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Fixed Signs/ Their Meaning and Traits

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
July 25, 2024
Fixed Signs/ Their Meaning and Traits
Fixed Signs/ Their Meaning and Traits

The Fixed Signs of the Zodiac are one type of Quality or Modality the Signs can be categorized in. They have dark as well as positive traits and are more compatible with some Signs than others. Explore the Fixed Zodiac Signs meaning and find out about their traits, dark side, and compatibility.

The Zodiac Signs are pretty straightforward. There are 12 of them and they begin and end on a specific date. They all have their own characteristic traits and they have both positive and darker sides. The Zodiac Signs are divided by the Elements of Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. They are further divided into something called Qualities or Modalities and these are Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. Join Spiritual Blossom to learn all about the Fixed Signs of the Zodiac. Find out their positive and darker traits as well as how to combat bad habits. Learn about the specific Signs that are Fixed and which Signs they are most compatible with.

What is a Fixed Sign?

There are four Fixed Zodiac Signs, one for each season. These Signs begin in the middle of the season they fall in, and this is appropriate because they grant stability. Whereas the Cardinal Signs Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn are the leaders of the Zodiac who get things started, the Fixed Signs are the loyal workers who help to keep things running smoothly. The Fixed Signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. They each have their own Element and share the Fixed traits.

What are Fixed Sign Traits?

The Fixed Signs have some wonderful traits. They are the stable people who you can always count on. They do what they say they will, and they are predictable. They are also so loyal, you will wonder if you can ever get by without them.



When you need someone who you can count on, look to a Fixed Sign. These people take their time getting to know new friends and decide whether they want you to be in their inner circle. If they decide you are in, they will go out of their way to prove their reliability. They take a lot of pride in being people of their word so if they tell you they will do something, they will. They are also creatures of habit, and once you figure out their routine, you can know exactly what to expect, because they don’t like to deviate from what they are used to.


Fixed Sign people make stability a top priority. They want a reliable income, stable homelife, and assurance for their future. If they love you, especially if you are a part of their household, they want to give you the same stability they give themselves. They seek emotional stability as well, because the truth is, they are emotional people. So, they try to avoid things that throw their emotions off balance.


If you are looking for a loyal friend or lover, look no farther than a Fixed Sign. They are very picky about who they allow in their lives, and if they decide you are one of their people, they will stick by you for life. They will defend you in your absence, call or text when they are away, and stay devoted to you even if you make mistakes. They also stay in good jobs long term and maintain friendships from the time they are children well into their golden years. 

The Dark Side of Fixed Signs

Fixed Sign people sound perfect, but nobody is without their flaws. Being a Fixed Sign means you can be stubborn and even boring. If you are a Fixed Sign you also run a risk of thinking you are never wrong, and are always right.



If you look up “stick in the mud” in a dictionary, there is probably a photo of your Fixed Sign friend next to it. Once a Fixed Sign “fixes” their mind on something, little , if anything can change their mind. They are not trying to frustrate people. They just think their way is best. They didn’t decide what they felt was the best way of doing things instantly. They paid attention and tried things over a period of time until they discovered what they felt worked best. That is why it is so difficult to get a Fixed Sign to change the way they do something or view things.


Routines help some people feel stable, and stability is crucial to Fixed Sign’s peace of mind. They may have what some people think of as a dull life as a result. They may eat the same food weekly, wear the same type of clothes for years, keep the same haircut without changing styles, and even live in the same town at the same address for life. Change is not something they like the idea of. This is not because they don’t want to experience things. It’s because they discovered what experiences they like, and they have no desire to do other things instead. If you feel things are perfect, why change anyways? Not everybody gets to live a comfortable life, and Fixed Signs are thankful for stable comfort. If you get bored, you can always read your palm. 

Always Right

Some people think they know what’s right, and everybody who disagrees is wrong. They are probably Fixed Signs. Fixed Sign people develop philosophies, beliefs, and ways of doing things they feel work best. They don’t want to deviate from those, and you will have a major argument on your hands if you try to convince them they are wrong. You may throw your hands up in frustration, stepping away from a discussion, or flat out keep fighting with your Fixed Sign loved one. It’s because they think they know what is right. Sometimes they do.

How to Combat Dark Fixed Traits

There is strength even in dark traits, but sometimes they cause problems. If you are a Fixed Sign, you don’t have to be ruled by your dark side. You can combat your negative tendencies easily by listening to people, accepting that you are imperfect, and being open to trying new things.


Sometimes, people try to tell you things you just don’t want to hear. You would prefer they just stop talking, but sometimes, you have to let them talk and you have to listen to what they are saying. Listening goes beyond just being quiet while someone else talks. Seriously consider what is being said to you. Even if you don’t end up changing your mind to agree with them, you will be given the gift of another viewpoint. This will help you to understand people better, and they may just tell you something great. 

