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Difficult Relationships

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
January 15, 2023
Difficult Relationships
Difficult Relationships

When tough times happen, sometimes detaching from a relationship isn’t the answer. How can you get through the bad things and work it out when things get rough and what can partner astrology tell you about the struggles you are having? Explore difficulties in good relationships today. In this article we will explore

There is a lot of talk about when to leave a toxic relationship behind, or how to just suck it up and tolerate issues in decent relationships, but it seems harder to find advice on how to tackle problems that arise in relationships and resolve them. While it is absolutely true that sometimes, we have to just put up with small issues, bigger issues that are never addressed can snowball out of control and become deal breakers. While one article can’t tell you how to solve each and every problem, there is some good advice we can provide for a handful of problems.

What should you do when you feel there is unrequited love, or the man you desire is dragging his feet asking you out? What do you do when a guy suddenly goes cold on you and what can you do if you suspect your personality is so strong it is overwhelming somebody? Is it possible you are struggling because you are not considered the best astrology love matches? Explore these love dilemmas and what you can do about them today!

Why Doesn’t She Love Me?

Why Doesn’t She Love Me?

Unrequited love, meaning one person is in love with somebody who doesn’t love them back can be the most painful thing on earth. You may have watched romantic comedies, and you saw one character “come around” to loving another when they originally believed they didn’t, and you pray that is what happens for you and the one you desire. Maybe this will happen for you, but maybe, just maybe they do love you after all- but as a friend. While non romantic love might not be the love you are looking for from this person, it’s still love. Don’t be so quick to be angry about being what they call “friend zoned” and resent the person you are attracted to for not being romantically attracted to you. It is rare to find a true friend who will stick by you for life, and if you have, and the friendship stays non romantic, you are still blessed with a very good friend.

Will He Ever Ask Me Out?

Will He Ever Ask Me Out?

If you are searching for signs he is getting ready to ask you out, but you aren’t sure if he’s just wanting to be friends, there is a simple solution. Ask him out, yourself! Your culture might not allow for a woman to ask a man out, but the ability for a man or a woman to transcend traditional roles is one of the symbols of love in different cultures. Maybe the one you are crazy for is crazy for you too but is shy. The author’s husband was too shy to ask her out. Twenty years later, she does not regret asking him out herself! Maybe they are waiting to see if you are interested and you are good at knowing how to hide your feelings from a guy. A wise old father told his daughter once “ You have got to give a guy something to go on” because maybe he cannot tell you are interested in him! It’s okay to ask a man out yourself if you really want to!

Is Fate Keeping Us Apart?

Is Fate Keeping Us Apart?

A simple way to define star crossed lovers is to say they are kept apart by life itself. Something is keeping you apart or you are said to be doomed to fail as a couple. Is it really that simple? First, ask yourself how long you have been trying to work things out and how many things you have tried to be together? If your jobs take you away from one another, decide whose job can be replaced, and apply for jobs where your love lives. Get the job and move there to be with them. Are family members disapproving and you became secret lovers, meaning nobody knows you are together? You can always tell your disapproving loved ones it’s your life, and your decision, not theirs.

If you really want to be together, do what you have to do in order to make it happen. Maybe you cannot be together as a couple full time TODAY and being frustrated about that is completely understandable. Just don’t let temporary obstacles convince you that the powers that be are conspiring to keep you apart forever. Remember that whoever you are meant to spend your life with will be somebody who you do, and there is no force in creation that can stop you. Sometimes, the determination of two people who love each other is the most unstoppable force in the world, after all!

Is She a Serial Monogamist?

Is She a Serial Monogamist?

Have you fallen for a serial monogamist, meaning somebody who is not truly focused on relationships, but just takes one sexual partner at a time? It can be confusing about people’s intentions early on in the relationship, and certainly, plenty of people swear they will NEVER marry, but then they eventually meet somebody they fall madly in love with, and they end up happily marrying them anyhow. In the early stages of relationships, it’s not fair to expect somebody to commit for life and it pays off to take plenty of time getting to know somebody. Then again, one couple who are in their eighties have been happy together for over six decades and had their wedding two weeks after they first met!

