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Chaos- Why It’s Not Always a Bad Thing

Lady Saoirse
By Lady Saoirse
February 16, 2025
Chaos- Why It’s Not Always a Bad Thing
Chaos- Why It’s Not Always a Bad Thing

We all want full control of our lives, but sometimes, that’s not possible. Find out why letting go of control, especially when things break apart is important, the art of managing controlled chaos, and how great things sometimes happen after everything falls to pieces.

Life is filled with surprises. One minute, you can have everything under control. You will have worked hard to get to where you are, and everything is going according to plan. The next minute, everything can fall apart around you, leaving you wondering if you will ever be in the driver’s seat of your own life again. Join Mysticsense to find out all about chaotic times, and exactly why chaos isn’t all bad. Find out what chaos is, how to manage it, and how to let go when you can’t control things. If you’re lucky, chaos will remove situations or relationships that no longer serve you paving the way for better things. Read on to find out why. 

What is Chaos?

Chaos- Why It’s Not Always a Bad Thing

There are different ways to define chaos. One of Merriam -Webster’s definitions is “ A state of utter confusion”, but people aren’t always confused when there is chaos. Some words like unpredictable, uncontrollable, and random describe chaos. Basically, chaos means things are completely out of your control and you have no idea what is about to happen. Chaos can feel disastrous and make you want to go into hiding until things calm down again.

Consider for a moment a definition has for chaos. It says chaos is “ The infinity of space or formless matter supposed to have preceded the existence of the ordered universe.” Chaos comes from a Greek word that expresses just that- a formless void that was there before everything was put together. In Ovid’s Metamorphoses, he wrote “ Before the ocean and the earth appeared- before the skies had overspread them all- The face of Nature in a vast expanse was naught but Chaos uniformly waste. It was a rude and undeveloped mass, that nothing made except a ponderous weight; and all discordant elements confused, were all congested in a shapeless heap.” The Greeks were known for many things including the amazing Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty. Read about her here: Aphrodite, Deity of Love and Beauty

The Hebrew and Christian scriptures have a different story about the chaos that preceded creation of everything. In Genesis 1: 2-3, it says “ Now, the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hoovering over the waters.” In the story, he creates everything, beginning with light, in six days, and on the seventh day rested. In the stories about primordial chaos, the stories say the potential for all things existed in that shapeless, formless void, before they came together to create the whole world, that is.

Why is Chaos Good Sometimes?

How different would our lives be if we chose to see chaos not as a disaster or a catastrophic mess, but as a state of things where great potential lay? What elements exist in the midst of chaos that you can take and use to your advantage? What resources can be brought in to make sense of things? How can a team of people pull together to make great things happen from the shards of seemingly nothing? How else can chaos be good? Sometimes there is chaos because an experience has come to an end, and it is time to move on. Sometimes you were someplace that was not right for you, and other times chaos makes things fall apart because something so much better awaits you!

An Experience Has Ended

Sometimes we remain in a situation longer than we should. During those times the universe has a way of making things fall to pieces so that we're forced to move on. If we're someplace that we're not benefiting from anymore, it can seem like everything goes to seed. Communication can lead to confusion, relationships can begin to splinter, or we can just stop enjoying things. Things can even stop making sense. When these things happen, chaos helps alert us that things have ended. At these times, you can say farewell. Learn how to say farewell here: Goodbyes: When Farewells are Hard

Something Was Wrong for You

Chaos- Why It’s Not Always a Bad Thing

If nothing ever seems to come together, you might be in the wrong situation or the wrong relationship. Constant fights, an inability to make progress, or just feeling uncomfortable can be chaos that indicates that something's not right and it's time to move on. Sometimes difficulties just mean we have to keep trying, but when you have tried and tried and nothing seems to work, it's ok to admit that chaos is pointing out that you're in the wrong situation.

Something Else Better Awaits

Chaos may indicate that there are better things for you. If you're working a dead end job where you were under-stimulated, unappreciated, or have no opportunities, this chaos can be showing you that you need a different situation. If you try to make life in a new city for a long time, and things just don't work out, there's a better place waiting for you. Sometimes we have to learn to be thankful for what we have, and other times we have to look beyond where we are and see what other wonderful things are out there waiting for us. Sometimes we have to be patient for better things. Find out how to learn patience here: The Ultimate Guide to Learning Patience

How to Manage Chaos

When chaos takes you away from the things that you wanted, you might not be able to fix it. That's not to say that you can't do anything about it though. What you can do about it is make a decision. You can decide to keep fighting for what you want because chaos doesn't always mean that you have to change direction. It sometimes means that you have to be tough and stay focused. We can't control everything that happens around us, but we can control our reactions. So when there's chaos and that’s why you're not getting exactly what you want, you're going to have to manage the chaos.

How can you manage chaos when you can't control it? You can manage things that you do. You can just surrender and go with the flow, seeing where the chaos takes you. Even if you decide not to do that, you might not be able to make plans. So you're going to have to think quickly, and then you're going to have to pay attention and seize opportunities when they present themselves to you.