Accept Imperfection

Nobody is perfect, not even somebody as awesome as a Fixed Sign. Because you are so loyal and stable, people will look to you for advice, answers, and guidance. Sometimes, though, you will be the one who needs some guidance, yourself. Mistakes and flaws are part of being human, and instead of denying them, admit them so you can learn from them. The more open you are to admitting the fact you are just as imperfect as the rest of us, the more you can receive wisdom from the Universe so you can grow and be a better person.

Try New Things

As much as you love your favorite restaurant, try a different one with friends sometimes. As much as you enjoy going to the exact same boutique to shop, go to new ones too. As much as you enjoy whatever wardrobe you have, try on the new shirt your best friend gave you for your birthday. New experiences allow us more things to enjoy. Maybe you won’t love every new experience, but the more new things you try, the more you have an opportunity to enjoy things. 

The Four Fixed Signs

So just what are these Fixed Signs? They are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. There is one for each Element, and one in each season.


Taurus, an Earth Sign, is born in Spring. They are a home loving persnickety nurturer who finds comfort in their relationships and possessions. They are considered temperamental people, but they feel that it takes a lot to get them extremely upset and if you upset them that badly, you have only yourself to blame. They are so focused on taking care of the people they love, however, they build their lives around their relationships and their friends might call them “Mom Friend” or Dad Friend” instead of just a friend. They are strong, patient, steadfast, and will never make you question their devotion. 


Leo, a Fire Sign is born in Summer. They are a confident, dramatic, natural-born-leader who is just as good at soothing worries as they are telling people off. As lovers, they lavish their partners with their undivided attention- and they expect the same. The minute you meet a Leo, they will impress you with their pride and powerful presence. If you forget they are the King or Queen of their domain, you will be reminded. They love so deeply, that if they are hurt, it takes a lot to make them feel better- and if you don’t apologize and make it up to them, they will never forget it. Having a loyal, loving Leo in your life might make you forget about any heartbreak or loneliness you have ever felt. They will never let you forget how lucky you are to have them, and they are right! 


Scorpio, a Water Sign, born in Fall, is intense, sensual, hardworking, and mysterious. People are drawn to their undeniable magnetism, and they seem to succeed at everything they set their minds to. They have unwavering focus when it comes to achieving dreams, and they also stop at nothing when they are questing for the affections of a lover. They are beyond charming but can also be controlling and secretive. Their tempers can seem unsurpassed, but they typically self-destruct more often than they cause destruction to others. They lovingly mentor and guide people who need their help and are fiercely protective of those who need them. 


Aquarius, an Air Sign, born in Winter is the most unique Sign in the Zodiac. You will probably never meet two Aquarians who are alike. They are the inventors, rebels, and freedom seeking individuals of the Zodiac. They are also deeply invested in helping the downtrodden and are always campaigning to uplift the unfortunate. They need a lot of freedom, but they always, no matter what, return to the side of the ones they love regardless of how far away their adventures may take them. They are open minded and have friends and lovers from all walks of life. While they are always doing new things, they do things in their own distinctive ways and refuse to deviate from them. If you are lucky enough to be chosen by an Aquarian, they will take you along on all their interesting adventures. Be aware, their relationships have to completely be on their terms, and they never compromise their standards. 

Fixed Sign Compatibility

Fixed Signs get a bad rap for being stubborn, but they are amazing people who are great friends, lovers, and family members. Which Signs do they get along with? All of them. Although they naturally harmonize better with some Signs than others, when issues arise, they can easily work through them.

Cardinal and Fixed Signs Compatibility

Cardinal Signs Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn are leaders who get new things started. Fixed Signs are not too crazy about change, but their stability benefits Cardinal Signs. If they team up, Cardinal Signs' energy to move things forward combined with Fixed Sign’s reliability and dedication can make miracles happen.

Mutable and Fixed Signs Compatibility

Mutable Signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces adapt to their circumstances, and they encourage everybody else to as well. Fixed Signs don’t like being pushed to change, so they can be uncomfortable. However, they can help steady Mutable Sign’s focus and Mutable Signs can encourage them to explore other options. They can balance each other well.

Fixed and Fixed Signs Compatibility

Fixed Signs harmonize well with one another and appreciate one another’s reliability and loyalty. They might clash when they disagree on the best way to do things, but if they can listen to each other and compromise, they will make an unbeatable team.

The Fixed Signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius are reliable, loyal, stable people who you can always count on when you need them. They can be stubborn know-it-alls, but they more than make up for it by being by your side in good times and bad. They harmonize most easily with other Fixed Signs, but any disagreements can be resolved easily by focusing on how they balance with other Signs. Consider yourself lucky to have a Fixed Sign loved one. They will always love you and stay with you for the long haul.

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