It's entirely possible you are with somebody who won’t settle down and goes through lovers quickly, but if they are somebody you like enough to spend time with, a serious conversation with them about what they want long term out of a relationship is worth having. Just don’t forget that plenty of people never planned to settle down, and they did anyways. It might be worth it to give your lover the time to decide that you are the one for them instead of expecting immediate lifelong commitment.

When He Suddenly Goes Cold

When He Suddenly Goes Cold

Reasons why a guy suddenly goes cold could be numerous and there is one surefire way to find out why he has. Ask the man. He may be open to discussing what his reasons are, and the truth may be that he hasn’t gone cold at all, but he just got busy and does not have as much time to devote to you as he would like to. You won’t know until you ask, and his answer may pleasantly surprise you. However, if he flat out says he is pulling away because he does not want to pursue a relationship- whatever his reasons are- let him. There are probably people who you are not interested in who want you to be involved with them, and like you have a right to say no to a relationship, so does somebody else. Besides that, there are over seven billion people alive as of the writing of this article and if only one of them doesn’t want to be involved with you, that’s okay because plenty of other people will be!

When All the Men Keep Hurting You

When All the Men Keep Hurting You

Why do guys purposely hurt you? Truthfully, ALL guys don’t hurt people. If every guy who you have dated has done things to purposefully be mean and hurtful, it’s time to examine what it is about you that draws you to people who behave that way. Chances are these men don’t know one another, so they are not conspiring to break your heart together. You are somehow drawn to toxic lovers. “Bad boys make you feel so good!” some people say…until they do bad things that make you feel well…bad… and there is nothing good about that.

Before you throw your hands up, saying you give up on love, stop and think. What do all the men who have deliberately done hurtful things have in common and can you think of what it is about them that draws you in? Once you have identified those things, pay close attention to new love interests and see if they share any of those traits. If you have been wined and dined by wealthy men who want to brag how much more money they say they earn that you, and they know you are working your way through graduate school, you can always get up and walk out of a date the second a man does that and refuse to see him again if it hurts you. Always remember that we have a right to tolerate behaviors because nobody is perfect, but we also have the right to control who we allow into our hearts and some behaviors are unacceptable.

Is My Personality Too Strong?

Is My Personality Too Strong?

No, it isn’t. Not for the right people. The definition of a strong person means you don’t bow down to people who would demand you change who you are to suit them. The definition of strong character means you take pride in your accomplishments and have confidence in who you were born to be. Women with big personalities are especially told to “tone it down” or they will never find a “decent man” to love them. Oh, really? Well, Hillary Rodham Clinton who wasa nearly the first woman American President married a man who became President of the United States, and despite marital difficulties, they have been together for over forty years. Another very powerful woman listed by Forbes as one of The World’s Most Powerful Women 2021 is Nirmala Sitharaman, Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs in India and she has been happily married to her husband who is an economist and influential political commentator since 1986.

If these strong, successful women can find love, then so can anybody else with a strong presence. A powerful quote about this is “If I’m too much, go find less.” There will be people who disapprove of you no matter how strong your personality is. After all, there are people who disapprove of people who are more passive and go out of their way to avoid conflicts. Be who you were born to be, and be the best you can be, and the right people will be a part of your life. The people who expect you to change who you are, sayi9ng you have too strong of a personality can just go elsewhere, and “find less.”

Is it One of the Best Astrology Pairings?

Is it One of the Best Astrology Pairings?

Truthfully, sometimes our zodiac signs make it harder for us to get along with certain other zodiac signs, but that doesn’t mean it is impossible to work things out. True love between two people can make both people committed to being together and having a good life, even if compromise is necessary. Some issues can arise between an Aries and a Virgo and sometimes Cancers and Sagittarians have problems with each other. Capricorns and Librans can have issues with one another, and Aquarians and Tauruses can butt heads. They can all work through their issues if they both try to however, and here are some tips for how to do that.

Aries and Virgo

Couple astrology would put Aries people with plenty of other signs besides a Virgo. Aries people need a lot of freedom, and they don’t shy away from taking risks that would make a careful Virgo feel faint. Aries can feel very confined by Virgo’s list of rules and the fact Virgo people tend to stay very organized and plan things carefully clashes with the Aries nature of being spontaneous. Since both Virgos and Aries are headstrong, believing their own way to be best, this can work in their favor or make them fight.

