possesses a similar altruistic quality. As such, those with Jupiter in Cancer are especially charitable people and by helping others, are likely to be rewarded with good luck and fortune. Moreover, these individuals tend to have extremely heightened intuitive abilities. 

Jupiter in Leo

People with Jupiter in Leo have a creative energy and are often very confident, extroverted beings. They rarely shy away from the spotlight and can draw a lot of attention everywhere they go. These individuals may also thrive in careers involving entertainment, media and art, or even perhaps in industries involving children. Their joyous and vibrant energy is inspiring to others and by being warm and kind, they will find themselves excelling greatly. That being said, those with Jupiter in Leo must be careful to avoid appearing vain or arrogant.

Jupiter in Virgo

Jupiter-in-Virgo people are often seen as the caregiver of a friendship group. They are nurturing by nature and take genuine delight in helping others, making lives easier and being a beacon of hope. For these special people, helping out is not just providing a favor for others, it is a gift to themselves and helps nourish their soul. Those with Jupiter in Virgo are also incredible hard-workers who are prone to burn out on occasion. 

Jupiter in Libra

Those with Jupiter in Libra are some of the most balanced, fair-minded and stable people out there. They have equity on their mind at all times and are the masters of rationalization. Not only this, but they are gracious and considerate people, while still possessing the boundaries needed to prevent being taken advantage of. They use charm to get to the places they need to be, without being conniving or inauthentic. These people value friendships and relationships above all else and as such, run in extensive circles and have an active social life. 

Jupiter in Scorpio 

So, what does Jupiter in Scorpio mean? Those with Jupiter in Scorpio put their all into everything they do. They are passionate, driven individuals with almost obsessive tendencies when it comes to achieving their goals. Their innate attraction to mystery also draws them towards the study of psychology and their committed attitude makes them keen problem solvers. Sometimes, however, Jupiter-in-Scorpios can let their emotions get the better of them and can be quite vengeful when wronged by others. 

Jupiter in Sagittarius

Those with Jupiter in Sagittarius are full of enthusiasm and drive. They put their all into any project on the go and inspire others to do the same all the while. Jupiter-in-Sagittarius are also keen knowledge-seekers, looking to better their understanding of various areas of life. As Sagittarius are goal-oriented, career-driven individuals already, when the ambitious energy of Jupiter is factored into the picture, these people will stop at nothing to reach for the stars. That being said, these people may struggle to differentiate between achievable and overly ambitious goals. They may need reigning in from time to time. 

Jupiter in Capricorn

Jupiter-in-Capricorn folk are quietly confident about their abilities. While not the most exuberant or out-going people, they ooze self-assuredness and have zero tolerance for pretension. As a result, these individuals absolutely thrive in the workplace and are likely to advance in their careers at a far quicker pace than most. It’s not uncommon for Jupiter-in-Capricorn people to be subject to jealousy from others, as their cool-headed attitude can be jarring to some.

Jupiter in Aquarius

Those with Jupiter in Aquarius are tolerant, open-minded, balanced and fair. These are the type of people most of us will want to turn to when in a bit of a fix. They provide fantastic advice to friends and family and can help provide the rationality needed when life is turned upside down. Not only this, but Jupiter-in-Aquarius people have a strong humanitarian streak, constantly on a mission to better the world and help others. 

Jupiter in Pisces

Jupiter-in-Pisces people have a strong emotional intelligence. They can often read their friends and family better than they can themselves, and as such, they know exactly how to comfort those when it is needed. Although their empathetic qualities are so wonderful, it's these qualities that can be their downfall when it comes to their careers; Jupiter-in-Pisces people can sometimes fail to regulate their emotions and are prone to burning out in the workplace.

Do you still want to know more about Jupiter in astrology? There are many resources at Mysticsense that can guide you with your learning and provide insight for any other questions you may have. Get started learning more about Jupiter at Mysticsense today!

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