Go With the Flow

Going with the flow during chaos means not fighting it. It means accepting what's happening and accepting that there are things that you can't change. This isn't necessarily easy. Fighting things and trying to make things go the way we want them to is emotionally much more satisfying than going with the way that things are. Harmonizing is not necessarily giving up. It just means that you know you can't call all the shots and have everything your way. Being adaptable and flexible will take you farther in life than being inflexible and stubborn. So, go with the flow when you need to. Stay open minded during those times too. Learn how here: The Importance of Having an Open Mind

Think on Your Feet

During times of chaos it is especially important to pay close attention to everything that is going on. You might have to make instant decisions that you'd rather think about. Keep your eyes open. Listen to what is said. Watch what people do. During times of chaos, your reactions can be more important than the events that unfold around you. Trying to make opportunities in the midst of chaos, trying to promote communication, and just trying to make the best decisions possible can make things go a lot better than if you didn't.

Watch for Opportunities

Concealed in the darkness of chaos can be limitless possibilities. You need only watch for them, and then take advantage of them the moment they present themselves. Not getting the apartment you want might lead you to apply for a different apartment that you actually like much better. Not getting the job you wanted in a different town might mean getting a different job in a better town. Make new friends when your old friends move away. You can learn new skills when your old skills become obsolete. Always watch for opportunities especially in the midst of chaos. A positive can-do mindset will help. Learn about the power of your thoughts here: The Power of Mindset

How to Let Go

Chaos- Why It’s Not Always a Bad Thing

Sometimes chaos does call us to surrender and let go, but that can feel impossible to do. Letting go of control of the situation doesn't mean abandoning control of your life forever. It means being gracious enough to accept that we only have so much power in certain circumstances. It means letting yourself off the hook and not expecting yourself to do things that aren't possible. Accepting things for the way they are and being thankful for your blessings are two of the things that you need to do when it's time to let go of control. Ask for guidance from the powers that be and your guides and teachers. Open yourself up to learning and take a deep breath and release tension.

Accept the Way Things Are

Accepting things for the way that they are is very important. There are going to be times when you will change the things that you find unacceptable. Then there are going to be times when you cannot bring about change. Even when you can bring about change, if you don't accept the reality of the situation you will be out of touch and unable to function. You can't spend money you don't have. You can't marry someone who doesn't want to marry you. If you don't take care of your health you're not going to be healthy. Keep your eyes focused on reality and it will help you to let go of unrealistic expectations. What you tell yourself holds great power. Read about the powerful magic that lies in words here: Magical Words: The Amazing Power of Words

Be Thankful

It's true that we could all have more of the good things that we love, but that doesn't change the fact that we already have some good things to be thankful for. Having an attitude of gratitude is important during times of chaos because it helps you to focus on the positive. It helps you to see what you do have and what you can work with when you're lacking things that you wish that you did have to work with. It helps you to feel happier and less stressed. A grateful heart helps you to enjoy life more, even during difficult times like times of chaos. Be thankful for the good things that you have while you're working on taming the chaos. Find out how to cultivate an attitude of gratitude here: Learning to Have a Grateful Heart

Ask for Guidance

During times of chaos you might have absolutely no idea what to do or even think. It's ok to reach out to someone you trust for the answers. Your friends, family, teachers, and spirit guides can help you to find solutions or at least some peace of mind when times are chaotic. They might have a viewpoint that helps you understand things better. They might also be able to give you some emotional support. Everybody goes through times of chaos. Other people can share their wisdom for getting through chaotic times and they can even help you find ways to get the chaos under control. Find out how to get peace of mind, even in chaotic times here: The Mind and Peace: Protecting Your Peace


Life lessons are all around us every day. Times of chaos are no different. You will learn things about your own personality when you go through chaos. You will find out how you react to it and you will find out how it changes you. Also, you will learn about the people around you during times of chaos. You will learn who you can trust and who will give you the help and support that you need. You will learn things about life during times of chaos. You will learn how to handle it when you can't control things, and you will learn techniques for trying to take control when things are chaotic. You will learn things about how the world works. You will learn how quickly things can turn to chaos, and you will learn how long it takes for chaotic situations to calm down.


During times of chaos, it is especially important that you don't pressure yourself or put yourself through any unnecessary stress. Take breaks, rest, sleep, and meditate. Chaos can come about at any time. Don't let it disrupt your life so much that you don't take the time out to rest, relax, and breathe. You will survive this chaos and if you take care of yourself during the time you will get through it better. So breathe. 

When things are chaotic, you can simply decry the injustice of the fact you are struggling with the mess things became, or you can take a look at the mess around you, and try to pull it all together to create something beautiful. Sometimes, we have no power in chaos, and we have to let go, and control just our own reactions. Chaos can be devastating, but within it lies great possibilities and sometimes those possibilities are limitless. May your personal power take a hold of any chaotic situation and use it to your advantage, creating perfection. So Be It.

Sometimes, you can tell immediately how to sort through chaos to create order, but sometimes, you need advice on how to do it. Our psychics are here all day everyday to help. So, get a reading started and get some answers today!

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