Think of it this way- a Virgo and an Aries can perfectly balance their differences and bring the best of both ways of living into any relationship they have. In business, dynamic Aries people can wow clients with their confidence and enterprising ideas, and Virgos can use their planning and organizing skills to help get those great ideas off the ground. In love, Virgos can help organize the family finances securely, and their Aries can help them pick the most fun vacation to spend some of the money their Virgo meticulously saved. They can fight for dominance if they prefer, and move on to other lovers, but this can be a great partnership for both Aries and Virgo people.

Cancer and Sagittarius

Your couple’s astrology chart will probably not list Cancers as the top match for Sagittarians. That’s because Sagittarians can be irritable and brutally honest about their opinions, which can be mean when they want to be. They can also be very funny about those opinions, and some signs like Librans love to hear their irritable Sagittarian rant about things that irk them. Cancerians sometimes find this emotionally draining however, and it rattles their nerves. Sagittarians also love to go on a lot of adventures, and while their Cancer won’t refuse to go nice places, they do like spending quality time at home.

Sagittarians consider themselves to be open and honest communicators who don’t sugarcoat, but sometimes a very sensitive Cancerian benefits from people sugarcoating things for them. These two can easily compromise this by the Sagittarian thinking of how they convey what’s on their mind before they speak and remembering that not everybody needs to hear every opinion they have. They can also commit to spending some time relaxing at home with their Cancer and their Cancer can commit to going on more adventures to accommodate their Sagittarian’s love of exploring the world.

Libra and Capricorn

Couple matching astrology rarely pairs Capricorns with Libras, but these two can succeed as business partners, friends, and even lovers anyways. Libras are not especially domineering, as they love to avoid conflict and harmonize, but if they feel somebody is trying to control them, they revolt. Capricorns work very hard to be the best in what they do and can unintentionally steamroll over other people in the quest to get to the top. However, it would benefit them to partner with a Libra, who will respect their hard work so long as Capricorns treat their Libra as a partner instead of an inferior. Librans have the ability to talk to most anybody, mediate the stickiest disagreements, resolving things well, and they won’t shy away from putting their foot down when they feel like they have to.

Capricorns can more than benefit on the job by having a Libra on their team to help with administrative tasks, and as long as they don’t try to micromanage, their Libra will stick with them, making a great work pair with them. In romance, Librans like people they can look in the eye and respect, and as long as Capricorns treat them as partners, not trying to boss their Libra around, this can be a match made in the heavens!

Aquarius and Taurus

This is the perfect example of how when two people seem to be complete opposites and it can either make them crazy about each other or completely repel them. Taureans are conservative homebodies who have a more traditional approach to life while Aquarians are probably the most unconventional and inventive people you will ever meet. They can spend a lot of time arguing with one another about how things should be, or they can balance their differences. Taureans have a hard time accepting that the way they have always done things is not the only way to do them, and Aquarians have a hard time doing anything other people’s way.

They can pull one another out of their habits and show each other different ways to think and live. Maybe their Taurus uses the same recipe every time because four generations of their family perfected it, and no matter what anybody else tries, there simply isn’t a better recipe. Also, maybe a Taurus should allow their Aquarian to take them to a different place for vacation this time, because the world has a lot to see and explore and just going one place their whole life will make them miss out on things. Some Taurus Aquarius couples can’t make things work, but if they can, they expand one another’s minds greatly and make a terrific team.

Love is wonderful, although sometimes, things can be difficult. There comes a time when you have to cut ties with people who you love, but thankfully, not every problem calls for the termination of a relationship. Only you can decide whether to work through problems with somebody you are a friend, family member, or lover with, and anybody who you choose to stick by is very lucky to have you. Enjoy your beautiful relationships on the good days and hang in there on the less than perfect days with the people worth working with to improve things!

Do you still have questions to ask a love expert about a relationship that this and other articles have not answered? You can ask love questions, even ask a yes or no question 24/7 when you call in to ask your guides here about any relationship issue you may be having. Join us to learn your love destiny today.

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